His Genius Wife is a Superstar

بواسطة garcia_santiago

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STORY NOT MINE Arria Cross SUPPORT Synopsis A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal... المزيد

77:Don't Tell Me She's Iris Long
78:Inside Your Mouth
81:Don't you like shooting?
82:Are you really Third Bro?
83:Popcorn and Ice Cream
84:Rolling on the Bed Naked
85:Will You Miss Me?
86:How it Feels Like to Have a Wife
88:Endorsement Deal
89:Waiting Too Long
90:Offended Jin Corporation


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بواسطة garcia_santiago

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 541 - The Revelation Part I

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C541 - The Revelation Part I


Chapter 541 - The Revelation Part I


The guests who were gossiping about Long Jinjing just now had expressions of shocked disbelief on their faces. What?!! The illegitimate daughter of Long Tengfei with a mistress was Orchidia Beauty’s CFO?!!!

Iris, Jin Liwei, Sun Jingfei, Long Tengfei and the others in their big group led the applause for Long Jinjing. Those who didn’t know who she was—mostly the ones who weren’t members of high society—followed suit and clapped their hands as well without hesitation.

"Long Jinjing? She has the same surname as Senior Iris. Are they related? They don’t look alike, though."

"I think it has been mentioned before in the past that Iris Long has an older half-sister. Maybe she’s the one?"

Amidst all of these gossiping in the audience, Long Jinjing gradually felt calmer after seeing her family and friends lead the applause for her. She might not hear them, but she certainly knew that the other guests were talking about her. She didn’t mind it, but she worried about her mother who already had a reputation of being her father’s mistress despite living a low-profile life away from high society.

However, Sun Jingfei was a tough and resilient woman when she needed to be.

"Don’t worry, my child. Your mother will be alright. I’ll attend the official launch. Why do I need to care about what others think and say about me? All I care about is how proud I am of my daughter! Imagine! Sun Jingfei’s daughter is the CFO of a company right after graduating! Mother is so happy! We should always be grateful to your sister for giving you this opportunity," her mother told her a few days ago when Long Jinjing expressed her concern.

Long Jinjing stopped worrying too much about it after hearing her mother’s assurance. However, her worry returned tonight, especially after seeing the judgmental looks some of the guests from high society were throwing at her mother and the two of them.

But now that she was onstage and introduced as Orchidia Beauty’s CFO and also seeing the support of her family and friends, all her worries were washed away. She stood up straighter and her eyes became sharper.

’I am the CFO. I have every right to stand here,’ she told herself.

After the applause died down, the emcees prepared to make another introduction.

Dom: "Next, please welcome Miss Chen Fei! She’s Orchidia Beauty’s Chief Operating Officer!"

Chen Fei stood up and headed to the stage as well to join her best friend, Long Jinjing, and the others. She walked with confidence and purpose. There was no hesitation in her at all.

"Finally, let’s welcome MYSELF, Clover Chua! I also actually work for Orchidia Beauty, too. I’m the CEO’s administrative assistant. Just want to let you know. Ehehehe."

The audience laughed at her corkiness. But knowing that she was the CEO’s administrative assistant intensified their curiosity about the CEO even more. They weren’t even sure if the owner and the CEO were the same person.

’I guess we’ll just find out,’ they thought.

Dom: "Now, the moment you have been all waiting for has finally arrived! I know that you’ve been wondering about this for so long."

Everyone sat up straighter and leaned forward, focusing all their attention to what he was saying. They didn’t want to miss any of his words.

Dom: "Now please welcome the beautiful young woman who discovered the wonderful homemade skincare products from that local street market in Munich, Germany. With her keen eyes, she was able to spot the special qualities of the products. She gave the Bauer siblings the opportunity to sell their products to all of us, to China, and eventually in the near future to the rest of the world!"

Clover: "Please welcome, the Owner, President, Chief Executive Officer of Orchidia Beauty...and my boss—"

Dom: "Mine too!"

Both: "Miss IRIS LONG!!!"

Stunned silence.

