Siren's Call

By Kheinnox

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have you ever wondered whats the view beyond the lenses? although im singing my heart out to someone who coul... More

Epilogue 1 Mercy
Epilogue 2 Sea


572 41 4
By Kheinnox

no ones pov

after a month from when nhu fell on stage due to his heat, speculation circulate the internet and it even came into the knowledge of nhus international fans. many were worried and concerned but majority were false accusations without even a basis.

"dont mind the news, nhu. you know that you did nothing wrong, so dont stress yourself with it." said the manager to his talent. nhus p.a. was busy fanning his employer as if her life depends on it. they were on location for a shoot for nhus new series and it was in the middle of the day.

"i know but who made it to a point that i have cancer and dying?" it really sounds ridiculous to him. he was never near that illness. he was healthy as ever given that his mate made it sure that he eats a well balanced diet. well, mostly well balanced. he would occasionally sneak in snacks and sweets. he likes it. what can he do when he craves it.

"maybe those who have nothing to do with their lives but be the pain in the ass and gain attention from the demise of others." answered his manager. "i need to get this." he said when his phone rang.

"sure." nhu said dismissing his manager and went back on sipping his tumbler. "wen, do you think arius knew about this?"

"sure, sir. hes well aware of it." she said courteously.

"he didnt call me today. i guess hes busy." nhu said rather sadly. hes been too used to have him call him at least 3 times a day when hes on location but now and yesterday, he hadnt heard from him.

"would you like me to reach out through the shadows, sir?" wena said under her breath.

"no,... no need. im just worried since he hadnt called. thats all." not a minute later his phone rang. "speaking of which..." nhu made her see his screen and sure enough its arius.

"hello?" nhu answered.

"hello, love? im so sorry i called you just now." arius said a bit agitated and panting.

"whats wrong?" nhu cant help but sense his emotions through his words.

"just some work in the dark and i... i just read whats on the net. dont worry about it, okay?"

"no, arius. youre busy, enough."

"no love. youre my first priority. and no buts."

"fine...." after a few moments nhu heard a deep sigh from the other line as if arius just sat down from an exhausting work. "i miss you." nhu said longingly. hes been on the location for almost 4 days now and its having a strain on both of them. arius for once relented on the distance since its about work but they cant hide the fact that its taking a toll on them. restless nights. scent deprived. and being worried over nothing.

"i miss you too so much, love. you dont know how cold i am without you here."

"i know. i am too. i want to touch you again, arius, its driving me crazy. i nearly made everyone pack up and leave here unannounced just to go where you are."

"its very nice how you are attached to me, love but work is work. we need this to live but... heck why am i doing this? i could give you a lavish life for the next couple of centuries without the need of ever working for a living. you know what? stay there. im going to get you there and lets be gone for a couple of decade."

nhu laughed at that. he knew that arius is not joking one bit but as much as he wants to be with him, theres only a couple more shoot to finish this series, then theyre done. wrap. "thats a very interesting suggestion, ari but im just a couple more shoot down from being wrapped then im done. but you being here picking me up would be a nice gesture. ill wait for you." nhu said with a smile plastered on his face.

"oh bet you i will. wait for me. love you."

"love you too." they then hung up from each other.

feeling energized and refreshed, nhu stood up and went to his co-stars to practice some lines. hell even suggest if he could shoot earlier than scheduled despite the fact that he will come as bratty or even selfish to do so.

later that day he was wrapped up and done and much to his surprise, there by the shade was arius waiting for him. he wont ask how he could fly to their location given that its a 12 hour drive from the capital. the man knows his toys and how to manipulate them to do his bidding, i guess.

2 days after being at home, nhu proceeded to the company unaccompanied by arius. arius has been busy lately with combing through the issues regarding both their businesses. hes been jumping from one building to another to appease what had been demanded of him. ayberk also has been too busy as per rin. rin and zain had been nhus constant guests and so welcome at that. rins pregnant belly had already been too noticeable for the public to see, so as much as possible he wants to stay home with his pup. rin said that hes thankful that nhus near to company him of which nhus also thankful to him as well. nhus been plaguing him with questions about being a pregnant man and the other was just too happy to reply.

upon dissembarking from his van, swarms of reporters from different companies and even tabloids came unto him. not a minute later, several men in suits surrounded him for protection.

whats going on? nhu thought.

that news that he was ill was nothing to be so alarmed about like this one here. what happened to that few days that hes away that it became like this?

as he was ushered into the building, he heard bits of questions being thrown at him...





ungrateful son...




the moment he stepped in into the building, two strong arms surrounded him. and the strong scent of arius wafted on him making him relaxed through that throng of people. all celebrities and staff in that lobby had been gossiping about them right this minute and no one was even discreet about it.

just what the hell was going on?


nhu pov

when arius and i settled down in his office, he handed me a publication where my face was in front page. there on the story page plastered a picture of my sister sprawled on the floor the way she did that time when i slapped her cross on the that pathetic face of hers.

"i see." i said understanding everything even just from the pictures.

"she sued you for defamation and all other stuff. i dont know where she got the nerve to be brave to accuse you of that but you know how it is when you are in this industry. she wants recognition and this was one way to do it. shes using you again." arius said rather amused but here i am having cold hands, nervous of whats to come.

"so... what will i do?" i asked. im lost.

"nothing. im unto her. scratch that. the whole family is unto her. moms been digging her dirt. dads been seizing her familys assets and influencing even your fathers employer. theyre being in constant watch ever since and theyre just waiting for my signal to strike. im gonna be honest, love. i was to let them go after your mom let go of you through her signed consent but they just cant be contented enough and asked for settlement money to hush them up. i actually relented and gave them money just to really hush them up. they asked for more and i refused and this was their retaliation. now, no matter how you plead not to, im just too fed up of them and you shouldnt know what ill do to them after this."

"yeah, i shouldnt. i dont care anymore arius." i said standing up and putting the publication on my lovers desk. "do what you want with them. im rather thankful for your intervention. im tired of being pushed down like this, arius. help me." i leaned my head on my mates chest and succumbed in his embrace.

"want to quit?" arius suddenly asked.

"should i?" should i?

"want to?"

i looked down at my hand on his chest. as much as i like to sing, act and perform, if im a bother to the people around me because of it, im very much obliged to quit. but...

"you dont have to if you like it that much, love. im just saying that you could say and demand anything. youre my master in all of this. whatever you say goes, love. youre that important to me. i could go blind if i have to if that could make you happy, i will."
"too much. stop it." i said because hes getting dramatic again.


"i dont want to quit, ari. it would make me a coward if i do so. whatever youll have me do to make them pay, use me. i dont care if its you. i just want to be in peace, love. now that..."

"that..." arius looked down at me confused.

"that were... not alone in this world anymore..."

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