Hidan's Little Sister, Neji's...

By ThisSaramWeeblove

182K 6.1K 1.9K

Misaki is a 13 year old intelligent child who is the younger sister of Hidan. Being sent to Konohagakure at t... More

Hidan's Little Sister, Neji's Lover
A Day Out With The Genius
Let The Chunin Exams, Begin
Forest Of Death!
The Answers Revealed
Putting Your Life On The Line
Author's Note
An Unforgettable Flash Back
The Battle Begins!
The Battle Between Misaki And Yuki!
Attack On Konoha!
Misaki's Past Revealed!
Misaki Makes A Move
The Note
Retrieving Sasuke
A Mission With Hinata And Sakura
Three Little Devils Pt.1
Three Little Devils Pt.2
Town Of Death
Halloween Day! *Special*
Guarding. Much Trouble Ahead..
Big Trouble
Having Hope
If You Had The Chance
Secrets Aren't Meant To Be Kept
The Plan
Interrogating. Tusnade's Decision
Orochimaru's Hideout
The Controlling Genjutsu! Flute no Jutsu!
Strict Training
Heading Out
Meeting Uchiha Itachi again
Bittersweet Memories; The Real Deal (Special Chapter)
Author's Note
A Step Closer
The Scroll
To Love One
All Aboard!
Arrival In Okiyasa
Long Time, No See
Happy Birthday, Misaki
My Homeland, Yugakure
Surprises After Another
Lord Jashin
Complicated Situations
Our Past Struggles
Getting Into Yugakure
All In This Together
Caged Bird & Jashin Pt.1
Caged Bird & Jashin Pt.2
Parting With You
The Real Truth
Don and Clarissa
Don and Clarissa Pt.2
Everything Truly Revealed
A Lead On Misaki
Wolves Amongst Sheep
Authors Note

S-Rank Mission

2.2K 74 33
By ThisSaramWeeblove

I was seated on the training grounds in a meditated position, focusing on Jashin's chakra.

Sadly, I've not yet controlled Jashin's chakra yet. The only thing I progressed in was finding the chakra inside me and connecting to it.

That's just the beginning. Even so, Tsunade nor Yamato knows how to control this power..

I guess that leaves me by myself on controlling this thing..

"Misaki!" I heard a familiar voice called me. I opened my left eye, looking to my far left to see little of Yamato in sight.

"Tsunade sama would like to see you" he says finally. I got up out if my meditation position, walking towards him.

He waited for me to get by his side before he started walking. "So what does she need me for?" I asked, looking up at him with an questioning look.

"She has a mission for you and a few others. Though you will be signed with Team Kakashi" Yamato informs.

"Team Kaka.. Shi?.." I trailed off clueless. But I thought there was no team Kakashi since Sasuke left and Naruto was with Sannin Jiraiya..

Then it hit me. "That means..!"

Yamato nodded smirking. "Ah, exactly. Naruto is back"

I felt the end of my lips curve onto a smile. So he's finally back eh?..

The rest of the walk was kind of silent besides Yamato sensei complaining about Tsunade not giving him a break.

We shortly arrived at the Hokage's office, stopping at her door. Yamato looks at me.

"Do well, Misaki" Yamato says, bowing slightly before walking down the hall way.

I open the door walking into the office and I couldn't believe what I saw..




Ponpon was eating my spiced-sweet dangos I made for Tsunade earlier!

"Misaki you're late!" Tsunade speaks sternly glaring at me. I anime sweat drop waving her off. "Gomenasai, Tsunade sama! But Yamato sensei is to blame! Ya see-" before I could finish she cut me off..

"There is no time for that. Team Kakashi are already at the gates" Tsunade starts off.

Tsunade quickly explained the mission to me. I straighten up myself nodding getting serious.

I run out the office to meet up with the others. Though Tsunade sama and Iruka sensei followed behind.

"Akatsuki is involved... That means I can get a shot at this to see Hidan!" I muttered under my breath.

"Ah Misaki chan! You're coming along too?!" Sakura asked. I nod grinning also waving at Naruto. "Hey there! It's good to see you again, Naruto kun!" I greet.

He grinned nodding.

Just now Jiraiya appeared saying something to Naruto, then went to talk to Tsunade..

He just passed by me as if he didn't even noticed me.. That idiotic perv!

Then he walks pass me "oh hi dear Misaki" he says, patting my head while he walks to Naruto.

He pulled Naruto aside to discuss something with him. I guess about this mission. I know something things you know?

Naruto nodded with an determined look already jumping ahead. "Kakashi sensei! Sakura chan! Misaki Chan! Let's get moving!"

