By ananyaaxxax

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" WHO A-ARE YOU " said amyra panting for breath. She was trembling and couldn't move due to the pain in her l... More



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By ananyaaxxax

Christine's pov :

Everybody looked pretty confused when they saw me in the meeting room. I sat cross-legged on one of the chairs opposite everybody holding a document and carefully reading it. Everyone was sitting opposite me. Mr. Grover, David, Emma, Christian, and Alex. They looked at me as if they wanted answers from me. I finally looked up from my research papers, gave them a broad sarcastic smile, and stood up.

"We all are just waiting for Amyra to connect. Once she does, we'll start the meeting " said I.

Everybody just nodded in approval of what I just said. Christian gave me a nod and Alex kept staring at the screen where Amyra would pop up.
Right after five minutes, Amyra came online, and as mentioned before, we started the meeting.

" So first, I apologize for this sudden meeting and I am grateful to each and one of you for showing up despite everything that's been going on. But today is a crucial day. Since the last few months, we've all gone through a lot, mostly bad days. And I think it's high time we get the recognition we deserve "

"What is the matter, Christine?" Said Mr. Grover.

" I think you all want me to say the matter but I think it would be far far better if our computer expert explains this because he will know it better for sure "

" I?" David said with utter shock on his face

" Yes, David. You. Is that so shocking? Or you are just an excellent actor ?"

" I don't understand what you're saying," said David still with a surprised expression as if someone knew a secret he wanted to keep with him till death.

" you'll definitely will once I start explaining "

" David, what is your real name ?"

"Uhm I uh- " said David

" So what do you want me to call you? David or Darius? I prefer Darius. I ain't gonna lie ".

"What is happening? I am not understanding. Can you please be clear Christine " said Emma staring at David with a not-so-familiar face.

" Everything that has been happening till now. He is behind the mess. The mastermind that we've been talking about.

" What!?" Said, Alex.

Christine's pov:

Christian just looked at me, hinting at me to continue explaining the situation. Amyra just smiled, cause she knows how things will unfold now. She's eating and looking at us through the screen. She was casual about it because ofcourse after I figured it out, she played a significant role in it. And organizing a meeting was our idea as well.

"Mhm, the food tastes good today you know Darius! Oh sorry, I like David more!!" Amyra added from the screen.
"You were so good at torturing me, why are you so quiet?" Said, Amyra. " You knew, this was coming your way it was. But are you still gonna act innocent? Hm? David? We had such a good time in the basement, you beating the shit out of me, injecting me with the Xenophel how can you deny it?. Why don't you show them your cut-off baby finger which I chewed off? I know how much I mean to you!" Amyra smirked at him with fire in her eyes.

 David was feeling the burn inside of him as Amyra said all these things to him. He was perspiring, nervous, his stomach twisting in knots and his mind just saying something...

David's pov:

I should have killed her. This bitch!

"David! You better come up with some explanation!!" Christian said with a loud voice.

Alex banged on the table with his fist and looked at him. "You better start talking before I rip your throat out right here in this room"

Mr. Grover couldn't understand or get a grip on what was happening at the moment. "David is this true? What are they saying? Emma?"
"I don't know sir!!" Said, Emma confused, wasn't sure how to react. She had been working with David for a very long time now, how could he ...?

"Well, I have the forces and the police ready at his door with the warrant ready to break in and show you all the raw evidence I witnessed." Said Christine.

"This is all a made-up plan against me!! Fuck you all" shouted David standing up.

"Fuck you, you mf" shouted Amyra from the screen. "You tried to turn me into one of your creations. And now it's all a plan against you? !!! I would have killed you in that basement I swear" Amyra added in frustration.

The police broke in and started sending in all the pieces of evidence to Mr. Grover for him to get a crystal picture of what's happening while Christine gets up to explain...

"Now, so let me get to the bottom. When I stayed at David's house after my little chit-chat with Anna as you all know. As I entered the house, it seemed quite normal. He has some issues with opening the curtains which I didn't look into further but later on while wandering the house I found medical records in his drawer. It struck me, a tech guy why would he have medical records in his room?" 

