Magicians Pet (๐Ÿ”žHisoka Smut๏ฟฝ...

Door Clown4Hisoka

2M 71.5K 32.4K

*THIS IS NOT A Y/N STORY* From being a slave to a egotistical father to becoming a Magicians plaything, we fo... Meer

The Magicians Exam
The Magicains Exam part2
Trick Tower
Zevil Island part 1
Zevil Island part 2
Hunting- for applicants??
Hunter or Hunted?
Hisoka's Pinhead
Who are you calling a kid?!
Bungee Gum??
Heavens Arena
Big ole' Blue Eyes
Cat Fight
๏ฟผKilling is-bad?
The Reaper who takes days off
Festival Fun
Oh Daddy
Good Girl
Girl problems
Talk dirty to me
Clown Fight
Lust or Bloodlust?
You're an ass- but I like you
Girls have needs too
Unripe Fruit
Psycho Cutie ๏ฟผ
It still hurts
Drinking Game
Stupid Emotions
Finally, a Teacher
You can't escape me
To York New
Guess who?
Round 2
Play with me
Hisoka's Prey
New Games
Caught Red Handed
Lights Out
Troublesome girl
Catch me if you can
Murderous Demons
Old Flames
Perfect Toy
Upgrade? ๏ฟผ
Its just sex
Greed Island
Game play
Angels and Demons
Come Home
Blossoming Fruit
Growing Pains
Growing Pains pt.2
A Game of Consent
Good Boy
Innocent Eyes ๏ฟผ
Clever Bastard
Possesion ๏ฟผ
Magicians Secrets
Magic Tricks
Axis & Allies
Glam Gas Land
Pretty Kitty
Three's a Crowd
Little Toy
Need Vs Desire
Snow Day
So Close
Identity Crisis
Bisky Bootcamp
Teacher Kink
This is Love?
Game Over?
Bone Pointing
Betrayal? ๏ฟผ
Vine Ripened๏ฟผ
Stay with me
Breaking Point
A Match Made in Hell
My Amour
Her Magician
Dear Brothers
Turning Tides
Christmas Special
Pinky Promise
Freindly Fire
Soft Spot
Memory Lane ๏ฟผ
Bungee Extension๏ฟผ
Whiskey Confessions ๏ฟผ
Queen of Hearts
Her Magician
Lost Kitten
Unexpected Guests
Find Her
Broken Reaper
Repaired Scythe
Death's Lover
Bastards Entrance
Kitten's Return
Remnants of Death
Magicians Adoration
Death Scythe๏ฟผ
Stubborn Aries
Blood Brother
Sit Mike
Revenge is Best Served Cold
All is fair in Love and War
Revenge is Empty
Forbidden Fruit
Friend or Foe?
Troublesome Assassin
Unbreakable Bonds
Oddly Familiar
Old "Friends" ๏ฟผ ๏ฟผ
Her Beloved
Subconscious Memory
Magicians Charm
Memory Puzzle
Heavens Deadline
Premiรจre รฉtreinte
Beloved Pet
Eccentric's Debut
New Plaything
Leap of Faith
Naissance d'un Monstre
His Protector
Earned Strength
The Past Echoes
Assassins Heartbreaker
Beach Side Cottage
Entertainment Delivered
His Addiction ๏ฟผ
Sois a moi
Love -Struck

The Past Never Dies

2K 57 37
Door Clown4Hisoka


Hisoka sat on the dusty floor, his legs pulled to his chest and chin resting on his knees. One thin arm wrapped around his shins, the other holding a small stick he used to draw in the dirt floor of the cell.

"This game is boring~" He pouted as he crossed an X in the grid drawn into the floor, completing the row of three he needed to win. Again.

"Awe hell!" The other boy threw his stick to the ground, ruining the dusty grid between them. "That's the sixth game in a row you've won!"

Hisoka shrugged as he watched the boy run his hands through the dirt to erase the marks. "I told you it's boring, this is too easy~"

The other boy looked up at him, his hazel eyes peering up at him in the dim space, lit only by a handful of flickering lamps. The dark stone walls absorbed most of the light, dust from the dirt floor dancing in the dim rays of light.

"It's only easy for you." The other boy grumbled as he started drawing another grid for them to play on.

