Surge Squadron: Defective

By Calyypso_Official

635 80 23

During the creation of a batch of clones, a generation system was hit, sending a surge throughout the entire... More

Prologue: The Power Surge
Chapter One: The Client
Chapter Two: Sentenced
Chapter Three: A Promise
Chapter Five: Races and Chases
Chapter Six: The Deal
Chapter Seven: The "Mission"
Chapter Eight: The Surgery
Chapter Nine: Stepping into the Light
Chapter Ten: New Perspective on Life
Chapter Eleven: In the Sights of Destiny
Chapter Twelve: A New Namesake
Chapter Thirteen: The Peacemaker
Chapter Fourteen: Sharp Talons
Chapter Fifteen: The Investigation
Chapter Sixteen: Bitter Thoughts
Chapter Seventeen: Comfort in Abnormality
Chapter Eighteen: The Confrontation
Chapter Nineteen: A Developing Schism
Chapter Twenty: Adjustments
Chapter Twenty-one: Bred to Compete
Chapter Twenty-two: Positive Intent; Twisted Measures
Chapter Twenty-three: One Crucial Detail
Chapter Twenty-four: The Deviant
Chapter Twenty-five: A New Friend
Chapter Twenty-six: A Forbidden Friendship
Chapter Twenty-seven: A Temporary Truce
Chapter Twenty-eight: The Whistleblower
Chapter Twenty-nine: Voices
Chapter Thirty: An Unscheduled Break
Chapter Thirty-one: An Impromptu Appointment

Chapter Four: Separate Lives

41 3 0
By Calyypso_Official

Vision fiddled with the remains of his food as he and his brothers sat in the cafeteria, finishing their lunch. He thoughtfully scooped some of the mush they were given up onto his spoon and looked at it, "Does anyone ever wonder what components and nutritional value make up this stuff?"

All of the squad fell silent.

"Oh, come on- don't tell me your minds are that void." Vis sighed.

"It's not that our minds are blank, brother." Patches spoke up as he fiddled with his spoon. "It's just that I don't care, nor see that learning that useless information will help anything. Food is food in my books, and I'll eat whatever I receive."

"That comes upon testy grounds, however." Vis countered, "What if the ingredients in this food are unreliable, and we are consuming dulled toxins that, if further consumed, result in catastrophic bodily consequences?"

Patches blinked, scooped up some more of his breakfast, looked Vision dead in the eye, and ate the spoonful, "At least I'll die on a full stomach."

Vision was about to respond to that with a counterargument, but Circuit cut him off, "Would you two please stop bickering? Just eat your food. It's fine."

"Very well... But if I end up contracting some ailment, I know who to blame." Vis muttered, finishing his food.

Ember sat, tapping his fingers sequentially on the tabletop, "When is simulator training?! I feel the urge to destroy something!" He said with a subconscious laugh.

All in the cafeteria fell silent. You could almost hear everyone breathing at once because it was so quiet in the large room.

"I think it would be wise if we leave now, so Ember doesn't get... 'Ideas.'" Vis suggested.

"Ideas? What ideas?" Adrenaline asked; The understood topic of discussion clicked after a nanosecond, "OH! 'Setting-fire-to-stuff' ideas! I see now..."

"ADRENALINE! SHHHH!" His squad scolded.

Ember began laughing at the thought, "I could- it's a mere match-strike away..."

"Ember, no!" Vis said, grabbing his arm, "Fire anywhere, but the training grounds is bad. You know this."

Ember rolled his eyes and turned away from Vision, "I wouldn't be having these urges if we were on the training grounds." He muttered.

"I think it's best if we head to class now. We have major studying to do, and it seems as if we are all done here, so- let's go." Circuit told them, standing.

"Good plan." Subtle agreed.

Adrenaline muttered something about how he hated that his free hour to run was being sacrificed to the "school beast" as he stood up and ran to the door.

The rest of the squad got up before they walked down to one of the many rooms where the learning sessions took place. They greeted the Kaminoans they passed with nods of respect.

