err0r oneshots

By namescape

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Y know The tittle Just a bunch of err0r one-shots and stories because I can They're mostly stories but somet... More

True Judgment
Log 90
The Brave, The Bold, and the Fool
What is Mine
"New Life"
Taken in
A LOVEly pair
Something Well Deserved
Little Ducklings
Our Home
Child's Play
She missed
TW: Panic Attack
Star Pupil
Sacrifies ll
Sacrifices |||
Nom nom


428 14 0
By namescape

[ fuck.


Happy spoopy month! ]

— — —

The void was a troubling topic.

People had their assumptions on it.

The definition of the void or a void is "not valid or legally binding or completely empty or "empty space".

The void was nothing. No color or anything. Just emptiness...

Like that. If you're sane enough to use dark mode.

Some have said the void works as portals to other dimensions. Then, outsiders came and showed residents the power of portals and their ability to travel throughout the Multiverse and to other universes. Some disclosed the theory and others expanded on it. With the proof of alternate universes existing, some thought about the existence of other Multiverses. Completely different sets of universes existing by a different or similar set of rules as theirs. The theory was crazy, but science was a crazy type of logic.

People tried to experiment with the void. Testing to see if it could provide infinite power, but there was nothing to connect to. Some tried to explore nothing. Only to get no results. Those who dare enter the void were doomed to it. They were never seen nor remembered by any person. Their loved ones or colleagues didn't remember them. There were remains of their accomplishments or of their mere existence, but no one remembered them.

No matter their importance.

So what are we supposed to do here?
I don't know
Maybe if you didn't PUSH ME!
HEY! I didn't know the ledge was unstable!
maYBE...DON't aRguE?
0h wh@t's p13?
How Do You Not Know What Pie Is?!
Oh Did You Just Fall?
... WHAT?!

Voices of SOULs who entered the void wandered and talked amongst one another. Their physical bodies have been long destroyed by the void by no reasonable means. I mean, no one knows how or what the void does. Or why it does what it does. Why would it keep the SOULs of those damned to the void but not their physical bodies? A few, maybe a handful, of SOULs had tried to uncover the void's capabilities, going further than anyone else was willing to go...

No one has heard of them since.

The SOULs felt like they were being constantly watched, but over an unnamed amount of time they got used to the stares. They were still there and entitys of unimaginable power continued to watch. One being looked more closely.

This was |}#4T*NY

Those SOULs who went wandering were lost to the void. Yes technically jumping into the void is already permanent death, but death is something mortals think they understand. They don't know the full extent of it. It's best they stop trying to drive themselves insane by making them believe they're right in everything. Unless it directly affects the beings responsible for those important balances.

Now, there was this one SOUL who had purposely fallen into the void. Most were explorers or those who had accidentally fallen into the void, but this one SOUL purposely fell down. The SOUL's life was filled with pain, the poor thing being treated less than dirt. He was an important part to his Multiverse's survival yet he was thrown around like the puppets he makes.

|}#4T*NY thought they were Wonderful puppets. Its precious chosen made the most wonderful things and was a kind SOUL at heart. But they were forced to a life of torment because of another's ignorance. To be fair, it was the work of another like |}#4T*NY . F4^# was another great being who twisted the strings of every mortal's future. |}#4T*NY was like an extension of F4^# as F4^# was an extension of |}#4T*NY. Both were their own beings and made their own decisions. As long as there were no intersections that greatly affected the person's path.

The 2 coexisted. Peacefully

One day, F4^# decided it was a good idea to interact with
|}#4T*NY'% unfinished symphony. Giving it a different Fate than |}#4T*NY originally intended. They were subject to a blinding white place outside of their Multiverse where they were forced into a role that did not fit anyone with a sane mind. He, a kind SOUL, was told to kill off innocence for he sake of an improperly built balance. F4^#'% string were tightly attached to their SOUL, dooming him to this false path. F4^#'% strings were still attached to the SOUL, but they were severed by the void.
|}#4T*NY let its own strings, lead the SOUL away from the group it was in. In order to complete the true Destiny of the SOUL
|}#4T*NY was leading it to a place where it's chosen could restart the live it deserves. It was broken and torn. Scratched and duller than any SOUL should be. This was their well deserved redemption.

One of the other SOULs noticed the lack of one and started looking, getting the attention of the rest of the bundled group.

|}#4T*NY, too focused on the young SOUL who hesitantly following the lightly tugging string, didn't notice the other following SOULs until the pulling stopped and a multitude of SOULs were slipping through the portal that was supposed to be for one.

It took |}#4T*NY a lot longer than it wished to have realize the dire situation. Now observing the SOULs that had gotten too close to one another during their fall but not realizing the unkept tear in the void that would cause many problems in the future.

Opening his sockets, Error felt tired...