Jin Liwei stood up and started clapping. The Jin main family did so as well. Grandpa Lu and Lu Zihao. Long Tengfei and Yang Jiahui. Wei Lan. Sun Jingfei. Maestro De Luca and Enrique Valdez. Everyone from Cross Academy. Hou Liang and Wu Chen. Qiao Yu. Tang Yiyi. All members of the girl squad.

When they started clapping, the other guests followed suit. However, the shock was still evident on their expressions.

The big boss and the other higher-ups from Bright Summit looked at Tang Yiyi in disbelief.

"Did you know about this?"

Tang Yiyi could only nod. "Yes, sir."

"Aish. I don’t know whether to scold or praise you and Iris Long," the big boss said. But in the end, he nodded, a pleased expression on his face. "The grandness of tonight’s event, especially with all of these influential guests, will certainly increase Iris Long’s fame. This is good. Very good. No, it’s great! Excellent! Let’s hope that she’ll be able to make this company of hers successful to maximize the positive effect on her fame."

"I don’t think we should worry about that, sir," Tang Yiyi said. "Iris knows what she’s doing."

"You’re right. CEO Jin Liwei is her fiancé. I’m sure that he’ll be able to guide her in running her business. Maybe he’ll even bail her out if she ever goes bankrupt."

Tang Yiyi opened her mouth to argue against what her boss said. However, she decided to hold her tongue instead.

’What bankrupt? Iris Long? That workaholic woman whose close eye for details makes even me want to go crazy by how much of a perfectionist she is? I think she has the nose of a bloodhound when it comes to sniffing career and money-making opportunities. She doesn’t need CEO Jin to bail her out of anything. In fact, she doesn’t even need him to guide her, except for when she specifically asks for his advice. After all, the legendary business genius Sir Lu Jianhong is her mentor! It’s the case of a genius nurturing a genius!’ Tang Yiyi thought to herself.

As Iris’ manager, Tang Yiyi was privy to some of the most personal details of her life. It took quite some time before Tang Yiyi discovered the true relationship between Iris and Grandpa Lu. She was also able to learn that Iris was actually a certified genius herself—a student of the legendary school, Cross Academy!

After learning the true extent of Iris’ impressive background, Tang Yiyi decided to hug Iris’ huge, golden thigh instead of her current boss at Bright Summit. If the entertainment company ever started suppressing Iris for some stupid reason, Tang Yiyi wouldn’t think twice in abandoning it to work directly for Iris instead. If that really happened, Bright Summit would be as good as sinking ship, anyway.

Tang Yiyi knew that beneath Iris’ kindness and generosity lay a ruthless personality. It was just that she had a high tolerance level, preferring to focus on working hard to improve herself rather than reacting to every single person who bothered her.

Unfortunately to Iris’ wannabe enemies, Jin Liwei didn’t have such high tolerance. Tang Yiyi was well aware of how much the man loved Iris. If he could, he would tie the moon in a pretty bow and gift it to Iris, plus pluck a few stars from sky to add some sparkles that were better than diamonds.

In the same way that he loved Iris so deeply that he would give the whole universe to her, he would also be ready to soak the entire universe with the blood of her enemies in order to avenge her.

’With this kind of domineering couple, it’s better to stay in their good side—always,’ Tang Yiyi reminded herself.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 542 - The Revelation Part II

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C542 - The Revelation Part II


Chapter 542 - The Revelation Part II

The big boss and the higher-ups of Bright Summit didn’t know that one of their current star managers, Tang Yiyi, was already lighting a candle for them in the event that they ever suppressed Iris Long. Bright Summit might even have a sudden hostile takeover. If not Iris herself, it would definitely be Jin Liwei who would never forgive anyone for harming his (future) wife.

It wasn’t only the big boss and the higher-ups of Bright Summit who were shocked to learn that Iris Long was the Owner, President and CEO of Orchidia Beauty.

All members of the Pandemonium band were stunned silly. Their jaws fell down and their eyes almost popped out of their heads.

Blaze: "Senior Iris is the... Wha-what the hell...?"

Eros pinched himself. "It doesn’t look like I’m dreaming..."

