Nosipho : The Gift

By TholwanaTP

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Its fictional, so please dont come for me.Some places dont exist,the events are fictional. The story is about... More

Prologue-The baby with a price tag
1-My Friend is missing
2-Where is Olwethu?
3-Found Dead
4-Our beloved Friend
5-Do I know you from somewhere?
6-I think my sister is alive.
7-Mother,you are acting strange !
8-Oh my Frappecino!!
9-The old lady
10-What is my husband up to?
11-The Infidelity of a parent
12-The next King
13-Not a thread but a Promise
14-The Hot coffee chase
15-Cha! sisi ungubani?
16-Confrontations and Truths
17-Her Name is Hope Buthelezi
18-My friend My Sister
19-The first Kiss
20-Make it happen Zanele
21-The secrets in Lesotho part 1
22-The secrets in Lesotho part 2
23-The cat is out of the box
24-Nompilo do your job!
25-Who did i marry?
26-A fight with "Mnakwethu"
28-My estranged son
29-In the Sinking sand
30-Hope is missing
31-The necklace
32- Why do you look like my daughter?
33-My father my killer
34- Secrets of the dead
35-An exchange in town
36-If you cant do it ,I will.
37-Saved by lightning
38-Help me I'm here
39-Reunited at last
40-Gangster Love
41-Between sisters, Between friends
42-Brother's reunion
43- A baby Zulu
-the Prodigal daughter
45-Welcome back, again
-46 Discharged
48-Back Home
49-The Homelands
50-I don't want to be a prophecy!
All hail Nkosazana
Charecter-Part 1(main)
Gatherings (part 1)

27-Parents' dilemma

413 40 0
By TholwanaTP

We arrived here yesterday, we slept at the one of the royal house,Tsatsi has not said anything than asking for my aunt's address.He sent someone to go there for some information before we could go there ourselves.I dont want to lie,i am very nervous,i dont know what to expect.How will my aunt react i know her husband died long time ago i really hope he died a very slow and painful death.

I just got out of the shower of the room i slept in yes My husband and i are not sharing.I decided to wear my a white figure hugging skirt, a zebra print blouse and a blue shirt,i wore my blue formal pushins with a blue hand bag,i wore my shades and since my hair was a mess i just tied a white doek and left the room,when i got to the dinning room i found fruits on the table with no solid food,ohk.
Tsatsi:I told the helpers not to do breakfast,grab some fruits and lets go.
I did as he said and we left for our long journey,it was gonna be a 5 hour drive so it was better to leave this early so that we make it here back in time .The car was awkwardly quiet,tsatsi just starred his phone the whole time.I really hate this treatment.
Tsatsi:Your aunt died 10 years ago,dont worry about her,she is not gonna be there.
Me:I wasnt worried, wait who does he live with?
Tsatsi:Do you even know your son's name because you keep on referring him as a pronoun
I looked down because i dont actually know what they named him,because i gave him my own name,how i referred to him when i spoke alone
Me:I dont know the name they gave him but i named him Mosa,Mosawamodimo (meaning God's grace).
Him:Oh,that's a nice name.They named him Pheko.
Pheko?Pheko for what?their rotten hearts?nxaaa
Me:oh,thats lovely of them[i turn my head to face the window]
Tsatsi:I know you dont mean that.
Let me ignore him maybe he will stop talking to me.

Its been two days since the incident at the restaurant.We are trending on twitter apparently.I dont even want to check if its in a good or in a bad way.Today i am meeting with my lawyers and Mazwi and his lawyers,i am wearing a formal white pants with a black and white top,it shows my perfect cleavage.I paired the look with red gucci heels and a red bag.I applied my red fenty lipstick,today i want Mazwi to regret his decision,i applied my make up and style my 30 inch Brazilian frontal that i installed yesterday. I grab my car keys and left .

I got here and head straight to the office.I was late,my lawyer, mazwi and his lawyer were already sitted waiting for me.I took a sit next to my lawyer opposite Mazwi.

