Back to the shadows | Dean Wi...

By courtneybunny2

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Book two in that back to you series. Read book one, "Back to believing", if you don't none of this is going t... More

Cast & Playlist
Chapter 1: I'll chase you out of the yard with a shotgun
Chapter 2: Like anyone would invite you
Chapter 3: I've always wanted to hunt down pennywise
Chapter 4: What's so weird about evil, invisible, killer clowns
Chapter 5: Damn you, Sam
Chapter 6: You really think you can kill me
Chapter 7: I really don't feel like hiding bodies
Chapter 8: Pretty, living, not dead, plants
Chapter 9: Probably
Chapter 10: We're supposed to be stalking
Chapter 11: I'll just stick with the boring job
Chapter 12: Are you sure
Chapter 13: When we're burning in hell together
Chapter 14: On this segment of I regret my life
Chapter 15: We're already wanted for murder
Chapter 16: I think he does
Chapter 17: We love summoning demons
Chapter 18: Before something bad happens
Chapter 19: Who has time to murder a town full of people
Chapter 20: Get on your side of the road, man
Chapter 21: I wanna blow shit up
Chapter 22: Super scary threat
Chapter 23: Get over it
Chapter 24: I need coffee
Chapter 25: They are
Chapter 26: What now
Chapter 27: But what do I get
Chapter 28: Except that part
Chapter 29: You were smarter than that
Chapter 30: We got a lot of problems
Chapter 31: Lets dig up a dead body
Chapter 32: Maybe there is
Chapter 33: Go do our SpongeBob seance
Chapter 34: You were sadly mistaken
Chapter 35: I never will
Chapter 36: Just kill me
Chapter 37: Quit yelling at each other
Chapter 38: Psychotic break down is always an option
Chapter 39: Its shitty here
Chapter 40: A hell of a lot
Chapter 41: You have no friends
Chapter 42: Here we go
Chapter 43: I don't need help
Chapter 44: We are better than them
Chapter 45: I know the feeling
Chapter 46: Have fun
Chapter 47: Shut up
Chapter 48: Patiently
Chapter 49: Our big break
Chapter 50: Yes we are
Chapter 51: I'd love to
Chapter 52: You got any popcorn
Chapter 53: We've noticed
Chapter 54: Name your price
Chapter 55: The sky
Chapter 56: I can fix it
Chapter 57: I was right

Chapter 58: Bring it on

634 15 9
By courtneybunny2

All hell breaks loose part two 2

"Bobby, is this really necessary?" Ellen asks, holding up the shot glass of Holy water.

"Just a belt of holy water. Shouldn't hurt."

Ellen downs the holy water. "Whiskey now, if you don't mind."

"Ellen, what happened? How'd you get out?" Dean questions.

"I wasn't supposed to. I was supposed to be in there with everybody else. But we ran out if pretzels, of all things. Was just dumb luck." Ellen takes the shot glass full of whiskey from Bobby. "Anyway, that's when Ash called, panic in his voice. He told me to look in the safe. Then the call cut out. By the time I got back, the flames were sky high. Everybody was dead. I couldn't have been gone more than fifteen minutes."

"Sorry, Ellen." Sam says.

"Lot of good people died in there. And I got to live. Lucky me."

"Well, moral of the story, don't go buy pretzels. Or do. Depends on if you wanna burn to death or--" Alexis starts, at first she was trying to joke but she got carried away.

"Sweetheart, rambling again."

"Oh, yeah."

"Ellen, you mentioned a safe." Bobby presses.

"A hidden safe we keep in the basement."

"Demons get what was in it?"

"No." Ellen pulls a map out of her coat, sliding it to Dean.

"Wyoming?" Dean asks. "What does that mean?"

"What, the five x's? Its a gate to hell, duh." Alexis shrugs. "I don't know how I know that."


"I don't believe it." Bobby says as he walks into the living room with a book in his hands. The five hunters had been reading every book Bobby had to prove that Alexis was correct. Or incorrect. Even though she knew she was right.

"What, you got something?" Sam asks.

"A lot more than that." Bobby set the book down on the table. "Each of these x's is an abandoned frontier church, all mid 19th century. And all of 'em built by Samuel Colt."

"Samuel Colt? The demon killing, gun making Samuel Colt?" Dean asks.

"Yep." Alexis nods, handing him a beer and, forgetting herself monetarily, sitting down in his lap.

"And there's more. He built private rail lines connecting church to church. That just so happens to lay out like this." Bobby takes a marker, connecting each x to create a star.

"Tell me its not what I think it is." Dean says.

"Its a Devils Trap." Sam states. "A hundred square mile Devils Trap."