"Only because you're so predictable, Remi~" Hisoka rolled his eyes as he twirled the twig between his fingers.

Remi's brown, coiled hair bounced as he looked back up at Hisoka. The freckles across his nose and cheeks almost hidden in the shadows, only extenuating his gaunt face and deep eye bags. His face, that should have been boyish and round, held sharp features. The boyish features carved out by hard muscle and hunger, fine lines already appearing under his eyes and around his mouth from years of hardship. A deep scar disfigured his left cheek and left half of his lips, the wound had barely spared his eye, leaving behind a gnarly red scar. He looked like a soldier, not a boy.

"Tik Tac Toe is a game of manipulation~" Hisoka sighed as he watched his friend draw a circle on the grid, on the outer corner just as he always did. "It's about manipulating your target to go where you want them to be~"

"No!" Remi argued as Hisoka drew his X on the opposite outer corner. "X's and O's is a game of adaptability!" He drew a circle on the far outer corner from his first circle.

The magician sighed as he drew another X  in the middle of the chart.

Remi drew his circle in the last corner of the grid, a broad grin breaking out over his face. "See?"

Hisoka blinked as he looked down at the grid, Remi had backed him into a corner. No matter where he placed his next X, Remi would be able to complete a row of three. He'd lost.

"Damn~" Hisoka huffed, scribbling out the grid with his twig.

"Some manipulator you are huh?" Remi laughed as he watched Hisoka redraw the grid. "Maybe I'm just adapting to you trying to manipulate me."

"Well, that certainly could be a problem for tomorrow~" Hisoka muttered, dropping his twig in the dirt and wrapping both arms around his knees.

Both of the boys fell silent, the air was heavy with dread for the following day, a crushing weight sat on both of their shoulders.  Remi paused before letting his eyes drift down to the dirt, drawing scribbles in the sand with his stick.

"I knew this day could come, but-" His voice drifted off, sighing as he looked up to the ceiling, peering at one of the many air vents. "Do you even wonder what it's like? Out there? Outside of these gladiator matches?"

"I've been out there, it's only marginally better~" Hisoka sighed as he too looked up at the air vent, wishing for the millionth time he possessed the strength to bend the iron bars and escape.

"Anything is better than this." Remi exhaled sharply, throwing his stick in the dirt. "At least we'd be free."

The two boys sat in silence for a long moment, their eyes falling back to the ground as they worried over the day to come.

"I~ don't want to fight you~" Hisoka finally spoke, swallowing back the lump in his throat. "They're going to make us kill each other, you know that right~?"

"Of course they are." Remi snorted. "We fought and clawed our way up to be their best fighters, remember? When that piece of shit promised us our freedom once we won him enough money?"

Hisoka nodded. Their keeper, an aloof man that always dressed in black with a leather mask to hide most of his face and skin, had promised them that they'd be free once Remi and Hisoka had earned him enough money. Now the boys had earned him even more than the agreed upon amount, and instead of being granted their freedom, they were being forced in a battle to the death against each other.

"We're never getting out of here, are we~?"  Hisoka's hands began to tremble as he tightened his grip around his legs.

"Hey, look at me!"  Remi rolled forward onto his knees, grabbing Hisoka's small face between his hands and forcing him to look up. "We're going to get out of here, together! You're like my brother!  I'm not leaving without you!"

"You're NOT my brother~" Hisoka sneered, pulling his face out of the boy's hands. "You're some boy I happened to befriend in these dungeons. And now, the dungeon masters have caught on to our relationship, and decided that the drama of us being forced to fight to the death is great entertainment for the masses. Befriending you, or anybody, was a mistake~!"

"Don't say that!"

"It's true!" Hisoka's pubescent voice cracked as he yelled at his friend. "It exposed our weakness~! And now they are exploiting us~! They're going to force us to fight tomorrow, and then one of us will be forced to continue living like this!"

"I- I have a plan!" Remi blurted.

"Oh you do~? Since when does the "master" of adaptability make plans~?" Hisoka rolled his eyes.

"We won't have to fight each other, Hisoka."

The magician blinked, unwrapping his arms from around  his legs. "What are you talking about~?"

"That's just it. We won't fight!" Remi threw up his hands, like the answer was really that simple.


