The Intern

By rosietapia3

43.4K 1.1K 170

What happens when a 16 year old girl applies for an internship at the Outset. She has lived a rough life, and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 3

3.1K 74 8
By rosietapia3

-Monday February 6-

*Amelia's POV*

Today was a very boring day. We turned in our DNA sample and we will get them in about a week. My older brother Luis also sent a message that my dad picked up drinking again. Oh well, there's not much we can do.

-Monday February 13-

*Amelia's POV*

We were getting our DNA test results today. I couldn't wait. Also, my older brother has some news for me.

"Alright class, I will be passing your results. I want you to write a small paragraph about your results." My science teacher started talking. Jacob got his paper and then I got mine.

"On 3, we open them together." I told him.

"Alright, ready?" He asked me. I nodded my head saying yes.

"1...2...3" we both said and opened the letter. I was confused and shocked about my results. I looked over the results. There was a second page attached to the first page that had a bunch of numbers.

"What does your say?" Jacob asked me. "It says my parents are my biological parents." He told me. I read that there was no match between me and my dad, but a match for my 'mother'

"My dad is not my actual dad." I told him handing him the sheet. "And I found my mother." I told him.

"But didn't you use Scarlett's hair...Holy shit." He said.

"Jacob watch your mouth." Our science teacher scolded him.

"I can't believe this." I said in disbelief. Me and Jacob spent the rest of the time trying to see what we could do. After school ended and I went straight home.

"Luis I have some news." I said walking into the apartment. I felt a tension between my father and brother.

"Amelia." Luis warned me. My dad stood up and was a bit unstable. He slapped my older brother causing him to fall. I got a sudden urge to protect my brother. I stood in between them and shoved my dad who responded by punching me and slamming my head to the wall. Just then, Luis came and knocked him out.

"Let's go." I told Luis and we left running out of the apartment until we got outside.

"Amelia, before we keep walking, I need to tell you...I'm joining the army." He said and I froze and started tearing up. Luis came and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Everything is going wrong. You're leaving, I find out that my dad is not my real dad and Scarlett Johansson is my biological mother." I said to him. He pulled apart and I explained everything.

"Do you have Scarlett's number?" Luis asked.

"No, I can text Logan." I said. I texted Logan and we decided to go to a cafe.

*Scarlett's POV*

Chris came to New York once again to find out more about Amelia. Right now it 4 and Chris was helping me make dinner for Rose. Tomorrow was Valentine's day so I was helping her make cards for her classmates.

"Mommy, what are we doing tomorrow?"Rose asked.

"I don't know. Maybe watch a movie." I suggested.

"Sorry to interrupt, but here are your meals." Chris said setting down 2 plates. He made us a salad with some salmon and mac and cheese for Rose. We were eating when I got a phone call from a random number.

"Mommy your phone." Rose pointed out. I picked up hesitantly thinking it was a stalker.

"Hey Scarlett, it's me Amelia. Logan gave me your phone number." I heard Amelia's voice and I calmed down.

"Hey, do you need anything?" I asked her.

"There's something I need to tell's urgent and messing me up." Amelia said through the phone.

"Come to my house so we can talk." I told her. I told her my address and she said she was going to be here in about 25 minutes.

"Who was it?" Rose asked.

"Someone who works with me." I told her. Rose kept eating and soon after headed upstairs to do her homework.

"Is Amelia coming?" Chris asked.

"Yeah." I told him. We cleaned everything and around 4:45, there was a knock on the door.

"Sorry for the inconvenience." Amelia said. I noticed a guy behind her. "I also brought my older brother Luis." She added. I noticed that both of them had bruises in their face.

"You two get beat up or what?" Chris told them.

"We'll explain later. I need you to tell me if this is true." Amelia said handing me a paper. DNA test that confirms I'm her mother, I showed it to Chris and our smile grew.

"Yeah this confirms it." I told Amelia who looked astonished. "Take a seat." I told her.

*Amelia's POV*

I called Scarlett which led to me and Luis being at her house.

"Wait so your my actual mother?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She told me.

"Who's my father?" I asked. And then I got a surprise.

"Me." Chris said and I turned to him. Me and Luis looked at one another.

