More Than Business

By nicki0rih

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Nicki's fashion empire she built with her best friend, Lydia, turns out to be an international success. Balan... More

More Than Business
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 57 (part2)
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160

Chapter 156

72 0 7
By nicki0rih

Nicki POV

Surprisingly we didn't need any special tactics when Rory and I told Aubrey about her college plans, and the strings Anita's mom had pulled regarding our identity. He just verified that Rory was really happy with all of this. He admitted that he wasnt exactly happy with not being in the loop at all with something that big but he was immensely proud and happy for her. That night he kept thanking me, as if I had anything to do with it. He cuddled me in bed and told me I was the best thing that ever happened to them. The next day he was in planning mode, he interrogated Rory for details about her plans so he could figure out how to help and what needed to be done. For once with her he was a proud father, but it was all so overwhelming at the same time.

I steered clear of Anita after our lunch. We weren't on bad terms but I knew something about me or my presence or something- it made her uncomfortable and that's the last thing I wanted. I altered my morning routine so that I was either showering or getting the triplets ready for their day when she arrived. I still made her coffee for the road and instead Rory usually met her in the kitchen. After school, when I wasn't still at work I'd make sure I was deeply engrossed in conversations with the kids. When she came by the office, usually I had a heads up from Lydia so I stayed in my office until Lydia's door closed them in. The few times she dropped in for surprise visits I either feigned important conversations with Margo, Rachel or Vanessa or I retreated to my office. Lydia wasn't a fan of this arrangement, she told me it was unnecessary but she didn't press the issue.

A few weeks had passed, Lydia had her second attempt with the IVF and her appointment to find out if it was successful was the next day. I set her up with meetings and job interviews this past week so at least while she was working she would have less time to start overthinking and stressing about the possible pregnancy but at the same time keeping her schedule light enough so that she wasn't exhausted or stressed from work. Anita visited her for lunch each day as well.

I ate my lunch alone in my office facing my window for the sunlight as I worked on a sketch. I heard someone enter the room from behind me but they didn't say anything. Lydia. I got up and turned to face her. Wrong.

Anita stood leaning with her back against the door staring at me.

"Hi.." I said nervously, "I thought you were Lydia."

"I figured." She replied. She knew Lydia was the only person who would enter my office without even a courtesy knock. The only one allowed to.

"Is is everything okay?" I stumbled over my words.

She scanned my body, my face, my eyes, then she just nodded slightly. "We need to talk, and you need to stop avoiding me."

"I was giving you space."

"I didn't ask for it." She shot back.

"You didn't have to."

"Nic come on, this is ridiculous. We're friends- we're family. I've shared the most intimate parts of my life with you before I had even shared them with Lydia.. hell- half of my friends and family don't even know those things about me." She looked at me and took a few steps towards me.

I took a deep breath and motioned for us to sit on the couch. She sat next to me and pulled my hands into her lap.

She caressed my fingers in her hands as she spoke, "At first I couldn't figure out why I was so bothered that you stopped talking to me. I thought it was because I was worried it would effect me and Lydia.. but it's not that." She mostly thought aloud so I didnt interrupt, "I realized I actually just value your friendship. You're honest and sweet and loyal and funny and supportive. I dont know what exactly I did or said to make you feel like I felt otherwise because I don't."

"I value your friendship as well." I spoke up.

"So you agree this is silly? You avoiding me for weeks.."

I sighed and nodded.

"The psychologist in me feels like this friendship is probably 70% the result of a trauma bond." She kept talking.

"A trauma bond?"

"From-" her voice trailed off and she nodded in the general area of the room Kathandra's death.

"Right.." I bit my lip, then added "you saved my life and Logan's. Thats not including when you saved us from Luke too."

"Literally yeah. But you saved mine the day you set Lydia and I up." She placed my fingertips on her engagement ring.

"Well, of all the people I've set Lydia up with over the years- you're my favorite." I smiled.

"Come have lunch with us, I see you're already eating, come eat with us." She beckoned.

"Tomorrow's the big day-"

"And we'll need you. Both of us." She pulled me out of my seat as she stood.

She coaxed me into Lydia's office which made Lydia's face light up, "my two favorite people are friends again?!"

Once we greeted each other and got comfortable to start eating I asked them if they were ready for their appointment.

"Yes, we have a system and a plan in place." Lydia nodded as she bit into her quesadilla.

"Yeah, we reflected on how last time went and worked out how we could do better this time." Anita explained.

"Good. Thats good."

We chatted some more while they ate. I still wasn't completely comfortable around Anita, something still felt off with her. I knew her truce was only out of obligation because she would need me after their appointment tomorrow and likely long after. But if she wanted us to pretend like that slight wedge wasn't there- I'd oblige for Lydia's sake and for the kids. It's not that I don't like her, or don't want her to be my friend. But I don't want her to feel like she's forced to be my friend. After Anita left Lydia insisted I stay and talk to her.

"What's up with you seriously?" She asked as she reentered the room after walking Anita out.

"Nothing's up." I started tidying up the coffee table.

"Did she do or say something to you?"

I exhaled, "no its not that. Its just- I get the feeling she doesn't really like me that much."

"Its not you that she doesn't like. She just thinks you and I control each other too much." She sat next to me. "But she likes you a lot babe."

"We don't control each other.. we just listen to each other." I defended.

"What if you guys sat down and talked about it? Like really talked about it.." she laid her head on my shoulder.

"If she wants to." I gave her a one armed hug.

When I returned to my office I found my phone flooded with memes Aubrey had sent me during his lunch break. I spent some time going through them, some were better than others but they made me laugh nonetheless. I sent him a message letting him know that. He messaged back immediately.

A- are you on break?

O- technically no

A- oh damn. I was gonna call you

O- lol I don't have a meeting- so I don't think my boss would mind 😜

Instead of responding, he just called me.

"Hey babe." I answered the phone.

"How's your day?"

"Mm weird. Otherwise normal. You?"

"Slow, can't wait to get home and be with you." He replied making me blush as I squirmed in my chair a bit like a school girl, "please say you're not staying late tonight."

"Not tonight. I should be home before dinner."

"Good, then you can tell me why your day was weird."

"After dinner maybe. I don't want to make things any more awkward than they are already."

"Oh.. I see." He clicked his tongue.

"I want everything to just go back to normal. But I don't think it can." I groaned.

"Well you don't know that. There might be a baby-"

"Because that worked so well with you and Lydia." I rolled my eyes then I caught myself, "I'm sorry. That was uncalled for."

"Its fine Nic."

"No it's not. You're being so nice and loving.. and I'm a bitch to you. You don't deserve that."

"I've fucked up and said and did worse and you've forgiven me."

"I deserved it. I deserve it."

"Nic stop."

I exhaled, "yeah I know.. babe I'm going to hang up now before I fuck this up anymore than I already have."

