YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator's Ta...

By RealGris

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At the meager age of 27, a young man lost his life in an unfortunate accident but by the mischievous tides of... More

Chapter 201: Helen's Troubles
Chapter 202: One Rainy Day
Chapter 203: Smiles and Flowers (pt. I)
Chapter 204: Smiles and Flowers (pt. II)
Chapter 205: To Moterno, Once Again
Chapter 206: Yet Another Cliché
Chapter 207: Consultation
Chapter 208: Tiramisu for a Sweet Reunion!
Chapter 209: All-Out Shopping Spree!
Chapter 210: Tea Time with Royalty
Chapter 211: Fun and Games
Chapter 212: Yuna's Day Out
Chapter 213: An Unforgettable Day (pt. I)
Chapter 214: An Unforgettable Day (pt. II)
Chapter 215: A Warm Welcome
Chapter 216: Vilma Beldon
Chapter 217: The Vast Blue Sea
Chapter 218: Silent Flash
Chapter 219: The Fish Market
Chapter 220: The Taste of the Sea
Chapter 221: Out in the Sea (pt. I)
Chapter 222: Out in the Sea (pt. II)
Chapter 223: Troubled Waters (pt. I)
Chapter 224: Troubled Waters (pt. II)
Chapter 225: A Hidden Paradise
Chapter 226: The Chiefdom of Torogi (pt. I)
Chapter 227: The Chiefdom of Torogi (pt. II)
Chapter 228: The Chiefdom of Torogi (pt. III)
Chapter 229: Life in Torogi (pt. I)
Chapter 230: Life in Torogi (pt. II)
Chapter 231: Verdant Treasure Trove
Chapter 232: The Grand Feast
Chapter 233: Treats of the Past
Chapter 234: Past, Present, and Future
Chapter 235: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 236: Ruler of the Seas
Chapter 237: The Vanishing Star
Chapter 238: The Secrets of Torogi
Chapter 239: Along the Sandy Beaches
Chapter 240: Extending Invitations
Chapter 241: Antoinette
Chapter 242: Marika in the Capital
Chapter 243: Coconut Madness!
Chapter 244: Sea, Smiles, and Shenanigans (pt. I)
Chapter 245: Sea, Smiles, and Shenanigans (pt. II)
Chapter 246: Sea, Smiles, and Shenanigans (pt. III)
Chapter 247: Sea, Smiles, and Shenanigans (pt. IV)
Chapter 248: Sea, Smiles, and Shenanigans (pt. V)
Chapter 249: Sweet, Sleeping Faces
Chapter 250: The Enchanters' Guild
Chapter 251: The First Harvest
Chapter 252: A Time of Fun and Leisure
Chapter 253: Pains and Joys of Parenthood
Chapter 254: Picture Perfect Beinenstich!
Chapter 255: A Silly Little Argument
Chapter 256: Triple Stars
Chapter 257: Sudden Counseling
Chapter 258: The Elves, Hanging Out
Chapter 259: Royal Shenanigans
Chapter 260: A Night in the Sanctuary
Chapter 261: A Field of Colors
Chapter 262: Familiar Faces
Chapter 263: The Tobias Household
Chapter 264: The Rebellious (?) Son
Chapter 265: The City of Colors (pt. I)
Chapter 266: The City of Colors (pt. II)
Chapter 267: The City of Colors (pt. III)
Chapter 268: Premium Delight! Rainbow Fruit Cake!
Chapter 269: The Guild of Flowers
Chapter 270: Multi-Colored Quests (pt. I)
Chapter 271: Multi-Colored Quests (pt. II)
Chapter 272: Nine Colors
Chapter 273: The Hunt for Colors
Chapter 274: The Girls' Day Out (pt. I)
Chapter 275: The Girls' Day Out (pt. II)
Chapter 276: Geldhart Auction!
Chapter 277: Each One's Preparations
Chapter 278: Brewing Anxiety (pt. I)
Chapter 279: Brewing Anxiety (pt. II)
Chapter 280: Eight out of Nine
Chapter 281: Missed Chances
Chapter 282: Gentle Starlight
Chapter 283: Sugary-Sweet Anniversary!
Chapter 284: Fried, Grilled, and Roasted Extravaganza!
Chapter 285: The Royal Roster
Chapter 286: The Festival of Hearts (pt. I)
Chapter 287: The Festival of Hearts (pt. II)
Chapter 288: The Festival of Hearts (pt. III)
Chapter 289: The Festival of Hearts (pt. IV)
Chapter 290: The Festival of Hearts (pt. V)
Chapter 291: Peace and Flowers