"We can do another test." Scarlett told me. "You a know a more accurate." She finished saying.

"But how?" I asked her. "Why was I adopted? Did you not want me?" I interrogated Chris and Scarlett.

"We did want you. It was the best day of my life." Chris said. "But, 2 days after you were born, we were getting ready to go home when a doctor said you needed to get checked. And took you away." Chris explained. Luis rested his hand on my shoulder.

"We never saw you again. We spent years trying to find you. But nothing." Scarlett whispered.

"Wow." I said. "So what happens now?" I asked them.

"Well you can live with me or you can go back to your father." Scarlett answered me. Me and Luis looked at one another.

"Come on Amelia, this is your chance." Luis told me.

"But what about my younger siblings. I don't want them to be there with him." I told him.

"What do you mean? Sorry, you don't have to answer." Chris said.

"We got hit by my father." Luis said. "He started drinking and when I told him about the army he told me it was useless." Luis explained.

"I'll be back with some medical stuff. And Amelia you can't live under those situations. I'll call my agents to fix everything up." Scarlett told me as she walked to the bathroom.

"You two want anything to eat?" Chris asked us. Me and Luis looked at one another.

"Yes please." We both said.

"Alright, follow me." Chris said as he guided us to the kitchen. "We have chicken, mac and cheese, salad and some salmon." He told us. Me and Luis reheated everything before starting to eat. It was missing something, but I wasn't sure.

"I'm back." Scarlett said. She walked up to me and started treating my forehead bruise and my busted lip. "Does it hurt?" She asked.

"A little not much." I told her. "So, what do we do?" I asked.

"It's safe for you to stay here, I'm sure out uncle and aunt can take care of those kids." Luis told me.

"But for a while." I reminded him.

"Amelia, I'm not going to force you, but if you wish to stay here, I have some clothes for you that you can wear." Scarlett told me. "And you can stay the night too." Scarlett said to Luis.

"I think I'm going to stay at my friend's house. But thank you." Luis told her. "I should get going actually. Once again thank you for all of this." Luis said to them.

"Of course and thank you for accompanying her." Chris told him giving Luis a handshake.

"Yeah thank you. If you ever need anything, we're always here for you." Scarlett reminded him.

"That means a lot. Thank you. Bye everyone." He said and came to me to give me a kiss. "Alright, bye Amelia. Take care and listen to them. I want you to behave." He told me.

"You got it." I said. I gave him another hug before he left. "So now what?" I asked them.

*Scarlett's POV*

I looked at Chris to see if he had any ideas. Believe or not, it was now 5 in the afternoon, I thought it was like 7.

"Mommy." Rose came running down when she froze upon seeing Amelia. Rose is still 7, so she's still young. "Who is she?" Rose pointed at Amelia.

"Rose we don't point." I scolded her. I kneeled to her height to be transparent with her. "Well, you know how you always wanted a sister." I started and Rose nodded her head. "Well, this is Amelia, and she's your big sister." I told her.

"Wow. So you're my sister." Rose said to Amelia.

"Yeah, nice to meet you." Amelia said.

"How old are you?" Rose asked.

"I'm 16." Amelia responded.

"So you're 9 years older than me?" Rose said astonished and Chris chuckled.

"Great job Rose." Chris told her.

"Yeah I am. So do you want to do anything?" Amelia asked Rose.

"Could we play dolls?" Rose asked her. Amelia agreed and Rose dragged her to the playroom.

"Looks like they're getting along." Chris said. I went to take a seat with Chris sitting next to me. I let out a sigh. "I could stay if you need me?" He asked.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded his head. "That will be great. Thank you." I told him.

"Least I can do for you. I should be thanking you for giving me a daughter." He told me which made me blush for an odd reason.

"So who's taking her to school tomorrow?" I asked.

"Um...where's her school?" Chris asked.

"I have no clue." I said. "We should ask her." I suggested.

"Mommy can we watch a movie with Amelia?" Rose asked coming down with Amelia behind her.

"Of course. Should we let Amelia pick?" I asked.

"Yes. Amelia what movie?" Rose asked her.

"Umm. Could we watch a Disney movie?" Amelia asked and I could tell Chris was so happy.

