Back to the shadows | Dean Wi...

By courtneybunny2

41.7K 1.1K 591

Book two in that back to you series. Read book one, "Back to believing", if you don't none of this is going t... More

Cast & Playlist
Chapter 1: I'll chase you out of the yard with a shotgun
Chapter 2: Like anyone would invite you
Chapter 3: I've always wanted to hunt down pennywise
Chapter 4: What's so weird about evil, invisible, killer clowns
Chapter 5: Damn you, Sam
Chapter 6: You really think you can kill me
Chapter 7: I really don't feel like hiding bodies
Chapter 8: Pretty, living, not dead, plants
Chapter 10: We're supposed to be stalking
Chapter 11: I'll just stick with the boring job
Chapter 12: Are you sure
Chapter 13: When we're burning in hell together
Chapter 14: On this segment of I regret my life
Chapter 15: We're already wanted for murder
Chapter 16: I think he does
Chapter 17: We love summoning demons
Chapter 18: Before something bad happens
Chapter 19: Who has time to murder a town full of people
Chapter 20: Get on your side of the road, man
Chapter 21: I wanna blow shit up
Chapter 22: Super scary threat
Chapter 23: Get over it
Chapter 24: I need coffee
Chapter 25: They are
Chapter 26: What now
Chapter 27: But what do I get
Chapter 28: Except that part
Chapter 29: You were smarter than that
Chapter 30: We got a lot of problems
Chapter 31: Lets dig up a dead body
Chapter 32: Maybe there is
Chapter 33: Go do our SpongeBob seance
Chapter 34: You were sadly mistaken
Chapter 35: I never will
Chapter 36: Just kill me
Chapter 37: Quit yelling at each other
Chapter 38: Psychotic break down is always an option
Chapter 39: Its shitty here
Chapter 40: A hell of a lot
Chapter 41: You have no friends
Chapter 42: Here we go
Chapter 43: I don't need help
Chapter 44: We are better than them
Chapter 45: I know the feeling
Chapter 46: Have fun
Chapter 47: Shut up
Chapter 48: Patiently
Chapter 49: Our big break
Chapter 50: Yes we are
Chapter 51: I'd love to
Chapter 52: You got any popcorn
Chapter 53: We've noticed
Chapter 54: Name your price
Chapter 55: The sky
Chapter 56: I can fix it
Chapter 57: I was right
Chapter 58: Bring it on

Chapter 9: Probably

831 27 12
By courtneybunny2

Children shouldn't play with dead things 2

"We can't just waste it with a headshot?" Dean paces back and forth.

"No, Dean, we can't." Alexis sighs, rubbing her eyes as she shift in her seat, trying to get comfortable.

"Dude, you've been watching way too many Romero flicks." Sam says.

"You're telling me there's no lore on how to smoke 'em?" Dean turns around , walking back toward Alexis. He sits down in the chair beside hers. She closes her eyes, hoping that would help with her terrible headache and would do for sleep.

"No, Dean, I'm telling you, there's too much. I mean, there's a hundred legends on the walking dead, but they all have different methods of killing them. Some say setting them on fire. One said-where is it?" Sam asks himself as he sits down at the table. "Right here. Feeding their hearts to wild dogs. That's my personal favorite."

"Well, if you keep talking so loud I'll feed you to wild dogs." Alexis glares at Sam. Dean glances at her, he reaches over and sets a hand on her knee; giving it a comforting squeeze.

"Who knows what's real and what's myth." Sam slams John's journal closed.

"Is there anything they have in common?" Dean asks, his hand not moving from Alexis' knee.

"No. But a few said silver might work."

"Silver's a start."

Sam sighs. "But how are we gonna find Angela?"

"Follow the trail of dead plants. Its like the yellow brick road, but less appealing." Alexis mutters.

"We gotta figure out who brought her back." Dean says.

"Any ideas?" Sam asks.

"I think if its not her dad, it might be that guy Neil." Dean stands up, the comforting warmth of his hand leaving Alexis as he walks toward his leather jacket.