Chapter 292: Whims and Whimsies
Chapter 293: Unexpected Promotions
Chapter 294: Pork Chops for the Little Painters!
Chapter 295: Everyone's Little Problems
Chapter 296: Terrible Thieves
Chapter 297: Beauty and Alchemy
Chapter 298: S-rank Quest!
Chapter 299: A Sudden Invitation
Chapter 300: A Marital Dispute
Chapter 301: The City of Swords, Avalon!
Chapter 302: A Den of Battle Maniacs
Chapter 303: The Princess and Salted Chocolate Brownies!
Chapter 304: The Grand Colosseum!
Chapter 305: The Princess' Proposition
Chapter 306: A Grand Debut (pt. I)
Chapter 307: A Grand Debut (pt. II)
Chapter 308: Rising Rookies
Chapter 309: Two Against Two
Chapter 310: A Break from Fighting (pt. I)
Chapter 311: A Break from Fighting (pt. II)
Chapter 312: The Masquerade Ball (pt. I)
Chapter 313: The Masquerade Ball (pt. II)
Chapter 314: Training and Frozen Hot Chocolate!
Chapter 315: Fame and Challengers
Chapter 316: The Reigning Champion
Chapter 317: The Champion's Secret
Chapter 318: A Hardworking Princess
Chapter 319: Signing Up
Chapter 320: The Carnival of Swords
Chapter 321: The First Rounds (pt. I)
Chapter 322: The First Rounds (pt. II)
Chapter 323: Rapid Advancement
Chapter 324: The Princess' Determination
Chapter 325: A Clash of Majesty
Chapter 326: Flash Flood
Chapter 327: The Final Four!
Chapter 328: The Asura!
Chapter 329: A Great Spectacle!
Chapter 330: And the Winner is...!
Chapter 331: Lobster Risotto and Stuffed Peppers!
Chapter 332: The Labyrinth of Stars
Chapter 333: Shenanigans in the Labyrinth
Chapter 334: Overwhelming Battles
Chapter 335: Ruler of Light
Chapter 336: Struggles and Excitement
Chapter 337: Winter Forest
Chapter 338: New Heights
Chapter 339: Rapid Symphony
Chapter 340: God, Once Again
Chapter 341: Souls and Spirits
Chapter 342: Peace After the Labyrinth
Chapter 343: Vow of Swords
Chapter 344: Yuna's Little Big Troubles
Chapter 345: Chocolate Peanut Butter Lasagna!
Chapter 347: Haunted Forest...? (pt. I)
Chapter 348: Haunted Forest...? (pt. II)
Chapter 349: Lack of Ingredients
Chapter 350: Filastra's Sweet Little Angel
Chapter 351: Shock, Panic, and Enthusiasm
Chapter 352: Pretty Little Princess (pt. I)
Chapter 353: Pretty Little Princess (pt. II)
Chapter 354: A Hasty Departure
Chapter 355: A Quick Pitstop
Chapter 356: The City of Xeros (pt. I)
Chapter 357: The City of Xeros (pt. II)
Chapter 358: Menthol Sweetness: Peppermint Patties!
Chapter 359: The Alchemists' Square
Chapter 360: The Power of Connections
Chapter 361: A True Alchemist
Chapter 362: Exchange Students
Chapter 363: Self-Proclaimed Genius
Chapter 364: Darius Academy (pt. I)
Chapter 365: Darius Academy (pt. II)
Chapter 366: Yuna the Alchemist (pt. I)
Chapter 367: Yuna the Alchemist (pt. II)
Chapter 368: Subject of Envy
Chapter 369: Wandering in the Forest
Chapter 370: The Kobolds' Nest
Chapter 371: A Rowdy Celebration!
Chapter 372: The Three Dangers (pt. I)
Chapter 373: The Three Dangers (pt. II)
Chapter 374: Subtle Harassments
Chapter 375: Bubbling Motivation
Chapter 376: Fruits of Effort
Chapter 377: Limits of Patience
Chapter 378: Issuing a Challenge
Chapter 379: Difference in Skill
Chapter 380: In the Forest, Once More
Chapter 381: A Quick Clean-up
Chapter 382: An Unexpected Find
Chapter 383: Hardworking Alchemists
Chapter 384: Light of Legends
Chapter 385: Tasty Treats for an Earnest Girl
Chapter 386: Unexpected Situations
Chapter 387: Last-Minute Preparations
Chapter 388: The Final Exams (pt. I)
Chapter 389: The Final Exams (pt. II)
Chapter 390: The Final Exams (pt. III)
Chapter 391: End of School Days
Chapter 392: Before Departure

