The Drunken One Night Stan...

By Lucinda_love39

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Nineteen year old Clara-Belle is simply a beautiful young girl, she is known as the good girl in the family w... More

The Drunken One Night Stand.
Chapter 1: Disowned by her father.
Chapter 2- Ricardo's Note
Chapter 3-Six years later and Clara and her 5 year old daughter Megan.
Chapter 4- Monday Morning and Mr Wallace Important Announcement.
Chapter 5- Tuesday morning the first day with her new Boss Ricardo Wallace.
Chapter 6- Clara-belle's lunch date with Ricardo and almost getting fired.
Chapter 7 Ricardo and Clara'
Chapter 8: Michelle's P.O.V. Devon and Michelle new Plan.
Chapter 9: Emelia's Perspective .
Who's ringing the doorbell this late?!.
Chapter 11: The DNA results day.
Chapter 12: Anna-belle caught Tyler cheating and she got dumped.
Chapter 13:Is Ricardo Wallace meeting his match at last?.
Chapter 14:Clara urgent call and her meeting with Clarissa.
Chappie 15: Author's Note.
Chapter 16: 1 week earlier and Clarissa plan to sabotage Ricardo wedding.
Chapter 17: 1 week later and Clarissa's plans and Ricardo's Wedding day.
1 week later since Lance's funeral and Clara tickets back to New York City.
Chapter 19: Clara and Grant Discussion and finding out the truth finally.
Chapter 20: Two years later & Clara-Belle's pregnancy tests & Alex surprise.
Chapter 21: Alex surprise for Clara-belle and their dinner date tonight.
Anna-Belle and Landon's first date and Anna P.O.V.
Chapter 23: Clara-belle's and Megan conversation.
Ricardo's P.O.V and online dating.
Chapter 25: The following morning and Megan find the best dating site.
Chapter 26: Megan and Richard shopping and Ricardo's first online message.
chapter 27: Three months later and Ricardo and Katherina online chat.
Chapter 28: Three weeks later & Ricardo and Katherina meeting in Person.
Arrival at the Restaurant and introduction.
Chapter 30: Anthony P.O.V
Chapter 31: Alexya in labor and at the hospital.
Chapter 32: Ricardo taking his children on shopping spree.
Chapter 33: The continiuation of Chap 32.
Chapter 34: The test postpone because Clara was feeling unwell.
Chapter 35: Ricardo's proposal to Katherina.
Chap:36 Clara-belle break off the engagement and ties with Alex & his family.
Chap:37 Almost three months later & Ricardo suspect Katherina of cheating.
Chapter:38 Clara-belle and the girls' conversation about Alex.
Chap:39: Clara-belle's P.O.V about regrets but never losing faith.
Chap:40 Ricardo's P.I returned with proof a week after his visit.
Chap 41: Decorating Wallace Brothers Co for the upcoming company party.
Chap 42:Ricardo's visit to Clara-belle & the fall.
Chap 43: Following morning & Ricardo's P.O.V.
Chap 44: Grant giving Alex the news & Conrad having a minor attack.
Chap 45: The Wallace's Christmas with Clara& Ricardo...
Chap 46: Wallace &Taylor's New Year dinner &Ricardo & Clara steal glances.
Chapter 47: Megan's POV and Ricardo's invitation to Special drive-in Movie.
Valentine's Day and back in Florida Sapphire getting ready for her date.
Chapter 49: Flashbacks of 7months ago how we meet.
Part Two: Chapter 50: Megan's family dinner invitation from Ryan.
Part two: 51: Clara-belle's girls' night out & Ricardo & Richard chat.
Part two 52: Clara-belle & Anna setting up a dating profile for Clarissa...
Part two: Chapter 53 Two years later and Emelia Wedding day.
Part Two Chapter 54: Megan's final exam & Megan's POV.
Part two: Chapter 55: Ric's proposal & his surprise birthday party.
Part two: Chapter 56: Megan's final exams results.
Part two: Chapter 57: 1 week later & Megan high school winter ball.
Part-two: Chapter 58 Richard & his grandkids on X-mas shopping spree.
Part-two chapter 59: Christmas morning Wallace & Taylor trading gifts.
Part two:Chapter 60: Two months later and Richard's minor stroke.
Part two:Chapter 61: A few weeks later and Ricardo's & Clara-belle wedding day.
Part two 62: Three months later & Megan twin siblings birthday.
Part two and Chapter 63: Three months later & Megan and Ryan's graduation day.
Chapter 64: Moments and Clara-belle's Perspective.
Chapter 66: Epilogue. Ten years later and like father like son.

