Surge Squadron: Defective

By Calyypso_Official

635 80 23

During the creation of a batch of clones, a generation system was hit, sending a surge throughout the entire... More

Prologue: The Power Surge
Chapter One: The Client
Chapter Two: Sentenced
Chapter Three: A Promise
Chapter Four: Separate Lives
Chapter Five: Races and Chases
Chapter Seven: The "Mission"
Chapter Eight: The Surgery
Chapter Nine: Stepping into the Light
Chapter Ten: New Perspective on Life
Chapter Eleven: In the Sights of Destiny
Chapter Twelve: A New Namesake
Chapter Thirteen: The Peacemaker
Chapter Fourteen: Sharp Talons
Chapter Fifteen: The Investigation
Chapter Sixteen: Bitter Thoughts
Chapter Seventeen: Comfort in Abnormality
Chapter Eighteen: The Confrontation
Chapter Nineteen: A Developing Schism
Chapter Twenty: Adjustments
Chapter Twenty-one: Bred to Compete
Chapter Twenty-two: Positive Intent; Twisted Measures
Chapter Twenty-three: One Crucial Detail
Chapter Twenty-four: The Deviant
Chapter Twenty-five: A New Friend
Chapter Twenty-six: A Forbidden Friendship
Chapter Twenty-seven: A Temporary Truce
Chapter Twenty-eight: The Whistleblower
Chapter Twenty-nine: Voices
Chapter Thirty: An Unscheduled Break
Chapter Thirty-one: An Impromptu Appointment

Chapter Six: The Deal

23 2 0
By Calyypso_Official

The "victim, of the chase," Lafa Re, didn't look pleased with her former co-worker or Patches as he rounded her, trying to grasp AZ-83. She caught the arm of the droid in one hand and Patches' suit collar in the other, holding the two at a distance from one another. "Now, what is the meaning of this interaction my sorry body has obstructed?" She snarled, no longer looking like the calm and collected woman she appeared to be. Despite her slender build, she must have been powerful to keep the two rivals apart in her clutches.

"This stupid droid of ours has done his last! I'm going to bash him! Let me go!" Patches yelled, struggling to break free.

Lafa looked down at AZI-83, "And what in the galaxy's name have you done now?!"

"What makes you assume I did anything, Lafa? Everything just ends up being my fault, doesn't it?" AZ-83 sighed, slumping in her grasp.

"Quite possibly the fact that this cadet is desperately trying to scrap you beyond all recognition?" Lafa said sarcastically, "Fess up!" She ordered.

AZI-83 sat quietly, saying nothing, trying to act innocent.

"HE CALLED MY SQUAD AN APOCALYPSE-" Patches shouted. "Don't let that false innocence trick you. His act is as fake as those useful skills he claims to possess!"

"Why, that is the most offensive thing I have been told in my life, Patches!" The droid countered.

"Alright, I've heard enough," Lafa growled, annoyed. She began dragging the two back to their room.

Patches unwillingly plodded beside Lafa Re, scuffing his shoe bottoms as he went. He kept an unmoved glare on his caretaker droid.

AZI-83 made a shudder-like movement uncomfortably at Patches' death stare. "Lafa? I'd like to clarify something. The alleged statement wasn't by me. It was initially quoted by Vision."

Lafa Re made a grunt of annoyance, "I don't care who started this. What matters is, in this scenario, you instigated and drove this cadet mad over it. You all are nothing but trouble- I put you in service to them because of how compatible you are to them- apparently, you make matters worse!"

"I do not, Lafa! You know I'm a very outspoken individual! Vision and I both said the same thing; yet, I was the one Patches decided to exact his rage upon, which placed a load of stress upon my conscience." The droid whined.

"Look here, you stuck-up..." Patches was going to begin another insult, but Lafa stopped him dead in his tracks with a firm, stern stare.

"That will be quite enough of you. Keep your mouth shut!"