Chapter 346: A Better Sanctuary

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By RealGris

The leaves were green and yellow, some plucked by the wind and gliding down as they fell towards the cold and wet ground. The blade of grass greeted them, rustling along the whims of the fresh breeze passing by the place.

Sunlight was neither too bright nor too hot, the white and gray clouds drifting in the ever so blue and eternal sky. They casted light shadows on verdant plains, a splash of color dropped in the everlasting horizon, life blooming everywhere.

Suddenly, a massive shadow darted across the viridescent scenery, a platinum glint gleaming across the fields as the sunlight reflected on such beautiful scales, eyes and crystals brown as the earth burning with flare.


The platinum figure made her descent and the ground shattered before her. Massive plates of soil and rocks spring off of nowhere, shattering the once verdant plains as far as the eyes can see, a flood of earth rushing uncontrollably.

The waves of brown and gray halted and a deserted land was made extending over the horizon. Hills were formed, mountains were formed, and large crevasses were painted all over the once green canvas.

"Thank you for that, Third Sister. It's my turn now." [Rigel]

Another platinum figure hovered in the air, his eyes a deeper blue than the sky above and blue marks engraved all over his body. He breathed in a storm of mana and the marks glowed bright along his eyes like sapphire.

The winds howled and a sphere of blue gathered in the air, waves of water surging at uncontrollable speed, growing bigger with time as the moisture in the air was sucked away. Soon, a massive lake formed in the sky, swirling with pride.


The sphere exploded and a heavy downpour poured towards the ground. The deep crevasses were filled with water, rushing to all nooks and crannies and filling them full. Rivers were formed one after another in the land of brown.

In the depressions located all over the place, water gathered like a basin catching the faucet water. Ponds and lakes were given life, soon overflowing and connecting with the rivers, forming tributaries and creeks all over the place.

The ground shook once again and springs of water burst forth from below. They were much smaller than the ponds and lakes but they weren't any less beautiful. Now, the field has become dark, spots of blue scattered here and there.

"Fufufu! I guess it's my turn then!" [Vega]

Yet another platinum figure made her descent and the ground quaked with vigor once again. She spread her wings and her eyes glowed green like emeralds hit by the rays of the brilliant sun, a smile blossoming on her face.

But it wasn't the only one which blossomed. As the winds blew, seeds of green and brown sprouted all over the place. Blades of grass spread and rushed like a rapid wave and the brown canvas was painted green.

After the weeds and grass, came the flowers. The color of the rainbow bloomed where there wasn't any life, filling the place with personality and making the place much more beautiful than before.