He didn't want this. He didn't want to wake after falling. He jumped to die, that's the only thing he wanted. Everything else could be taken from him, he doesn't care, but why couldn't death embrace him like he so begs it to. Something like death shouldn't—doesn't—discriminate.

"...COuLD yoU NoT yELL?" He asked no one. He had voices in his head before but these didn't voice scream at him. Or at least it didn't sound like they were breathing him for his mer existence. But they were yelling a lot.


"Uhhh... WhaT ABOUt the vOId...?"

Error's eyelights dimmed before his body fell limp but quickly caught itself and say up. He looked around, confused but a grin slowly rose in his face. "wELL isn't THIS a surPRise" he seemed shocked at his voice but nonetheless attempted to stand on his shaking cracked legs. "fOX YOUR lEgS are sHIT"


Error seemed pissed at something in his head. The continuous chatter of the voices in his head was bothering and annoying him. He rubbed and scratched his skull trying to get rid of them. But he just couldn't get rid of them.

"OH quIT winNING. YoU'RE LuckY YOU evEN geT uR boDY. tH1S isn'T mY BoDY" he argued with himself. Or voices in his head.

Error continued attempting to walk, stumbling but eventually getting to the entrance of the alley they were in. Looking around there was a parking lot to the far right where multiple cars were. A grand building stood and was what he was apparently leaning against. Walking to the front of the building it had simple colors, mostly being made of brink on the outside. Looking bored at the sight—the Ink inside his head complained about the lack of colorError grinned pulled out stings from his sockets and threw them at the school.

As if he were throwing yarn, the strings fell a short distance away from him. Not even getting a foot away from his bare feet.

"...wHAt tHe f^CK?!"


"oH sHuT UP! I'D lIKe TO sE3 yOU tRY TH1S!!" Error argued, pulling more strings out only getting the same result. "WhY ISn'T YOUr mAG!C woRKInG diPsHI+?!" He continued shouting to the voices.

A loud bell was sounded and people exited the building he was in front of. A lot of Monsters and Humans chatted and ran towards parked or moving cars getting in and leaving the premises. Most noticed the cracked and hobo like skeleton standing in front of the school, some kids taking pictures or avoiding him while staring. Most starred.

A kid bumped into him and Error pushed them off him. Haphephobia and all. The kid stumbled and looked to argue with the person who pushed them but stopped.

The alternate Swap was wearing headphones around his neck with a dark blue vest over a lighter blue shirt with blue pants with multiple pockets. His shoes were, you guessed it, a mix of blue and white. Oh and surprise, a dash of yellow! Way to mix the color pallet. "Oh...My Bad"

"whAt'S yOUr pRoblEm?" Error grumbled, looking down at the anomaly.

"I Didn't Mean It!" Blue apologized. 2 other skeletons walked towards Blue and saw Error. One wore a tan polo with a brown sweater around his waist with brown pants and fancy yet casual shoes. The other wore a sweater around his neck with a light blue shirt and tan pants. He had a swirled crown on top of his head. The Ink and Dream of this Multiverse respectively.

"You Okay Blue?" The Dream asked grabbing the others shoulder in comfort

"Yeah" he responded, grinning slightly. The Ink looking at Error

"oH..." Error looked a tad bit remorseful but still a bit upset, "mY BAd...buT wATcH whERE YouR gO1nG" Error walked away, back towards the alleyway. The trio looked confused at the slight change in attitude but mostly just chalked it out to a crazy homeless person. Error's breath quickened as he entered the alley and he looked around grabbing his skull while he's at it.

"wHAT thE hELL? whAT iS...?" Error's mind was not only filled with continuous voices in his head, but there were also another? What's going on? "wHAT dO yOU mEAN yOU CAN sEE NoW?!

"Are you talking to yourself?" a voice from the entrance asked, startling Error "AH!"

Looking at the entrance, he saw the Ink standing there. A hand over his bag that probably carried stuff. His lackeys weren't with him and he seemed rather chill for someone who's talking to a hobo serial killer. Not that he knew that. Error looked at Ink in shock, not really saying anything.

"I mean, yeah I shouldn't talk to a stranger but you're interesting and I sorta want to because I really have nothing else to do so hi i'm Ink"

"...eRRoR" silence. More like awkward silence.

Ink was a bit nervous moving around awkwardly, but did pick up another topic. "So do you just live in this alleyway?"

"...nO?" Error looked around the alleyway. Completely relaxed despite his sworn enemy stand right there.

"Oh. Then where do you live?"


"I mean it's okay if you live here. Just curious"

Error didn't know how to respond. Ink, the Ink with him in the void, was doing most of the talking so he...left? Well he's still conscious but he can't really see anything anymore. Besides, he doesn't want to talk to Ink. Alternate or Creator. Leaving Ink by himself in Error's body. Weird considering Ink was rather short and he was in the destroyer's body. He's never felt as much pain as he was now feeling, and his vocal cords and constant glitching were things he weren't used to. Especially since it was easier to take when Error was... here?