"That's brilliant. Iron lines, demons can't cross."

"I've never heard of anything that massive." Ellen mutters.

"No one has." Bobby shakes his head.

"Okay, but I have. I read it somewhere once. In one of my moms books. He built it because in the middle, like I said earlier, is a gate to hell." Alexis looks between everyone.

"And after all these years, none of the lines are broken? I mean, it still works?" Dean asks.

"Obviously." Alexis sighs.

"Definitely." Sam adds.

"How do you two know?"

"All the omens Bobby found. I mean, the demons, they must be circling and they can't get in."

"Yeah, well, they're trying." Bobby shrugs.

"Is it what Alexis said? Gates to hell? There's gotta be something there." Ellen looks at Bobby.

"That's what I've been looking for." Dean explains. "And, uh, there's nothing except an old cowboy cemetery right in the middle."

"Oh, yeah cause its totally gonna tell you the gates to hell are in a old cemetery in between, like, five or six churches." Alexis rolls her eyes.

"Well, can the demons get inside?" Sam asks.

"This thing's so strong you'd practically need an A-bomb to destroy it. No way a full blood demon could get across." Bobby answers.

"No. But I know who could."


"Howdy, Jake." Sam says, stepping out from behind the headstone as Jake walks towards the crypt.

"Oh, you. You were dead. I killed you." Jake tell him, glancing between the four other hunters, who had guns pointed right at him.

"Yeah? Well, next time finish the job."

"I did. I cut clean through your spinal cord, man."

Dean and Alexis share a look as Sam glances at them.

"You can't be alive." Jake continues. "You can't be."

"Okay, just take it real easy there, son." Bobby says.

"And if I don't?"

"Wait and see." Sam adds.

"What, you a tough guy all of of sudden? What are you gonna do? Kill me?"

"Its a thought."

"You had your chance. You couldn't."

"I won't make that same mistake twice."

Jake laughs, A smile growing on his face.

"What are you smiling at, you little bitch?" Dean asks. Alexis, despite the spinning of her head, laughs a little.

"Hey, lady." Jake turns to Ellen. "Do me a favor. Put that gun to your head."

Ellen struggles to keep her hand still as she pressed the barrel of the gun to her head.

"See, that Ava girl was right. Once you give into it, there's all shorts of new Jedi Mind Tricks you can learn."

"Let her go." Sam demands.

"Shoot him." Ellen says.

"You'll be mopping up skull before you get a shot off. Everybody put your guns down. Expect you, sweetheart."

One by one each hunter drops their gun to the ground.

"Okay, thank you." Jake turns around, sticking the Colt into the lock of the crypt. The gears start to turn as Dean and Bobby tackle Ellen, knocking the gun out of her hand causing a shot to go off.

Four or five more go off as Sam shoots Jake in the back. He falls to the ground as Sam moves to stand in front of him.

"Please. No." Jake gasps.

"You know what?" Alexis asks. "I don't like you." She pulls on the trigger, shooting him in the head. At the same time, Sam shot and kept shooting. Sam wipes a speck of blood off of his cheek as Dean, Bobby, and Ellen make their way toward the crypt.

The gears stop spinning. "Oh, no." Bobby mutters.

"We're fucked. Royally." Alexis says.

"What is it?" Ellen asks.

"Its hell." Bobby and Alexis say at the same time.

Dean pulls the Colt out of the lock as the door shake, trying to burst open.

"Take cover. Now." Bobby yells. Alexis stood still though, waiting. Almost like she was in a trance. Dean turned back, grabbing her arm and pulling her away. He held her to his chest as they sat behind a headstone.

Thunder rumbled and lighting struck as the doors burst open. A big cloud of black swarming out overhead.

"What the hell just happened?" Dean asks.

"A Devils gate." Ellen replies.

"A door to hell." Alexis sighs. "Do none of you listen to anything I say?"

"Come on, we gotta shut the gate." Ellen yells.

Alexis stood along with everyone else. She was heading toward the door when a black pillar of smoke stood in front of her. She stopped, her heart hammering in her chest. The puff of smoke swirled around until a man stepped out.

A dark haired man with glowing eyes the color of dark storm clouds. She stumbled backwards a little.

"Alexis, daughter, its been a while." The man stepped forward. "You've grown so much. What a beautiful young woman you've become. Apologies, I'm sure you don't remember me. We've only met once. I'm--Well, you can call me Eric."

"You're--you're not my father."

