Unmarked Mates

By GosiaAC

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BLACK MOON Book Three Can be read as a stand-alone. A mating bond is Goddess' blessing, something pure and p... More

Prologue: The knowledge of sin is the beginning of salvation
Chapter 1: What can't be cured must be endured
Chapter 2: "Be careful what you wish for"
Chapter 3: "A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step"
Chapter 4: "Beggars can't be choosers"
Chapter 5: "Beginning is easy - to keep going is hard"
Chapter 6: "Don't think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm"
Chapter 7: "Higher duties mean greater responsibilities"
Chapter 8: "Marriage has teeth and it bites hard"
Chapter 9: "Discretion is the better part of valor"
Chapter 10: " If you want peace, prepare for war"
Chapter 11: "A leopard never changes its spots"
Chapter 12: "Faults are thick where love is thin"
Chapter 13: "Honesty is the best policy"
Chapter 14: "Don't cast pearls before swine"
Chapter 15: An ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure.
Chapter 16: "Blood is thicker than water"
Chapter 17: "Better fifty enemies outside the house than one within"
Chapter 18: "It takes two to tango"
Chapter 19: "Grief divided is made lighter"
Chapter 20: "Ignorance is bliss"
Chapter 21: "Every cloud has a silver lining"
Chapter 22: "Hunger drives the wolf out of the wood"
Chapter 23: "As you sow, so you shall reap"
Chapter 24: "If you play with fire, you'll get burned"
Chapter 25: "The cat is out of the bag"
Chapter 26:" The truth will set you free"
Chapter 27: " A house divided cannot stand"
Chapter 28: "Ask no questions and hear no lies"
Chapter 29: "Devil's Bargain"
Chapter 30: "Familiarity breeds contempt"
Chapter 31: "It's never too late to mend"
Chapter 32: "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."
Chapter 33: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."
Chapter 34: "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost"
Chapter 35: "Where there's a will, there's a way"
Chapter 36: "Action speaks louder than words"
Chapter 37: "One man's trash is another man's treasure"
Chapter 38: "Any port in a storm"
Chapter 39: "Persuasion is better than force."
Chapter 40: "The course of true love never did run smooth" Part 1
Chapter 41: "The course of true love never did run smooth" Part 2
Chapter 42: "The course of true love never did run smooth" Part 3
Chapter 43: "The course of true love never did run smooth" Part 4
Chapter 44: "Oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm"
Chapter 45: "Lightning never strikes twice in the same place."
Chapter 46: "Practice what you preach"
Chapter 47: You show me the man, and I'll show you the rule
Chapter 49: Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future
Epilogue: The longest way around is the shortest way home
Book Four: Untainted Mates

Chapter 48: "There is no beast more cruel than man"

307 15 6
By GosiaAC


Terry POV

I stay hidden in the shadows behind the bedroom door, listening for the noises coming from downstairs. I left in one room the wire, and now I can hear Alexa and everybody else slowly going, saying their goodbyes. She speaks loud, so I don't have problems distinguishing her words.

The door gets open and then closed, steps are slowly disappearing, and I hope he will soon be left alone in here and come to me lured like the animal. Yet my hope crushes cause we are not left in the house alone.

I bite my lips, clearly hearing muffled screams and noises of struggling, fuck... Each dent in my plan will make it more challenging to execute it properly. But I no longer have much more time to dwell on it because the screams and struggles are coming closer.

I look slightly through the ajar door and spot him in the dim light in the corridor. I recognize him from the photos I was shown by his Beta. He is big, challenging, and yet his eyes seem empty. I see the scar on his neck, where Ivory protected herself from him.

He is moving, dragging after him a girl with long hair, the same one I saw carrying the soup to the dining room earlier this evening.

He throws her to the carpet, screaming:

"Quiet whore!"

"Please, please," she cries as he kicks her in the stomach and kneels before her.

Fuck, he is standing face to the door. I'm currently hiding, which is a disadvantage for me. Fuck I had to modify most of my plan unless I choose to wait for him to start raping her.

I stand behind the door, the room is pitch dark, but I have my night vision devise. I throw one of the jewelry boxes into the window because the sun blinds are outside, the glass in the windows breaks, and the noise is quite significant.

He bursts through the door, still dragging the crying girl behind him, keeping his hand in her hair. And here is when my plan once again cracks because I was sure he would run directly to the bed and his dead wife, but to my surprise, he runs towards the door, I presume to a walk-in closet, and check if it is locked.

I have some time to take a look at how big he is and yet how tired and unhealthy he looks; the girl is crying, curled on the floor, as he turns around and spits:

"Get on hands and knees, bitch!"

"Alpha, please, please," she begs as he comes closer, slaps her, and starts hovering over her, trying to separate her knees. She listens to him and cries but doesn't try to fight him.

I wait as he kneels and starts unzipping his pants, and I decide to strike. Standing behind him, I throw my silver chain around his neck, but unfortunately, he hears me and manages to save his life, raising one of his arms. My chain is wrapped around his neck and one arm. I pull it as strongly as I can, smelling burns on his skin, yet he makes no sound. He jerks his body pushing me into the wall with his back. I feel the hit and cough, but I don't let go. He jerks again, trying to push me off of him, raising his second hand with claws and sinking into my back. I use the blade hidden in one of my boots to stab him in his leg, yet I physically don't have a chance.

He throws me off, but because I pull the chain harder, he needs a moment to catch his breath and stand up. I land close to the bed and stand up quickly, I don't wait as I throw the cane with wolfbane gas directly into him, yet he manages to push it to the side with his hand. The gas is leaking, and Alpha starts coughing, but since it didn't go directly into his nostrils, the impact of the poison isn't significant. I try to shoot him with my sedative gun, but he shifts and howls loudly, jumping on me. I roll to the side, grabbing the chair, and use it to block his jaws when he lands on me, pushing my back to the floor.

