When the dead roam - (Daryl D...

By AllyWatkins

61.1K 1.1K 54

Not a single cell in her body was scared. Nobody should be scared of death anymore; it's inevitable. Each dir... More

'When the dead roam'
Chapter 1 - Alexandria's finest
Chapter 2 - Troubled
Chapter 3 - Three foot grave
Chapter 4 - huntin' rabbits
Chapter 5 - Arrows
Chapter 6 - That damn 'orse
Chapter 7 - Sorry girl
Chapter 8 - reliving memories
Chapter 9 - Holly
Chapter 10 - catching dinner
Chapter 11 - W
Chapter 12 - Horde 101
Chapter 13 - All life is precious
Chapter 14 - Trust is earned
Chapter 15 - luck runs out
Chapter 16 - Do it
Chapter 17 - I'm already dead
Chapter 18 - mommy's got you
Chapter 19 - Destination fucked
Chapter 20 - Holy Fuck
Chapter 21 - swarmed
Chapter 22 - completely screwed
Chapter 23 - just bloody jump
Chapter 24 - Rag Dolls
Chapter 25 - That stings like a bitch
Chapter 26 - My group and I
Chapter 27 - Just a run through
Chapter 28 - We're finishing this
Chapter 29 - Please, stop
Chapter 30 - W....again?
Chapter 31 - Cold blooded killer
Chapter 32 - I got faith in ya
Chapter 33 - Breathe goddammit
Chapter 34 - Not my baby
Chapter 35 - Out cold
Chapter 36 - You need to rest
Chapter 37 - Open the goddamn gate
Chapter 38- I ain't who ya think
Chapter 39 - Good luck, you're gonna need it
Chapter 40 - If they're still alive
Chapter 41 - Oh, hell.
Chapter 43 - Who's side are you on?
Chapter 43 - Give 'em hell
Chapter 44 - Bite. Chew. Swallow. Repeat.
Chapter 45 - Fuck this
Chapter 46 - Reinforcements were here
Chapter 47 - The hell happened?
Chapter 48 - Nothin'
Chapter 49 - Clear up
Chapter 50 - SORGHUM
Chapter 51 - Amo?
Chapter 52 - Law of Averages?
Chapter 53 - He ain't stayin'
Chapter 54 - You gonna shoot me now?
Chapter 55 - If this is a trap...
Chapter 56 - Trust me now?
Chapter 57 - I'm Jesus
Chapter 58 - Can you give me a few days?
Chapter 59 - What?
Chapter 60 - Damn straight
Chapter 61 - You'll be fine
Chapter 62 - You're supposed to be someone else!
Chapter 63 - Kick his ass, Rick!
Chapter 64 - We're all Negan
Chapter 65 - The kill floor
Chapter 66 - Lucky or Stupid?
Chapter 67 - Fine
Chapter 68 - SHUSH
Chapter 69 - Maximum impact
Chapter 70 - I can't
Chapter 71 - Okay, friend
Chapter 72 - Shit creek
Chapter 73 - On your knees
Chapter 74 - Pee pee pants city
Chapter 75 - That is a no-no!
Chapter 76 - A new beginning
Chapter 77 - I blame me
Chapter 78 - The sanctuary
Chapter 79 - Damn shame
Chapter 80 - Top rule
Chapter 81 - Thank you.
Chapter 82 - Easy street
Chapter 83 - Need to protect
Chapter 84 - You got no guts
Chapter 85 - Gettin' by
Chapter 86 - Open your eyes!
Chapter 87 - Family
Chapter 88 - Whoops
Chapter 89 - A tiger...
Chapter 90 - Asylum
Chapter 91 - Explosives
Chapter 92 - Honey, I'm home!
Chapter 93 - The priest
Chapter 94 - Up Up Up
Chapter 95 - Coffee
Chapter 96 - Oceanside
Chapter 97 - a good right hook
Chapter 98 - You push me
Chapter 99 - You said I could do it
Chapter 101 - A-positive
Chapter 102 - Ten deep
Chapter 103 - bruises
Chapter 104 - Savior Buffet
Chapter 105 - Don't do anything stupid, please
Chapter 106 - Never apologize
Chapter 107 - the fight ain't over
Chapter 108 - the bow
Chapter 109 - Long as we're together

Chapter 100 - You're gonna make me count?

