To be Frantastic

By CoffeeForTheSoul

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I should introduce myself; my name is Connor Franta, very nice to meet you. Maybe you would like to join me i... More

Chapter 1: Into the dark places
Chapter 2: The headache
Chapter 3: Attempted escape
Chapter 4: You win
Session #1: Diagnosis
Chapter 5: What makes me especial?
Chapter 6: The unfinished song
Chapter 7: The nightmare
Session #2: Shame
Chapter 8: Foggy city lights
Chapter 9: Oblivion
Session #3: Fear
Chapter 10: The toughest part
Chapter 12: Take care of yourself
Chapter 13: Photographic memory
Session #4: Pleasure
Chapter 14: Zoe's invitation
Chapter 15: The panic
Chapter 16: The white night and the golden morning
Chapter 17: Vlog week
Chapter 18: Happy Little Pill
Session #5 Trust
Chapter 19: The confidant
Chapter 20: Hitting the road
Chapter 21: Maybe
Chapter 22: Inner wars and battle scars
Chapter 23: Take me to church
Emergency Session: Sacrifices
Chapter 24: Hurricane Andrea
Chapter 25: Late night talks
Chapter 26: The bridge
---Tell me, friend---
Chapter 27: "Not because you deserve me."
Chapter 28: Brothers
Chapter 29: Change
Session #6: Forgiveness
Chapter 30: TRXYE
Final Chapter/Session: Happiness
Dr. Kellerman's Notes

Chapter 11: The colors of the sky, the caresses of the wind

811 38 3
By CoffeeForTheSoul

And so came the day in which we were boarded on our flight to Hawaii. And by "we", I mean all of O2L minus Kian, who had gone there a couple of days ago with Andrea, with the addition of Troye, Tyler and Lia, who was invited by Jc. It's already starting to get suspicious, whatever's going on between those two. They're overly friendly to each other. Like the way you would often seem to behave when you liked someone. Ok, we all kind of suspect by now that Jc and Lia are a thing... they do need a ship name, though...

-"How about LiaC?"—said Rcky to me, Trevor, Sam, Troye and Tyler, as we waited to board the plane—"That sounds like it might be good."

-"Ricky, honey, that's totally uncreative."—Tyler responded—"It doesn't sound catchy at all! But I do agree we need to get them a ship name, it's obvious our little Jc has fallen for this girl."

-"I don't even think we should be discussing this, before they have officially announced their status..."—said Sam.

-"You're kidding? Have you seen them? It's so cute it fucking hurts."—said Trevor, and we all had to nod in agreement.

-"How about... Jia?"—said Troye.

That ship name was met with nods of approval by almost everyone. I liked it, too, but... well you know, I don't know if I've gotten myself in good terms with Jc just yet. I don't think it's my place to be discussing his relationship.

As if on cue, Jc and Lia walked over to us holding hands, not really noticing they were, and acting quite normal about it.

-"Hey everyone! We got the coffee for Tyler and Connor."—said Lia.

-"Oh, thanks girl! You didn't have to! How did you know I craved coffee?"—asked Tyler, as he received his cup.

-"Oh, just my girl instinct."—said Lia—"We got them for both of you because you were kind of grumpy, and you look awfully sleepy..."

It took me a couple of seconds to realize she was talking to me. I had been staring at her holding hands with Jc. And they noticed me staring. In less than a millisecond they both let go and got bright red with embarrassment. I felt kind of the same.

-"Oh, come one people!"—said Tyler—"You don't really think we mind you guys holding hands, right?"

Both Jc and Lia kind of smiled awkwardly, but brushed it off and just kept quiet. In fact, Lia excused herself and said she had to go to the bathroom. After she was gone, Jc gave me a death glare. I couldn't help it but being rubbed off the wrong way.

-"What...?"—I asked.

-"Nothing."—he said, turning his back on me and walking away—"It's just she is nervous now."

-"Wow, Jc..."—said Ricky—"Why should she be nervous? Nothing's going wrong... Connor hasn't said anything..."

-"I haven't blamed Connor."—Jc said.

-"Well, if you want to blame anyone blame me."—said Tyler—"It was my comment that made her leave."

-"It's not like that either, ok? It's just that... there's nothing serious between us."

Then we all shut up. I do see what the problem is. Maybe we don't see it that way, but Jc is different than the rest of us. To him, if he does not ask the girl properly, nothing is going on. I remember him telling me that before. They can be doing everything together, but there is something about the question and the answer, about the intention, of being on the same page with the other person. I think it's more of a concept he was raised on, his family having different cultural traditions and all. To them, family is always first. And a relationship is in a way just that, family. It must be treated with the seriousness of the case.