Part two: Chapter 65: The McLaren's surprise& Richard's and sons heart to heart.

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By Lucinda_love39

Author's Note: Hello, to all of my faithful readers and followers and FB friends and family members, yes I know I said chapter 64 was the final straw in this story apart from the Epilogue but I came up with an idea for a 65 which will be the final instead 65 will explain a few things and it will be like a huge explanation but also another POV of one character too so I hope you will enjoy reading it as I did writing it.@Golden-author.

Megan's perspective on how she found out Ryan's secret.

It was now one year later and I now attend the university of Harvard Law in Boston but I was on holiday now so I was back home now sure I wasn't expecting a hug from him at all but just when I was in deep conversation with my granddad and father I got a huge hug from behind from Ryan my boyfriend and then a kiss on the cheek and he told me how much he missed me and that's when he actually realized how much he loves me and so he wants to show me his appreciation and love tonight on a date at eight-thirty so I ask where this date was but then he told me it was a surprise for me I didn't ask any further questions regarding our date tonight but then I ask him if he would mind me dropping by a bit earlier after getting dolled up for the date I would let James drop me off in the black Hummer at his mansion so I could say hello to his parents too before leaving back to University...

Anyway, a few hours later six-thirty-eight to be precise I take my Samsung galaxy s22 Ultra from my Gucci clutch purse and dial my mother's number I was now in the bathroom taking my shower I was also washing my long brunette hair too as my mom answer the phone I quickly told her about my date tonight and that I needed her to help me with my hair and makeup tonight too and so she agrees and is on her way over to the family mansion...

Very  soon mother arrived and  Rose announce her arrival to me soon I was dressed in my matching bra and panties set and I wrapped a towel around me very quickly mom made her way up the stairs and got started on my hair after a mother and daughter hug she blow-dried my long brunette hair and then afterward curl it and styled elegantly with hair grips and let two small curls fall at the front precisely the side of my head but after mom was finished with my hair she starts with the application of the makeup after priming my face she brought her Pallet with her and apply the champagne truffles, on my eyelids both as the base but for the creases, she used a light red in the creases then she uses a beauty blender and blends the two colors together on my lids then a bit of blush which she uses the brush and blend it out in my cheeks and then she applies the red lipstick and the lip-gloss on top for a glossy finish afterward she made sure everything was OK then she allow me to check out my features and hair and how I like it?.

While she was inside my clothes closet raiding it for elegant and gorgeous dresses I could wear on my date tonight  the time was precisely seven on the dot mother grabbed four gorgeous evening gowns I haven't yet worn and she was now at my shoes stand grabbing heels to go with these dresses but after a long and hard look at the gowns I chose the one I admire more out of the four of these gowns and the one I chose was a red lace mermaid styled ankle-length one-shoulder gown with the lining underneath from the neck only to the knees pair with my red and black platforms strap-up on my feet after getting dressed in my outfit I walk to the tall mirror in my bedroom and check my appearance and I was looking like a million dollars if I do say so myself I took up everything such as my red clutch purse my phone and keys and my credit card and some cash too and place everything inside my purse as I hug mother and told her I love her and thanks also she quickly helps me add my earrings, bracelet, and necklace to  my body as I rush down the stairs and soon and I was in the Hummer to Ryan's mansion but admittedly soon I was at Ryan's gates I thank James and he sped off back to the mansion...

I  was inside the Macaulay's driveway walking up to their porch when I hear Ryder and Charlotte talking...

"Charlotte, don't you think our son is doing a pretty great, job remember he is only with Mr. Wallace, granddaughter to use her," because he already has a fiancee' and we are not rich like they are either, hey Ryan!" buddy, come on in here boy, I just wanna congratulate  you on the excellent job you're doing."

I  heard Ryder explains to his wife Charlotte and after which he call his son Ryan and congratulate him.

"Thanks, father I appreciate your congratulations."

I  heard Ryan thank his father for the congratulations.

However, it is a pity they don't know that I heard every word they said and I have it on record the idiots but I play along and went on the date as if I didn't hear anything and as if what they said didn't hurt me it hurt me bad to know the one person I think I could trust with my life is the one who betrays me I couldn't believe it, but they say the people closest to you they hurt you more than your worse enemies I didn't let Ryan go Scott-free hurting me like that so at the end of our date which was exquisite BTW I will give him that, after his chauffeur brought me back home he walks me to the end of my driveway and I Know he was expecting a good night kiss from me his girlfriend...

"Thank you, for such a great dinner and evening, Ryan," and I will leave you with something to remember just as he tries to kiss me I step back, and my right hand connected with his face...