139 2 0
By AllyWatkins

"Why can't I come with you?" Nicole asked. She had grown accustomed to listening to Lou's requests, just as she used to for her own mother, and though she often hated the outcome of her pleading, she didn't wine as she once would've. No, she'd definitely grown up in the past few months - a trait that she silently hoped the hunter had noticed too.

Louise slung her bow over the shoulders and closed the front door behind them, following the young teenager down the steps. "For the same reason Rick won't let Carl come. We can't focus if we're worried about you guys. You need to stay here and help him protect this place"

She didn't argue. It was no use. A simple nod and sigh was enough to inform the duo that the conversation was over. Louise patted he shoulder before gesturing towards Carl, who was standing on the porch, holding his little sister and taking to his dad.

Daryl was waiting at the gates when Lou arrived, his bike standing upright near the wall. The crossbow he adored sat on the leather seat, shining in the blaring summer sun and the keys were in the ignition, though the vehicle remained turned off. The group had to move quickly. The longer they waited, the more time the Saviors had to regroup, so the second they had had the chance, Rick rounded up all available fighters and each community went over their part of the plan - attack the outposts one by one, corner the survivors in the main building of the Sanctuary, fill the surrounding grounds with the horde that had been left on the highway days ago and hopefully, beat Negan at his own game. In hindsight, it sounded a lot simpler than it was

Every time Daryl looked at Louise and saw the bloodshot in her eye, he hated that Rick couldn't say no. The archer had argued with him about her place in the stages of their war and in the end neither could find the strength to say no to her. They all knew she was in pain but her vision had returned to normal and she was adamant that it looked a tone worse than it actually was; of course that was a complete lie. It looked exactly how it felt but a little pain was worth it if it meant watching Negan's army fall.

"You should be stayin' 'ere" Daryl grumbled as she dropped her weapons through the open window of her car and onto the passenger seat.

"We both know that's not happening. There's no way I'm sitting on my arse when I could be out there, fighting with you guys"

"Michonne's stayin'"

"Michonne is badly injured" she sighed. "I have a couple of bruises"

He huffed. "Yer incredibly difficult. Y'know tha'?"

Try as she might, she couldn't hide the smirk that appeared on her face. "Yeah, yeah I know that"

The two locked eyes, both rolling them at the other before he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "Just be careful"

"I'll see you in a few hours"

He watched her head towards the armoured car and slide into the drivers seat. He didn't tell her how scared he was to have to watch her go into a battle that a large number of them weren't going to come out of. Or how his hands shook as he let go of hers. Daryl knew that no matter how much he loved her, it wasn't enough to save her life...and that scared the crap out of him. Yes, she could hold her own...but she'd always put someone else first...and he knew that one day, that would probably get her killed.

But instead of stopping her, instead of keeping her from the fight, he let her go.

Car after car piled out of Alexandria. Each vehicle was covered in slats of metal fencing and wooden bars - anything that could be used as a barricaded between a bullet, the engine and the people inside. Louise followed Rick towards the Sanctuary, heart racing but hands surprisingly steady. Her foot was practically on the floor and even then, she barely kept up with the sheriff as he raced down the abandoned roads. It didn't take long before they ran through the gates of Negan's home, destroying the integrity of their reinforced walls.

They pulled the cars up sideways and hid behind them, armed and ready. Their three communities were spread out, covering every bit of free ground that belong to the Saviors. Louise stood beside Rick, the tip of her rifle wedged through a small hole between the cars, just big enough for her to see down the scope.

"Ready?" He asked.

She nodded. "Yeah"

"Alright then" he said, exhaling deeply before everyone raised their guns and fired 4 warning shots into the air. It didn't take long for Negan to open his doors and side out, baseball bat in hand and his closest ally's in tow.

The Saviors leader walked with such arrogance that it was taking all of Lou's strength not shoot him on site. A smirk was plastered on his face, his grin spreading from ear to ear as he walked back and forth.

"Well, shit" he laughed. "I'm sorry, I was in a meeting. I see you got your little mud flaps with ya. So I'm not exactly feelin' a reason for us to try throwin' lead at each other. I care about my people. I don't wanna just march them into the line of fire because I wanna play 'my dick is bigger than yours'". He pursed his lips and shrugged. "It is. We both know it. But I'm also comfortable enough to accept the fact if it wasn't. I'm certainly not gonna let my people die over that shit...like you're about too"

"My god he likes the sound of his own voice" Lou breathed.