-"Well, you're going to Hawaii."—I said, unaware that I was thinking out loud—"You can ask her to be your girlfriend at the most beautiful place on the country."

That left everyone looking my way. Jc seemed overly pale, and everyone else was glancing between me and him, trying to keep track on what I had said. I realized that maybe I had crossed a line.

-"... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound so rude."—I said, standing up and getting ready to leave.

I went to the men's restroom and found it empty. Thank God. This gives me some time to relax. I just use it to stare at myself on the mirror, though. I don't think they realized that I knew what it was that Jc meant by "serious". I do know, but I doubt they do. Being in a relationship is more than just holding hands or kissing. And we are going to the most beautiful place on the US after all. I mean Kian and Andrea are already there, probably having a blast.

My eyes are less dim than usual, because I did take the pill today. Troye saw me through it before we got here. I do not look as bad as usual. Yet I do feel bad. The pills aren't working. Dr. Kellerman said this might happen. I might develop tolerance to the medication if the dose was not respected correctly. I may have gotten a bit too far... what now?

Despite how much I don't want to, I have to tell her about this. She's the doctor after all. I have her number, she gave it to me to contact her in any case of emergency, or if I needed to talk to anyone. I guess this counts as an emergency, because when I tell her about how I don't feel like they are working, she seems worried.

-"I was afraid this might happen..."—she said, from the other end of the line—"It happens with a number of medications. This means we have to give you a vitamin exam, Connor. As soon as you return from your trip to Hawaii, you have to book an appointment with the endocrinologist. I'll send you the data you need to your email."

-"What about the pills?"—I asked as I started to feel a slight headache.

-"Don't take them anymore. It's out of question. We need to give you a different diagnosis. Do not risk taking those medications again."

-"But I need something... there sure must be something..."

-"Connor, remember what I told you? It's not about the pills. It never is. The pills are a tool we are using to help guide your hormones back on track. You cannot keep consuming those. They will only make you more dependent."

-"Are you sure?"

-"Throw them away, Connor. This is for your own good. It will only harm you further if you take them before giving you a proper medication."

Well... what doctor says, patient does, or else the world will run out of apples, right? There go the pills; trash bin in the second floor departure gate men's restroom, LAX airport, Los Angeles, California, United States of America, American Continent, Planet Earth, The Universe.


I mean, really... wow.

This place is gorgeous.

Even I have to see that. There's a reason why they call it paradise, right? I've been to Hawaii before with my family, but this time, it's like I'm really seeing the place.

It's late afternoon, and the sun is setting. It is an intense orange, and it paints the sky around it in a bright pink. The clouds blush like teenagers in love. The waves are brighter than a million stars, concealing the blue of the sea below, which invites you to sleep between its currents and its million secrets. The sand is like a game of lights and shadow, both glistening as pure gold and creating pictures of those on it with impossible shapes and sizes. The breeze makes the palm trees dance. I know, it sounds stupid, but I swear the palm trees are dancing. Even the wind is dancing. I can see the petals of wildflowers hovering across my vision. Even the silence that the atmosphere provides gives me such a soothing feeling. It is quiet, but it reminds me of something. I think it's a melody. One I haven't been able to get off my head for a long time. It makes me feel...

-"You look happy, Connor."—said a voice behind me. I turned around and met the last person I expected to see here.

-"Andrea!"—I said—"Hello... how have you been?"

Andrea was barefoot, wearing a white summer dress that made her bronze skin marvelous to the eye. I'm not gonna lie; she's probably one of the prettiest girls I've ever met. Her hair is waving in the wind, and a yellow lily adorns it, hanging from her right ear. We are both standing on the beach of the hotel we are all staying at. At the moment, because of the slight wind, nobody else is walking around. At least not here. Our flight landed a couple of hours ago, and we got rushed to the hotel. But we didn't meet Kian or Andrea. Ricky had been trying to call them, and in the meantime I made my way to the restroom, got changed into my swim trunks and a tank top, and told them I would go see the beach.

So here we are.

-"I'm good."—she said—"We didn't know your flight had arrived already."

-"Yeah, we just got to the hotel. Ricky has been calling you and Kian for a while, but none of you answered."

-"Has he? Our phones must have died and we didn't notice..."

She started walking around me and watching the sunset. This girl, she is everything to Kian. She understands him, makes him see what's wrong and good for him. We all know that if it weren't for Andrea, Kian would be hopeless. They are each other's world. And yet, she's alone.

-"Andrea... where's Kian?"