"But I-" Patches began to protest.

"That's an order, cadet!" Lafa Re snapped, drawing in a breath after that sharp command, "Good soldiers must learn to maintain their anger. Consider this as a test outside of one of our designated programs. Treat it as such."

Patches bit his tongue, "Sorry, Lafa Re, Ma'am. I'll try my best to manage my anger- it's just so hard to. Some people- more specifically, some droids happen to make this harder for me. I've been doing better around Talon, though. I even helped Circuit rethink his intentions about busting him in the nose." He said proudly.

"I feel like that first statement was targeted towards me," AZI-83 said in a very melancholy tone.

"IT WAS, 'CAPTAIN OBVIOUS.' Glad you caught onto my sass. Maybe you are worth something." Patches scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Patches?! Let me make it clear that-"

"Shhhh!" Lafa scolded the offended droid, "You helped your brother manage his anger by managing yours?" Her eyes sparkled slightly, "You did?"

Patches nodded, "Yes, Ma'am. It was tempting to let Circuit go and let Talon have it, but I knew I'd feel guilty later, and that just wasn't the right thing to do. He's a brother no matter what he thinks of us or what he says; we must learn to look after each other now."

"I'm very proud of you, CT-2325." Lafa encouraged him.

Patches beamed, "It's an honor to hear that from you. I will not fail you in the future."

AZ-83 felt crushed. His rival got what he had always sought and labored after. Approval and care from the esteemed Lafa Re. He had to interject, "Lafa?"

Lafa Re's pleasure and pride drained from her face as she slowly looked at him with an unamused expression, "What?" She asked flatly.

"I helped Patches overcome some of his anger obstacles by reminding him about proper trooper conduct. This methodology of goal repetition, helps set in expectations and how he is to respond to problems in the future years."

Patches groaned. This statement was a half-truth. AZI-83 had reminded him of how troopers are expected to behave. That, however, only happened when he had him pinned and ready to dent his exterior... It wasn't worth releasing his anger on this little detail. He had already given his word to the graceful scientist who had recently begun to respect him ever so slightly.

Lafa looked perplexed by this, "AZI-83? Is this the truth?"

The droid rapidly nodded, "It is as I have stipulated." He quickly glanced at Patches, hoping, to the seas below, that he would remain silent.

Patches said nothing.

Lafa nodded to him, "Then I suppose I will recant my statement. You have made matters slightly better for this squad of misfit clones by helping this one overcome some of his anger. Clearly, not all of it, though, as he seemed determined to get rid of you. Work with him more so that he may become like his brothers that weren't affected with mutations."

AZ-83 could hardly contain himself. He felt happy for once to hear Lafa's kind words of reward. "Oh, Lafa! Thank you! That is such a huge honor!"

She bowed her head, "I trust you won't disappoint me. If you can prove yourself, perhaps I'll consider restoring you to my service."

"So- pardon my asking- are you proud of me?"

Lafa Re wrinkled her nose, "I wouldn't go that far... One step at a time..."

They finally arrived at their barracks.

Those awake looked up as the trio entered the room.

Lafa released Patches and her former droid, shooing them away, "Now, get some rest. You have extensive simulator training tomorrow." Lafa then strode away without another word, her clothing swaying gracefully as she left.

Circuit climbed down, "How'd you two get tied up with Madam Lafa Re? The bigger question is, why wasn't she screaming at you two when she escorted you back?!"

"I'll use that story as a tool to make Flash shut up. Until then, you remain with your thoughts, brother." Patches grinned, patting him on the shoulder, before climbing up to his bunk, happy with himself.

Circuit held a look of confusion on his face, "Wha-" He shook his head, "Whatever... Be that way."

AZ-83 tapped on his shoulder as he climbed up to the bed, "Circuit? Can I talk to you in private?"

Circuit smiled, "Sure, but be quick. I have to go to bed."