"Nic you don't have to hang up"

"Yes I do. I want you to be able to still have a good rest of your day. And you can't do that if you're talking to me."

"I called because I wanted to talk to you babe."

"I'm sorry."

"Stop being sorry and just talk to me."

"I love you. And because I love you, I need to go now."

"And because I love you, I need you to stay on the phone. At least until Lydia gets to you, or call Lea." His voice was fearful and urgent which only made me feel worse.

"I'm hurting you."

"Then stop doing it Nic. You know what you're doing so just stop it."

"I'm trying." My voice cracked.

"I can't be there with you Nic."

"I know."

"So call someone who can." He instructed calmly.

"Okay." I gave in, "but not Lydia- I'll text Lea."


"I'm texting her as we speak babe." I said calmly as I typed Lea's name into my phone.

"I'm staying on the phone until she can get to you." He told me.

"I appreciate that."

"You sound calmer." He noted.

"I am calmer." I repeated.


He stayed on the phone with me until I received a call from Lea. We said our good-byes before I clicked over.

"Hey Nic, I called as soon as I got your message." Lea greeted me. I could hear the commotion in her background.

"You sound busy."

"I'm walking to my car, I'm across town so I unfortunately can't make it to you in a timely matter but I am available over the phone."

"No no. The phone is fine."

Talking to Lea managed to help me reorient myself. She let me know that it was actually a good thing that I was able to catch myself before making things worse. It showed progress. She agreed with Lydia, that I needed to talk to Anita about what I've been feeling. She offered to facilitate that conversation if needed but she was sure Anita and I could handle it on our own.

Lydia finished her work shortly before me so she came and sat on the couch in my office as I wrapped things up. She played on her phone mostly silently.

"Alright I'm good to go." I announced as I turned off my computer.

"Can you drive me home?" She stood and came over to help me out of my seat.

"Of course." I agreed.

In the car we just talked about the kids for most of the ride and some utterly random conversations as well. It became clear this car-ride was mainly just a way for her to avoid being left alone with her thoughts in her own car. I didnt question her on how she planned on getting back to her car- I'm sure it meant getting a ride from either Anita or I tomorrow so it was a pointless question.

Aubrey was watching TV in the living room when I got home. The triplets were playing with giant legos while Logan was asleep in her bassinet. Ollie ran to greet me first as I took off my shoes. I hugged him but I didn't get a chance to ask him about his day because Ali and Liam came over to join the hug. I questioned them about their day and did my best to make sure all of their little voices were heard especially since Ali and Ollie always talk over Liam and Ali tries her best to drown Ollie out as well. After a while I dragged the three of them over to the couch and plopped down beside Aubrey.

"Hey" I smiled at him and he leaned over to give me a kiss.

"Mommy, me kiss!" Ali squeezed my jaw and forced my head to turn towards her. She planted a wet kiss on my lips, well just my bottom lip and mostly my chin.

I giggled and made eye contact with Aubrey, I mouthed later to him and he winked back at me. Eventually the kids one-by-one got bored with me and returned to their toys.

"I can start dinner, what are y-" I started to stand but Aubrey pulled me into his lap.

"I ordered food babe." He wrapped his arms around my waist as I sat on him. "How are you? Did you talk to Lea?"

I nodded, "I'm okay babe. I didn't mean to worry you."

"All that matters is that you're okay." He kissed my jaw causing me to giggle a bit. "You gonna tell me about it?"

"Later." I rested my head on his shoulder.

He nodded and cuddled with me as we watched the kids play. Logan woke up when the food arrived so I fed her a bottle while Aubrey got the triplets' hands washed and got them all settled in their seats and portioned out the food. He fed me my food while I fed Logan which made the triplets laugh and want to help to. I ended up with more food being offered to me at once than I could handle and I had to stop the fun to be sure they ate their own food as well, not just feeding Mommy.

Once the kids were bathed and put to bed I found Aubrey had drawn me a bath. He helped me undress and get into the tub, I invited him in with me- at first he protested but he ended up joining me.

"So, you wanna tell me what's up now?" He asked as he bathed me.

I sighed, "I don't know babe.. I know it's silly."

"This is about Anita still?"

I nodded, "I just feel like she doesn't like me.. or I did something that made her upset. But she won't say it, she just keeps making it seem like I'm making it up."

"Can't believe I'm saying this.. but what did Lydia say?"

I shrugged, "I mean she tried talking to Anita.. but its not like she can actually do anything- honestly I think it made it worse. Now its like Anita is pressured to pretend to like me- and I don't want her to be forced to be my friend. And now especially with the possible baby.. like today she barged into my office and just decided we should call a truce- she said we're being silly. Then she said -" I paused, knowing I was boring him. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling."

"What did she say?" He encouraged.

I took a moment to let the shock of him not being annoyed by my rambling wear off before continuing, "I- I- I mean- mm.. she said she and Lydia were going to need me, pregnant or not.. it's like she's just accepting the fact that she has to be my friend."

"You want to be her friend right?"

"Yes. But only if she actually wants it. Not because she feels obligated." I laid my head back as the conversation replayed in my head, "do you know what a trauma bond is?"

"No.." he admitted.

"She said she thought our friendship was mostly a trauma bond."

"Which means???"

"Basically we're only friends because we share the same fucked up memory or experience."

"Thats fucked up." He frowned.

I looked him in the eye, mine teary, his solemn but attentive. "I'm not crazy right? Its off, something about it?"

"No babe, you're not crazy." He kissed my forehead.

"You would tell me if I was making something out of nothing right?"

He nodded.

"Thank you for listening babe.. and for just being here and being... awesome." I smiled at him.

"I'm always here for you babe." He cuddled me.

Anita POV

After dinner I suggested we play some board games with the kids. It was a fun way to tire them out before bed and it combined two of Lydia's favorite things: family time and games, which meant it would help her relax and not think about tomorrow's appointment. Plus I enjoyed it too. Zoe ended up winning Monopoly, Ken went bankrupt early on but Lydia let her play with her as her "business consultant". The duo made it to second place.

Bedtime rolled around quickly and before I knew it all three were tucked in for the night. Lydia was lighting a candle when I entered the bedroom. She lifted it and handed it to me.

"Smell it, what do you think? My mom sent it- it came in the mail today."

I inhaled the scent. It was a mix of sweet cinnamon and pine.

"Mm I love it." I smiled.

"Apparently she's coming to visit this weekend- which she decided to write in a letter instead of a text." She set the candle on the nightstand and paused to look up at me, "wait, is that okay? With Ken? I mean, if not she's perfectly fine staying with Nic and Aubrey anyways."

"It's fine babe, she can stay here. You dont have to alter your life for my job. If it wasn't fine Ken and I would go back to my place."

"Ken's family, not just your job. I would alter the world for her. And besides, you two leaving us is a bigger inconvenience to the rest of us, we'd miss you both too much." She pouted.