"For sure. We could even sing along." Chris spoke up. "Which one?" Chris asked her.

"Little mermaid is my favorite. Could we watch it?" She asked again.

"Of course and you don't have to ask everytime." I reminded her.

"Alright." She told me. Chris turned the tv and played the little mermaid. By 8 the movie ended and I sent Rose to get ready for bed.

"Hey Amelia, me and your da...I mean Chris were talking about school. How far is your school?" I asked her.

"I'm not sure." Amelia said. "Either way, my friend Jacob always takes me to school." She told us.

"Does he drive?" Chris asked her.

"Yep. And he has his own car. But, I drive better. Just saying. Well, now that's there any spare clothes?" She asked.

"Come with me." I told her. I led her to the guest room and opened the closet full of boxes. "Feel free to look around. Come out when you're ready." I told her. I stepped out on the hallway and made my way to Rose's room. I knocked before coming in.

"Mommy, is Amelia going to live with us?" Rose asked.

"That's the plan, but you can also say if you want her or not." I told her. Rose should also have a say in this.

"I want her to live with us." Rose told me excited. "I finally get someone to play with. We can play dress up, maybe with my dolls and also have a tea party." Rose started listing some things to do.

"That's good, but remember that Amelia has other stuff to school." I reminded her. Rose kept telling me about how she was excited for school tomorrow. "Hey mommy, can you make something to give to the class?" Rose asked.

"It's a bit too late, don't you think?" I asked her.

"But I promised the whole class, I would bring something." Rose said.

"Why didn't you say earlier." I told her kind of annoyed. Rose just shrugged her shoulders.

"Sorry to interrupt...but I can make some food." Amelia said.

"You don't have to. Rose has to learn about the consequences. Anyways, do you need anything?" I asked Amelia.

"Well...I was wondering if you have any toothpaste and possibly a spare toothbrush." Amelia told me.

"Of course. Let me show you." I said standing up from Rose's bed.

"Mommy I want you to read to me." Rose said out of nowhere. Which is weird because she usually falls asleep without me reading to her.

"Rose just give me a few minutes." I told her.

"Mommy please, I'm asking nicely." Rose said.

"That's fine. I can ask Chris, you can go read to Rose. I understand." Amelia said and left.

"Alright Rose what book?" I asked her.

"I don't know." She told me and I let out a sigh realizing that Rose doesn't like sharing.

*Amelia's POV*

I went to find Chris to see if he knew where Scarlett kept her spare toothbrush.

"Hey Chris, by any chance do you know where I can find a spare toothbrush?" I asked him.

"Not really. But why don't we look around." He suggested. We started opening all the closets. Then we went to open all the cabinets.

"Chris why would a toothbrush be in the kitchen?" I asked him.

"It's Scarlett you don't know." He responded which led me to chuckled. "Nothing here." He told me. "I got it." He said and ran to a room. I followed him into the master bedroom. He went to the bathroom and opened the cabinets. "Found it. Here you go princess." He told me.

"Thanks, and I like the nickname." I told him.

"Then it's fair I get a nickname. Don't you think?" He suggested.

"Popeye is your nickname." I said laughing. We left Scarlett's room and I went to brush my teeth. I went to bed and someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said and Chris walked in. " you want to hang out some day?" He asked. "I want to get to know you better." He said.

"That's fine." I told him. "Maybe after Valentine's." I suggested.

"That sounds good." He told me. "Alright go to sleep." He told me.

"It's early." I said.

"You know... that if I wasn't an actor, I would love to be paid to sleep." He started saying. "It would be my dream job." He ended finishing the joke. I couldn't help but laugh at his attempt.

"That's so corny." I told him laughing which made him laugh.

"What are you two troublemakers laughing about?" Scarlett asked.

"Nothing." Me and Chris said at the same time. We looked at each other and started laughing.

*Scarlett's POV*

After Rose fell asleep, I went to the guest room to find Chris and Amelia laughing their heads up. They didn't tell me why they were laughing which bummed me out.

"Alright Chris let her rest." I told him.

"Fine. Slep well princess." He told her kissing her goodnight on her hair.

"Night Popeye." She told him. Oh so now they have nicknames. That's unfair. I really hope that me and Amelia can soon bond as well.

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