Night: "..."

Thunder: "Holy!!! Goddess Iris owns Orchidia Beauty?!! I’m so stoked!!! Hey hey hey! Can we ask her for a discount when we buy the products? I’m rationing the free samples Goddess Iris gave us before because I don’t want it to run out before the products are officially launched! Well, can we? CAN WE?!!"

Blaze, Eros and Night didn’t pay attention to their youngest member’s hyperactive chatter. They were too busy processing the bombshell their senior dropped to all of them.

The other celebrities managed by Tang Yiyi were also shocked. They were amazed...and envious of her achievements.

Across the entire grand hall, everyone couldn’t hide their shock. They watched Iris Long stand up from her seat and receive a hug from Jin Liwei before making her way to the stage. Their hands automatically clapped for her, but their minds couldn’t seem to process the information.

Iris Long owns Orchidia Beauty?!!!

There were many big names, heavyweights, famous and influential people from the country and abroad who attended tonight’s event. All of these people came for a company owned by...IRIS LONG?!!!

Dom and Alric acted extra gentlemanly, as they helped Iris up the stage. After thanking them and nodding at the others, she took the mic from Dom and stood at the very centre of the stage. Her position emphasized her status at the top of the company’s hierarchy.

"On behalf of my colleagues and everyone working for us, I would like to thank you all for coming here tonight to celebrate the official launch of MY company, Orchidia Beauty," she began her speech, emphasizing her ownership of the company.

The people stayed silent and listened to her words, as if doing so would help them understand how in the world she became a business owner. And not just any business. She became the owner of one of the most hyped new companies of the year which received rave reviews from the best influencers in the beauty community including celebrities before it even launched.

Not only that. Just look at this over the top grand launch party! The lavish red carpet event! The thousands of fans who attended! All the media! And most importantly, the guest list. Oh, the guest list!

Even the current most popular celebrity couple in the country didn’t have such a high calibre guest list when they married. Their wedding was dubbed the "royal wedding" back then but compared to this launch party’s guest list which included Maestro Ludovico De Luca, Enrique Valdez, the Jins, the Lus, Feng Wan and her three posh friends who all had deep backgrounds in high society, and the famous artist Ashandra Knightson, that "royal wedding" might as well be for peasants. The media called it a "star-studded" wedding that time. But comparing it to this launch? This was the real star-studded event!

Iris interrupted their thoughts with her speech. "You’ve already heard from our two lovely emcees here—"



The siblings Dom and Clover pretended to feel shy by her praise, even though it was obvious that they were delighted. Because of them, the audience felt relaxed again. People laughed at their antics, lightening up the atmosphere.

Iris smiled at the siblings, grateful to them. Now it felt easier to speak.

"You’ve heard from them the tale of how the idea of creating Orchidia Beauty came to me while I was in Germany last year," she continued. "Some of you might remember that I’ve disappeared for a period of time last year. I was in Europe back then. I performed with the great Maestro Ludovico De Luca at his orchestral concert in Munich. It was during that time that fate led me to meet the Bauer siblings. After persuading them to partner with me, I built the company with them from the ground up.

"I also stole my sister, Long Jinjing and her friend who’s also now my friend, Chen Fei. They’re supposed to work at my father’s company after they graduate from business school, but I poached them away to work with me in running my company instead."

The guests all looked at Long Tengfei who nodded, confirming what his daughter said.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Before I stole my sister and Chen Fei from my father, I partnered with his company, Long Industries, for our shipping needs. So you can rest assured that all the ingredients in our products that we can’t source locally will arrive at the fastest speed possible from where we’re sourcing them abroad to maintain their freshness. Just like our claim, everything is 100% natural. We’ll also deliver them to you as quickly as we can."

Once again, Long Tengfei nodded his head. A small smile also lifted the corners of his lips. Iris might sound like she was only singing the praises of her own company, but the truth was that she was also indicating to everyone that his company, Long Industries, was a fast and reliable shipping service.

