Back to the shadows | Dean Wi...

By courtneybunny2

39.3K 1K 573

Book two in that back to you series. Read book one, "Back to believing", if you don't none of this is going t... More

Cast & Playlist
Chapter 1: I'll chase you out of the yard with a shotgun
Chapter 2: Like anyone would invite you
Chapter 3: I've always wanted to hunt down pennywise
Chapter 4: What's so weird about evil, invisible, killer clowns
Chapter 5: Damn you, Sam
Chapter 6: You really think you can kill me
Chapter 7: I really don't feel like hiding bodies
Chapter 8: Pretty, living, not dead, plants
Chapter 9: Probably
Chapter 10: We're supposed to be stalking
Chapter 11: I'll just stick with the boring job
Chapter 12: Are you sure
Chapter 13: When we're burning in hell together
Chapter 14: On this segment of I regret my life
Chapter 15: We're already wanted for murder
Chapter 16: I think he does
Chapter 17: We love summoning demons
Chapter 18: Before something bad happens
Chapter 19: Who has time to murder a town full of people
Chapter 20: Get on your side of the road, man
Chapter 21: I wanna blow shit up
Chapter 22: Super scary threat
Chapter 23: Get over it
Chapter 24: I need coffee
Chapter 25: They are
Chapter 26: What now
Chapter 27: But what do I get
Chapter 28: Except that part
Chapter 29: You were smarter than that
Chapter 30: We got a lot of problems
Chapter 31: Lets dig up a dead body
Chapter 32: Maybe there is
Chapter 34: You were sadly mistaken
Chapter 35: I never will
Chapter 36: Just kill me
Chapter 37: Quit yelling at each other
Chapter 38: Psychotic break down is always an option
Chapter 39: Its shitty here
Chapter 40: A hell of a lot
Chapter 41: You have no friends
Chapter 42: Here we go
Chapter 43: I don't need help
Chapter 44: We are better than them
Chapter 45: I know the feeling
Chapter 46: Have fun
Chapter 47: Shut up
Chapter 48: Patiently
Chapter 49: Our big break
Chapter 50: Yes we are
Chapter 51: I'd love to
Chapter 52: You got any popcorn
Chapter 53: We've noticed
Chapter 54: Name your price
Chapter 55: The sky
Chapter 56: I can fix it
Chapter 57: I was right
Chapter 58: Bring it on

Chapter 33: Go do our SpongeBob seance

499 17 4
By courtneybunny2

House of the holy 3

The three hunters kneel in from of the plaque, starring at the vines growing over it.

"It looks like--" Sam starts.

"Its wormwood." Dean cuts him off. "Plant associated with the dead. Specifically, the ones that are not at rest."

"And its not growing anywhere else, but here. On the murdered priests grave." Alexis adds.

"Its him, Sam."



"Dean, I don't know what to think."

"Okay. You want some more proof? I'll give you more proof."

Sam chuckles. "How?"

"We'll summon Gregory's spirit."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Alexis smiles.

"What? Here? In the church?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Dean stands, pulling Alexis up with him. "Yeah, we just need a few odds and ends and that seance ritual in dads journal."

"Oh, seance, great. Hope Whoopi's available." Sam remarks as the three walk to the door.

"That's funny, actually. Seriously. If Father Gregory's spirit is around the seance will bring him right to us." Dean says. "If its him, then we'll put him to rest."

"But if its an Angel, it won't show. Nothing'll happen."

"Exactly. Its one of the perks of the job. We don't have to operate on faith. We can know for sure. Don't you wanna know for sure?"


"Dude, alright, I'll admit it, we've gone pretty ghetto with spell work before, but this takes the cake." Sam says as the three walk out of the convenience store. "I mean, a SpongeBob placemat instead of a alter cloth?"

"Do you have an alter cloth?" Alexis asks. "No, you don't. So SpongeBob it is."

"We'll just put it SpongeBob side down." Dean shrugs. He and Alexis continue walking until Sam calls out.

"Guys, that's it."

"What?" The two ask, looking back at Sam.

"That's the sign." Sam points to a man standing on the sidewalk across the street.

"Where?" Dean asks.

"Right there. Right behind that guy. That's him. We have to stop him."

The guy crosses the street and Sam starts to walk toward him.

"Wait a minute." Dean grabs Sams arm, stopping him.

"What are you doing? Let me go."

"You're not gonna kill somebody because a ghost told you to. Are you insane?"

"I'm not insane. I'm not gonna kill him, I'm gonna stop him."

"Define, 'stop'. Huh? I mean, what are you gonna do?"

"Dean, please. He's gonna hurt someone, you know it."

"Alright, chill out. What if me and Dean follow him and you go do our SpongeBob seance?" Alexis suggests. The man across the street gets in his car and drives away.

"No, I have to stop him." Sam insists.