I ran my hands through her hair starting by her temples as I pulled her close to me, "you're gonna be okay when its time for her to leave for good right?"

"Of course babe. Besides, she won't be too far."

"Just checking. I don't want to break your heart or anything." I hugged her, she didn't respond but kind of groaned as she snuggled into the hug. Then it dawned on me, "does she know about tomorrow?"

"Specifically? No."

"What does that mean?" I pulled her away from me.

Her facial expression gave a silent protest then she slumped her shoulders and exhaled, "she knows we were thinking about it, and want to try- but she doesn't know we are currently trying."

"Wait so who knows?" I started counting on my fingers, "Nic, Aubrey, Margo?"

"No Margo doesn't know. Does Lea know?"

"Yeah I think so. Oh apparently my mother knows" I rolled my eyes.

"You told your mom?" She gave me a surprised look.

"No. But she made it clear when she came to my office that she knew we were trying. Its very hard to keep things from her."

"You have a lot more people on your list anyways- what about your siblings or any of your other friends?"

I shook my head.

"So four?"

"Maybe five, my mother might have told my father."

"Okay thats not too bad. And I guess I'll tell my mom at least. It'll either be good news or bad news depending on how tomorrow goes." She sat on the bed.

As I leaned in to kiss her my phone vibrated in my pocket. I silenced the call and continued to lean into her.

"Do you need to take that?" She stopped me.

"No." I slid my hands up her shirt. She helped me take it off of her and I unclipped her bra soon after. She laid on her back as I pulled her pants and underwear down. I left kisses slowly up her right leg pausing at her hip then continuing up her body to her neck.

"You're such a tease." She giggled.

I kissed her cheek and lips, "oh did I miss a spot?"

"I've seen you bowl and I've heard how you shoot, you dont miss anything." Her eyes met mine.

"You're supposed to be relaxing." I told her.

"Oh is that what's happening?" She jested.

"You distracted me." I kissed her neck for a bit before going down to her nipples. She cradled my head as I sucked on them. She held onto my hair when I kissed lower, her legs opened slowly in time for my tongue to circle her clit. I could feel her breath getting heavier as I continued. My tongue slipped inside of her causing her to let out a moan. I kept going, enjoying the process and the taste of her, eventually she wrapped her legs around me. I held onto her ass and pulled her closer to me and continued until she finished in my mouth. Licking her clean before kissing back up her body, she kissed me immediately.

"I love you so much." She cupped my face in her hands. We fooled around a bit more before she went to take a shower. Once she left the room I remembered the call I had ignored.

I rolled my eyes when I realized it was from Aubrey. I called him back, so much time had passed but obviously whatever it was wasn't urgent enough for them to call Lydia so I didn't feel bad. It took him a minute to answer but he did eventually.

"Hello?" There was shuffling around on his end then I heard a door open and shut.

"Returning your call." I told him.

"What the fuck is going on between you and Nic?" His voice exploded.

"Woah, first of all- watch your tone. Second- I don't owe you an explanation for shit. Third- Nic and I are fine."

"She told me the shit you said to her. I just spent all night listening to the shit you put her through and all she's done since you came around was kiss your ass."

"Aubrey if you don't fix the way you're speaking to me, I'm going to hang up on you. I don't know what the hell she told you that made you think you had the right to-"

"No, fuck that!"

I took a deep breath, "don't interrupt me."

"You think I'm scared of you because of what happened with Luke?"

"I don't know where that's coming from, but it makes much more sense than me being afraid of you."

"You should be."

"Are you drunk?"

"No. But you need to talk to Nic and you need to fucking apologize to her and make up- or fucking tell her flat out that you don't fuck with her and stop dragging her along using her."

"You're in no position to tell me what I need to do. If this is your sorry attempt of fixing your own fucked up marriage, leave me the hell out of it." I made sure to keep my voice low during the entire interaction. "Don't ever call my phone with this bull shit again."


"I'm a bitch?"

"You're lucky I called instead of waiting until we were in person."

I let out a low chuckle, "Now you're being comical. In person you'd embarrass yourself more than you're doing now. But I'll tell you what, if thats how you feel- I'm hanging up now but we'll see each other when we see each other. Okay?"

He tried to protest but I stopped listening.

"Good night." I sung into the microphone as I hung up. I turned my phone off completely. I picked up the book I'd been reading and opened it up. I only got a few pages in before Lydia came out of the bathroom. She crawled between my legs and laid her head on my stomach as I read.

The next morning I woke up without an alarm. Lydia was still asleep so I slipped into the shower. She was awake and getting dressed by the time I came out of the shower.

"Good morning." She greeted me as she buttoned her pants. "Did your alarm go off?"

"No, my phone was off." I told her. I walked over to her and kissed her cheek, "Good morning, how'd you sleep?"

"Mm okay. Its hard not to worry when you tell yourself not to worry." She shrugged and held up two shirts, "which one?"

"Mm do the black in case the gel gets on your shirt a bit." I chose, "luckily the appointment is early so we'll get it done and out of the way."

"I'm really happy that we're going through this together. I couldnt have imagined a better partner to do this with." She hugged me.

I hugged her back with one arm so I could still hold my towel up. Once I was dressed we ended up in the bathroom at the same time doing hair and makeup in the mirror. As I styled my hair a few pesky grays caught my eye and I spent more than a few moments trying to hide them away somehow.

Lydia looked at my reflection as she applied lipstick and laughed, "What are you doing?"

"I just think its so not fair my gray hairs have to grow in right in the front." I groaned.

She stopped what she was doing and made me turn to face her as she examined my hair for herself.

"It actually blends well with the blonde, it gives the color a more natural shine." She told me.

"You're just saying that."

"I mean it babe."

"I appreciate you." I touched her cheek gently.

"Aw." She pretended to blush before turning back to the mirror to apply mascara, "Are you meeting at the office or at the hospital?"

"I'll see what time I can pull away."

"You'll see...? Wait you'll be there right? I'm not going without you."

"Babe, I'll be there. At the latest, I'll be 5 minutes early for the appointment, but that wouldnt give me time to stop by your office that's all." I explained.

"Oh right. That makes sense." She nodded. We finished getting ready and found the kids all ready as well. After a quick breakfast Rory let me know she'd somehow left a binder she needed at Nic's house so we stopped there on the way to school. She ran in and retrieved it, returning with a to-go mug which she handed to me.

"Mom sends her love." she shared as she buckled her seatbelt.

The morning went by quick and soon enough I was on the elevator heading up to Lydia's office.

Nic was in the lobby with Rachel, "good morning." She smiled up at me.

I returned the greeting and exchanged hellos with Rachel as well.

"Is she busy?" I asked pointing to Lydia's door.

"No, last I checked she was reviewing some memos." Nic shook her head.

"Okay. I think we need to talk." I pointed to her own office.

