Remnants Light: A forgotten G...

By corkykong

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In the land of Remnant; Many tales are told and even more are forgotten. Some about hunters, and their glory... More

character info
Chapter 1: goodbye home... hello new world
Chapter 2: New Me, New Friends?
Chapter 3: two sides of the coin
Chapter 4: A Sweet Treat
Chapter 5: A New Tower
chapter 6: A Right of Proving
Chapter 7: Study Up Guardian
sorry about that, but here's a choice
chapter 8: lights in the dark
chapter 9: A New Path
An Audience with the queen (author and Salem)
chapter 10: An Inviting Message
chapter 11: Subway Madness
chapter 12: A Kinder Evil
chapter 13: A Dark Past Can Make Good Story
school is a thing btw, but here's another choice
Chapter 14: The Bull's Horns or The Fox's Curse
Chapter 15: Even Heros Have Curses
Chapter 16: A Hunters Trust, A Grimm's Loyalty, And The Titan's hope
It's Choice Time!!!! also say hi!
Chapter 17: A Chat Between Immortals
Chapter 18: A Fox's Treat (short tease BTW)
Chapter 18: You Are Combat Ready
an Audience with the queen(part two)
Chapter 19: A Melted Chocolate Bunny
chapter 20: Soft Ice-cream
Chapter 21: The Queen and Her Bishops
Chapter 22: The Guardian's Challenge
Chapter 23: When Tanks Dance?
Choice Time With Salem
Chapter 24: Trust Falls
Chapter 25: A Hero's Spite
A Message From Your's Truly!!!
chapter 26: Heated Deserts
Chapter 27: Grimm Ambition
Chapter 28: The Game We Play
Grimm Tidings for Christmas! (this chapter is surprisingly important)
Chapter 29: Good Game Guardian
Chapter 30: The Trumpet's solo, and The Blades Bite
CHOICE TIME!!!!(again!)
Chapter 32: Tank a Moment
Chapter 33: A Pawn's Favor
Chapter 34: A Dark Days Blessing
Chapter 35: Cruel Reminders
Chapter 36: War Behind Closed Doors
Chapter 37: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 38: Crashing Tides, and Flying Bullets
Chapter 39 part 1: All of you...Against One of Me
Chapter 39 (part 2): The Taken "Night"
The last choice...
Chapter 40: Gods Fall...(part one)
You Rise
The 100K Choice...

Final Chapter: How A Guardian Was Made...

869 13 18
By corkykong

Corky:...let's finally show you how it ends...

Deep within a rich and diverse forest. Filled to the brimm with season changing plants and rivers that flowed to a nearby waterfall...was a wooden house...

There wasn't anything really technologically advanced...or even much tech at all...but it had what you would call, a normal classic and homestead feel to it.

A two story shack with a nicely made patio and balcony could be seen from the outside. Though just by one look, one could say that the house looked relatively normal for a wooden shack such as this...but not to an expert...this one was built by hand alone...and the detailing on it was perfect...

Near the house however, a strange large object could be seen with an even larger camo cover over seemed to be a large vehicle...but there was a nicely made stone fireplace just a few feet away from it.

Most importantly, reports of people visit the area to either interview or appreciate those who live in this house. Have describe just by walking around the area, that this was the perfect way to retire a life like a hero...

Inside however...a family was present inside...the ones that lived there of course...they sat near the fireplace as a large fox faunus quietly hummed a was the most he could do with what voice he had left...but in his arms and resting on his legs...were four children...Shell...Vanil...Trake...and lastly, Phee...

All four had reassembling features like the father that held them dear, and the two mothers that sat close on a couch together...simply enjoying watching their love take care of what they all hold dearest.

Shell, and Vanil both had heterochromia eyes, much like their father and Ex crime boss mother Neo. But Vanil inherited her father's fox like faunus traits. While Shell was blessed with her father's strange face marks that resembled the Grimm that had disappeared long ago. Strange enough however, both inherited their mothers strange hair mixture, but in a fashion on black and white.