He pulled Circuit aside, "I have a plan to help Null... I want to make him something."

"What's with Null? Is he bored? He seems fine to me."

"He's desperate to see. That's why I devised a plan to create a special visor that syncs with his brain and allows him to 'see.'" AZ-83 whispered.

Circuit laughed, "83, you are meant to run tests- and as of recently, serve us. You aren't a mechanics droid."

"That's where I depend upon you for assistance. You are my only hope, Circuit. I need you to salvage from wherever you find your useful junk a data chip to expand my knowledge."

Circuit smirked, "Consider it done- what's my reward in return? OOH! Can I see how you work? I want to see if I can take you apart and put you back together!"

That offer was declined instantly, "Absolutely not! I would prefer to remain intact, thank you very much!"

Circuit dropped his smile, "Oh... How about this? You don't lecture us about how annoying and disorderly we are- for a week."

"Circuit! That is excessive- an entire week?!"

"That's my final offer, 83. Take it or leave it."

AZI-83 sighed, "Very well... We have a deal..."

"Perfect! I'll try to hold my end up starting tomorrow after training. Good night!" He began to head to bed.

"You don't understand, Circuit. I want that data chip tonight. I want to get to work on it as soon as possible. According to my calculations, I should be able to complete the visor and brain implant sensor by daybreak."

"WOAH... Hold on a moment." Circuit spun around with a concerned expression, "That would mean leaving the barracks and sneaking about! 83- We have curfew... If I'm not in my barracks and get caught outside, I could get in a heap of trouble!"

AZI-83 groaned, knowing Circuit was correct. He was jeopardizing this intelligent clone's future. As much as AZ-83 hated to risk his reputation, his loyalty to Null outweighed his own aspirations since Null had never achieved any of the goals he talked to him about. "I'll take the brunt of the punishment if we get found." AZ-83 promised, "You won't have your reliability endangered; I assure you."

"Okay... I'll do it. Let's wait until everyone's asleep. If I know Flash and Ad, they'll unintentionally blab us off to the Kaminoans; then we'll really be in for it. Give it an hour's wait; then we'll make our move." Circuit planned, "We'll need to move when it's time, so try and keep up and cover me."

"Very well. Until then, I'll do what I always do." AZ-83 glided over to a broom to begin sweeping the floor.

Circuit went up to his bunk, sliding in with his datapad, "G'night, brothers. Sleep well." He slid his bunk in, and the one-hour wait began.

"Good night, Circuit." The rest of his squad, who were awake, replied. They decided to turn in as well.

The only one left with his bunk out was Null. He laid with his hands behind his head, facing upward. He pulled his sheets to his chest, listening to the wind whip and whistle, quarreling with one another. The thunder seemed to interject every few seconds with a loud crash. Unlike in the Republic Senate on Coruscant, the thunder's call for order did nothing to resolve the "conflict" between the winds. The rain fell like bombs from the sky in rounds. This overall atmosphere was a relaxing one, and Null liked it. He smiled when another crash of thunder sounded. He would count to himself to see how long it would be before another strike echoed aloud. So far, the night's record was an eight-second pause.

AZI-83 glided over to his friend after a few minutes of sweeping and sanitizing. "Null, get some sleep, buddy."

"Why?" He asked, "I have nothing to do tomorrow... Just like every other day in every Kaminoan year."

The droid fiddled nervously; his plan must remain confidential. "Just- You've stayed up late every night... You must get a good night's rest."

"If you insist." Null yawned, "Good night, 83... Rest well." He tossed over, palming for the button to slide in his bunk. He finally found it and pressed it.

Now everyone had turned in. It was time to wait. Due to exhaustion, AZ-83 went to his power station to charge his power cells. He knew that if he powered were to power down, Circuit would be on schedule to the second to wake him. "Rest well, Null... Tomorrow you will have the experience of a lifetime- One you'll never forget." He said softly before powering down all systems. 

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