The lakes and rivers weren't spared either, reeds growing on their banks and lily pads popping up in the place along some beautiful algae. There were also cattails and kelp accompanying them along a variety of wonderful flora.


Vega spread her wings once more and up came the trees. The once plain meadows were littered with thick giants reaching out towards the sky and patches of dense forests were formed left and right, painting the mountains and the plains.

Finally came the bushes and the vines, popping up all over the place as a final touch to the green portrait. They bloomed with flowers of all colors, fruits and berries soon forming and adding an extra splash of life and color.

"Capella, can help me out here for a little bit?" [Canopus]

"Y-Yes! Coming!" [Capella]

Piles of earth once again formed, hovering over the ground in large chunks which casted shadows on the newly painted landscape. Canopus roared and the earth shattered, the hands of pandemonium reaching out from his body.

The earth was decomposed and ruined, weathered into tiny pieces until all that was left were fine sand and gravel. Such sediments were then scattered along the lake shores and riverbanks, making things even more delicate.

Finally came a rush of light from two figures, the vitality of plants and the land soaring sky high. Everything was already beautiful, but they became even more radiant and even more mystical, shimmering like gems under the moonlight.

"Waah~! Everything's so beautiful~!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. It's because everyone's working so hard. Still... I didn't think we could do this much even though it's still the first day." [Grey]

"Fufufu! That's because everyone is so enthusiastic!" [Yuna]

It has been a week since Grey and Yuna returned to Galderia, and after dealing with such a tiring adversity with the cosmetic products, it was now time to relax... Or so they thought, but there were still more left to do.

Thankfully, it wasn't as sudden and unreasonable as before. They are now renovating the Sanctuary for the second time. They have built a meadow before, but now that the Sanctuary has grown bigger than before, it was time for another renovation.

With Grey's combat power now, the Sanctuary's radius which was at 3 kilometers before has now reached past 8, with the area of Sanctuary now reaching more than 200 square kilometers, an area about 3 times bigger than the Royal Capital.

And now, they are terraforming the whole Sanctuary, or at least, most of it for now. Since the area keeps expanding with Grey's combat power, renovating the whole place would practically be impossible. It was simply too big.

"Hmm... To think there are even mountains here now... Grey, aren't your abilities too cheaty? It's unfair." [Yuna]

"Well, you can complain to that Idiotic God if you have any problem." [Grey]

"Grey, that's disrespectful... He's still the creator, you know?" [Yuna]

"Come on, I'm sure he won't mind." [Grey]

Says Grey with confidence in himself. Though one would usually be worried about being smitten for such atrocious words, the God they were talking about was now in another dimension. There was no need to worry.

Nonsense aside, the familiars continued to work around the Sanctuary and dyed the place with even more colors, going wild as much as they can and creating the most beautiful and awe-inspiring features one would be able to witness.

There were peaks which soared towards the sky, waterfalls hundreds of meters high, and forests with trees as tall as skyscrapers. The whole Sanctuary had become their playground, new geographical popping in and out everywhere.

"If these sights were present back on Earth, I'm sure they'd be in the 7 natural wonders of the world..." [Grey]

"The 7 what...?" [Yuna]

"Nothing. Just some fancy titles." [Grey]

The familiars continued to work, and Grey and Yuna continued to instruct them. They also helped them out in the more difficult tasks and moved the land with their hands, literally. They were like Gods shaping the earth.

Of course, it wouldn't just be "natural" geographical features. Grey and Yuna were also planning on creating some structures near the entrance of the Sanctuary and also some farms here and there for their own convenience.

While there were some materials which can't be made with magic alone, there were also many that could "easily" be procured after a tedious process. Some of which were ones they needed in abundant supply.

"Is this enough, Master?" [Canopus]

"Hmm... Just a little more and we should be good." [Grey]

"Understood. Then, Capella." [Canopus]

Capella heaved the earth once again and massive chunks of soil and rocks hovered in the air. Canopus devoured them with curse magic once again and decomposed them to sediments, creating the finest grains of sand.