Trake, and Phee on the other hand came from the same father...but from their retired pro expert hunter mother, Velvet. Trake was blind...but was thankfully gifted with his mother's rabbit like ears, and his father's strange sixth sense along with his body and facial marks. While as for Phee, she was surprisingly mute at birth, but had inherited both her mother's and father's eyes, and her father's faunus traits.

Each child could be described as a mis match of strange and perfect...but in all honesty...both father and mothers couldn't even care...this was the life that they had strived for...and they lived for every small moment such as this...

Though while the children had been resting on their fathers welcoming and warm body. Their father's constant humming of a long forgotten tune from a world far from home, would gently put them to into a daze, and plane of both exhaustion and tiredness.

Then...a small floating robot came into the room...

Chip: Tank?... I think it's time for them to go to bed...

The father looked up to his long time companion and helpful parent touter before looking down and slumping his shoulders out of dissatisfaction...he wanted to keep humming for his kids...

Velvet: it's ok sweety, we'll be waiting in bed for you, ok~

Velevt came up behind her husband before kissing his cheek

Neo: don't take to long know how Vel gets when your late~

Neo came right next to her lover before giving him a gentle embrace. While Velvet gave a playful smack on Neo's arm before both going into quiet fits of laughter.

The father on the other hand just looked up at them with a glad smile before carefully picking up the children.

He carefully made his way up the wooden steps before reaching the kids room.

The room the kids slept and played in, took, if not, a larger portion of the upstairs area. Inside was a large bed with enough room to fit 8 people in, and a few toy chests that had the names of each child.

Each of them however, both groaned and resisted the urge to fall asleep with defiant whispered whines, and movements.

Shell: dad...I *yawn* don't want to go to bed...

The father said nothing as he smiled while continued to tuck in a sleepily defiant Shell. Her facial marks flickered red and white as she was begining to lose the battle against sleep

Trake: can you at least *yawn* tell us a bed time story?

Trake looked up blankly through her white blind and glowing eyes...before eventually realizing his mistake...all while being tucked in

Trake: oh...sorry

His father hummed and chuckled in amusement as he gently tucked Trake.

Phee on the other hand didn't resist that much when being tucked in. Though when her father went to go tuck in Vil, she quickly shot her hand out before grabbing on to her father's arm...

Phee: *sign language* wolfy...

Her father sighed before standing up straight and observing the room...he saw what his daughter was looking for before quickly walking over and returning.

The object in question was a small Grimm beowolf plushy that he himself for her most recent birthday.

Phee: *sign language*

The dad watched in glee as his daughter used her tailed to hug along side with her plushie before snuggling in bed herself.

With a contempt smile, their father walked over to the other side to tuck in Vanil

Vanil: pleeeaaasssee...just-*yawn* story?

Knowing that neither child was going to rest easy without a story to fill their minds with dreams and hopes...he opened did his best to speak...

Y/N: th-

Chip: Tank... they're waiting for you now...besides, you know who's the best story teller~

Knowing full and we'll about his companions fact of story telling, he sighed in defeat before kissing the heads of his four children before waving goodnight in sign language.

All kids: night dad/ love you dad/ *sign language* good night/ nighty-night

Their father then walked out of the room to rest in bed with his lovers.

Chip: ok children...this is a story about...well it's a story about your father...

Every kid popped up at the information they had just heard.

Trake: is it a cowboy story?

Phee: *sign language* did he take down a beast?

Shell: *yawn* big fight...

Vanil: was there cake, or ice-cream?

Chip laughed and chuckled at their feeble guesses before speaking a response.

Chip: nope...but it's the story of how he and I started out...

Chip too a mechanical deep breath...if that was even possible... before speaking.

Chip: it's almost hard to believe, but...a hero wondered a world, thousands of galaxy's away from us ... 568 years ago...his name was Y/N

The childrens eyes widened at the mention of their father's name as they all leaned in to hear more.

Chip: it was only about a month after he hand began to wonder around the world. But in that month alone, he encountered a great deal of horrible things. Monsters that take your heart and soul, people who have turned against one another...and worst of all...the powerful preying on the powerless...