"Henceforth," Ryan Macaulay, we are over and I am serious," we are done!" I dump your ass from henceforth!."


I   told him I was so mad after he left the property I went inside and my granddad and father were still awake so I hand the phone over to granddad and told him to play the record that has today's date after he and father listen to the record I told them what happen up front with Ryan and me just now...

"That was a good decision you took my granddaughter, you are wise like me,"

Granddad told me smiling...



Richard was also now knighted by her majesty Queen Elizabeth II the British monarch back in 2021 to Sir so he was now sir Richard Wallace the multi-billionaire of New York City...

Richard has requested a heart-to-heart chat with both of his sons  Ricardo and Anthony but separately though and starting with Ricardo his firstborn then Anthony after which he will talk with both of his sons about a serious matter knowing that he won't always be around to help them sort out those family issues...

Very soon and his sons were on their way in his white stretch limo he send to pick them up from the mansion...

"How are your wife," Anthony, and your little ones?."

Ricardo asks his brother with a smile.

 "Well, they're doing very well, and thanks for asking dear brother," BTW how about your sweet little ones?."

Anthony asks as he takes another sip of his Dom Perignon champagne.

"They're fine little, bro Clara is home with them now,"   Ricardo replies as he remembers the birth of his triplets...

A  little later and they were inside the driveway of a new mansion in Tribeca after the chauffeur parked the limo he came out and open the doors for both brothers they were both still in shock because they knew nothing about this stately new mansion of their father's anyway admittedly soon and both sons was now inside the elegant, gorgeous and fashionable mansion they were both standing inside the elegantly detailed living room the living room was detailed with a white and gold flowers pattern corner sofa and there was a red velvet three-piece suite sofa and the walls were papered with gold and white flowers pattern wallpaper with a mini bar opposite the kitchen and the dining hall has a beautiful vintage mahogany dining table with twelve chairs around it...

It seems every room also has its television as the living room has an 85-inch Toshiba flat screen on a black tv stand and all the guest bedrooms have 50-inch JVC flat-screen TVs on the walls...

And there is the den which was like an office but with a three piece suite sofa and a coffee table and also an 85inch flat screen Samsung television on a silver tv stand opposite was a laptop desk with a brand new hp laptop laying down...

The kitchen was also very much elegant and has a stylish design the master bedroom was the bomb it was the most fashionable room in the mansion the bathroom was a walk-in shower and it seems all the guest bedrooms including the master bedroom has it's own shower anyway quickly after the two brothers were done feasting their eyes on the new mansion interior they left and went back to the living room...

"My sons," I requested for both of you here today Anthony my son, I want you to understand that I love you both equally," but because your brother Ricardo here is the eldest so that's the reason why I always did everything regarding both of you starting with Ricardo so, please Anthony let's try to do this without any hard feelings let's bury the hatchet between you two right now OK!."

Richard screamed as he slam his fist down on the boardroom table and tell his sons to hug and shake hands and tell each other they were sorry too...

After Anthony and Ricardo did as instructed Richard told Anthony to go wait inside the waiting area outside the boardroom.

A little while later.

A while after and Richard was finished talking to Ricardo and Ricardo let his brother know his father needed him inside the boardroom...

"Thank you," bro,"  Anthony told him as he walk off inside the conference room soon they both took a seat at the table and Anthony and Richard started a conversation...

" Father," what am I here for?."

Anthony asks.

"Well," my dear son I want to say a huge thanks to God for blessing you," with a great education you are a very respectful young man and I would like to let you know that I have signed over my third property over to you," which is in New Jersey." so I want you and your family to feel free anytime you want to move in go ahead my son I love you."

Richard told Anthony as they give each other a huge bear hug...

"Thank you so much father," I love you too dad."  Anthony retorted as he smiles and walk out of the conference room...

Admittedly soon and Richard says goodbye to his sons and they shake hands and embrace each other a while later the two brothers were back inside the limo and the limo sped off with them.


A  few months after Cole and his dad came up with their idea to find out more information on Cole's fiancee' Maxine McAllister, Cole got the shock of his life all of the members of the McLaren were shocked and surprised when their private investigator told them the McAllister family were very wealthy and well known in society and community so Cole knew now that Maxine was with him because she loves him and not for his status or money because she wasn't in need and she didn't need his money she loves  Cole for being him but after Cole sort out everything back to normal Cole arranged another date with Maxine tonight at nine PM...

To make preparations for the wedding and also other events such as the fittings and the hen night and stag do too, etc...

And very quickly after a couple of months and Cole and Maxine had become a couple in a short while and their wedding ceremony was huge...

They're both very happy now too...





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