Unmarked Mates

By GosiaAC

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BLACK MOON Book Three Can be read as a stand-alone. A mating bond is Goddess' blessing, something pure and p... More

Prologue: The knowledge of sin is the beginning of salvation
Chapter 1: What can't be cured must be endured
Chapter 2: "Be careful what you wish for"
Chapter 3: "A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step"
Chapter 4: "Beggars can't be choosers"
Chapter 5: "Beginning is easy - to keep going is hard"
Chapter 6: "Don't think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm"
Chapter 7: "Higher duties mean greater responsibilities"
Chapter 8: "Marriage has teeth and it bites hard"
Chapter 9: "Discretion is the better part of valor"
Chapter 10: " If you want peace, prepare for war"
Chapter 11: "A leopard never changes its spots"
Chapter 12: "Faults are thick where love is thin"
Chapter 13: "Honesty is the best policy"
Chapter 14: "Don't cast pearls before swine"
Chapter 15: An ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure.
Chapter 16: "Blood is thicker than water"
Chapter 17: "Better fifty enemies outside the house than one within"
Chapter 18: "It takes two to tango"
Chapter 19: "Grief divided is made lighter"
Chapter 20: "Ignorance is bliss"
Chapter 22: "Hunger drives the wolf out of the wood"
Chapter 23: "As you sow, so you shall reap"
Chapter 24: "If you play with fire, you'll get burned"
Chapter 25: "The cat is out of the bag"
Chapter 26:" The truth will set you free"
Chapter 27: " A house divided cannot stand"
Chapter 28: "Ask no questions and hear no lies"
Chapter 29: "Devil's Bargain"
Chapter 30: "Familiarity breeds contempt"
Chapter 31: "It's never too late to mend"
Chapter 32: "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."
Chapter 33: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."
Chapter 34: "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost"
Chapter 35: "Where there's a will, there's a way"
Chapter 36: "Action speaks louder than words"
Chapter 37: "One man's trash is another man's treasure"
Chapter 38: "Any port in a storm"
Chapter 39: "Persuasion is better than force."
Chapter 40: "The course of true love never did run smooth" Part 1
Chapter 41: "The course of true love never did run smooth" Part 2
Chapter 42: "The course of true love never did run smooth" Part 3
Chapter 43: "The course of true love never did run smooth" Part 4
Chapter 44: "Oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm"
Chapter 45: "Lightning never strikes twice in the same place."
Chapter 46: "Practice what you preach"
Chapter 47: You show me the man, and I'll show you the rule
Chapter 48: "There is no beast more cruel than man"
Chapter 49: Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future
Epilogue: The longest way around is the shortest way home
Book Four: Untainted Mates

Chapter 21: "Every cloud has a silver lining"

303 14 2
By GosiaAC

Julius POV

I knock on the door of Danny's house, it's very late but I don't care I need to be close to him no matter what or I will go insane.

My son was scared of me, I clearly saw it in his eyes this afternoon when I had almost broken the neck of his mother in front of him. My son was scared of me, I made him afraid, I made him tremble in fear!

After the confrontation in the Infirmary Natasha sent also Danny home telling him that for now he is forbidden to leave the pack territory because he disregarded his duty to inform the Alpha about anything that may concern the pack. And the return of Madison for sure is a big concern. The moment I saw her the rage was so strong, strange that Drake didn't try to stop me like the last time I saw her.

Danny opens the door and looks at me with guilt on his face as I move my wheelchair to enter the house and doesn't wait any second as he kneels in front of me putting his hands on my thighs.

"I'm so sorry I kept it hidden from you, I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to suffer, she had already approached Tristan when I found out about her. I didn't want him to suffer either. I'm so sorry Julius, I didn't want to hurt you."

The tears go down his face and I don't even try to withhold mine. I pull him onto my lap and put my face in his chest sobbing. I feel his arms wrapped around me and I let myself cry, cry for as long as I have the strength to do it.

The twilight meets us on the couch in the living room when Danny lies in my arms and I can play with his soft hair.

"Will you tell me what happened, I had no idea about Luke," he says and my throat clenches painfully again.