He was especially pleased that she didn’t forget to mention the company name, Long Industries. Indeed, she would be an effective brand ambassador for his company. Now all he needed to do was to persuade his other executives to agree with the idea. He could use this speech as one of the evidences to prove that she would be a great brand ambassador. There were also a lot of media in attendance. Many of them were recording this moment right now.

Iris glanced at Long Tengfei and saw that her plan worked based on his pleased expression. She made sure to include that part about Long Industries in her speech, specifically targeting Long Tengfei, to tip him more in her favour regarding her request to become his company’s brand ambassador. She made her praise for the company subtle so it wouldn’t come off as brownnosing.

’Thank you, darling, for teaching me the subtle art of getting what I want in business.’

She sent her word of thanks through her smile to Jin Liwei back at their table. He was watching her intently, as if she was the only person in the room and the others were just air. He seemed to have understood the meaning of her smile because he nodded, his eyes warmed up despite his outward cold expression.

Jin Liwei was helping her develop subtleness in her business skills. Both Iris and Grandpa Lu were very straightforward people. If there was something they wanted, they gunned for it relentlessly until they had it in the palm of their hands. Some may call them passionate and determined, but others would call them too willful and aggressive.

Iris wanted to be versatile in her careers in music, languages, and business. Fortunately, she had her darling to help add additional ammo to her repertoire. This way, she could be as aggressive or subtle as she wanted depending on the situation.

In short, more ways to get what she wanted!

Her smile at her darling became brighter, blinding the people looking at her. She was just too beautiful!

Someone coughed beside her.

"Boss. Boss!" Dom whisper-shouted at her.

Iris regained her senses thanks to Dom. Ah, she actually got distracted because her darling was too handsome!

Her friends, the girl squad, all snickered at her.

She cleared her throat in an elegant manner while trying to remember where she left off her speech. Good thing that she had an excellent memory. She continued:

"I’ve been working on this company ever since I returned from Germany last year. That’s why I’m so excited that we’re finally having our grand launch today! But all of these—" She swept an arm in a wide arc. "—would not be possible without the assistance of my special dear friends from abroad."

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 543 - The Revelation Part III

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C543 - The Revelation Part III


Chapter 543 - The Revelation Part III

The other guests looked at the group of foreigners all sitting together. Iris Long must be talking about them. One of them—the demonically gorgeous woman Ashandra Knightson—was reportedly a famous artist. Based on the others’ bearing, they must not be ordinary people either. They were Iris Long’s...friends? Really?

Iris looked at her friends from Cross Academy and smiled at them. They all surprised her by attending her launch party without informing her. She invited them, of course, but they all gave various different reasons to decline. That was why she didn’t expect that they would all turn up tonight. Even Madame Giulia Moretti came bearing regards and apology from Headmaster Erwan Dupont for not being able to attend due to conflicts in schedule.

It was only Amanpio Kileksky who accepted her invitation as soon as she invited him. Without the young eccentric inventor, Alric Bauer wouldn’t have the equipment to manufacture improved versions of Orchidia Beauty products efficiently. So even if Amanpio declined her invitation, Iris would have found a way to drag him to China. Maybe she would even resort to asking her big brother to kidnap him. Fortunately, Amanpio agreed to come without taking a moment to think about it first. However, Jin Liwei had to send one of his smaller private jets to pick Amanpio up from Switzerland because the inventor was too lazy to book his own flight to China.

Iris also asked Jiang Ying Yue to let Amanpio temporarily stay in Little Jun’s condo unit at Gold Heights. Jiang Ying Yue agreed. She and her son Little Jun were still staying at the Dragon Palace mansion with Iris and Jin Liwei anyway, so the condo unit was currently empty. It was better for Amanpio to stay there because Yi Mei and the other household staff in the penthouse already had their hands full with Wei Lan. Iris didn’t want to saddle them with an additional difficult person to take care of like Amanpio. They already had firsthand experience of his baffling eccentricities when he first stayed at the penthouse before.