"Think about it, our fight is supposed to be entertainment for the masses right? Well what fun is it if we refuse to fight?"

"Remi, they'll punish us for that~" Hisoka shivered at the memory of the last time he was punished. He really didn't want to end up tied down with a rag and cold water being poured over his face for hours again.

"But we'll be alive!" Remi exclaimed, jumping to his feet, The tattered rags of his clothes dropping even more dust over the floor.

"What's to say they won't kill us for such disobedience~?" The magician cocked an eyebrow at his friend.

"Pfft, please-" Remi waved off his question. "We are their prize fighters, we make the most money. If they killed one of us they wouldn't make money off their biggest prize fight, and if they killed us both they'd lose all of their money! It's perfect Hisoka! When they put us in the ring tomorrow, we just-" He shrugged and smiled. "We just don't fight. I won't fight you brother, trust me. It'll be over quickly."

Remi and the dungeon quickly disappeared, swirling like water down a bath drain. A bright light blinding the tiny magician. Hisoka barely had time to shield his eyes from the blinding light before he was thrust into the middle of the ring. The roaring of the crowd overwhelmed his senses as he blinked and looked around wildly. Boo's rang out all around them, the boy's weapons laying in the sand at their feet. Various dungeon masters screamed at them to fight each other as the crowd booed them, some of the audience even got up from the stands and started to leave.

A small smile crept its way over Hisoka's face as hope took root in his heart for the first time in years. Remi was right. His plan was working, he wasn't going to have to kill his friend. They may not be improving their situation, but at least they had each other. Remi took Hisoka's hand in his, intertwining their fingers as he raised both of their hands above their heads.

"It's working~!" Hisoka exclaimed, his smile growing so large it almost hit his ears. "Remi, your plan! It's work~"

White hot agony ripped through the magician, sharp pain coming from his stomach as Remi stepped into him. The crowd went wild, spectators rushing back to their seats as they cheered for the boy.

"Re~ Remi~"  Hisoka stuttered, releasing his friend's hand and looking down.

A large knife protruded from his stomach, Remi didn't look at him, his hazel eyes hidden by his long brown hair.

The magician's small hand wrapped around Remi's, the same hand that held the knife current embedded in his gut. "B~ Brother~?"

Remi clenched his teeth, his whole body beginning to shake. "I'm sorry. I told you- this would be over quickly-" He twisted the knife inside Hisoka's stomach, causing the other boy to cry out. "You said this was a game of manipulation right? I- I guess you taught me a lot. Thank you for that, brother."

He ripped the knife out as Hisoka stumbled away, clutching his gushing wound. The shock of his friend's betrayal and agony wracked his body.

"Let me do you this final kindness, and end your suffering-" Silent tears ran down Remi's face as he readjusted the knife in his hand. "Let me end this, let me set you free."

"You promised~!" Hisoka cried, the sting of his friend's betrayal mixed with adrenaline, giving him the energy he needed to tackle Remi. "You bastard~!"

The boys wrestled in the sand, Hisoka's hand closing around Remi's wrist as he tried to force the knife out of his hand. But Remi had always been stronger than Hisoka, whereas Hisoka had always been quicker. Fear and regret glinted in Remi's hazel eyes as he fought under him, the roars of the crowd drowned out over Hisoka's own pounding heart.

"We were supposed to get out of here~ together!"He cried as Remi's hand lifted from the sand, overpowering Hisoka as they struggled, the knife pointed at the little magician's neck. He managed to land a sharp punch to the side of Remi's jaw, disorienting him long enough for him to loosen his grip on the knife.

Hisoka smacked his wrist away from his neck, sending the blade clattering away. "Traitor~!" He cried as he landed another punch to Remi's face. "You'd abandon me now~?! After all this time?!" Another punch to his friend's face sent blood splattering over the sand. "Just like everybody else~!" Hisoka hit Remi over and over again, ignoring how bones crunched under his fist and blood sprayed across his face.

"Hiso-" Remi choked on his blood as he tried to speak, but Hisoka punched him again.

"I trusted you~!" He screamed, tears flowing down his face as he watched the light start to fade from his friends eyes with each punch.