"Oh, but I am. Your mother didn't have a child with Matthew Hart. She did with me. Just like Vivian's mother. Your sister. I've talked with her. I'm so glad to meet you. You have a big job ahead of you and I know you will do wonderfully at it."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh, my poor, sweet, terribly dumb daughter. Your mother was...special, its not my place to tell you, and I'm a demon. Obviously. You're not a Hart. You're the one who will end the apocalypse. Just choose the right side, okay? You will be the end and the beginning. The new ruler. Its your destiny. You will rule with Lucifer and Samuel Winchester."

Alexis starts laughing. "You--You're good. Really had me going there for a second. Oh, demons come up the the dumbest lies. Like, okay, maybe the father thing cause Vivian told me what you looked like went okay. Sure, but apocalypse? Rule the world? Okay, Sure."

"You'll come around." Eric nods. "Goodbye, Alexis. For now."

Alexis glances over her shoulder, watching him disappear in a puff of smoke the her eyes fall to Dean, who shot the yellow eyed demon. Alexis turns around, going to help Bobby and Ellen shut the doors.

She pushes all her weight against the door, giving it one final shove and they shut. The gears spin, locking the doors. Alexis' head swam. Dizziness washing over her as she watched John's ghost disappear in a bright light.

Alexis stumbled toward Dean, her chest heaving up and down as she tried to catch her breath. Dean runs his thumb over the cut on her cheek where the scar already was, smearing the blood.

The three hunters walk to the yellow eyed demons dead body. "Well, check that off the to do list." Dean says.

"You did it." Sam smiles.

"I didn't do it alone."

"Do you think Dad really--? Do you think he climbed out of hell?"

"A door was open. If anyone's stubborn enough to do'd be him."

"Where do you think he is now?"

"I don't know."

"I kind of can't believe it, Dean. I mean--Our whole lives, everything, has been prepping for this. And now, I-I kinda don't know what to say."

"I do." Dean kneels down to the body. "That was for our mom. You son of a bitch."


Sam, Dean, and Alexis arrived back at the car.

"Hey, let me try something." Alexis lets her hand hover over the gash on Deans head and a white light emitted from her palm, healing the cut. "Of course. Now it works." She turns to Sam. She grabs his wrist, pushing up his sleeve. A cut sat on his arm. She places her hand over it and the cut disappears. "Yes." She hisses.

"You know, when Jake saw me it was like he saw a ghost." Sam leans against the car as Alexis let go of his arm. "I mean, hell, you heard him, Dean. He said he killed me."

"Glad he was wrong." Dean says.

"I don't think he was, Dean."

"Why would you say that?" Alexis asks.

"What happened? After I was stabbed?"

"I already told you." Dean says.

"Not everything."

"Sam, we just killed the demon. Can we celebrate for a minute?"

Sounds like a plan to me, Alexis thinks.

"Did I die?" Sam asks.

"Oh, come on."

"Define, die. Like, if rigor mortis hasn't even set in yet then I don't consider someone dead. You know? Like, so they're just napping. In a weird way." Alexis shrugs.

"Did you sell your soul for me? Like dad did for you?" Sam asks, ignoring Alexis' ridiculous attempt at changing the subject.

"Come on. No." Dean scoffs.

"Tell me the truth."

"Okay. I did." Alexis says. "I did, Sam."

"What, no you didn't."

"Yes, I did. Really, Sam. I did."

"Dean, tell me the truth."

"Sam." Dean warns.

"How long did you get?"

Dean is silent for a second. "One year. I got one year. Lexi did too."

"Wait, you actually sold your soul?"

"More of I got conned into selling it, but yeah." Alexis nods.

"You shouldn't have done that. How could you do that?"

"Don't get mad at me." Dean tells him. "Don't you do that. I had to. I had to look out for you. That's my job."

"And what do you think my job is?"

"What?" Dean asks.

"You saved my life over and over. I mean, you sacrifice everything for me. Don't you think I'd do the same for you? You're my big brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. And I don't care what it takes. I'm gonna get you out of this. Both of you. Guess I get to save your ass for A change."

"Yeah." Dean nods.

"Well..." Ellens voice grabs the hunters attention. "Yellow eyed demon might be dead, but a lot more for through the gate."

"Including my very own real life father. Who's a demon, apparently." Alexis mutters to herself.

"How many do you think?" Dean asks.

"A hundred. Maybe two hundred. Its an army." Sam shrugs. "He's unleashed an army."

"Hope to hell you three are ready. Because the war's just begun." Bobby shakes his head.

"Bring it on." Alexis sighs.

"Well, then...." Dean smiles.


Sam, Dean, and Alexis stood at the trunk of the car as Dean dropped the Colt in. "We got work to do." He says, closing the trunk.

To be continued.....

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