Even Ashandra Knightson whom Iris met a few days ago in France didn’t mention that she would be attending the launch party tonight. Iris thought that Ashandra would be busy attending another art exhibition somewhere in Europe. She was really surprised to see her friend along with the others

Jin Liwei, however, didn’t appear surprised at all. It looked as if he already knew that her friends were coming. He must have deliberately concealed it from her. Ketchup had the capability to detect if her friends landed in China but the white cat didn’t inform her. Jin Liwei must have instructed Ketchup not to tell her.

The father and daughter dared to keep a secret from her?

Try as she might, she couldn’t find it in herself to be angry at the two of them. Instead, her heart melted into a sweet syrupy puddle. She would ask Jin Liwei and Ketchup later and make them confess their "crime", but she had no intention of complaining. It was such a nice surprise after all, especially on a big day in her business career like this.

For now, she needed to thank her friends.

"I would like to thank Amanpio Kileksy, a prolific inventor who creates some of the most mind-boggling things you can ever imagine. Many of them are brilliant, of course...but the others? Hmmm... Let’s not talk about that part," she said, eliciting laughter from her friends who knew about Amanpio’s massive collection of hit-and-miss inventions.

Amanpio harrumphed and became sullen when the others began laughing at him. However, he quickly recovered because he was very proud of all his "babies", a.k.a. inventions.

Iris continued, "Amanpio helped Alric build a number of special equipment which they patented together to process the raw materials and combine the ingredients more efficiently without destroying their natural properties, enabling us to retain our mission of keeping our products 100% natural but also allowing us to increase their shelf life as much as possible using only natural means."


The audience was impressed. They started clapping and continued oohing and aahing.

"Please stand up so everybody can see you, Amanpio," Iris told him in English.

Amanpio Kileksy stood up, self-confidence oozing from his every pore. Theresa and Florence both rolled their eyes at him while Ashandra and AJ chuckled. He waved at the crowd who clapped louder for him.

"Ladies and gentleman, Amanpio Kileksky, Cross Academy student and my friend," Iris announced.

The applause halted.

"Huh? What Cross Academy? What school is that? Can someone tell me where it’s located?" someone from the audience asked.

"Hmmm... Cross Academy... Sounds familiar. Where did I hear it before?"

"Ahahaha! Don’t tell me it’s that legendary school for geniuses? Pft! Ahahaha! No way!"

"What do you mean ’no way’, you pinhead?! I want to know!" a booming voice challenged the person who said it. "Of course, it’s that Cross Academy! I studied there myself! Have I gotten so old that many of you nitwits already forgot that I, Lu Jianhong, graduated from Cross Academy?! If I say that it’s the same Cross Academy, then it’s Cross Academy! You dare don’t believe me?! Hmph!!!"

"Sit down, you old gorilla," an elegant elderly female voice scolded him in a whisper. "What do you think you’re doing, creating a ruckus in my granddaughter-in-law’s party? Stop picking a fight with dear Xiulan’s guests. Close your mouth and act like a proper elder!"

"Bah! These dunderheads are so annoying! This old man needs to put them in their place! Aren’t I right, Haohao my boy?"

"Yes, Grandpa. You’re right. They’re annoying," a devilish man with a scar on his face replied. He cracked his knuckles, a dangerous glint flashing in his eyes, as if he wanted to strangle the life out of those people in the audience who doubted his sister’s words that her friend was a Cross Academy student.

"See, old hag? Even my beloved grandson agrees with this old man!"

The elegant elderly lady sighed, shaking her head at the grandfather and grandson duo.

Jaws fell down and eyes almost popped out of heads when Sir Lu Jianhong himself spoke and confirmed Iris’ claim that her friend was a Cross Academy student.


Iris Long was friends with someone from Cross Academy, that legendary school for geniuses?!!!

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 544 - The Revelation Part IV

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C544 - The Revelation Part IV

Chapter 544 - The Revelation Part IV

The clueless ones were confused upon seeing the shocked expressions of the people around them.

"What’s going on? Why are you so shocked? What’s Cross Academy? Is it a good school? Like C9 League or maybe—OMG—Ivy league level?"