Me:I am sorry i'm late, I lost track of time.

Mrs Adams: We are glad you finally joined us mrs Buthelezi.

[I faked a smile]

Mr Molapo: May we continue please.

Mrs Adams: Yes, we may. My client here has served your client with divorce papers,and your client here is contesting it.

Mr Molapo: Yes,my client here has been in this union for more than 20 years and has a 19 year old with your client and he expects my client to just sign those without contesting?Now tell me Mrs Adams,where is sense to all of that.

Mazwi:What has she done since we got married,she has been nothing but a housewife.milking money out my credit card,maxing it.Now you tell me,she wants to milk me one more time?

[I laugh]

Me:Yazi uyangihlengisa Mazwi, you married me saying you are going to take care of me and that was one of our vows,manje what do you want to say when you say I was milking you,kanthe weren't you doing your duties as a husband?

Mazwi: Oh wow...

Me: Hayi shut up im talking,when you were busy cheatin on my all those years,who do you think stayed home and took care of your princess,me? a useless person.

Mazwi: So you want to get paid for taking care of your child Zanokuhle?Hehe you are a joke.

Mr Molapo: Guys ,we are not here to bite each other's heads off.May we please be civil,now can we continue.

Mrs Adams:Yes,we may.Now we see your demands on paper and my client think this is...

Mazwi: MADNESS[ he shouted]

Mrs Adams: Mr Buthelezi please.

Mr Molapo: Now,here it states that, my client wants their house in sandton,her car and half of his shares in their company?

Mazwi: Its a pitty you don't always get what you want and that's life.[H smirked]

Me: We will see.

Mr Molapo: Our clients here are married in community of property,so yes she has every right to have half of everything he owns,including the shares of the company.

Mazwi: Over my dead body,thats not happening.

Mrs Adams: If that's the case then,if she want the house then she has to buy my client out.

Me: Buy him out?

Mrs Adams: Yes that means,giving him the half of the money,the house worth.

Me: What?

Mazwi: You think this is a one way street Zanokuhle.{He laugs]

I really hate this man right now.

Mr Molapo: Are you willing to do that Mrs Buthelezi or you need some time to think about it.


Mazwi: Why ask her?This person has nothing to her name,we will have to sell the house and share the money equally

Mr Molapo: you seem to forget you have a daughter who is going to need a place to stay,if that is going to happen.

Mazwi: She is a Buthelezi,she will come and stay with me.

Zano: She doesn't even want to talk to you.

Mrs Adams: I think we will have to schedule another meeting,We are not getting anywhere and time is running out, I have another meeting with a client in 15 minutes.

Mr Molapo: Lets do this, we will schedule the meeting to Next week Friday.

Mrs Adams: Is it fine by you?

{We both nod]

What a useless meeting, Mazwi thinks this is going to be easy, he should think twice.


Today Ive been studying all morning and I am honestly exhausted.These exams are really gonna be the death of me.Its around 2 pm and I am going on a lunch break since there is no food in the house and I need some fresh air.I was wearing comfortable when I ws studies so I took a quick shower,wore a white tank top and shorts,and some white nike slides,wore shades I got from shein last month and Ieft

I got to a complex near our house and I decided to go to steers plus I am sabaweling their burger. I ordered and waited for my food in one of the booths while scrolling through my socials, I make a mental note to call Bokang when I get home, I have been busy today.Plus he also had early meetings.

Voice: Hope[She sits on the chair opposite to mine and I look up]

Arg not her please I am in no mood to entertain her.

Me:O batlang Lorato?(what do you want)

Rato:: When are you gonn stop acting like a child and actually talk to me, Hope we are frends.

[I rolled my eyes]

Me:Khuluma ngimamele,or I will atleast try to listen.

Her: First off all I miss you Hope, why do0 you let this adults bullshit affect our relationship

Me:Because it fuckin does Rato, your mom stole my dad.