"Hey, wait up!" Sakura says running behind Naruto. I also catch up to then, running beside them as did Kakashi.

* * *

"Gaara I'm coming!" I heard Naruto say. "Naruto I know we're in a hurry but don't get do far ahead of us!"

Sakura warns as we soar through the air, jumping from tree to tree. "But! But!" Kakashi had cut Naruto off.

"Don't get so worked up. Jiraiya-sama just said the exact same thing. Didn't he?" Kakashi reminds.

Naruto grunts. "He's right, Naruto. We will definitely make it to Gaara on time! No matter what.. We'll save him" I say to at least help cool him down.

"Seriously.." Sakura mumbles at Naruto, without him hearing. "Temari San!" Sakura shouts.

We look into Sakura's direction where she was looking at. No doubt that Temari was below us walking. Sakura jumped down from the tree, landing in front of Temari.

Me, Naruto, and Kakashi does the same. Now that I look closely at her.. She looks familiar... But where have I?..

OH! I REMEMBER! She was at chunin exams! Asking such dumb obvious answers to questions... Eh

Sakura told Temari what our missio was and what happened to Gaara. "What?! Gaara was-.." The look on Temari's face was as if she knew something would happen.

Kakashi nods. Temari smacks her teeth. "It'll take us two days to get to sand village. Let's move" Kakashi states.

We all jump back in the trees, making our way to Hidden Sand.

It was now night and we are still making a move on.

"Naruto! What did we just say! Stick together-" Sakura was cut off by an impatient Naruto.

"I can't take this dattebayo!" Naruto says, leaving everyone grunting.

"I know why they're after me and Gaara... Sakura chan, Misaki-chan you know why too, don't you?"

"Inside of me.. The Kyuubi is sealed inside of me" Naruto explains, making the moment even more touching.

I saw Sakura look down, probably thinking of how back in the days when we were young, everyone always looking down on him.. As if Naruto was lower than dirt.

"Gaara and I... We both have monsters inside our bodies. That's what those guys are after!.. I... Hate it! They just see us as monsters! I can't stand the way they view us!" Naruto says, letting out some of his pain.

"He was just like I was. And he fought on his on a lot longer than I did.." Naruto adds on.

Any moment now I felt like crying! Seeing Naruto express his feelings.. Confessing his true identity.. Gaara and him both had a sad life story behind their faces on the outside.

It's just sad.

"He's been targeted by Akatsuki. We're the same, and despite that.. Why does everything bad always have to happen to him?! It's always him! That's why.. That's why I can't waste a second! This time I want to save him as fast as I can!" Naruto finishes. It was silence.

I'm sure everyone knows how Naruto felt... I would be the same way if there was someone like me out there.

Yet this is destiny.. I can't change what's inside of me either like jinchuriki.. I guess I was so much in a daze I didn't know we had already stopped to take a break and rest for a while.

"Misaki, we're stopping here" Kakashi said, standing by a tree as he took out his icha icha book.. "Ok" I say bluntly, sitting by a tree. Temari had set up a fire. Me, her, and Sakura sat there, talking for a while.

But, after a while Sakura dozed off to sleep.

Kakashi then came in sight, saying something. Sakura had woked up, looking around. "Where's Naruto?" She asked, looking at Kakashi. I also looked around seeing that Naruto was gone..

But Kakashi doesn't seem to be freaking out about it. So maybe he didn't wonder off far?

"Up there" Kakahsi pointing up to a tree. Our eyes followed up there, and as said, there he was.

"Lets head out" Kakashi says. I got up, placing my book bag back onto my back as we went back onto our journey.


After a while we finally made it to the desert.

"Ah finally! We're close" I say, letting out a sigh. "Don't get so happy yet now Misaki, we still have to get into the Sand village" Sakura reminds.

I sulk dropping my head. "You're right.."

"The Hidden Sand village is beyond this. I'll take the lead from here" TEmari says, walking to the front.

"After you"

"We're counting on you" Kakashi says as we followed behind.

As we walked further into the desert, a sand storm had came by. We went to take shelter in a near by small cave, waiting for it to pass by.

Naruto smacked his teeth. "Damn it! We're so close to the Hidden village of sand! I can't wait anymore dattebayo!" Naruto says, impatient as usual.

He was about to get up and go out, but Kakashi pulled him back. "Naruto! I told you not to get impatient. Didn't I?" Kakashi asked.

"But!-" Naruto begins to complain. Sakura cut him off. "Just deal with it! Temari san is the one who's upset the most!" Sakura says. "Whenever there is a sandstorm it's best to sit it out. It's very east to lose your way once you head into one" Temari starts off.