Circuit led his squad as he always did, reminding his brothers to keep their march in time and hold a tight, clean formation.

Suddenly, another squad ran beside them.

"If it isn't the 'freak squad!'" The leader laughed rudely, "Look at the lot of you- you're more disorganized than all of us cadets, here in the capital, combined! You'll never make the cuts! Guess you better shine up on your service skills, 'Captain Goody-two-shoes!' I look forward to you all serving me when I'm a real trooper."

That squad began to chuckle.

Circuit wrinkled his nose, "Now, you listen here, Talon, and you listen good! I'm not going to let some self-important, malfunctioning bully push my brothers and me around! I will not be waiting on you, hand and foot- neither will my brothers, so get lost and wipe that smug expression off your face!"

Talon scoffed, "Me? Malfunctioned? Look at yourselves! You were born malfunctioned, and Madam Lafa Re even said so herself! Besides- You're not the boss of me! Want me to stop? It looks like you are going to have to make me!" That dirty smile on his face widened at Circuit's visual anger.

When Circuit clenched his fists, preparing to teach him a lesson on violent terms, Patches noticed, "Circuit- Calm yourself, brother... Jerks like Talon are a waste of your time."

Circuit let his hands free, "You're right, Patches. Just so you know, Talon, you are malfunctioned in my eyes- you were born without a heart for others. That's worse than any mutation or disability you could make fun of."

Talon snarled, "Watch your back, Circuit..."

Talon and his squad then began to march away towards a different learning room than Circuit and his crew.

Circuit let out a deep breath, "He genuinely gets on my nerves..."

"We get it. That twisted cadet gets on ours too, but you shouldn't show Talon that he gets to you." Vision encouraged softly, "Besides, he's only angry because you ace more knowledge exams than he does."

"And he'll never be as great as a brother as you are!" Flashback added.

"Yeah!" The rest of the squad agreed.

"Thanks, brothers- It means a lot, truly." Circuit blushed, overwhelmed by the care and support provided by his squad.

Together, they made it to class, sitting down for another day's tutoring session.

Null, on the contrary, was taught differently. He received tutoring through AZ-83.

Some time back, Circuit had taken an old tutor droid's memory card and plugged it into a datapad to improve his studying. When he wasn't around one day, AZ-83 duplicated that information before transferring the data to his memory banks so he could teach Null through speaking lessons and reviewing content with him. Despite everyone's assumptions, Null wasn't a useless clone after all. His knowledge was sound and valuable.

AZ-83 was cycling through some content they had reviewed that week to prepare for an oral test. Every question that AZ-83 threw at Null, the young boy eventually came to the correct answer. Finally, AZ-83 had come to the end of the questions.

"Are there any more questions?" Null asked excitedly, folding a few of his squad's uniforms based on feeling the location of each of the holes.

"That is all..." He paused a moment, shocked by his friend's performance, "Null? You are doing wonderfully." AZ-83 praised him.

"Thanks- I probably could have done better at responding quicker, though." Null replied, setting the folded top aside for his droid companion to sort.

"Don't be too hard on yourself." AZ-83 said softly, "You are smarter than you know."

"You first." Null laughed.

"To be frank with you, I cannot. I and my counterparts have been created to strive for perfection, and to fall short of expectation is difficult for me to handle." AZ-83 bustled around, taking the folded clothes and placing them in small, neat stacks.

Null laughed, "Typical '83'" He laid back on his bed with a heavy sigh. The sounds of rain and thunder soothed him, and soon he was the victim to sleep.

AZ-83 scanned him after he had noticed Null had been laying there a while, "Asleep..." He glided over to the young boy and covered him up, "You are too intelligent to be trifling with measly old me... You deserve to be with your disastrous squad and doing the same things they are doing..." That's when he got an idea. "I've got it! I only need some knowledge to do what I've come up with- I'm sure I can bargain something with Circuit-Null- I sure hope you'll be grateful in the end because of what lengths I am taking for you." He resumed his tasks, watching Null toss occasionally.

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