Hisoka watched the realization in Remi's eyes, that his plans had failed, he'd been defeated, broken. And the fear in his eyes as Remi realized he was going to die. Adrenaline rushed through his body as Hisoka realized he was winning, the pain from his wound and the sting of Remi's betrayal drown out by the liquid fire in his veins. Sweet relief, a shiver of pleasure ran down his spine, despite the tears running down his face.

"Why?! Why?!" Hisoka sobbed, rocked his bloody fist back for another hit. "Why do I break~" His punch landed with a deafening crack. "Everything I touch?! Why?!"

"Hisoka!" A voice called to him from the crowd, piercing through the roar of the audience. "Hisoka!"

He looked up, his eyes going wide as he spotted the girl that'd pressed herself against the iron cage surrounding the stadium. Her fingers wrapped through the small grate, she had short blonde hair with a singular long braid over her right shoulder. Her multiple piercings along the cuff of her ear glinted in the sunlight as she shook the cage again to get his attention. Her ice blue eyes wide with horror.


"Wake up Hisoka!"

Hisoka bolted upright in bed, panting heavily as his whole body trembled. He felt hands on his shoulders and quickly swatted the hands away. Somebody was talking to him, but their words sounded like they were talking underwater. The magician pushed off the bed, plunging both hands through his thick red hair, his fingers trembling and his heart pounding in his chest. He took a deep, shaky breath.

Remi, god he hadn't dreamt of the boy in years. Why now? Why had his friends betrayal come back to haunt him now?

"Hisoka?" He shuddered as he felt Kinta's hand slide over his shoulder, her chest pressed against his back as he felt her lips at the base of his neck. "Come back to me, my love."

The magician turned, wrapping his arms around his beloved pet and tucking her against his chest. He bent his neck, taking another deep breath and inhaling her familiar scent as she wrapped her arms around him. It wasn't  Abaki he'd heard, she hadn't been there that day anyways. It was Kinta trying to wake him from his nightmare. His loyal partner saving him from himself, again.

They sat in silence for a few moments, Kinta ran her fingers across his bare back, her calm and familiar presence soothing his frayed nerves. It wasn't until Hisoka started to pull away and saw the wet spots on her plum colored shirt that he realized he'd been crying. He hurriedly wiped the wetness away from his eyes before pulling away, embarrassment twisting in his stomach, hopefully Kinta hadn't noticed.

"You know I'd never betray or abandon you, right?" Her brow was still slightly furrowed, her eyes wide with concern as she looked up at him.

"Was I talking in my sleep~?" Hisoka cleared his throat, his voice sounded hoarse. Like he'd been screaming.

"A little." Kinta nodded. "Something about a traitor, or somebody who abandoned you?"

Hisoka nodded as he looked down at his hands. His fingers still trembled slightly as he flexed them, slowly opening and closing his hand. He could still feel Remi's blood on his hands and the phantom bruises across his knuckles. He hadn't had a dream like that in a long time, Hisoka never wanted to relive that day. A part of him died that day, and the grim reaper was born in its stead.

"Do you- wanna talk-?"Kinta started but Hisoka interrupted her.

"Are you making breakfast~?" He asked, turning his nose up to sniff the air.

The  smell of bacon was drifting into the room, he could hear something frying on the stove out in the kitchen and the ding of the toaster going off.

Kinta paused for a second, before standing from the bed. "Right, I am. I should probably get back to that before I burn something." She moved across the room, pausing in the doorway as she turned to look at the magician again. She chewed her lower lip before she spoke. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Hisoka gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm fine. Go on~" He waved her away with his hand. "Before the food starts burning. I'll join you in a minute~"

"Okay." Kinta nodded before pushing away from the door frame and disappearing down the hallway. 

Hisoka swung his legs over the side of the bed. He let out a heavy sigh, scrubbing a hand over his face before pushing the loose hair away. He was still completely naked from the night before, he and Kinta had fallen asleep tangled in eachothers arms. His mind drifted over his dream, he hadn't dreamt of Remi in years, why was the boy coming back to haunt him now? And Abaki- why had he seen her? Hisoka had nothing but fond memories of the girl, why would she appear to him during such a vivid nightmare?