"When Trist was around two years old my relationship with Madison was already broken. As you remember she slept around a lot, and we were constantly arguing. I didn't pay too much attention when she started not showing up in the house for days, I was sure she was with her lovers because I could feel it from time to time. Around the same time patrols started finding out traces of some other wolves' presence on our territory but there was no burglary nor attacks on anybody, but we knew that someone from the pack must've let them in."

"Was it Madison?" he asks.

"She met a rogue in a human town and he became her lover and also told her that he had found a way to become very rich and she fell for it. Stupid bitch she has almost destroyed the whole pack!"

"How?" he looks at me and I gulp, we have promised to never say a thing to anybody but there was no Alpha Command, but still do I want him to know the truth? Do I want to drag him into this mess?

"They were smuggling something, and they wanted to make here the safe pick-up point for their cargo, and they needed Madison to purchase some things for them too. For her lover and his people. Luke was the one who noticed that Madison suddenly started having very extravagant clothes and other things and one day he started following her. There is a place in the woods with a waterfall, that's where he had a confrontation with her and was jumped by the rest of her acquaintances. There was a fight, and we came to his rescue I, Natasha, Thomas, Alexa, her father, and Chen but it was too late, they have managed to poison him with some of their own and attacked us.  Thomas and Alexa's father died and I had to... I had to..."

I feel tears in my eyes, Luke had a whole life ahead of him, he was funny, kind, and brave, and he died, because...

"I had to kill Luke, to end his suffering" I whisper.

Once again I cry as Danny holds me tight, I feel the warmth of his body, and his divine scent gives me so much-needed comfort as I shiver because of the sorrow and suffering.

"They were smuggling Red Venom, do you know what is Red Venom ?" I ask.

"The poison which forced werewolves into an almost instant feral shift, they become the bloodthirst monsters who will attack and kill everything that is moving, and they die hours after the shift very painfully. The wolf who will be found guilty of purchasing or selling Red Venom will be executed instantly and his pack will be disbanded regardless of circumstances, The Werewolf Council is extremely strict with that," he says sadly squeezing my hand with his.

"They gave it to my brother and three of their own, the wolves under the influence of Red Venom are also much stronger than normal. But Luke died at my hand, I was the one who had to take his life. My own brother, my kind and brave brother...''

I have to take a couple of harsh breaths before I'm able to speak again.

"I got into a coma as the result of the fighting, when I woke up Madison was next to me so maybe that's why I didn't die. But she lied, she told everybody that she knew nothing, but I got there before the rest of my pack and before Luke submitted to the poison he managed to mindlink me that she was the one who had poisoned him. She claimed she had thought that they had been smuggling just some drugs and had had no idea that they had been fatal, she only thought that Luke would've slept and she and her rogues would've managed to get away." I managed to whisper.

"And do you believe her?"

"I don't care if she knew or not, the result was the same, my brother was dead and the pack was at risk. She should've been executed but Natasha knew that this incident had to be covered very quietly or the pack would be in danger and was sure that killing Madison would kill Drake and in consequence also me. You must not tell anyone no matter what, do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand"

"I rejected her and it pushed Drake so deep into my mind that I lost contact with him, but honestly I didn't care. At that very moment, all I wanted was to die. She was banished and left and during a few next years, I reached the total bottom. I was still feeling her and I kept myself almost all the time drunk because of it. Luke was gone, Drake was gone, my mate was gone and one day Natasha came to my house to tell me that she and my uncle had decided that if I hadn't pulled myself together they would've given Trist for the adoption in a different pack and that's when I understood that I had only him and no matter what I can't lose him either. Thankfully he doesn't remember much from that time, but that threat forced me to live. And now Madison is again here, and I will not let her ruin Trist's life no matter what."

"It wasn't your fault, Julius," Danny says.

"It was, I brought Madison to my and Luke's life, I failed to notice what was happening, I didn't get there on time... I killed him... I killed him... I killed him..." I sob into Danny's chest.

Danny POV

SMUT Warning

I put a blanket on Julius, he went to sleep during crying. I kept repeating to him that everything would be alright but truth be told I'm not so sure. I just hope, I really hope that Madison is here because she wants to get connected with Trist again, but honestly, I don't believe her. I don't want Julius or Trist to suffer more no matter what.