-"Hmm? Oh, well, I wanted to watch sundown. He didn't because he said we already did yesterday. And the day before that. He was tired and said he wanted to go to bed, so I came here. I thought I might be good."

I stayed quiet. It sounded as if she was keeping something from me. Well, I understand that; we're not particularly close. There is something about this picture. About Andrea on the sunset at the beach. It's as if I'm watching the most romantic and yet saddest movie of all time.

-"What I like the most"—she said—", is the wind."

-"Huh?"—I asked.

-"The wind!"—she said, smiling at me—"It soothes me, as if it were caressing me to sleep... What is it that you like the most about this place, Connor?"

She looked at me. What was I supposed to answer? Being with my friends? Being alone? Feeling at peace? Maybe it wasn't something so complicated; I mean, her answer was the wind after all.

-"... The colors."—I said.

-"The colors?"—she asked.

-"Yeah. The colors in the sky. I haven't seen these colors in LA, or back at home, or at the northern lights. It's a different game of colors. It's... a beautiful picture."

I kept watching the sun and sky. And she kept feeling the wind. We both knew it was soon time to go back, that people would get worried. But at the same time, we didn't want to leave. It wasn't about her being with me and me being with her; we both were pretty much alone at that moment. Only that we both knew about each other right there. Do you see what I'm saying? Andrea and I had a silent agreement that day. I wouldn't tell anyone that what she loves the most is the wind. She wouldn't tell anyone that what I love the most are the colors. It was our secret. The secret we both needed to tell everyone really badly, but we were afraid to do so. So we told each other instead. Like friends. Yeah, I would say that it was at this moment that Andrea and I became friends.

-"I think we should go back."—she said—"The others will be looking for us any minute now."

-"Yes."—I said—"You're right."

We headed back to the hotel lobby, were we found Lia, Jc and Kian. He had terrible bed hair and seemed extremely sleep deprived, despite the obvious fact he had just been sleeping. As we all three walked into the room, his eyes darted on Andrea. He walked towards her and gave her a kiss before even acknowledging me standing right there. From the look on Lia and Jc's faces, they were just as surprised.

He stopped kissing her and cupped her face in his hands.

-"Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again."—he said, as he gave her a peck between each word—"You scared me to death! Why didn't you wake me up?"

-"You said you were tired, babe."—she said—"I didn't want to bother you. Besides, I only walked around a bit, I never left the hotel."

-"Next time let me know? Please?"—it was almost as if he were begging.

-"Ok, babe, next time.."

-"Connor! I hadn't seen you."—he said, giving me a hug—"How's all been?"

-"Good, good."—I said, patting him on the back.

Kian took Andrea hand in hand and announced they were getting showered and ready in their room to meet us for dinner, and the two walked off the hallway. Andrea looked back a second before disappearing and gave me a condescending smile. Maybe I'm not the only sad person here after all.

I went back to Jc and Lia, who were physically embarrassed after seeing Kian and Lia doing their coupley stuff.

-"Where's everyone else?"—I asked.

-"Well... Sam, Trevor and Tyler are with the Digitour people."—said Lia—"Tyler wants to be walked through what he has to do at the show."

-"Yeah, and we're having some room trouble."—said Jc.

-"Why's that?"—I asked.

-"Well, apparently I'm rooming alone..."—Lia said. I saw Jc very uncomfortable at that statement—"We were talking with Kian to see if I could room with Andrea, but he insisted that he wanted to stay with her, but I can't room with anyone else, besides..."

I know she was meaning to say Jc. But it was obvious she was too worried it would seem wrong. Jc looked a bit frustrated, but he continued for her.

-"I am meant to room with Sam. Trevor agreed to room with anyone, so we thought about Tyler or Troye, but the thing is that Ricky was meant to room with you, but..."—he said.

-"But...?"—I asked.


We arrived at the reception. Ricky was discussing with Troye. And the receptionist. And the manager. And the digitour people. And O2L's representative from Fullscreen.

Troye was insisting he wanted to room with me.

-"Troye, we need to rehearse."—said Ricky with the patience he would to a child—"It's easier for me to get everyone doing what they have to when they have to if all O2L is staying in the same rooms. It's nothing personal, I swear."

-"I won't be a bother!"—he said—"I mean, Kian is rooming with Andrea anyway! You'll be a person short! I can room with Connor, I swear he won't mind! Tyler can just take a room for himself, Ricky."

-"It's not about who rooms with who."—says Ricky—"I'll talk to Kian myself but he has to room with anyone from O2L. Connor has to, too. We'll be waking up early tomorrow. It's also not to bother you or anyone else, you know?"