Vanil: but he was strong to right?

Chip chuckled again.

Chip: who said that he isn't now?~...but yes, he was strong...and he did have power that everyone else wanted...but he kept it hidden for a the time, Y/N only had a broken rifle made up of spare scrap and parts from other broken weapons, and a blade that had lost much of it's edge. But the thing that stopped us was our ability to introduce ourselves to others...we simply didn't know how to say "hi"...but it all changed one day...

Chip floated around the room before looking at side the kid's room window.

Chip: one day, when the hero wondered through another abandoned city...Y/N found a large group of monsters sitting around a feeder...let's call it...a servitor... anyway, Y/N was ready with his rifle out and ready to fire, but...he couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger ...instead...he walked up to the monsters with his hands raised in surrender...this race of master were called the fallen, and they were ruthless ...but when they saw the hero...they saw a man who was lost...

Phee: *sign language* did they do mean things to him?

Chip: for a time, yes... They pushed him around and called him names that I shall not utter...but eventually, Y/N gained their trust, and even helped them find a place to call home...they became allies that are known as the "house of light"...a group of fallen monsters that choose peace of violence...all made possible by the hero...but he wouldn't stop there...

Shell: did he fight?

Chip: nope, he kept visiting other broken places,- finding people and groups in need of help. Only using violence as a true last resort...and eventually...people began to follow use him as an example of how the powerful should treat others...the hero kept wondering and helping, while he eventually accidentally made a hero cult named the iron lord is, the original vanguard protection idea and it's guardians, and finally, the place that millions called home..."that last city"...then...

Chip lowered his frame to hover just right over the sheets the children were sleeping under.

Chip: the hero and his little companion... were called to protect this last city...but they weren't really tasked with making more relationships with monsters...he was tasked in destroying the city's enemies...a task he sourly disliked...but did for the city anyway

Shell: why wouldn't he just leave them then!?-

Chip:- shhh...your parents will hear you...but to answer your question...the city had way to many enemies to fight...and way to much to the hero did the best thing he could. With nothing but the power within him, he fought tirelessly against the forces of evil to protect the city's and it's people from any who dared to threaten the people's way of life...but his deeds would be punished...

All: what?/why/- what do you mean?

Chip: at this point, the hero had amassed a great deal of achievements that he never really wanted. "God slayer", "unbroken", "hive bane", "kell slayer", "the deep stone crypt raider", and many-...many, many more...but it was because of a dirty little secret that gave the hero punishment over reward...

Phee: *sign language* what was it?

Chip: he was born of a shadow...a thing of the very night that threatened the home he was protecting, along side of those who wielded the light to burn those said shadows...he was forced out of his home shortly after...but a certain old enemy gave the hero a second chance...a chance to start again in a new world that would accept him...

Vanil: like what uncle Oryx did for dad?

Chip:*sigh* yes, that's what the walking, talking, and floating Napoleon complex did for your father... anyways. This chance sent the hero to a place called Remnant...*whisper* were on Remnant. *Normal*and it is said that when you call his will be assisted by not only a hero that stood for peace in one world...but also by the hero that strives to save the world on the one he's on now...

Chip looked towards the children and found most of them sleeping...but found Phee looking at him still.

Phee: *sign language* will the hero's mission ever be over?

Chip only chuckled...

Chip: ask your father...

Before calmly floating away towards the nice resting nest the father had made for him not to long ago.

Chip: because it's always been his choice...

Chip then powered down for the night as he heard some..."passionate" things going on in the parent's bedroom...

*Somewhere outside of the house*

Inside the large covered object...was a flying machine capable of reaching outer space...

???: *Static*

The communications radio turned on...

???: *Static* ca-...
???: *Static* can you- *static*
Saint-14: Can you hear me Tank...we need your help.*static*...the witch queen...she makes her first move... And the darkness approaches...

The radio dies out from a lack of power before cutting off the communications...

Corky:...Maybe...just maybe.......nah... nevermind....he deserves this life... they'll be fine anyways....what do you think?

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