"Neil?" Alexis asks.


"How'd you come up with that?" Sam questions.

"Well, you got your journal, I got mine." Dean turns to face them, the diary in his hands. "'Neil's a real shoulder to cry on. He so understands what I'm going through with Matt.' There's more where that came from. Its got unrequited ducky love written all over it." Dean quickly glances at Alexis before looking at Sam.

"But that doesn't mean he brought her back from the dead." Sam argues.

"Hmm. Did I mention that he's Professor Mason's TA. Has access to all the same books."


Alexis crosses her arms over her chest as Dean opens Neil's front door. She smiles a little as Deans sent fills her nose. Dean had lent her his jacket since she, in a sleep deprived and ready to get the job over with haze, left hers at the motel. His jacket was still warm from when he was wearing it. On a side note, she had to admit she thought he smelt nice, and she wasn't too upset over leaving her coat.

"Hello?" Dean calls out as the three walk into the house. "Neil." Dean yells as Sam quietly closes the door. "Its your grief counselors. We've come to hug." Dean pulls his gun from his waistband.

"Silver bullets?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, enough to make her rattle like a change purse." Dean answers as they walks through the house.

The three walk into another room, taking notice of the dead plants that were scattered around the room.

They eventually come to a stop at a door that had a lock on it. Dean shrugs, glancing between Sam and Alexis.

"Unless that's where he keeps his porn." Dean says. Alexis kicks him in the shin causing him to glare at her.

"Shut up." She hisses.

"Would you quit kicking me?"

"Yeah, when you stop being an idiot."

Sam rolls his at the two, before reaching over and unlocking the door. Dean quickly moves through the doorway.

Sam and Alexis follow Dean down the steps and through the basement.

Dean turns to face them. "Sure looks like zombie pen to me."

"Yeah." Sam agrees. "An empty one. You think Angela's going after somebody?"

"Probably. I mean, if I was a psychotic zombie that just came back from the dead I think I'd wanna kill people." Alexis glances around the dimly light basement. Despite the basement not being that cold and having Deans jacket a chill runs down Alexis' spine.

Dean shrugs his shoulders, walking over to the other side of the room.

"No, I think she went out to rent Beaches." Dean moves the loose vent cover.

"Look, smartass, she might kill someone. We gotta find her, Dean." Sam walks toward her brother.

"Yeah." Dean sighs, rubbing his eyes. "She clipped Matt because he was cheating, right?"

"Yeah, cause some men are cheating assholes, who, apparently, have nothing better to do than bang some random chick." Alexis crosses her arms over her chest, putting an emphasis on the word 'some'. She had known her fair share of cheating boyfriends.

"Well, it takes two to, you know...have hardcore sex."

Alexis rolls his eyes. "What a lovely way to word that, Dean." Sarcasm drips from her words.

"I don't know, it just seemed that, uh, Angela's roommate was...broken up over Matt's death. I mean, like, really, broken up."

"Yeah, Deans right. I mean, she seemed more hurt that Matt was dead than Angela." Alexis nods her head.


Dean shoots Angela in the back twice as he stands in the doorway with Sam and Alexis beside him. She turns around and Dean shoots her again.

Angela runs for the broken window, escaping.

Dean and Alexis follow her out the window as Sam helps her roommate.

After chasing her for a few seconds the two give up. Dean grabs onto one of Alexis' hands, setting his other on the small of her back as he helps her through the window.

"Damn, that dead chick can run." Dean says as he climbs through the window.

"What now?" Sam asks.

"I say we go have a little chat with Neil."

"Sounds like a plan, boys. Lets go." Alexis shrugs, the leather jacket that was way to big for her slipping off her shoulder a little.


"So the silver bullets, they did something, right?" Sam asks, glancing over at Dean who was driving.

"Yeah, something. But not enough. What else you got?"

"Well, off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure you nail them back in their grave beds and boom, the undead are now dead again." Alexis leans against the front seat. Dean glances at her, pushing away the urge to brush the piece of hair that had fallen out of her face.