"Uh.. okay." She gave me a weird look. She turned to Rachel, "One moment." And then she led me into her office.

Once the door shut behind us I folded my arms, "What the hell did you say to your husband?"

"What? Why do you care what I talk to my husband about?"

"I don't usually. But I do when it makes him call me in the middle of the night yelling, being disrespectful and trying to threaten me."

Her eyes widened, "he did that? Why?"

I shook my head, "Whatever you told him I did to you. I don't care, but you need to tell him not to do that shit again."

She looked away for a second and shifted her body weight, "I'm sorry he upset you.. and maybe he went overboard, I don't know, I wasnt there- but I am not telling my husband that he is wrong for trying to look out for me."

"I would love to know what the hell I've done to you that was so wrong that you suddenly treat me like public enemy number 1."

She started to respond but stopped when we heard the door open.

Lydia closed the door behind her and looked between us awkwardly, "Everything okay in here?"

"It's fine babe, don't worry about it." I told her.

"You don't have to baby me, we don't even know if I have a baby inside of me yet. If something's wrong- you're doing more harm by not telling me."

"It's fine.." I tried again but she looked past me and stared at Nic.

"Tell me." She said sternly.

Nic sighed, "she's pissed because apparently Aubrey called her last night and chewed her out about something I told him when I was just venting to him about the whole me and her situation. And now she's mad at me."

"He was out of line."

"He was trying to protect me! I was upset and he wanted to help- that doesnt make him a terrible person!" Nic defended.

"It was disrespectful and it was a bitch move."

Lydia bit her lip as she absorbed the information then she turned to me, "I want details in the car."

"Babe its not necessary." I shook my head.

She walked over and gave Nic a hug and asked her if she was alright. My heart sank a bit, I didn't know why I was surprised though- that was my mistake, going through Nic instead of Aubrey. Of course I didnt want to make a wedge between Nic and Lydia but I really didn't do anything wrong. She pulled away and looked at Nic, holding her hands in hers, "You're right. He's justified in defending his wife. He felt you were being treated wrong- that's good."

I watched, mostly in shock as she took his side of all people. But then she continued, "Now you understand in that same logic, since he attacked Anita, I am standing by and defending my wife." She stepped away and reached for my hand.

Nic nodded and wiped an oncoming tear, "I know babe."

"We need to head out, come over for lunch we'll either be celebrating or - ya know" Lydia checked her phone and shrugged.

"Text me your lunch orders, and I'll bring ice cream either way. Margo is all set to take over your afternoon and I'll email you the meeting notes tonight."

Their relationship confuses me, but it wasn't really for me to understand.

In the car Lydia all but forced me to tell her about Aubrey's call. As expected it just pissed her off as well.

"Thats why your phone was off? To not have him call you back?"

"Yeah. I just didnt want to deal with that." I sighed.

"You could've told me, but I get why you didn't."

"I didn't mean to come between you and Nic."

"You didn't. We're fine." She slumped in her seat.

"Are you sure?"

"Babe, you know I don't lie to you. If I didn't mean it, I wouldn't say it."

She had me there.

"Are you sure there's nothing going on between you and Nic? I mean, she just seems very convinced that there is."

"Babe I told you, I don't know why she suddenly thinks ill of me."

She shifted in her seat so she could face me, "I think its from when you started being more critical about our relationship.. I think she took it personally."

"Seriously? I only made an observation.." I scrunched my nose.

"But Nic's fragile and insecure.. she looks deeper into things, she over analyzes. For her that observation carries judgement, resentment and I don't know.. annoyance." She explained, "you know how important our connection is.. so when you critiqued it, for her it was a rejection- it felt like you rejected her as a person. In her mind- you don't like her because you don't like how we interact with each other."

"That's what you think?"

"That's what she thinks." She corrected.

"But you said you think it stemmed from that-"

"And once I said it I realized that's what it is. Even if she hasn't figured out how to vocalize it yet."


"That's a part of the connection." She added.

"What do you think?"

"I think you and I already discussed this when you made your observation to me. And I believe I told you that if it became something that truly bothered you, we would figure it out, but otherwise I do not intend on changing it. And I think you are validated and welcome to make observations and I appreciate you feeling comfortable enough to share them with me." She kissed my shoulder.

"Thanks" I squeezed her hand as I pulled into the parking lot.

"You'll talk to Nic right? I know you're upset with her because of Aubrey- but she didn't know he would do that- she was probably on the verge of an episode and vented to him.. which I mean she should be allowed to do in a healthy relationship- to vent to her husband right? He handled it like an asshole, not her."

I nodded, "I didn't mean to attack her really. I was hoping that by going through her she could mediate the situation because I was just so pissed that I didn't trust myself to go straight to Aubrey. But apparently I was more pissed than I thought because I couldnt even hold it together and be civilized with Nic."

I parked the car and laid my head on the steering wheel.

"It would've been fun to see you beat him up though." She giggled. I lifted my head as she unbuckled her seatbelt. She knelt on her seat facing me, "You have to admit it's kind of funny he thinks he can take you on." She leaned in and moved my hair out of the way so she could kiss my forehead.

We were early so we had to sit in the waiting room area for a bit. She had her legs resting on top of mine as we both checked our emails and such for work. A familiar voice knocked me out of my concentration.

"Nee? Anita is that you?" She walked up to us. I looked up once she was too close to be ignored. "Oh my goshh. I could recognize those curls from a mile away."

I looked over at Lydia who only briefly made eye contact with me, enough to see I wasn't excited about the conversation so she chose not to engage and focused on her phone.

"Rose, fancy seeing you here." I greeted her, looking up I noticed her scrubs and started to feel queasy.

"I just started working here Monday. What do you think?" She took a moment to point to her baby pink scrubs and white sneakers. "Its great! Flexible hours, good pay, cute doctors and nurses." She raved.

"That's great Rose." I feigned a smile.

"You're gonna introduce me to your friend here?" She asked then she exaggerated a wink, "oh maybe you don't want her know we used to-" she brought two fingers in a V-shape to her lips.

I rolled my eyes and tapped Lydia, "babe, meet Rose- we used to be a thing, sort of."

"Yeah sort of." Rose repeated.

"Nice to meet you Rose, I'm -"

"Lydia Colvin. I know. Your pictures in all the magazines, quite a big shot you are. Looks like Nee here hit the jackpot!" She playfully shoved me. "Huge fan of your clothes and stuff. If you're ever hiring for anything let me know."

"Rose aren't you working currently?" I pointed out.

"Oh right. I should get back to that. Anyways nice meeting you!" She waved and walked off.

"She's a character." Lydia raised an eyebrow at me.

"Don't get me started."

"You don't have much of a type do you?" She teased, "I mean- I'm not like that am I?"

I stuck my tongue out at her, "Ha ha very funny."

"She makes you blush."