I didn't really know what to feel about the situation. But sure enough a second before I could make up my mind about anything, everyone's attention was on me.

-"Oh, finally! Where have you been, Connor?"—Ricky asked.

-"I ran into Andrea at the beach, and we hang out a bit."—I said.

-"Yeah, me and Jc saw her leave to her room with Kian."—Lia said, trying to sound like her usual cheery self to lighten the mood.

-"Troye"—I said—", can you come over a bit, so we can talk?"

Troye gave me a glare that shot lightning, but I didn't care. I took him to a corner and we talked between whispers.

-"What are you—exactly—trying to do?"—I asked.

-"Why, room with you of course!"—he said.

-"Why?"—I asked, to which he seemed hurt.

-"I thought it was obvious! I just... I just..."—he lowered his voice even more—"I don't want anyone else to bother you with the pills."

The realization hit me like a bucket of ice. He was trying to help me. Even here in Hawaii, in what could be the best vacations of his life.

-"There's no need to do that..."—I said.

-"Are you sure? Because last time when I found out by accident you freaked out and I don't want you doing anything explosive or random and—-"

-"I've been instructed by the doctor to throw the pills away, so I did."—I said.

Troye seemed bewildered. But he didn't overreact and went back to his cool soon after.

-"What happened?"

-"She thinks I might be developing drug tolerance."—I told him—"I have to be diagnosed with a different medication. There are no pills. Not for now."

That seemed to relax him a lot. And I do mean a lot. He even said:

-"PHEEEEW! I was worried I had to room with you definitely!"

-"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?"—I asked.

-"Well, it's always awkward to sleep in the same room as another guy."—he said—"It's not because it's you, it's because I'm me. No big deal. Besides, you snore a lot."

I couldn't help but laugh. We went back to the reception and things were sorted out so that I was rooming with Ricky, Jc with Sam, Troye with Tyler. The only thing left to be taken care of was the "Kian problem", as Ricky called it now. He thought it would be better if we dealt with him later during dinner, so instead he just did the assignments himself so that Kian would room with Trevor and Lia would do with Andrea.

Later that night, we were all sitting down on the dining table at the hotel's restaurant. Well, all of us minus Kian and Andrea, surprisingly. We were meaning to wait for them but everyone was hungry so we ordered the food without them. Still, we had two spare seats for them. Something was telling it would be best if they did not join us tonight, though.

-"So, I suggested to the tour people"—announced Tyler—"That we put into play the Troyler card!"

-"What's that?"—asked Sam.

-"It's the name Tilly and I gave to the over exaggerated and repetitive overuse of the Troyler ship in any YouTube related event."—Troye said—"Which means we sort of have to act like a couple for the crowd."

-"Yeah but I added a twist this time!"—Tyler said—"I was wondering if Connor would like to interview Troyler?"

-"Me? That sounds fun! I can do that!"—I said, genuinely excited.

Now, I know that you're wondering if I'm faking this. I'm not. I'm really good at interviews; it's one of the few things I can't fuck up. So helping out like this is definitely something I can do, and that I look forward to.

-"Well, that settles it! We'll rehearse tomorrow with you after Korey arrives, and we'll be presented on the show! This will be so much fun!"—Tyler announced.

-"What will?"—said Andrea, who had just arrived with Kian. Both looked exhausted, but Andrea was... happy.

-"Oh, you know, Troyler will be appearing in the show!"—Lia said again—"And I may or may not be singing a couple of tunes too."

-"That does sound like fun!"—said Andrea, taking her seat—"By the way Lia, where are you staying?"

-"Oh, well..."—she stopped mid-sentence because, like the rest of us, she knew Andrea and Kian didn't know of the room arrangements Ricky had done without consulting them.

-"Because,"—Andre said—"I'm the only other girl, and I was hoping you could room with me!"

Jc, Lia, Troye, Ricky and I were in shock. We were the only ones who knew about how Kian didn't want to change rooms. He, on his side, seemed pissed. Andrea seemed like she gave no shits. In order to avoid more tension, Ricky spoke up.

-"Well, that's fortunate, because I was about to ask you that as a favor, Andrea."—he said—"So that Kian could be roomed with Trevor and we all could rehearse early in the morning."

-"Oh, that sounds about perfect!"—Andrea said, running to Kian and kissing him on the cheek—"Right, babe?"

-".. Sure... perfect."—he said, coldly.

Well, fuck. Now we all know. This isn't good. I had never seen this two pissed at each other like this before. What could have happened? Well, this certainly isn't the time to find out. We have a show to plan. And it must be perfect. Every single bit.

God, I'm terrified.

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