"Yeah, she's right, its mentioned a few times. Its where the vampire staking lore came from." Sam nods along.

"Which is total bullshit. Like, if people are gonna talk about or learn about the supernatural creatures that live in the dark the should at least be properly educated so if they ever have a run in with some monster they can kill it. The only thing they're actually gonna do is piss it off." Alexis goes on a rant. Dean smiles a little, glancing at her.

"Their grave beds? You serious?" He asks, pulling himself from his thoughts.

"Deadly, my friend, deadly." Alexis looks over at him.

"How the hell are we gonna get Angela back in the cemetery?" Dean asks.


Dean opens the door.

"What are you guys doing here?" Neil asks from his spot at the desk.

Alexis closes the door behind her before moving back to her spot beside Dean as they made their way to Neil.

"You know, I've heard of some people doin' some pretty desperate things to get laid, but you-" Dean winks, clicking his tongue. "-you take the cake."

Alexis turns her attention away from Dean to the shadows on the blinds then to Neil.

"Okay, who are you guys?" He asks.

"You might wanna ask Angela that question." Dean suggests, any trace of joking gone.


"We know what you did. The ritual. Everything." Sam says.

"Yep, you know, you know you could've used a ouija board and at least asked if she wanted to come back to this hell hole they call Earth and been like, 'Hey, yeah, also, you might come back with the urge to kill everyone'." Alexis leans against the side of the desk.

Neil scoffs. "You're crazy."

Dean leans against the desk, his arm brushing Alexis' as he does so. "You're girlfriend is past her expiration date and we're crazy?"

Alexis admires the way the moonlight hit his face and lit up his features. It also kinda made him look just a little homicidal, but was that really a bad thing? Alexis forces herself to focus on the matter at hand.

"When someone's gone, they should stay gone. You don't mess with that kinda stuff." Dean continues.

"Angela killed Matt." Sam adds.

"And tried to kill Lindsey. Were you aware she's escaping through the vents?" Alexis stuffs her hands in the jacket pockets.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Neil says.

Alexis sighs as Dean walks around the desk and grabs Neil by the collar of his shirt. "No more crap, Neil. His blood is on your hands. Now, me and them-" Dean nods toward Sam and Alexis, "-can make this right, but you gotta tell us where she is." A second of silence. "Tell us!" Deans voice was louder.

"My house. She's at my house."

Dean lets go of him, getting ready to turn and walk away but a dead plant catches his eye. He looks back at Neil. "Are you sure about that?"

Neil nods, glancing around the room. His gaze lingers on a door across the room, which did not escape Deans attention.

"Look, it doesn't matter where she's at. There's only one way to stop her." Dean moves back to Alexis' side, letting his shoulder brush hers. "We gotta perform another ritual over her grave. To reverse the one that you did. We're gonna need some black root, some scar weed, some candles. Its very complicated, but it'll get the job done. She'll be dead again in a couple hours. I think you should come with us." Dean pauses. Alexis looks up at him, a confused look written on her face. "I'm serious, Neil. Leave with us, right now."

Dean reaches out, latching onto Alexis' wrist. He gives it a gentle squeeze. 'Trust me', that's what he's saying. Alexis gazes up at him, she did. She was absolutely clueless, but that didn't matter. She trusts him. More than anyone. That scared her a little, but Dean had never done anything to betray her trust.

"No." Neil shakes his head.

Dean licks his lips, leaning forward. "Listen to me. Get out of here as soon as you can. But most of all, be cool. No sudden movements. Don't make her mad." Dean whispers before flashing a small smile. He sets an arm around Alexis shoulder, guiding her to the door. "Lets go." He tells Sam, who follows.


Dean glances up at Alexis, which is something he's been doing a lot more of recently, she wasn't looking. She was too busy starring at the flame of the candle she had just lit. Dean sets his own candle down, his eyes never leaving her.