"She is an embarrassment." I shook my head.

"Aw that's mean." She joked, "ohh she reminds me of Harley Quinn but like the new one from like Suicide Squad."

"Mm I can see that. Also considering she did take a broom to my car- I mean its not quite a baseball bat, but close enough."

Her face lit up, "you little heart breaker."

"Why does that excite you?"

"Well, I'm a cold-hearted bitch so I don't have much to worry about but its just intriguing to know that side of you exists."

"Please stop saying that. And in my defense, she also slept with Niko and also attacked his car, but with his golf clubs."

"You and Niko slept with the same girl?"

"Wasn't the first time.. Niko is just gross and likes to try to get with any girl I'm with. As if he doesn't have enough women-."

"That's so weird." She scrunched her nose.

"Tell him that."

"If it comes up." She shrugged.

Once we were called back she stopped pestering me. She answered the doctor's questions as she laid on the bed. She held my hand as the gel was applied to her belly. I watched the screen as he began the ultrasound. I didn't realize I was holding my breath at first but couldn't bring myself to stop once I had. There was nothing during the initial check, well- until there was.

"Babe.." I squeezed her hand gently.

She almost jumped out of the bed when she realized what I meant, "wait yes??" She verified.

"One second Ms Colvin." He urged her to lay back down but quickly was able to verify what I saw, "Congratulations the IVF was successful."

Lydia covered her mouth, her face was bright red but she held it in as he explained the next steps and congratulated us once more before allowing us to leave. The first thing she did when she sat up was hug me tighter than she'd ever done before. She clung to my arm the entire walk to the car.

Once we pulled out of the parking lot she took her phone out of her purse, "I have to tell Nic."

"She's coming over for lunch, you dont want to tell her in person?"

"Oh.. that's true." She put her phone down, "I guess I'm just excited and besides you she's the only one I can tell for now."

"We're still waiting?"

"Just- until its like safely official.. you know?"

I took a deep breath and nodded, "I know." I knew too well, but I didn't add that part. I didn't need to.

"And you'll be open and honest with me the entire time right?" She verified, as if I'd said it out loud anyways.

"Of course."

"Until then, this is need to know." She reiterated.

"Got it."

"Which reminds me," she pulled her phone out again, "Margo needs to be bumped onto the list."

"You guys are that close?"

"By default. But she's our personal assistant which means if she's going to see an influx in duties, she ought to at least know why. Plus she signed an NDA so she legally can't tell anyone."

"That makes sense."

"I'll have her meet us for lunch as well. Break the news to both of them at the same time. Then this weekend will be my mom- your mom, for all we know already knows. And I guess you or Nic will end up telling Lea at some point." She listed. She has a way of turning everything into a logical plan, the business woman in her likes to sneak out in that way.

I parked the car in front of the house. She immediately went to lay on the couch. I followed her over, "are you okay?"

She nodded and smiled up at me, "yes babe. I'm more than okay."

"What time is Nic coming?"

"Probably an hour or so." She shrugged, "she had a meeting before lunch and two after."

"You'll be open and honest with me too right?"

"I've always been an open book for you babe."

"Whats going through that pretty little head of yours right now?" I asked.

"A million things." She admitted then decided to clarify, "this is huge- its a big deal."

"It is, that's why I want to check in."

"I've never been pregnant- I've never even had a pregnancy scare or anything babe.. it just feels surreal. I have a piece of you growing inside of me."

"Have you had a chance to really process how you feel about that?" I asked her.

She groaned and pulled a pillow over her face, "Let me know when Dr. Anita leaves."

I took a step back, "I hate when you do that." I said under my breath. But not low enough. She popped up immediately and reached for my arm.

"It won't happen again." She swore, her voice containing a sense of urgency.

"No. Its fine, thats on me- you've expressed enough times you don't like when I do it.."

"I have trouble separating my work personality from my home personality sometimes too. The little antics, all of it." She knelt on the couch cushion, "it's hypocritical of me to make a big deal of it when you do it."

"Hypocritical or not-"

"When you do it, it comes from a place of love and I do appreciate that."

"And I appreciate that you are like the queen of compromising, but you can allow me to compromise sometimes too."

"When it's necessary for you to do so, yes." She made it clear that her mind was made up.

"Okay fine." I gave up.

"Does it seem like I suppress my emotions or anything? With you, I mean.." she toyed with her nails, her hands in her lap pressing the pillow into her legs.

"Usually no. And when I ask you're straight with me."

She scrunched her nose and smirked at me, "I am not straight."

I giggled and shook my head, "you know what I mean."

She puffed air from her cheeks as she went serious again. She laid her hands flat on the pillow palm up. I realized she wanted my hand so i placed my hand in hers. She started massaging my hand as she spoke softly, "I went to therapy when I was a kid. After my father- passed."

I started to say something but I bit my tongue.

"Everyone wanted me to feel emotions I didn't have. It was so bad. After a while they thought I was incapable of feeling any emotion. But that's not true, they were set on some intervention program for me.. thankfully my mom stepped out of her own grief bubble long enough to realize what was happening. She know I had emotions, plenty of them- she didn't understand why I didn't have the ones they were looking for though. She told me to fake it, just to get them off my case. Tell them what they wanted to hear, show them. On one condition: I had to promise to embrace the emotions that I do have, and not to bury or hide them away. As long as they were acknowledged at some point." She was focused on massaging my hand during the entire story. She shifted her body weight and I knew that meant she was about to attempt to lighten the mood or change the subject in some sense. "Moral of the story, I've been a cold hearted bitch for as long as I can remember and you are not the first person nor the first doctor or therapist to come to that conclusion."

"That's not the moral of the story." I corrected her. "The moral of the story is you had a shitty experience with therapy as a kid because you were misunderstood. But because of your mother's intervention, you've grown to be an amazing, caring partner, friend and mother who also makes sure her emotions are made clear when necessary." I kissed her hands. "And please stop repeating that."

"Mm maybe that's the thing I won't compromise on." She shrugged, "anyways- do you know why I told you that story?"

"That was your way of sharing why you don't like when I talk to you like a patient?" I synthesized.

"I knew I liked you." She tapped my nose.

"I know you have emotions, you have a lot of them. But I also know you're very selective with them. They aren't easily influenced. But the emotions you do feel, they're big and that's because you have such a big heart." I assured her.

"Selective.. that's an interesting way to put it. Most people would say selfish. Correction- most people have said selfish."

"You're not selfish. There is not a selfish bone in your body- and that I know for sure. I have known you to sacrifice way too much and not just for your family." I shook my head. "So don't listen to those people. They don't know anything, neither did those quacks you went to see as a kid."

She smiled and touched my face, "I love you. And I hope our child will be as wonderful and smart and beautiful and intuitive as you."

"With you as a mother? Our child will have all the love, support, guidance and empowerment they need to grow to become the best version of themselves regardless of what's in their DNA."