I struggle to withhold him just a moment more, and he will break the chair or my arm; I try to use the blade in my boot again, but I miss, fuck, what else I can...

Julius's wolf lands on the Alpha almost without any noise, biting into his back. Both wolves roll to the back but stand up extremely quickly to jump at each other; they collide in the air and fall to the floor with a loud bank, their jaws are sunk into each other, and it's difficult to say when one wolf starts. The second ends, and they are constantly moving as snarls echo in the room. And yet Julius is smaller and for sure at a disadvantage, so I must hurry. I grip my jaw to take control of the pain. I'm sure I have some broken ribs as I move as fast as I can into the direction of the bed, where the corps of the Luna still lies.

"Ravenswood!" I scream, and his wolf's head snaps up, and the set of two red eyes look at me. I raise my knife to cut the neck of his Luna, and he falls for it, throwing Julius to the wall and running fast in my direction. He jumps on my pushing me onto the bed with him on top of me, and that's when my booby trap set ahead works.

Heavy, silver web falls from the bed canopy, it's also drenched in wolfbane, so he howls in pain as it sinks into his skin. I wish I could stab my knife into him, but he bites into my arm, and it breaks. I whimper in pain, but I wrap my legs around his body, holding the web tightly wrapped around him and myself. He bits more into my arm. I'm fortunate that because of the web, he can't move his head because I'm sure my arm would be already ripped away from my body.

Julius comes to my rescue dragging him away from me but thankfully still wrapped in the web. When Alpha's weight is no longer on me, I managed to stand up, and the two of us pull the web stronger, successfully trapping him inside it. He growls, then howls in agony, and soon the silver forces him back into his human form.

He pants hard, coughing with blood, almost as hard as me and Julius standing over him. I see in his eyes the confusion I'm so familiar with when I sink my knife into his stomach. All of them had the same confusion on their faces every time I took their life away from them.

"I wish you will be reunited with your Luna," I say as he struggles to move, and his blood leaves his body.

Julius shifts; he's bleeding and notices my look.

"It will heal, and you?" he says.

"My bones will need more time," I say. "Why did you enter?"

According to our plan, he was supposed to wait near in case anything went wrong, but he came too quickly, in my opinion.

"I've noticed that the girl hadn't left the packhouse."

We both look around and notice her curled in the corner. Julius comes to her and gently tries to calm her down. I'm sure she is scared as hell, but I think despite that alright. We should hurry now and burn this place to the ground and...

I look at the wardrobe door the Alpha went to previously, and something doesn't add to me. And that's when I understand what. According to the packhouse blueprints,  there shouldn't be a wardrobe here, but the door to the additional staircase, leading, I think to the attic.

"Julius, can you wrap my hand close to my body so I don't put too much strain on it? Let's check what's behind that door."

He does as I ask; we don't look at the dead body as we break the lock. The girl goes with us; I guess she is too scared to oppose us in any way. We go up, and I'm sure we are going in the right direction because I smell the odor of blood, dirty bodies, and excrement. Bad sign, a very bad sign. Julius seems agitated more and more the closer we get to the stench.

The view I am faced with in the attic is one of the most hideous I've seen in my entire life.

Despite the odor, I'm welcomed with darkness and sounds of whimpering. Julius pushes the light switch, and to our horror, we see cages. Ten metal cages are the size of a big chest, and there is a naked girl in every single one.

They all are pale, covered in dirt and scars or wounds. Curled, not looking at us, they all carry heavy collars on their necks, festering wounds from under them. Julius pants hard as he whispers:

"Girl, mindlink your Beta and a warrior name Chuck at tell them to come here instantly. Tell them that Julius needs them here at once."

She nods as tears go down her face. I look around and spot the set of keys hanging close to the door. I take it and kneel before the first cage to open it. The girl inside whimpers, wrapping her hands around herself, and that's when I notice her big pregnant stomach. Fucking son of the bitch, fucking monster.

When Beta and Chuck enter, all the cages are already open, and yet none of the girls have made any attempt to leave their cages. Two of them have infants with them; the older one look like almost a year, and the second is a newborn. Two more girls are heavily pregnant.

"Oh Goddess," the Beta whispers as Chuck runs to the cage where the girl with the newborn baby is sitting.

"Please, it's me, Chuck; please look at me. It's me, your brother," he whispers, and she glances at him, still trembling like a leaf and huddling at the end of her cage.

"Beta," I say slowly; my whole body is in pain, but we don't have time; we must work quickly" This is how it happened. Alpha forced that girl to stay after the party because he wanted to rape her."

"...but before he did it, he had to leave the pack because Alexa called him and asked to meet with him in the restaurant nearby to discuss something, so he locked her unconscious in his wife's bedroom and cut her link with the pack," Julius continues.

"Girl," I say, and she looks at me." When you woke up, you were looking for the way out and managed to break the lock and go upstairs when you found those girls. You managed to run away from here using a ventilation system. It's possible; we checked the blueprints."

"And I notified my Beta, and none of you were ever here," she whispers, and Julius nod.

"We will take Alpha's body far away from here and make sure he will never be found," he says, looking at Beta and Chuck. "And you will report his crimes to the Council and take power legally. They will believe that he returned from his meeting with Alexa, noticed that his secret was exposed, and ran away to avoid punishment. He will never be seen anywhere again. Ensure that none of the patrols will stop your Alpha's car."

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