Hisoka couldn't bring himself to talk about the details of his dream to Kinta, not until he'd had a moment to collect his thoughts at least. Not to mention he felt a little embarrassed that he'd been crying and screaming in his sleep in front of her. Even after all of this time with his beloved, it still felt wrong to the magician to give in to his emotions when Kinta was around. He rarely did that to begin with, doing it in front of somebody else felt like taboo.

He shook his head, like he could shake off the lingering feeling of dread as he moved towards the dresser and began laying out his clothes for the day. Why would such a terrible memory come to visit him now? Even after his speech to Kinta last night about their scars fading with time? He dug down to the bottom of his drawer, digging out the small velvet box he'd carefully hidden inside a folded pair of his pants. Was it because of this? Perhaps it was a lingering fear of commitment, or a fear of abandonment over his decision that caused the memory to resurface.

Hisoka stepped into his pants before sitting on the edge of the bed again, he held the black box decorated with gold card suits in his hand, stroking his thumb over the velvet material as he studied it. Like the little box held the answer to all his uncertainties. But the box held no such answers, it held a very important question. One Hisoka never thought he'd ask. A question that would either dismiss or confirm his lingering doubts. 

And the answer, laid in Kinta's hands.

"Breakfast is ready!" She called from the kitchen, the sound of glass and plates clinking together as she set their food on the table.

Hisoka smiled, putting the box in his pocket as he stood from the bed. "Coming~"

He didn't bother with a shirt, he'd finish getting dressed after they ate. He knew Kinta would be upset if Hisoka let his food get cold. He strode down the hallway, the delicious smells of breakfast guiding him to the table. Kinta had laid out a spread of pancakes, with various fruit bacon and eggs. Hisoka smiled, moving behind his pet as she set the last of the plates down.

"This smells amazing~" He murmured, bending to kiss the top of her head. "Thank you, mi amour~"

"Mhm." Kinta  simply nodded before moving away from him.

Hisoka cocked an eyebrow, watching her take a seat at the far end of the table before sitting down himself. That was odd. Was she angry? The magician twisted his bracelet under the table as he admired the food.

"Are these coconut pancakes~?" He asked, smiling at her from across the table. He didn't sense anger through the nen in his bracelet, but Kinta certainly didn't seem happy.

"Yup." She answered shortly, not looking up from her plate as she started to eat. "With banana and strawberry creme."

"Hmm~" Hisoka started to feel a little nervous, this was not how he wanted to start the morning of such an important day.

He took a bite of his food, the soft and fluffy pancakes melted in his mouth. The tropical flavors melding with the sweetness of the pancakes and creme syrup she'd prepared. Kinta really was a wonderful cook.

"It's delicious~"

Kinta said nothing as she continued to eat. The magician didn't need his bracelet to feel the tension rolling off of her.

"Are you going to tell me what's bothering you~?" Hisoka sighed, lifting his cup of orange juice to his lips.

Her green eyes finally flicked up from her plate, she thought about it for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh. Kinta set her silverware down and laced her fingers together as she looked at Hisoka.

Kinta stared at him for a long moment before she finally spoke. "Who's Abaki?"

Hisoka almost choked on his juice, realization finally dawned on him. He'd been talking in his sleep. Abaki. She'd heard Hisoka call Abaki's name.

The magician cursed under his breath, setting his glass down and licking the taste off his lips. He knew Kinta had heard the other woman's name before. Either in passing or mentions from Hellenga, they'd never had a chance to talk about her. What if Kinta thought-  Would she think he was in love with somebody else? Or hiding another woman? Letting those thoughts fester could cause issues for his plans at dinner tonight.

He touched the bracelet on his wrist, he could feel her anxiety, Kinta's uncertainty brewing a storm in her mind. Hisoka pursed his lips as he looked back at his beloved pet, it would be best to put her mind at ease now. As much as Hisoka was reluctant to talk about that part of his past, he wasn't about to let the ghost of his boyish crush ruin what he'd built with her.

Hisoka sighed, tracing the rim of the glass with the tip of his finger. "Tell me what you want to know, ask anything~ I'll answer honestly~"

"Without the alcohol this time?" Kinta cocked an eyebrow, a small smile creeping across her lips.