This situation is just confusing to him.

He slightly leaned against the wall trying to ignore the pain. "uHH...yEAH i Live hERE. nO BiggIE"

"Oh. Cool. Didn't know someone lived so close to the school, nonetheless the staff allowing you to live here. Or at least not be found considering some freshmen" Ink pointed out, seeming to not notice Error's hidden pain. Maybe if he looked more at Error he'd notice the others shaking but didn't. "You...Want anything? There's a store near the school if you wanna grab something"

"uHH..." Error realized how hungry yet not hungry he was. "yEAH SUR3"

Ink nodded and began walking towards the store with Error following after pushing himself off the wall. He slightly limped but it either went unnoticed or wasn't mentioned by the other. Getting some drinks and snacks Ink paid for them with G and Error was able to have his first meal in probably decades. He almost threw up but was able to keep it down. He wondered how long its been since this body has eaten. No of course it's not his body but he's greatly concerned. Ink also seemed concerned but the other quickly displayed it as taste. The 2 conversed, sharing common interests, considering they've both got a creative mindset, they agreed on arts and crafts, their friends were similar, a lot of similarities between the two. The voices seemed to just listen and have their own conversations. It didn't seem to bother Error as he continued talking and smiling without a care in the world.

A few SOULs greatly disagreed with eating and were just greatly uncomfortable just with the situation right now.

Ink had to leave to make his way home and said that he'd bring a notebook since he's got plenty to share. They said their goodbyes and Error made his way back to the Alley he arrived in.

"...wHAt thE F&cK."


"WHaT is wRONG wiTh yOU?! AND thIS B0DY?!" As he continued to argue with himself and the multiple voices agreeing, defending, or just butting into the argument.

Working with multiple SOULs was reasonably hard. They had different viewpoints which lead to arguments and there were SOULs that weren't talking with only meant they somehow felt more crowded. There was a smart, or reasonable, one among them who got everyone to calm down. They were one of the researchers who studied astronomy, not so much the void but it came with the career. She had tripped into the void and she wasn't originally part of the group but was somehow sucked in through the portal along with them. They eventually were able to get a head count. Or SOUL count at least.

4 destroyers in total, 2 of which were forced, one of who was the owner of the body they were inhabiting, another who enjoyed destroying, and the other was new to destroying so had more sanity than the other 3.

1 creator

1 Swap Sans

3 who wouldn't share or could remember their original universe. Though one believed they were an Outcode

The astrologer

Another Human who didn't speak but was acknowledged.

3 Guardians, two of them tainted with the negative apples and the other a mix of a Creator and the negative apple.

13 in total. Great. Though only a few of them were more active, as in they talked a lot. Everyone was situated in the head while the Ink was situated as currently "hosting" the body. The Astrologer proposed they had a sort of split personality. Or split SOULs since different personalities are more so part of a single SOUL. They're all still their own persons but they don't have their own body. She proposed another thing. If the original owner could be in control and the others watch, occasionally fronting as well in certain situations. Just to keep things simple and not have an identity crisis of sorts.

Each of them still owned their own identity after all. Even Error.

The proposal got a lot of disagreements considering the others were out of the void. They saw this as a second shot at life and they wanted to take it. This was a singular body, they couldn't engage in their usual activities so it wouldn't be possible to 'live a new life'. Error was mostly silent. The Error whose body is being used as some doll for an Ink of all Monsters. He was asked his opinion on the matter, but he stayed silent. The Swap and astrologer argued and encouraged that his choice mattered the most considering it's his body.

His, albeit hesitant, proposal was sort of fair for everyone. They can have at least 2 things done in this "new life". Once everyone has gotten their fair 2 bits they can do it again. Making sure everyone gets to do at least 2 things they miss or have wanted to do. Some proposed others ideas but in the end they came out to Error's suggestion. It was the best one.

After that whole agreement there were more important topics to discuss. Who would see the world? Who goes first? Who is everyone?

They went with the last question first.

There were 4 Errors so each went by something different.

The owner went by Error, although argued by another he did get to keep his name since, again, his body.

The other forced destroyer went by Erratum

The insane destroyer went by Fallacy, technically another word for Error

And the sane destroyer went by Void. Why be named after the very thing that killed you, no clue? Maybe Void's more insane than originally thought.

The Ink went by Ink, keeping his name to the slight displeasure of a few mistakes.

Swap by Swap

The 3 AUless SOULs went by Liam, Flint, and Flo. Their names proving no hint as to their original AUs

The astrologer's name was Kiko and the other Human didn't say a name so he was labeled as 'H'

The guardians were Shattered and Nightmare, along with Vanta. They all chose to go by their original names as well.