"Thanks for helping out today, Polaris." [Grey]

"It's my greatest pleasure, Master. And don't worry, Lady Eliza is currently studying so I'm free at the moment." [Polaris]

"I see... That's reassuring to hear." [Grey]

More and more sand was created with the passing of time, Polaris' law magic using gravity to suspend them in the air. As the piles grew, large shadows were casted on the ground and a smile bloomed on Grey's face.

"Alright! Let's heat it up!" [Grey]

The air howled and scarlet flames erupted from Grey's palms. He waved his hands and pillars of flames rushed to the mountains of sand,heating them up and melting them at insane speeds incomparable to those of smelters,

From sand and flames came glass, still molten and red as they float in the air. Polaris delicately separated a chunk of molten glass from the main chunk, spreading them evenly to create a rectangular piece.

With a flick of Grey's hands, the winds blew aggressively and the molten glass was cold, crystals forming rapidly and making a massive pane of glass. The winds howled once again and blades of wind sliced them up into reasonable square pieces.

"And that's a batch of them done... Only a couple hundred more to go." [Grey]

Grey sighed and looked up the massive sphere of molten glass before him. He once again commanded the wind and continued creating glass, batch after batch until a few mountains of glass panes were formed, shimmering like crystals.

Time passed by quickly and the sky started to change color, the day coming to an end. The days passed and everyone continued to work hard, the Sanctuary looking better and better as the sands of time trickled down the hourglass.

Cling Cling Cling Cling

A certain day arrived and a silver-haired elf entered a massive store. The soft chimes rang in the air and the doors creaked after her. Velvet carpets, laced couches, and all sorts of decorations welcomed her. It was a furniture store.

The furniture, big and small, and simple and grand, were all beautiful and wonderful but Yuna didn't pay them too much attention. She simply walked straight and headed to one of the counters where a receptionist waited for them.

"Good morning, I'm here to receive an order reserved under the name of 'Yuna'. Are they ready yet?" [Yuna]

"Yes. We have been waiting for you, Your Highness. Please follow me."

There was no time to dilly-dally. As soon as the receptionist confirmed who Yuna was, she then led the young lady to the storage room where a number of already packed furniture was waiting for them.

"Would you like to check your inventory list, Your Highness?"

"Un, please." [Yuna]

From stools, to cabinets, drawers, shelves, and many more, there were all sorts of things present before them. Other than furniture, there were also appliances, tools, and apparatus they obtained from one of their subsidiary stores all neatly packed together in crates and boxes.

As one would expect, there was a mountainー no, a couple mountains of such things present before, amounting to a couple million kiels. The cost is even much more than their property and the furnishing. It was astronomical.

"Are you sure you don't need delivery, Your Highness?"

"Thank you for worrying, but there's no need." [Yuna]

Yuna replied with confidence and waved her hands. Her storage ring glowed a dim glimmer and everything before her was sucked in in an instant, the winds whistling as a small vacuum formed by the sudden vanishing of items.

"As you can see, I am more than capable of it by myself." [Yuna]

The young lady ended her statement with a bright smile, beaming brightly towards the surprised receptionist. She didn't stay any longer and headed back out the store, still wearing the same bright smile on her face.

Yuna didn't take any detours and headed straight back home as soon as she could. But rather than heading inside the house, she headed towards the garden and halted her steps, the sweet fragrance of flowers welcoming her back.

『Grey, I'm back.』 [Yuna]

『Oh, alright. I'm opening the gate now.』 [Grey]

Grey ended his words and gentle lights of blue and white shone before the young lady. A gate appeared before her, and she stepped inside without thinking too much about it, the light swallowing her gently.

The light soon faded away and she was greeted by a mythical scenery. Not only was there a wonderful and fantastical landscape before her, there were also a number of dragons soaring in the blue sky and perching on the hills and forests.