"Are you serious? You’re asking if Cross Academy is a good school?! Are you freaking kidding me?!!! What C9 League? What Ivy League? Those schools are nothing compared to Cross Academy!!! Don’t you know that Cross Academy is the freaking BESTEST OF THE BEST school in the world?!!! That’s the legendary school for geniuses!!!"

"Whoa! Really? Aren’t you exaggerating? If it’s really the best school in the world, why haven’t I heard about it before? Maybe it’s just an urban legend or something?"

"Sssssh! Not so loud! Do you want Sir Lu Jianhong to scold you like what he did to that poor guy just now? Just shut your mouth and don’t embarrass us. If you get scolded by Sir Lu Jianhong, I don’t know you!"

"Fine. What a friend you are! Anyway, just tell me what you know about this Cross Academy because I really don’t know anything about it."

"Okay, listen to me. Not many people know about Cross Academy so it’s not surprising that you have no idea about it. Even I only learned about it by watching an English documentary. Cross Academy is a very isolated and secretive place somewhere in Europe. I forgot which country. It’s either in Sweden or Switzerland, maybe even in the Netherlands...I can’t remember. Very few students are admitted—only the most genius among geniuses! Apparently, they only enroll a student every few years because nobody could pass their extremely high standards!"

"Whoa! Really? Wow! So if Iris Long’s friend, that Amanpio guy, is really a Cross Academy student, then isn’t he awesome?!"

"Of course, he is! Duh!"

Conversations like this were occurring all over the audience. Iris swept her eyes across them, hearing most of what they were talking about with her great hearing. She asked her friends earlier if it was alright with them if she revealed that they were Cross Academy students. They had no issues with it at all.

Iris didn’t wait for the murmurs to stop before she began speaking again. "Next, I would like to thank another friend, Theresa Blipsburg. She’s a biomedical engineering student who’s helping save countless of lives by developing innovative state-of-the-art medical instruments and medical drugs. She also has a background in chemical engineering."

The other guests looked at the group of foreigners again, trying to figure out who Theresa Blipsburg was.

"After buying the Bauer sibling’s homemade skincare concoctions at the street market in Munich, I sent Theresa a few samples. She confirmed through lab tests that every single one of them are indeed 100% natural. She did it for me even though she was extremely busy with her own research. Thanks to her, I made the decision to invest in the Bauer siblings and create Orchidia Beauty," Iris revealed.

The audience oohed and aahed again.

"Thank you, Theresa. I know that you’re always busy with your own research but you still took the time to do me that favour. I’m so grateful. Can you please stand up and let everyone see you?" Iris asked her friend.

Theresa stood up and waved at the other guests who were clapping at her. Her actions were modest unlike Amanpio earlier.

"Oh, right. I almost forgot," Iris said. "Theresa is also a Cross Academy student."


Seriously?!! Again?!!!

"Don’t tell me that all the foreigners in that group are Cross Academy students," someone said.

"How could that be? Do you think that the geniuses from such a prestigious school as Cross Academy would have so much free time to attend a new company’s launch? In your dreams! Geniuses are too busy doing...uh, genius stuff! They don’t have time to waste on parties like this!"

"But we already have two Cross Academy students!"

"That’s it. I bet there are only two of them. No more!"

"Well, I bet that there would be more!"

"I bet that all those foreigners are from Cross Academy!"

"Game on!"

The audience suddenly descended into gambling. All of them turned to Iris while eyeing the group of foreigners at one side, as if she was drawing some winning lotto numbers.

Iris hid her smile. This was what she wanted. Yes, it was shameless to borrow her friends’ prestige to boost her own company’s image but this was what she was aiming for.

’Don’t be afraid to be shameless in business, my girl! Bahahaha!’ was what Grandpa Lu taught her, so that was what she intended to do.

Wasn’t she a diligent student to apply her teacher’s teachings?

By introducing her friends as Cross Academy students and revealing their little contributions to her company, the people would begin associating Orchidia Beauty with them and the academy. This would set her company apart from the other companies in the beauty industry. And all of these before revealing her own identity as a Cross Academy student herself!