The magician blinked, chuckling softly as he looked back up at Kinta. "Yes, without the alcohol this time. You got way too drunk last time anyways~"

"Pfft." Kinta laughed. "I wasn't THAT drunk."

"You told me I was lonely and odd~" Hisoka smiled broadly, reminiscing about their drinking game at Heavens Arena.

"I mean, I wasn't wrong though." Kinta shrugged, lifting her glass of orange juice to her lips. She took a long drink before she spoke again. "Tell me, if you randomly saw her in the street one day, what would you do?"

Hisoka furrowed his brow, he hadn't expected such an odd question from her. "I'd~" He paused, what would he do if he saw Abaki again? He hadn't seen or heard from the girl since he left the circus troupe when he was seventeen. 

"Would you want to talk to her? You know- catch up and reminisce about your past? You're not usually the type but-" Kinta looked down at her drink, slowly swirling the orange liquid. "She was obviously special to you."

"Are you jealous~?"He cocked his head slightly, it was unlike Kinta to be insecure.

"No!" Kinta snapped before pursing her lips. "I mean- I guess I assumed that- that I was the first person you loved. But, I supposed that was naive of me."

"I didn't love Abaki~" Hisoka shook his head, tapping his glass with the pads of his fingers. "I liked her, we had some fun, and she did help me overcome some, issues, regarding sex. But I never loved her~"

"Don't lie to me." Kinta's smile fell, her gaze turned to ice as she crossed her arms over her chest. "You don't get to lie to me, Hisoka. I see how your expression softens as the sound of her name, you tapped the side of your glass, and you fidget when you're nervous or lying. You keep your hands busy when stringing your stories together because it helps you keep your thoughts straight, that's why you play with those cards until they fall apart." She uncrossed her arms, putting her elbows on the table as she leaned forwards. Kinta cocked an eyebrow, her intense gaze sending a shiver down Hisoka's spine. "I didn't ask if you loved her, I don't need to. Answer my question, I won't repeat myself."

Hisoka bit his tongue, stifling a groan. God he loved it when Kinta got bossy. And how fast she'd read him, not only proving how well she understood the magician, but also how quick witted and observant she was- Would Kinta ever NOT impress him?

"I love you~" Hisoka smiled broadly, resting his chin in the palm of his hand.

Kinta blinked. "Are you-" She gave him a dead-pan expression. "Did you really just get turned on by me calling out and telling you what to do?"

Hisoka's smile only grew.


"Step on me~"

She snorted, her icy facade breaking as she covered her mouth with her hand. "Hisoka-" she unsuccessfully tried to stifle her laugh. "This is serious. Focus."

"I am focusing~" He teased. "Focusing on the thought of you calling me out, and bossing me around for the rest of our lives. How your the only person who could ever do that to me, because I love you Kinta~"

Hisoka moved his hand from under his chin, laying it across the table as he offered his hand to her. A small smile tugged the corner of Kinta's lip as she reached across the table and wrapped her hand around his.

"I did care about Abaki~ maybe I did love her at one point. But not like I love you, mi amour. If I saw Abaki on the street one day, I'd ignore her~"

Kinta cocked an eyebrow.

"You said so yourself, I don't like reminiscing about my past~ And Abaki is just that, history." He squeezed her hand. "My future, is with you~"

A deep blush spread over the tops of her cheeks, a shy smile appearing across her lips as her hand tightened around his. "Good answer." she released his hand a she sat back in her seat.

"Where is this coming from~?" Hisoka asked, resting his elbows on the table. He laced his fingers together and rested his chin on them. "You haven't been the jealous type before, why now? First with that girl~ the one with the strange ability, what was her name?" He furrowed his brow for a moment.  "Mira~? And now with some woman from my past~"

"To be fair-" Kinta crossed her arms over her chest and leaned into her chair. "Hellenga mentioned some girl you liked at the circus, and then I heard you calling some other girls name in your sleep. And there's the fact that you've never once mentioned her to me yourself. So- yeah, I might be a little worried that there are some unresolved issues or lingering feelings there."

The magician sighed softly, slowly nodding his head. "I see your point. Perhaps I should have mentioned her earlier. But again, to be fair, we've been rather~ busy. You didn't have your memories when Hellenga mentioned Abaki~"

Kinta blinked, pursuing her lips as she also nodded. "Yeah, I guess it would be pretty hard to have that conversation without my memories."