Well, that's just a majestic interpretation. In reality, it was just the Sanctuary which was now improved and better than before. Only the final touches were left, a large and wonderful array of structures located by the middle.

"Everyone, I'm back~! I also brought everything we ordered!" [Yuna]

"Thanks, Yuna. Sorry to have troubled you." [Grey]

"Geez! What are you talking about?! This is also going to be my home, and aren't I your fiancée?! I should at least do this much!" [Yuna]

Proudly declared Yuna as she puffed her cheeks, trying to show that she was pouting and sulking. She likes that Grey was considerate of her, but also annoyed by it at the same time. Although subconsciously, he treats her too much like a child.

"Sorry, sorry. I just did it out of habit." [Grey]

"Hmph! I'm going to really get angry next time!" [Yuna]

Or so she says, but she was easily placated by Grey's apology and him patting her head. That was also the very reason Grey treats her the way he does, the two not really changing that much. They are simply just idiots in love.

"Anyway, here are the furniture and items you asked for." [Yuna]

A smile now blooming on her face, Yuna swiped her hand and the mountains of items appeared out of thin air. A quick check with his eyes, and Grey confirmed everything was there, all in top quality, not a single scratch to be seen.

"Then, everyone, shall we get started?" [Grey]

"Un!" [Yuna]   """Yeah!!"""   """Yes!"""

Enthusiasm in the air, everyone unpacked the furniture and started their work. Their Sanctuary house was decorated with the best and most cozy of furniture, looking even better than their house back in Galderia.

Of course, the other buildings weren't left alone either. The magic tools, apparatus, and machinery they ordered were also placed in their rightful places, heavy thuds resounding in the air as such massive objects were put down one after another.

What would have usually taken dozens upon dozens of people didn't even make Grey and Yuna break a sweat. Rather, they did things even faster doing hours of work in a matter of minutes, the familiars also doing their part.

Time passed and the afternoon arrived. After several days of work, everything was finally completed. The Sanctuary was not just bigger, but also better, with new and exciting features present everywhere.

"Waah~! We finally did it! Let's celebrate! Let's celebrate!" [Yuna]

"Yeah! Master, let's eat a lot today! I want to eat meat!" [Vega]

"Me too, Master. I think holding a celebration would be for the best." [Arcturus]

Everyone was full of joy and was jumping up and down with bright smiles afloat on their faces. Yuna was especially excited, eyes sparkling brightly as she looked at her newly built laboratory, even more grand than ones in the Royal Capital.

They didn't just create a magnificent landscape and upgraded their house. Amongst the structures they made was an Alchemy Lab especially designed for Yuna's work, all sorts of alchemy tools and apparatus for all alchemy needs.

It wasn't just the laboratory, but also a few dozen greenhouses present around it. Not only does it grow herbs, but magic plants as well. A special place rich with mana to grow the magic plants in special conditions. Magic plants vital for brewing higher tiers of concoctions.

The greenhouses were so massive and numerous that the mountains of glass Grey and the familiars made the first day wasn't even enough. They had to make even more many times over. It was tiring, but it was worth it after seeing Yuna's smile.

'Well, it's not like I don't understand her...' [Grey]

As for Grey, he also created a massive forge for himself, complete with everything a blacksmith would need. Attached to it was the study which he would use to enchant the finished items, a mountain load of mana crystals present in the storage.

They initially planned modest workshops at first, but as one would expect, they went overboard and exaggerated things again. The scale was so grand, they could even compare to royal and imperial workshops which took years to make.

The other buildings and structures weren't any less grand than them either, complete with all sorts of things. From training grounds, to farms, to gardens and ponds, and even a large area to simulate a battlefield. They were all present.

In the very center of the Sanctuary was erected a massive tower which oversees the whole land, acting as a vantage point and also a lighthouse at the same time. It was a nice place for sightseeing and watching the sunset.