"I would also like to thank Florence O’Sevan, another inventor but focused on environmental sustainability. All of us from Orchidia Beauty are proud that our products are 100% natural. The contents inside are important but what about the outside? We also want our packaging to reflect our mission. Thus, we decided to make all our packaging environmentally sustainable."

Intrigued expressions appeared on the audience’s faces after hearing what Iris said.

"My friend Florence was very kind to help design and manufacture our environmentally friendly packaging. Although we’re unable to make it 100% zero waste at the moment, we can still confidently claim to be miles ahead of our competitors in this area. Following Florence’s direction and advice, our company aims to develop our very own sustainable yet also affordable zero waste packaging system within a year, three years at the latest, and make it into a company-wide policy!"

The oohs and aahs from the audience were louder this time.

"Wow! The products are 100% natural, and now they want the packaging to be 100% zero waste in the future, too? Cool!"

"This Florence is another inventor like that Amanpio. Is she also a Cross Academy student?"

"No way. Do you think that all inventors are from Cross Academy?"

Iris smiled, enjoying the audience’s speculations.

"My friend, dear Florence, is also a student of Cross Academy," she announced.

The audience gasped once again. What? Cross Academy again? What was happening today? Was this company launch some sort of an assembly for Cross Academy students? The people were all very amazed at meeting these geniuses in the flesh.

Sir Lu Jianhong was the only living Chinese alumni of the legendary school today. There were two of them before Jin Liwei’s grandfather died. Right now, there weren’t any Chinese student enrolled in Cross Academy. Wouldn’t it be cool to have another one? He or she would be the next great pride of the country, especially since Sir Lu Jianhong was already advanced in years. When it was time for the old man to go into eternal rest, would there be no one to hold the banner of their country as a Cross Academy student in the future?

Someone from the younger generation was needed. Sir Lu Jianhong was now too old for the country’s youth to fully understand the honour and pride he and his best friend, Jin Liwei’s grandfather, brought to the country when the two became Cross Academy students all those decades ago. Many of the young people didn’t know about the amazing legacy Sir Lu Jianhong and Jin Liwei’s grandfather left the country’s business world by building what was now the world-class Jin Corporation from the ground up.

If another Chinese became a Cross Academy student while Sir Lu Jianhong was still alive, how amazing would that be? They could brag to the whole world that their country didn’t lack for geniuses.

A few people in the audience cheered after Iris Long announced that Florence O’Sevan was a Cross Academy student as well. Some, however, groaned.

"Yes! I won the bet! I knew it! There are more than two Cross Academy present here tonight! Don’t forget to pay up!"

"Dammit! I lost. What the hell? How many Cross Academy students are here right now? Don’t tell me there are more after Florence?"

"I think that that there are only three."

"I bet that that the other foreigners from the same table are all Cross Academy students. Who wants to bet against me? Come on!"

Florence O’Sevan stood up from her seat and waved at the other guests who clapped for her in amazement. She and the others from Cross Academy didn’t know the people started a betting pool because of them.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 545 - The Revelation Part V

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C545 - The Revelation Part V


Chapter 545 - The Revelation Part V

"Also special thanks to my other friends, all from Cross Academy, for taking the time from their busy schedules to fly all the way here to China and attend my company’s launch," Iris continued speaking. "Everyone, please welcome the beautiful Ashandra Knightson, artist extraordinaire!"

Loud applause and cheers. Ashandra was like a goddess to the art enthusiasts present. In addition to this, she already gathered many fans even among those who didn’t know her before this because of her beauty and bearing.

Both Iris Long and Ashandra Knightson were extremely beautiful women, yet they were also very different from each other. Comparison between them would be futile.

"And AJ Zheneres, another student that the academy treasures because of her frightening golden touch. She has been very kind and generous in sharing some helpful financial advice with me and my financial manager, especially during the early stages when I was just starting to build Orchidia Beauty."

Another round of applause.

"I would also like to give my sincerest thanks to Madame Giulia Moretti, the academy’s admissions counselor and right-hand woman of the Headmaster."

Then Iris switched to German. "Thank you, Madame Moretti. It’s such an honour to have you here."