The dim glow of the flame illuminated her face ever so slightly, Deans eyes travel across her face. He was taking in every detail, down to the little specks of green in her eyes that became more visible with the glow of the candle. The way she moves a piece of hair away from her face. How she ever so slightly bites her lip as she lights another candle.

"You really think this is gonna work?" Sam asks, grabbing Deans attention.

"No, not really." Dean lights another candle setting it down after he tears his eyes from Alexis. "But it was the only thing I could come up with."

"I thought it was pretty smart." Alexis shrugs, setting down a candle and grabbing another. "I mean, neither one of us thought of it. Maybe you're not a complete moron." Alexis jokes, glancing up at Dean. Dean playfully rolls his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips.

The moment was cut short when they heard leaves rustling in the distance. The three glance around the cemetery. Sam looks back at Dean, who nods his head. Sam stands up, pulling a gun from his waistband and walking toward the noise.

After a few minutes of waiting Dean and Alexis watch Sam run through the graveyard with Angela right behind him. Angela tackles him to the ground. Dean shoots her in the back. She stands, stumbling back as she turns to face him.

Dean continues to shoot her. Angela stumbles back toward her grave before tripping and falling. Alexis jumps in the grave, stabbing Angela in the chest.

"Wait, no." Angela screams.

Alexis stands up, looking up at Dean as he stares down at the dead body.

"What's dead should stay dead." Dean says.


The sun had risen before the three hunters finished filling the grave with dirt.

"Rest in peace." Sam sighs.

"Yeah. For good this time, okay?" Dean adds.

"God, I need like 26 hours of sleep." Alexis turns around, heading toward where the car was parked.

"You know the whole fake ritual thing? Luring Angela into the cemetery? Pretty sharp." Sam admits.


"But did we have to use me as bait? I mean, we have Alex for that." Sam jokes.

Alexis scoffs. "I'm a valuable team member. Way more valuable than you, so no, I'll will not be bait."

"I figured you were more her type. She had pretty crappy taste in guys." Dean glances at Sam.

"That she did." Alexis mutters.

"I think she broke my hand." Sam complains.

"You're just too fragile. We'll get it looked at later." Dean chuckles. Dean turns to look at Mary's grave.

"You wanna stay for a while?" Sam asks.

"No." Dean walks to the car.


Dean pulls the car over, getting out. He walks to the front of the car, running a hand over his jaw.

Sam and Alexis get out of the car as Dean sits on the hood.

"Dean, what is it?" Sam asks. Alexis walks to Dean, setting a hand on his arm.

"Dean, what's goin' on?" She asks softly.

"I'm sorry." Dean doesn't meet either of their eyes.

"You-? For what?" Sam asks.

"The way I've been acting." Dean pauses, looking down at the ground. Sam moves to sit beside him. "And for dad. I mean, he was your dad too. And its my fault that he's gone."

"What are you talking about?" Sam asks. Alexis already knew what Dean was talking about. She lightly squeezes his bicep.

"I know you've been thinking it. So have I. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Back at the hospital, I made a full recovery. It was a miracle. And five minutes later dad's dead and the Colt's gone. You can't tell me there's not a connection there." After a second of silence Dean continues. "I don't know how the demon was involved...I don't know how the whole thing went down, exactly...but Dad's dead because of me. And that much I know."

"Dean..." Alexis speaks up.

"We don't know that. Not for sure." Sam says.

"Sam...." Dean trails off. "Lexi, Dad, and you...You're the most important people in my life. And now...I never should've come back, Sam. It wasn't natural. And now look what's come of it. I was dead. And I should've stayed dead."

"Dean, don't say shit like that." Alexis hisses, giving his arm another squeeze. Tears fill her eyes.

"You both wanted to know how I was feeling. Well, that's it." Dean pauses. "So, tell me. What could you possibly say to make that alright?" A tear slips down his cheek. Alexis heart broke for him. All she wanted to do was make him feel better.

A/N: Well, that was a fun way to end this one, don't you think? Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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