"It's because they try to fight through the sand storms that you always here about people who die wandering the desert" Temari informs.

While they did their talking, I went into my own world thinking about how Neji, Tenten, Lee, and Gai sensei were doing.

I guess you're wondering why aren't I with them?

Tsunade said I wasn't able to go on a mission until i've did a lesson with Yamato.. Since I skipped out on the last one. This was my punishment to make up for it.

So Team Gai went on a mission without me..

"Misaki! Come on the storm has let up dattebayo!" Naruto said excitingly. I jumped up startled, seeing they were ahead. "O-oi! Wait!" I shout, running after then.

Quickly we ran as fast as we could to the Hiddan sand village. "We're almost there! I can see it!" I say, grinning. Thank goodness though! It's been a long journey! And this situation made it even more tense. We needed to be here quick as possible.

I saw some guards insight and we ran up to them.

"We've been waiting for you" One of them said. "Temari san was with you?" The other asked. Jashin! We're trying to save lives here and we stopped for this?!

"Please, this way!" the first guy said leading the way. They catch on fast by looks eh?

We ran behind them as they led the way. "What?! they got Kankuro too?!" Temari asked, shocked from the information the guards were telling her. "Yes. After the Kazekage-sama was abducted, Kankuro-dono went after him" The guard informs.

"But he was poisened by the enemy.. At this point.. " The guard trailed off. Things were getting really intensed.. "Let's hurry Temari san. I'll take a look at him" Sakura says.

We finally made it into the hospital.

"Kankuro!" Temari shouted as we ran into the room he was in.

Right when we ran in, an old hag comes running right towards me and Kaka sensei.. "Curse you!.. Prepare yourself!" She shouts. It was as if she was going slow.

I stepped aside as she ran towards Kakashi, jumping into the air. Naruto took action, summoning Kage bushins stopping her attacks. But one of his kage bushin were kicked.. The others fist got stopped..

Oh wait, the old lady just jumped back.. Now everyone's staring at us like we're crazy... This old hag has skills.. "Why the hell are you attacking Kaka-sensei, you wrinkly old bitch?!" Naruto said.

My mouth literally just dropped! NARUTO YOU BAD LITTLE! HAHAHA! WHEN DID YOU LEARN THAT WORD?! I laughed mentally.

'I'm sure he's been knew that word, baka..'

'No he hasn't.. I've never heard him say it though..'

'You just did. Good game idiot...'

'Why you!- Shut up!'

'But i'm you.. I can't..'

'I really gotta stop talking to myself like this' . I said to myself mentally.

"Konoha's white fang! How dare you, you wretched scum.. How i've longed to avenge my son! This is for him!" The old lady says, getting ready to attack again.

Me and Naruto stood in front of Kakashi sensei, protecting him. This poor guy is scared of the woman I think.. "Um, i'm not..." Before Kakashi finished, the old lady said something again..

"No excuses" She bends slightly, getting ready to attack once again. Yet, before she could another old person steps in front of her, stopping her.

"Take a closer look Nee chan" His voice was as if he had water in his throat.. Oh goodness look at me. I'm always judging people huh?

Kakashi waved his hands innocent, laughing awkwardly. "He does resemble the White Fang but that's not him" The old man adds on.

"Besides the white fang died a long time ago, remember?" The old man asked. The poor old woman's face dropped.

Everyone was still looking at us, alarmed.

We were wasting so much time.. Look at poor Kankuro over there.. "Just kidding! I was just pretending to be senile!" The old woman laughed her old woman's laughed.

I sweat dropped. Obviously an excuse!

Kankuro's pain screamed caused everyone to break away from the distraction, looking at him. "I'll take a look at him" Sakura stepped forward, putting her hair into a pony tail.

"We're counting on you" Temari says looking highly worried as Sakura got to work.

"Kaka sensei and everyone else please stand back" Sakura says. "Got it-ttebayo.." Naruto said, watching her. I followed behind Kakashi, as we let Sakura get to doing her thing..


Ok. Well now.. First let me start off by saying this..

I know it's been over a month. And that sure is a long time to update one chapter but...


Heh.. THings been happening yet over time, week by week i've been adding more and more to the chapter yanno! Though I will not do that again O-o Unless of course something happened.

Haha hope you liked this chapter! We are VERY MUCH close to the moment you guys have been waiting for! And of course things are already planned ahead of time for this story :)


>|< HALF Edited.

>|< Scanned. Auto Correct Style~

>|< Puurfect?..

>|< Until next time! Ja matta! :D

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