"Alright. Come on." Dean says, getting in the car. Alexis follows suit. Sam tries to open the door.

"Come on. Unlock my door."

Dean starts the car as Alexis climbs over the seat, sitting down in the passenger.

"You're not killing anyone, Sam. I got this, you go do the seance." Dean drives away, leaving Sam on the sidewalk.


The blue car comes to a stop and the man gets out, he walked toward a house, meeting a woman halfway and handing her a bouquet of flowers.

"You know, it wouldn't kill you to get me flowers every once in a while." Alexis remarks as she watches the guy open the woman's car door.

"I got you flowers once and you lit them on fire." Dean glances at her.

"Well, next time don't get spider infested flowers. They were very pretty though, you know, until I lit them on fire and threw them out of a window. And they're on the move." Alexis gestures to the car that was now driving away.


Dean turns the corner, following the car, but it was gone. Nowhere in sight.

"Damn it." Dean curses.

"How the hell do we lose a car?"


"Unlock the car door, Dean." Alexis says, pulling on the handle as Dean slams the mans head into the steering wheel. Alexis pulls on the door and it opens. The terrified woman stumbles out, sobbing. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Are you okay?" Dean asks, setting a hand on the woman's arm.

"Thank God." The woman sobs. The guy, who was still in the car, drove off.

"Damn it."

"Hey, hey, are you sure you're alright?" Alexis asks. The woman nods.

"Call 911." Dean tells her as he and Alexis head back toward the car.


The Impala speeds down the road, making sharp turns and following the car. Alexis braces herself as Dean swerved so they didn't hit the tractor trailer head on.

The car in front of them turned the corner before hitting their brakes as A truck stopped suddenly. A metal pole flew off the truck, crashing through the cars windshield. Dean hits the brakes, the car slowing to a stop as the two hunters stare.

They get out of the car, making their way to it. "Holy...." Dean trails off.

Blood dripped off the pole and onto the leather seat. The metal had went right through the mans chest and through the seat.


"How was your day?" Dean asks Sam as he closes the door behind him.

"How was the SpongeBob seance?" Alexis sits down on the bed.

"You were right." Sam says, packing things in his bag. "It wasn't an angel. It was Gregory."

Dean takes out his flask, taking a swig before holding it out to Sam, who tales it.

"I don't know, Dean. I just, um....." Sam sighs. "I wanted to badly I'd.....Its so damn hard to do this....what we do. All alone, you know. And there's so much evil out in the world, Dean, I feel like I could drown in it. And when I think about my destiny, when I think about how I could end up.... "

"Yeah, well, don't worry about that, alright?" Dean tells him. "I'm watching out for you."

"Yeah, I know you are. But you're just one person, Dean. And I needed to think there was something else watching too, you know? Some higher power. Some greater good. And that maybe...."

"Maybe what?"

"Maybe I could be saved."

"I'm watching out for the both of you. God knows you both need it. I'll save your asses." Alexis says, giving the two a comforting smile.

"But, uh, you know, that just clouded my judgement. And you're right." Sam clears his throat. "We gotta go with what we can know, what we can see, with what's right there in front of our own eyes."

"Yeah, well, its funny you say that."


"Gregory's spirit gave you some pretty good information. The guy in the car was bad news. I barely got there in time."

"What happened?"

"He's dead."

"Did you two....?"

"No, we didn't." Alexis shakes her head.

"But I'll tell you one thing. If--The way he died, if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes I never woulda believed it. I mean, I don't know what to call it."

"What? Dean, what did you see?"

"Maybe....Gods will."


The bathroom door clicks shut. Dean rolls onto his side, facing Alexis. He sets his hand on her side, pressing his lips to her shoulder.

"What do you say we go for a drive, huh? Just you and me." He suggests, his hand slipping under her shirt.

Alexis laughs. "Lead the way, Winchester."

Dean stood up, pulling Alexis with him.

Alexis elbows Dean in the side as he pulls her toward the door. She drops the pen, leaving a rushed note sitting on the table.


The 1967 Chevy Impala sat on the side of a dark, quiet, backroad, the windows starting to fog up.

In the backseat, Alexis straddles Deans lap, running her fingers through his hair. Deans hands slide up her bare sides, pulling her closer. His tongue brushes her bottom lip, asking for entrance which she granted.

Her hands fumbled with his belt buckle before sliding under his shirt. Alexis pulls away slightly, grabbing the hem of Deans shirt and pulling it over his head.

She gripped his shoulders as Dean trails his lips down her jaw and neck. Alexis moans, tilting her head slightly. She gently tugs on the ends of his hair, moving her hips against his.

In one swift movement Dean flips the two over, hovering above her. He presses his lips back to hers, his fingers curling around the waistband of her jeans.

He slides the fabric down her legs. Alexis wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer as he slides his hands back up her bare thighs to her hips.

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