Grover nodded in disbelief, he passed on the shred of pictures to others for them to see. The facial change they all were having was dangerous, especially, Alex. David stood up to state something...

Christian got up from his seat with that tone and body structure he was furious. "Sit the fuck down!!" said he. He then held Alex's hand. Alex looked at Amyra through the screen and couldn't believe his eyes that he was the one to torture her.

 The journal, the Xenophel bottles, the files, and so on. They all were shocked except Amyra who was casually munching on her cereal.

"Well, also to add on, I guess you all remember how my dear David reacted when we didn't inform him about the school rescue operation," Amyra added.

"Yes, the previous operation of getting hold of the smugglers failed because David was behind it, You'll get it in the journal"

"Yes, but what's with the album, and who's this woman with him?" asked Grover. 

David had a change in his expression maybe something he wanted to talk about, Christine noticed it...

Alex got up from his seat which made his chair bang against the wall walked up to David held him by the collar made him stand up and slammed him against the wall making his head knock at the wall. He couldn't hear anything at that moment Just he and David. David just saw stars and Alex held him by the neck. "You fucker, I trusted you. We TRUSTED YOU. HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO AMYRA?" He shouted which made everyone just step back a bit. Christian didn't stop him cause Alex was piling up his anger for a long time now and it needed to get out. He stopped Christine from going near him... Amyra was surprised but not shocked. Emma just sat down and Grover stood up. David was being choked his face was red, his veins on the verge of bursting out. He was trying to get his hands off of him. "Please Alex, these two are lying! I can explain" He could barely speak.
"Lying? Christine would never lie you shithead neither will Amyra" Christian said, coming at the back of Alex. "I'll kill you," said Alex furious pressuring the force on his windpipe. It would burst any moment.

My Grover came up and was going to say something when...
"Alex please, he will die, the law would take care of him. Leave him, please? Hm?" Amyra pleaded with him.  Alex released him after contemplating for a moment... he faced away but went back again and punched him hard in the face which made him fall to the ground.

"Killing him is not the solution, we can't kill him here." Grover went up to him... Crouched in the ground... "We'll see you at the court" The police came in after a couple of minutes handcuffed him and took him away but till now he didn't say anything just quiet. Nobody knew what he was thinking or planning to do next.

This has never happened on the premises of the CIA, cause people would give their life to save the nation but unfortunately, everything has the first time. David was the exception and exceptions are examples.

After a while, Alex, Christine, Amyra, Christian, and Emma were all sitting in a room and chit-chatting.

" By the way Christine how did your doubt land on David?" asked Emma.

" I mean Amyra helped me a bit in this. So all thanks to her". Said Christine

" What do you mean?" Asked Amyra

" Remember the day I got wet because of the rain and David took me to one of his houses?"

" Wait you went to that asshole's house?" asked Alex in utter shock and disgust.

" Well I didn't go there because I wanted to. I had to get changed asap". Said Christine with a sarcastic expression on her face.

Christian and Emma were just listening with their full attention.

" So continuing the conversation I was talking to my mom over the phone and roaming around the house. The house seemed pretty suspicious at first but then I shrugged off the thought. Then I looked at the wall. All kinds of thesis on diseases and some research shit. And even medals for medicinal research. I even asked him if he was ever interested in these pieces of stuff. He said he loved doing these stuffs ever since he was in high school but a family accident happened and changed his mind. When he said family accident, I felt apologetic so couldn't ask him anything further. And he looked pretty uncomfortable talking about it too. Later that night after going to my house I talked with Amyra. We both were having a serious discussion when she said that whoever is doing this must have some legit medical knowledge along with some technological knowledge. That struck me".

" Omg omg this felt like a movie," said Emma with a laugh.

" Trust me it wasn't one. I was there " said Amyra showing her hand wounds.

" And remember the places which he was marking?" Asked Amyra

" Uhuh," said Emma

" Christine said it looked like a star ?" Asked Amyra

" Have you guys ever focussed on David's signature? It looks like a star " said Amyra.

" Dude! you guys are the best " Said Emma.

Alex and Christian are in wonder...

Everyone just smiled. It felt like a good moment after a long time.

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