"Now you answer my question~" Hisoka cocked his head and smiled. "And don't make me break out the alcohol~"

She laughed softly under her breath before uncrossing her arms, she leaned her elbows on the table, mirroring Hisoka as she laced her fingers together. "Hisoka-" She spoke slowly, chewing her lower lip. "Are you going to get bored of me now?"

The magician gave her a confused look. "Why would you think that~?"

"Because- it's all over now. The excitement, the constant battles. I'm stronger than I've ever been, my father is dead, nobody is hunting me anymore. And- you kind of have a track record of disposing of things that no longer serve you. What happens when-" She paused, her lips pressing into a firm line.  "What happens when a shiny new toy catches your attention?"

Hisoka snorted, laughing softly as he slowly shook his head. "Then I'll have a new toy to play with~" He shrugged as he stood, pushing away from the table as he closed the distance between them.

He slipped his fingers under her chin and he made Kinta look up at him. "But you know, that you are so much more than a toy to me. Some shiny new toy could never replace you, Kinta~" Hisoka smiled. "You're not a toy, you are not some fruit I am waiting to ripen, and you're certainly more than a pet. You're my twin flame, my partner in crime and the only person I've ever seen as my equal~"

Hisoka knelt down so he was eye level with her. "I'm so proud of you~" he smiled, stroking her cheek with his thumb as Kinta's blush deepened, her emerald eyes going wide. "You've accomplished everything you set out to do, overcome every challenge, became stronger than I even thought possible and found yourself in the process~ all while managing to challenge me at every turn~" Hisoka chuckled softly. "I love you, more than anything~"

His free hand moved to his pocket, his fingers brushing the velvet box there.He shifted so he was on one knee, his heart jumping to his throat. Was this it? Was this the right time?

"Hisoka-" Kinta started,  her expression softening as she leaned into his hand.

The magician's heart pounded in his ears as his fingers wrapped around the box. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to do all the boring and mundane things with you~" His hand started to slide from his pocket, pulling his hand away from her face because his palms were begging to sweat. "Kinta~ I want to~ I mean, will you~?"

He froze. His heart was pounding so loud he worried Kinta might hear it. She furrowed her brow, cocking her head at him. No doubt Kinta could feel his anxiety, his fingers trembled around the box in his hand. But his words dried up in his throat.

"Will you~" He tried again, but choked on the words. Damnit what was wrong with him?

"Will I- what, Hisoka?" Kinta gave him a confused look, she actually looked a little worried about him.

The magician opened his mouth to speak, but he felt like somebody had knocked the wind out of him. Nothing would come out, his fingers trembled as his heart thundered in his ears and a cold sweat broke out across his skin. Hisoka shook his head, shoving the box back in his pocket as he stood. He couldn't do it, now wasn't the time.

"Will you not worry so much~?" He smiled down at her. "I love you, and I'm not going anywhere. Okay~?"

"Oh- okay?" Kinta raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay? You look kinda pale."

"Im fine~" Hisoka waved off her question, running a hand through his hair as he spoke.

"Hm-" Kinta watched him for a moment, her eyes narrowing slightly. She finally sighed and pushed a strand of hair away from her eyes. "You should finish your food before it gets too cold."

"Right~" He moved back to his seat, hooking his foot on the chair as he sat down.

Hisoka couldn't believe he'd just choked on his words like that, he'd gotten so close to popping the question- why had he frozen up like that? Was it really just because it wasn't the right time? Or was it his nerves getting the better of him? 

Hisoka almost laughed at himself, stuffing pancakes in his mouth to keep himself from chuckling. The Grim Reaper? Nervous? Never. But he couldn't ignore how his fingers still trembled, and his palms started to sweat over the thought of what he had planned tonight. Hisoka tried to convince himself that his stomach twisting into knots was just the rich breakfast not agreeing with him as he put down his fork.


Only a few chapter's left! What do you guys think is going to happen? Will Hisoka be able to follow through? Or will our cocky and beloved magician choke? I can't wait to see your reactions to the big moment and the end of this story. Reading your reactions makes all of this worth it for me, even if I don't respond very often.

Please enjoy!

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