More applause, louder this time. The people already knew that Iris was a polyglot but it was still impressive listening to her speaking another language.

"Of course, I wouldn’t forget two very special guests who surprised all of us tonight by attending and gracing us with their presence. Thank you very much, Maestro Ludovico De Luca and Mr. Enrique Valdez!"

Deafening applause and cheers, becoming louder when the two music legends stood from their seats and waved at the other guests.

"For those of you who don’t know, Maestro De Luca and Mr. Valdez are also Cross Academy alumni—just like Grandfather Lu," Iris added.

The applause paused.


The people were shocked. They didn’t know! Only some of the older ones remembered that Maestro Ludovico De Luca graduated from Cross Academy a long time ago.

As for Enrique Valdez, this was the first time that they heard that he was also from Cross Academy. In addition to being a taciturn man who valued his words more than gold, he was also an extremely private person. He disliked sharing personal information about himself and hated others who did. This was one of the reasons why he hadn’t married yet. He would dump the women he was dating as soon as they started talking about him and their relationship to the public without his consent. Only very few people, mostly his close friends and associates, knew that he was actually a Cross Academy alumni.

Iris Long received both of her music mentors’ permission to reveal their connection to Cross Academy. Maestro De Luca didn’t have any issues with it. Surprisingly, Enrique Valdez also agreed, mainly because of their mentor-student relationship and the fact that she was also a Cross Academy student herself.

She switched to English and spoke directly to her friends and mentors from abroad. "Thank you very much for coming tonight. I didn’t expect that you would. I’m very surprised. You made this event extra special for me. I’m very happy. Thank you!"

All of her friends and mentors from Cross Academy smiled and stood up. Now it was their turn to lead the applause for her.

At the moment, everyone was impressed beyond belief of Iris Long’s connection to these people from Cross Academy. They gossip among themselves once again.

"I didn’t know that Iris Long is so formidable! Not only did she prove herself to be an outstanding musician ever since her first comeback, but she also built her own company that is projected to do very well even before its official launch. Now we discover that she’s friends with all these geniuses from that legendary school? I’m so amazed! What kind of lucky star was she born under? The good fortune has been raining down on her ever since the year started!"

Many shared this sentiment. However, some were skeptical.

"Don’t be so impressed. Have you forgotten that Iris Long is engaged to CEO Jin Liwei? His late grandfather was a Cross Academy alumni with Sir Lu Jianhong. I bet that she only became friends with those Cross Academy people because of Sir Lu or CEO Jin. Her only luck is CEO Jin falling in love with her. CEO Jin equals good fortune. Without her connections to the two powerful men, how could she possibly become close to anyone from Cross Academy?"

Although there were others who also thought the same way as this particular outspoken guest, there weren’t many who were willing to say their opinions out loud. This was, after all, Iris Long’s territory.

"What the fuck are you saying?! How did a narrow-minded bigot like you get invited to this event, huh? How dare you say that about Boss—I mean about Miss Iris Long?! Want me to whack you with my mighty slippers—I mean, I’m gonna report you to security if you don’t behave yourself like a civilized person! Hmph!"

The Black Stars and its subgroup, the Slippers Army, were starting to increase in number as Iris became more famous. She had fans from all walks of life from the least fortunate to the wealthiest. Almost all of them considered her as their boss. They respected her and would defend her from anyone who dared question or attack her credibility.

On the stage, Iris overheard the brief argument in the audience with her great hearing. Recognizing that one of the parties involved was a Black Star, she was about to intervene but fortunately didn’t need to. The incident was quickly mediated by the other guests, preventing it from escalating and disrupting the event. She was relieved.

However, this incident only proved her growing influence among the public. The Black Stars were like her hidden knights, ready to defend her name.

"Last but not the least, I would like to thank the man who believed in me from the very beginning when I decided to take this gamble of building my own company from the ground up. He was so patient with me when I was so busy that I barely had any time to spend with him. Thank you, Jin Liwei, for being there for me." Then Iris smiled...a little shyly before whispering, "I love you."

Jin Liwei cold expression warmed a bit. Then he mouthed, "I love you, too."


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