And I wonder about her feeling towards Julius, is she here also for him?

I turn off the lights and let Julius sleep as I walk upstairs to my bedroom and prepare to also take some rest. The fact that Julius is downstairs makes me feel safe, I think for the first time since I came to live here. I lie down and start to doze off, I'm asleep very fast.

But I open my eyes in the night because someone is in my room, I sit a little scared and see a man standing in the door frame. It's dark but it's a full moon so I can see him in the faint moonlight.

"Julius?" I say as he slowly comes closer to my bed, he is naked.

He sits on my bed and raises his hand to gently caress my face with it, I feel his fingers in my hair as he whispers "Beautiful" in a very strange, raspy voice. I look into his eyes and notice that they are dark which means:

"Drake?" I ask softly and he smiles at me.

How the hell is this possible? Drake can move around without Julius's knowledge but I've been sure that is only possible in his wolf form. He's never been in charge in this form before.

He moves his hand down my neck and towards my chest, his touch on my naked skin makes me shiver in delight, I don't dare to protest, I don't want to protest. I move to lie on my back as Drake climbs on top of me and leans to touch my lips with his. I'm more than eager to let his tongue into my mouth. He is so gentle and so careful as he sucks and bites on my lips and lets his tongue explore every inch of my mouth. His fingertips roam on my torso and down towards my hips.

He stops kissing me and moves a little away to gently pull down my pajama pants, I feel so good I don't want to move no matter what when he parts my legs and starts pleasuring me with his mouth. I don't even try to muffle my moans of pleasure, I tangled my fingers in his hair breathing hard and hoping that this night will never end, that I will always feel the weight of his body on me. Brandon has never touched me like this, everything Drake or Julius does is so different, so... pure.

I cum into his mouth and he slowly starts kissing his way up my stomach and next torso, he sucks on my nipples and I wriggle under him in total ecstasy whimpering in delight. He sits and starts sucking his fingers looking at me as I lie with my legs spread very wide feeling not even an ounce of shame or embarrassment.

"So, beautiful" he whispers again as his fingers touch my entrance.

He leans closer and starts sucking and nibbling on my neck distracting me as his fingers do their magic inside me, I grip the bedframe feeling tears running down my face as he starts pushing his erection inside me. No pain, nor sting I think I've never been so ready and so horny as I'm now. I feel worshipped, he touches me as if I am something sacred. Is this what making love feels like?

"Mine, mine not his, you never his, always mine," Drake says looking into my eyes.

He moves his hips gently, hitting my special spot every time, pleasure runs through me as I wrap my arms around his tors bringing him closer. I feel his mouth sucking my mating mark and it feels as if he was sucking the poison out of me. He pulls out and turns me around so I lie on my stomach, once again I feel him entering me but this time he moves faster and his thrusts become stronger. I feel his arms wrapped around my waist as his lips dance on my nape and shoulders. My heart has never hammered so fast in my chest, I can't stop crying, because of happiness, because I was dreaming about having Julius in me for so long. This isn't sex, Drake/Julius and I are making love and I don't care how a big price I will have to pay for this moment when he whispers:

"Ours, we love you so much and you are ours."

I moan both of their names as he spills in me and I also reach my climax. And yet he doesn't pull out and I feel stuffed but at the same time so warm, secure, and happy. I feel his quick breath on my ear and I enjoy his weight on top of me with every inch of my body.

Tears keep coming from my eyes as peace, full bliss comes to me, I feel my eyes getting heavy.

When I open them again I feel cold because I'm alone, I go downstairs to find Julius sleeping soundly on the couch. I know I wasn't dreaming, all of it happened yesterday. Drake and I were having sex, but now there is a painful sensation in my chest because subconsciously I understand Julius wasn't there with us, at least not fully. And I'm sure he won't remember anything of it when he wakes up. But still, I look at him, drinking the beautiful and peaceful sight of him.

As I come back to my room, the first thing I do is to change sheets because reality crashes on me. Nothing is different, Julius won't remember and Brandon will come back home. 

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