Her: I understand and I am very mad at her for lying to me especially about my paternity.

[My order gets called and i stand to fetch it and I come back]

Me: Yazini Rato,our friendship will no longer be the same again,i mean as much as I hate to say this, we are sister.I know I have always wanted a sibling but not like this.I am sorry to bust your bubble,thinkin things will be normal. I cant do this with you I am sorry.

[I left her there before she could even say anything]


We finally arrived at my aunt's place, my goodness its still the same.Its obvious that its been renovated here and there but the colour and the style is still the same. I cant believe I am back here again, after I swore to myself never to return here. I am so nervous, I don't think I am going to make it to the door,i am literally shaking.What if he rejects me? who will I be, what will he think of me, will he understand. I wonder how he looks like now, hopefully not his paternal DNA.

Tsatsi: Hey, are you ohkay?

[I just shake my head and tears just came out]

him: shh...shh.. its fine,we need to do this Makoena. Its for us, our marriage and your own peace of mind[ he said putting my head on his shoulder]

This is the first time in a week he ever showed any affectioness.

Me: But Koena, we are going to confuse him and what if he hates me, I mean I abondened him, with these cruel people.

Him: You know what its not gonna help,crying and making assumptions of things we are not sure of.How are about we actually go inside and get the answers to your questions.

[ I didn't respond for a while then I finally nodded]

We finallly left the car and approached the house,with every step I take, my heart was dropping lower and lower to my stomach.We finally reached the door and Tsatsi looked at me one more time, in his eyes I saw assuarence, I saw that everything was going to be alright.I smiled at him and he knocked.A male voice was heard and finally he opened a door.I can see it, its him,he looks exactly like my father,meaning he is a male vision of me.

Him: uhm,hello how may I help you?

Tsatsi: hey son, we are here to see Pheko, Pheko Mofokeng.

he looks at me and looks at Tsatsi.

Him:Yes I am?

Tsatsi: May we come in?

Him:Sorry,where  are my manners,please come in.

{We enetered and thank him]

My word,it changed so much inside, it looked so modern now.The cardboard were new,The tv and the kitchen was bigger and the furniture looked so modern,on the wall there is picture of my aunt and her husband, I felt parts of my body freezing.yes, they have that effect on me. I actually experience the worst trauma in their hands and in this house.

Tsatsi;Baby, are you ohkay[he whispered]

I nodded and moved to the lounge with them.

pheko: Sorry for the mess, I am fixings somethings for the rentals for next year.

Me:You are renting this place?

Him: Yes, sorry to be rude but who are you?

[ I bowed my head and kept quiet]

Tsatsi: I am Tsatsi Mokoena and this is my lovely wife, Tshoaro Mokoena.

Him: Wait, Tsatsi Mokoena as in like Mokoena Construction.

Tsatsi: Yes, you know us?

Him: Uhm,yes my wife works at your branch in pretoria, Zamo Mofokeng.

Tsatsi: Wait, you are married to my biggest accountant in the company?

Him: Yes.

Tsatsii: Oh, small world.

Him: Indeed it is.Would you like juice?

Tsatsi: Baby?

Me: No, may I have water please.

Tsatsi; Me too.

Him: Coming right up[ he left the lounge]

Tsatsi: Yoh baby, he looks like you.

Me: I am very much aware, we both look my father,infact I just see my father when I see him.

[He comes back with bottled still water and glasses]

Him: Now,if I may ask,what can I do for you?

[Tsatsi clears his throat]

Me: let me speak Tsatsi.{ He looks at me with a doubtfull face]

Him: Are you sure baby?

{ I nodded]

to be continued...


Hey guys please forgive me, I don't know how do lawyers handle divorce meetings. If I am wrong please don't judge me, I am not a lawyer

Yoh Lorato is really trying but Hope is not having it.

how do you think Pheko is going to feel?

stay tune

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