"That's what you think?"

"I know it." I pecked her lips, "besides, you come highly recommended."

"Yeah? By who?"

"Oh I think you've heard of her. Her name is Dr. Anita Winslow. She told me you are already an amazing mother on all fronts."

"I guess I'll have to thank her for the recommendation." She played along, kissing me back.

I pulled away, "and since we are sharing, can I tell how else I know you both have a big heart and an example of what makes you an amazing mother already?"

"Okay.." she nodded and sat back on the couch.

"I don't even know if you remember this or not.. but early on when Ken was still kind of new here you were in the kitchen with her and I was coming down the stairs. I forget the details, but she spilled something, and she was so scared she would get in trouble.. and I remember I stopped to just watch and see what you would do. I was admittedly curious of who you were when I'm not around, especially with Ken. So I watched." I detailed, "and you didn't even flinch. You weren't upset, you didn't make it into a big deal at all. In fact, you purposely spilled your cup as well just to show her how much of a small deal it was. You checked on her emotions and her reaction, and you walked her through cleaning up the mess and talked her through the whole 'accidents happen' thing, you even told her that if ever an accident happened and it was too dangerous to clean up, that she just needed to come get a grown up."

"Spilling isn't a big deal. And accidents, especially for kids are apart of learning and growing." She shrugged.

"That's true. But I just remember in that moment thinking, damn, if I wasn't already madly in love with this woman, this moment alone would've sealed the deal." I continued, "Very few people can and would do what you did. Same way it takes a huge heart to love and to be a mother to children that aren't yours- but you do it effortlessly with Rory and Zoe as well and even Ken. And it's evident you'd do the same for the triplets and for Logan if you had the chance."

"Just because I didn't birth them or raise them-"

"Doesn't mean they aren't your children." I finished her sentence. "I deal with birth parents, step parents, grandparents, adoptive parents and foster parents daily- and I have never met a parent like you. And that was evident even before we were dating, during the trial it was obvious when we met and every time I saw you and how you interacted with OJ."

"I barely got to interact with him-"

"Babe.. you were fighting that case with your whole heart. You based the case exclusively on your love for your son.. and I was so moved by that, and the fact that well you and Nic were the perfect home for him- that I did something I don't do for other cases because it's out of my jurisdiction and it's not what I do."

"What do you mean?"

"I dug deeper. I didn't believe my testimony alone could trump the allegations made against you and I sure as hell didn't want to risk it. Not that time- and when Janine told me what you were planning to do to get them to drop the case- I had to."

"I don't understand."

"I'm the one that found the adoption papers that nullified the custody battle. I gave them to Janine to give to the judge." I admitted.

"Fuck. Well then carrying your child is the absolute least I could do in return for that.. I don't- I don't know what we would have done otherwise.."

"No babe. This doesn't change anything, you owe me nothing and don't tell Nic about this, she doesn't owe me anything either." I stopped her.

"Okay." She agreed.

"You're okay with that?"

"Which part?"


"For you? Anything." She pulled me into her lap.

"You sure?"

"I have enough things to love and dote on you for. If you don't want that to be one of them, I respect it. And as far as not telling Nic, well it's not really my story to tell anyways. Nic and I have that understanding already, your business does not count as me not telling her everything, the same way Aubrey's business is of no concern to me. Unless necessary." She explained.

"So you guys do have boundaries?"

"Only after we started seeing other people." She kissed my cheek.

"Why do you guys do that?" I grimaced.

"Do what?" She paused.

"You guys let me go on about things that-"

"If you want to make a fuss about things you only partially understand, we're not going to stop you." She shrugged then smiled, "you're cute when you get all worked up and fussy anyways."


"Its true." She picked up her phone and checked it, "we still have some time before Nic gets here with lunch but I'm starving.. can we make popcorn?"

"Uh.. sure.. you know we were in the middle of talking."

She shooed away my comment "that conversation wasn't important. Besides, I want to be happy right now again. I'll be hiding this pregnancy for months- can I please have a moment to enjoy it openly with you? Especially before it gets hard."

"Alright." I patted her thighs and reached past her to get the throw blanket off the back of the couch. I draped it over her as I stood, "you get comfy, I'll make us some popcorn. Do you want some water?"

"How about tea?"

"You hate tea."

"I know. But I can't have coffee, and you love tea so it seems like the next best option." She insisted.

"Well alright. Popcorn and tea." I gave in. I kissed her forehead before leaving the room. I started the tea kettle first and then found the popcorn in the pantry. I opted for the microwaveable kind and kept an ear out for it as it popped. I found a fruity decaffeinated tea for Lydia to try and gave myself a plainer decaf mostly as an alternative in case she hated the fruity one.

She came and joined me in the kitchen as I waited. I recognized the look on her face as she sat down. I laid my arm across the counter in front of her, she smiled as she caressed my skin.

"You know me so well."

"You know you're officially on light duty now right?"

"That's what Margo and Nic are for." She nodded.

"That's for work- yes. But for home too."

"Still the same answer."

"You don't need them here- I'm here."

"Babe, its a big house. And you have work and the kids- and me."

"You don't think I can handle housework?"

"Of course you can. But I don't want you to."

"That's unnecessary." I stood up to stop the microwave. I slid the bowl of popcorn towards her. "I can take care of the house."

"But you don't have to."

"Then I'd rather hire a maid."

She grimaced, "that's not necessary."

"So let me do it and at least decide for myself that I need help. You do it yourself usually right?"

"98% of the time. Yes."

"Okay.. so why can't I?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Mom can also stick around."

"Babe!" I groaned.

We continued going back and forth until Nic and Margo knocked on the door. I opened the door and returned to pour our tea. They greeted us and set the bags of food on the counter. Nic and Lydia hugged before she sat down.

Nic dug into the bag to disperse the food, "there's stir fry, teriyaki chicken bowls, beef bowls and avocado bowls.I figured that was a good mix."

"Thanks, I totally forgot to send you our order." Lydia slipped a piece of popcorn into her mouth.

"Well I knew what you wanted anyways. I just didnt know what Anita would want." Nic explained.

I doctored up Lydia's tea and gave it to her. She thanked me and reached for a beef bowl, "Margo thanks for having lunch with us today."

"Anytime, especially when it means free food." Margo nodded and grabbed food.

I opted for teriyaki chicken and thanked Nic for the food.

"So Margo, this was a little more than just free food for you." Lydia cleared her throat.

"Oh? I'm still on the clock?"

"A mjni meeting." Nic shrugged.

"Firstly, this meeting is extremely confidential- and everything is strictly need to know until further notice." Lydia explained.

"Lips, sealed." Margo acted the action out.

Lydia bit her lip as she looked between the three of us but her gaze landed on Nic ultimately, "I'm pregnant."

"What?!" Margo nearly fell out of her seat.