"So, Rick. What the hell can I do for you?"

"Dwight" Rick said loudly, pointing towards the group of people standing beside Negan. "Your names Simon, you're Gavin and you, you're Regina"

"Rick, I'd feel remis-"

"No" he snapped, cutting Eugene off before he could finish his sentence. "I know who you are. Listen, you five, the Saviors inside, all of you have a chance to survive here. To survive this. Y'all can live if you surrender. Can't guarantee it any time but now. Right now"

Nobody moved. Negan's smile grew wider.

"So they surrender and you and your little piss patrol doesn't kill them?" Negan asked. "That sounds like a good deal. What about me, Rick?"

"I told you. Twice" he spat. "You know what's gonna happen"

"I do. I do know what's gonna happen. You don't. You have the idea the shit that's about to go down. Let me ask you somethin' Rick. Do you think you have the numbers for this fight? You don't. Simon..."

Simon nodded to his leader and moved back inside, only to return a few seconds later with Gregory - the vile leader of Hilltop - at his side.

"Of course...that's where he went" Jesus sighed from his spot behind Maggie.

"What do you have to say to Rick and the piss patrol, Gregory?" Negan asked.

Gregory put his hands on his hips. "The Hilltop stands with Negan and the Saviors. Any resident of the Hilltop who takes up arms or who supports this ultimatum against the Sanctuary or any of the Saviors for that matter, they will no longer be welcome in the colony"

"And?" Negan pressed, draping his arm over the leaders shoulders.

"Their families will be thrown out and will be left to fend for themselves"


"Go home now. Or you won't have a home to go back too"

Maggie sighed defeatedly and turned towards her friends, the people who had risked their lives so far for their community, for their family and for the Hilltop. "You do what you need too"

Jesus looked to the floor and nodded before a small chuckle left his lips and a smirk formed on his lips. "All I have at the Hilltop are a bunch of books and an old lobster bib"

The smile that appeared on Lou's face was something he hadn't seen in a while. He winked at her playfully.

"You heard the man. Go back to separating wheat and shit or whatever the hell it is you people do" Negan scoffed.

"Doesn't look like anyone's goin, does it?" Lou shouted, taunting him.

"The hilltop stands with-"

"The Hilltop stands with Maggie!" Jesus yelled at Gregory.

Simon grumbled and grabbed Gregory by the back his blazer. "I feel like I invested a lot in you..." he backed him up slowly, shoving him further and further towards the steps. "And I am very, very disappointed" he gave one last shove and pushed him down the stairs, his body landing with a thud and a yelp at the bottom.

For the briefest of seconds, the entire place was silent. The only noise came from people tapping their weapons anxiously and swallowing the lumps that entered their throats. That was until a loud explosion went off in the distance. Louis knew what it was. It was the sound of Daryl and Carol executing their part of the plan...and she let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he was still alive.

"Sounds a like shit is goin' down, Rick" Negan huffed.

Rick moved to where they could see him. "You lieutenants...you're gonna a have to make up your minds. This has to happen now. This is the only way"

The smirk that had resided on Negan's face for the previous fifteen minutes quickly turned into a scowl. He resumed his pacing and Rick laughed, visibly laughed at the man.

"You're gonna make me count?" He looked at Lou, still chuckling. "Okay. Okay. I'm counting. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven"

He opened fire.

Negan ran to the side, knocking over his men to get inside as continuous bullets flew his way. Every window of the building shattered, every brick was charred and every door was full of hole upon hole. Nobody was getting out of that building without getting shot.

The group retreated slightly as Maggie shouted for them to fall back, clambering into their cars and shielding themselves from want was to come. Louise however stayed with Rick, firing at Negan as he failed to enter his own sanctuary.

"Fall back" he shouted at her, only for her to shake he head.

"I'm not leaving you here"

He patted her on the back, dropped to a crouch behind a car and nodded. The RV exploding behind them filled their ears. They were so close to the fire that she could feel the flames singeing off the edges of her hair as the smoke embedded itself into the fabric of her clothes.

"You alright?" Rick asked as he dropped the detonator and helped her up.

"Yeah, we have to go" she said quietly. She tugged on his arm.


Rick ran to his car as she did to hers. He didn't look in his mirror to notice that she hadn't made it. He hadn't realised when Gregory pushed her out of the way and dived into the drivers seat. And he definitely hadn't noticed when the dead swarmed her.

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