"Master, Mistress, can we stay here when we're resting?!" [Vega]

"That's right! The shadows are so boring! I also want to stay here!" [Canopus]

"Me as well, Master, Mistress..." [Achernar]

Lastly, they also made individual homes for each of the familiars where they could let themselves loose. They are usually in their wolf pup forms, after all, so they rarely have the chance to spread their wings and relax. They were now much freer.

All of them were also tailored to the familiars' needs. Vega has a deep and lush forest for herself, Rigel takes ownership of the biggest lake, Capella loves the barren lands, Achernar likes the dark caves, Procyon in the sunny summits, and much more.

But perhaps the most outstanding one was Sirius' field which was veiled with mist. It was mist which clouds one's senses and makes them see the most absurd of things. It can only be called a field of illusions.

"Polaris, are you sure you won't make a domain of your own?" [Grey]

"That's right, Polaris. There's still plenty of space, you know? And the place will only get bigger so there's no need to hold yourself back." [Yuna]

"There is no need, Master, Mistress. I am already satisfied like this." [Polaris]

Only Polaris was the one who didn't opt to create his own domain. He is by Eliza's side most of the time, after all, so he saw no need in establishing a place of his own as of the current. He was already satisfied to help out.

"Alright, but don't be shy to create your own. You can come here anytime and do as you like. You're always welcome." [Grey]

"I will keep that in mind, Master." [Polaris]

The Eldest dragon ended his statement with a smile and bid his farewell to everyone. It was just about time for Eliza to finish her lessons and so, he hurriedly departed and went back to her side, leaving everyone else behind.

"It's a shame that Polaris can't join us, but should we start celebrating everyone? Let's have a wonderful feast tonight!" [Grey]

"Un! Let's have a picnic by the meadow and go all out!" [Yuna]

"Yes! You're the best, Master! Mistress!" [Procyon]

Everyone's spirits were high and happy, prancing around as they celebrated. Grey checked his inventory once again and checked what kind of ingredients they could use for the night. From simple ingredients to S-rank meat, they were all present.

They soon headed to the meadow for an evening picnic and with a wave of Grey's hand, the portable kitchen appeared before them. The fires were lit ablaze and they started cookingー or so they were going to.

"Grey, I just remembered something important... Can I borrow the Divine Sword for a moment?" [Yuna]

"Hm? Sure...?" [Grey]

It was a sudden request, a certain promise popping up in Yuna's mind. Grey didn't really think too much and just gave the Divine Sword to Yuna, and the young lady received it with a bright and joyful smile on her face.

"Grey, now that I think about it... We haven't really fought in the Carnival of Swords, have we? You still have yet to fulfill your promise." [Yuna]

"Uh, yeah...? Are you still mad about that...?" [Grey]

"Fufufu! No, no, not at all~! I was just wondering, since we now have a spacious training ground, isn't it the perfect time to fulfill our promise?" [Yuna]

She was smiling, but her eyes begged to differ. It wasn't the usual pair of terrifying eyes, but ones which sparkled with excitement and anticipation. Grey had hoped that she would forget about it, but it was impossible. Yuna's memory was too keen.

"We can't...?" [Yuna]

"It's not like we can't, but... We're celebrating, aren't we?" [Grey]

"Ehh...? But it will only be for a short while! And the sun hasn't even set yet, do we still have some time! Pretty please~!" [Yuna]

The guilt of not fulfilling his promise weighed down on Grey's heart as he heard his beloved's words. Yep, it was because of the weight of his guilt, and not because of how weak he was to Yuna's adorable pleas. Not her pleas at all.

Grey tried to resist but with Yuna's sparkly eyes directed at him, his heart received one critical hit after another. He couldn't even stand even a single minute under the attack of her cuteness.

"Haah... Alright... Just this once..." [Grey]

"Yaay~! You're the best, Grey! I love you~!" [Yuna]

He's just a fool in love...


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