Nic went over and hugged Lydia, "congratulations babe." She kissed her forehead.

"Thank you."

"Wait.. how?" Margo questioned, her eyes darting between me and Lydia.

"IVF." I told her.

"So I have Anita's egg and a donor's sperm." Lydia detailed. "But we're not out of the woods until like third trimester so to avoid the added burden of if the baby doesn't survive.. no one else will know. Especially the kids."

"No that's fine. It makes sense." Margo agreed.

"So just us, Aubrey, my mom, and Anita's parents. Maybe Lea." Lydia listed. "It stays that way."

"I feel very VIP."

"Well you're going to take on some of Lydia's workload both at work and home." Nic told her, "so its less of a privilege but more of a necessity for you to know."

"Of course. Same deal like for when you had Logan right?" Margo ate a forkful of food.

"I can handle home." I spoke up.

Nic paused and looked at me from across the table, she took a quick glance down to her food, over to Lydia and back at me with a nod, "Okay. Margo and I will cover the office, and if you do decide you need anything outside of that, we are prepared to and would love to help out with anything either of you need."

"Thank you. I'll keep that in mind." I took a sip of my tea and watched Lydia's reaction to Nic being much more open to letting me handle things than she was. She picked at her food with a fork without saying anything so I spoke up, "is that alright with you babe?"

Her attention snapped to me and I realized she'd actually zoned out at least briefly, "of course, why wouldn't it be?"

I squinted at her but I didn't want to start an argument so I bit my tongue. Nic must've sensed the tension because she decided to change the subject.

"Are you guys excited? I mean I know its not 100% for certain, but for now- there is a baby, it exists right now."

Lydia blushed and it was like she'd been holding it all in until this point, "very. I think this will be an amazing experience, and I cannot wait to hopefully meet him or her."

"What about you?" Margo questioned me.

"I am beyond excited." I admitted, "I've been excited all along through the initial stages when it was just an idea, and the full process and now its really happening. And I couldn't imagine a better partner to share this with than Lydia." I reached across the counter to touch her hand. She looked up at me and smiled.

The conversation changed eventually to miscellaneous topics as time went by, at some point Lydia opted to walk Margo upstairs to her office to go over some things. Nic and I stayed in the kitchen to clean up.

"I'm surprised you're not avoiding me like the plague. Again." I said to her as I passed her the dirty dishes off the counter.

"Because you and Aubrey had a fight?" She asked.

"After this morning-"

"We can disagree about a situation without becoming sworn enemies. And right now what's more important is that Lydia's pregnant and I would like to be here for her as she goes through this journey."

"I'd like for you and I to talk sometime soon." I offered.

She paused and turned to me, "outside of now?"

"Yes. Outside of now."

She exhaled, "tomorrow? Lunch?"

"Yeah, that works. And you can show me where she keeps all of her cleaning stuff."

"I'll also actually send you a document similar to the one she made for Margo when Margo helped out at my place." She stated before turning back to the sink to wash dishes.

"I appreciate it."

"Of course"

"Lydia only agreed to let me help out because you said it."

"That's partially true." She shrugged.

"Why doesn't she want me to do it though?"

She started to respond but stopped herself, "that's something you can and should ask her. Twice though." She winked, reminding me of Lydia's quirk with sometimes needing to be asked more than once before she answers more vulnerable questions. "But what I can do is suggest she be more open about it with you."



"Also, are you sure I didn't make things weird between you and Lydia? You seemed hurt earlier."

"Lydia and I are fine. We can be on opposing sides of an argument without it affecting our friendship. Besides, we disagree about Aubrey all the time, today was no different."

"I've never seen you two argue."

"And you still haven't." She dried her hands after turning off the water. "We simply came to the understanding that we would both be supporting our partners regarding this matter."

I didn't get a chance to respond because Lydia and Margo returned. We chatted for a quick second before Nic and Margo had to leave. Lydia walked me upstairs to the bedroom, she kissed me as I closed the door behind us.

I kissed her back briefly and pulled away, "can we talk now?"

I watched the light fade inside her but nodded enthusiastically nonetheless, "of course, what's up?"

"Sorry to kill the mood."

She sat down and reached her hands towards me, "ah it's fine. With you it won't take much to bring it back when it's time. I'm listening."

"What's the real reason you didn't want me to help with housework? Because you didn't even protest when Nic agreed to it, but when I suggested it earlier you refused."

"I just don't want you to." She shrugged.

I knelt in front of her and held her hands, "Lydia come on." I was prepared to repeat the question but she gave in.

"Okayy." She groaned, "two reasons- one is kind of a selfish reason though."

"Whats the other one first?"

"I honestly don't want you to have to worry about that. I love doing things for you, and keeping the house is one of those things. I love that you get to enjoy the house without all the work it entails. And also you'll think I'm crazy if you knew how much work it was."

"I love that you love doing things for me. I really do, I mean who wouldnt? But I've told you before, we're equals- and I want you to treat me as an equal. I want shared responsibilities with you-"

"We have a good thing going though, you take the kids to and from school, and-"

"Yeah thats it."

"And I clean the house. Not so different."

"You also pay the bills and-"

"You're paying for your old apartment still. It's fine."

"Why don't you let me decide what's too much for me?"

She sighed and nodded, "okay."

"You're going to be growing a baby inside of you and that might not always feel like you're working or doing anything, but you are, you're doing something amazing and extremely difficult. Okay? So the least I could do is clean the house babe."

She nodded again.

"Now, what's the selfish reason?"

"Well.. you'll be working and mostly taking care of the kids by yourself.. if you're taking on the added burden of cleaning by yourself- well you wouldn't have much energy or time to take care of me or to cuddle and spend time with me and be there when I need you. Anyone can clean, that doesn't matter, or we can let the house go to shit- who cares. But I'm going to need you and only you will do. It has to be you."

I grinned up at her and squeezed her hands, "I love you."

She pulled me up to her level, "I love you too."

"You can be as selfish as you want for the next 9 months and beyond babe. If you need me I'm here. Hell, even if you don't need me and you just want me, I'm here. And we'll figure out the rest."

She hugged me and left kisses on my neck and cheek. I laid her gently on her back as I kissed her. She took my hand and placed it on her stomach which sent a rush of emotions through me, it was inexplicable- the giddiness I experienced from such a small act. It was silly though, the baby was still not much more than a little cluster of cells, it wasn't a baby yet, but touching it- knowing it was growing inside of her, it was exciting. I laid next to her, my hand still resting on her stomach.

"What's going through that pretty little head of yours?" She asked, gently stroking my hair as she stared into my eyes.

"We're going to be moms, together- officially." I said softly.

"And it's going to be amazing." She added.

I couldn't help but fall in love with her all over again as I stared back at her, "you're already glowing."

"Look who's talking." She teased.

I smiled and looked down at my hand on her stomach, "you know I hated whenever someone touched my belly when I was pregnant. Touching it myself was fine, but other people- it annoyed the hell out of me, made me feel gross."

"Well I don't feel that way when you touch my stomach. You know I love when you touch me anyways, touching my stomach- being closer to our baby, is no different. So please, spend so much time with the baby- mm as long as you still spend some time with me too though." She invited.

"Thank you babe.. I appreciate that."

I laid there with my future wife, and my future baby blissfully for a while just basking in the beauty of it all. It was perfect, she was perfect.

Eventually her phone rang, she groaned as she reached for it. She checked the screen, "its my mom."

"Answer it, you said she was coming, you didnt specify when."

"I guess we'll find out."

She answered the phone, "hey."

I couldn't hear the other half of the conversation but Lydia insisted we stay laying down together as we were.

"Yeah, no. I'm not at work today. Well I went in earlier but then I came home."
"No, I'm not sick... Nic's fine she has Margo to help her out remember?"
"Oh my god- I swear I'm fine. I just took the afternoon off." She rolled her eyes.
"I'm with Anita, we just wanted to spend the day together."
"Mom, don't say that. Before you always said I worked too hard and never took breaks, now I take a break you're acting like I skipped school. They can operate without me for a day. Nic is there."
"When are you coming anyways?"
"Next time a little more notice would be nice.. do you need a ride from the airport?"
"Yeah, I'll be there. The kids will be glad to see you."
"Yes me too obviously. You know you're always welcome to visit."
"Hold on, I'll put you on speaker phone."

She set her phone on the bed on speaker phone.

"Can you hear me?" Her mother's voice sounded through the speaker.

"Hi how are you?" I greeted her.

"I'm well, how've you been? She's not causing you too much trouble is she?" Her mother joked.

"No she's still as sweet as can be." I laughed. "When are you flying in?"

"Oh, tonight. The airline switched my flight. I'm due to land around 5 your time."

I checked the time, "oh.. wait so you're calling from the airport?"

"Yeah I just arrived a few minutes ago. You know, while I have you on the line- I had the strangest thing happen last night."

"Oh yeah? What was that?" I asked, intrigued.

"I received a phonecall from a random number inviting me to an impromptu family dinner tomorrow night."

My stomach turned as I sat up, "by who?"

"She said she was your mother actually. She said she heard I'd be in town and thought we should meet before the wedding that is." She explained, "you two could've invited me yourselves or at least-"

"This is the first I'm hearing of a dinner tomorrow." Lydia stopped her and gave me a questioning look.

"Same for me. But I guess that means she'll be in touch with us soon about it." I added.

"You told your mother she was coming to town?" Lydia whispered.

"I did not." I denied. "And I will remind her that this is a huge invasion of privacy."

"I apologize for my mother. And she will be issuing you an apology as well- tomorrow at dinner apparently. I'll make sure of it." I assured her.

"No worries, we start tomorrow with a clean slate. And I'll let you kids enjoy your afternoon. Love you both, send Nic my love as well."

"I will. Love you mom, safe travels! I'll be there to pick you up when you land." Lydia hung up.

I buried my face in my arms, knees to my chest as I sat on the bed, "I'm sorry my mother oversteps and is basically watching our every move- your mother's included apparently."

"It's fine babe." She rubbed my back.

"Its not. It's stalking, its an invasion of privacy and it's not okay." I shook my head.

She sat up and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "so far, some form of good has come from all of her prying. So it's not all bad you know? Hell- what she did for Rory alone is enough to excuse her a few times at least don't you think?"

"You're so optimistic." I groaned.

"I'm not saying it's okay that she does it. But I do want you to know it's not a reflection of you, and no one sees it that way. You are not your mother, you are not defined by what she does and you are not responsible for what she does." She said sternly, "and being constantly watched by your mother is a very small price to pay for all the benefits of being with you. I could live with it, the whole public is watching me most of the time anyways at least I actually know your mother."

"You always say the right things." I offered her a smile.

"Its like in Bewitched, having Endora as a mother-in-law." She giggled as she kissed my cheek.

"Are you calling me a witch?" I teased.

"Well you sure have me under your spell." She replied leaning into me until I gave in and laid on the bed. "How about a full body massage while we still have the house to ourselves?" She offered.

"Mm babe, I'm supposed to be catering to you not the other way around." I protested.

"Well catering to you is therapeutic for me." She defended.

"You're like the poster child for being a giver." I gave in and lifted my shirt over my head.

"You get undressed, I'll get everything ready."

The massage was absolutely everything I didn't realize I needed. I shouldn't be surprised, I watch how eloquently her hands make art almost everyday. She was attentive to every single part of my body and she took her time. We talked, but not too much during it. I was also impressed at her professionalism, especially once I was on my back and she massaged my inner thighs and even as she moved up to my breasts. It wasn't sexual. She ended the massage on my hands and kissed my knuckles when she had finished.

"I'm gonna draw you a bath." She told me as she moved off of the bed.

"Mmm only if you're joining me for the bath." I called out to her as she walked away.

"That can be arranged." She snickered, throwing a smirk my way as reached the bathroom door.

I found a missed call from my mother on my phone, I realized I never took it off do not disturb since the appointment earlier- I wasn't changing that now. The call followed by a text from her.

Mother: Dinner tomorrow night. 6:30pm. Our house. You, Lydia, Marcie, me, your father. Just adults, I assume you have news to share? Hopefully good. See you then.

I rolled my eyes, and texted back.

A: considering you already contacted Marcie, this isn't really an invitation rather a summon.

Mother: consider it the official commencement of our deal.

A: yeah fine. Prior notice would be appreciated moving forward.

Mother: Noted.

A: See you tomorrow

I put my phone down, not realizing Lydia was back in the room.

"Your mother?" She asked.

"Yeah, confirming dinner tomorrow." I told her.

"So its official."

"Is Nic able to watch the kids? - ugh I guess that wouldn't work because Aubrey.."

"Is Rory able to stay with Ken alone? Or Margo?" She asked.

I clicked my tongue as I debated it, "its just for a few hours I guess."

"Then there's Stella."

"That could work. I dont want to overwork Margo so soon."

"I can go over and talk to her in person today while Aubrey and Nic are at work." She offered, "it's just a formality but we'll compensate her generously nonetheless."

I appreciated her use of we despite knowing she wouldn't accept contribution from me if I offered.

"But in the meantime, the bath is ready- I'll be right in." She redirected the conversation.

"Promise?" I questioned her.

"I swear. I just need to get undressed."

"Okay." She helped me out of bed. The bathroom smelled like lavender and the bath was filled with bubbles with two candles nearby. I blushed as I got into the bath, the water was hot but comfortable. Sure enough, by the time I had submerged myself Lydia entered with her robe on.

I reached an arm out to her as she removed the robe and hung it on the hook. She held my hand as she stepped into the bath to join me.

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