After all that was done, Ink seemed to have fallen asleep leaving the body with no SOUL at front. Kiko chose to front and woke up, feeling how unkept Error's body was. The forced destroyers have some explaining to do but first she had to get used to just being bone.


The morning soon came and students and faculty arrived waiting for the school day to start. Ink exited a car along with Dream holding an extra bag with art supplies and a blanket and pillow. Ink made his way towards the alley with Dream following. Looking in the alleyway, Ink saw Error hugging his knees, seeming to be asleep.


"Did You Really Think He'd Be Up At This Time?"

"We're up at this time"

"...How You've Gotten Through High School Is Truly A Mystery"

"You and me both. At least this is our last year!" Placing the bag next to Error, they waited a few seconds longer before making their way into the school.

Later on in the day Error woke, well Kiko woke in Error's body. She didn't realize how tired she was. Or was it the body...Oh this was confusing. Looking around the alley while rubbing her...sockets... she noticed a blanket over a plastic bag next to her. Picking it up she say that there was a notebook and a pencil pouch inside the bag, also with some water bottles. Looking outside the entrance she just assumed it was the Ink from yesterday. Taking the water, she attempted to clear Error's voice but it seemed trivial as she cleared her throat, the glitching was there to stay. She could feel Ink next to her but he wasn't really there. Maybe up front as well.

Opening the notebook, Error began to doodle, sketch, and draw as if his hands weren't put through a blender. They were surprisingly sturdy despite the cracks. His entire body was covered in cracks and scars but didn't seem to follow logistics of how bruises work. To be fair Kiko was the most logical, y'know science and all. So she was really doing most of the questioning. Erratum seemed the most chill out of the bunch, Along with Liam and Flint. The skeletons discussed their possible wants that now need to be met before they die, if this body could even die considering its wounds.

Erratum wanted to just rest peacefully

Fallacy wanted to destroy something, at least a town he says. Yeah that's not happening.

Void wanted to crochet and explore

Ink was happily drawing and really wanted to create a bunch of things

Swap wanted to cook and get a degree, at least professionalize in something

The unknown trio had no idea but Flo wanted to have at least a small garden.

Kiko and H seem to be deciding, they've got the other's accomplishments to focus on first. Plus there's limits to this body that they're unaware of.

Error just wants to die.

The other SOULs were shocked to hear his wish, why someone would want to die is a good question, but considering his past, he's got a good reason. He's also mentioned that he doesn't want to have some form of control over his body. It'll just remind him of his not deadness. The darkness inside his head is enough for him to pretend he's dead until he actually is. But no one else wants to die. Not even Erratum. So his wish is to be decided. Possibly even being the last one to be fulfilled. Error didn't mind, he'll just be here.


In the darkness.

As the days went on in a blur, they turned into weeks, then months Ink talked to Error, stopping by when he could both before and after school to chat and hang out. His friends came along on some days and mostly everyone had gotten a turn to see the sun again. Mostly everyone. The SOULs had gotten used to one another, sometimes arguing and other times having agreements on what to do. They did start a small garden per Flo's wish by asking Dream if he knew any garden stores. Of course they walked towards it during the weekend, well Flo walked being in front at the time. He was startled by the amount of pain he felt fronting for the first time but he got used to it, though having a small limp. Using their mountains of Gold to pay for whatever was needed along with a few bandages and first aid, they made their way back to the alley. Why they stayed there was something he questioned but the others seemed to like the unrestricted area. It was like their own place that belonged to them. Flo got to work building their, not really small, garden with the supplies necessary. They seem to have a knack for gardening. It was late summer which seemed to extend into September so it allowed him a bit more time. But he still got mostly flowers, not wanting to risk plants dying. They also got clothing considering their clothes were torn and only held up by strings. They had to find clothes that fit all of them. Some wanted a certain color, others wanted another, some wanted a certain style, others didn't like it. Eventually their picks were chosen to satisfy everyone's style.

As Autumn came along Dream actually visited them and told them about a shelter for the homeless a few blocks away. He seemed worried about Error's setting especially with winter coming up. Error did take up his offer and now they were staying in a shelter. Some people looked at him, and Flo's plants, weirdly. Yes they did bring the plants in a wagon they bought for a transportable garden before leaving for the shelter. Flo wasn't just gonna leave them for teenagers so destroy. They were given a small room, to the slight displeasure of a few of the SOULs.

Swap suggested they start getting their life together with getting to college which is next after High school. Kiko and a few others disagreed saying it's a bit too early. Kiko actually asked if they even had a High school diploma and got no response. From Error or from any of the other SOULs. Most seemed well versed in science, geosystems, fighting, killing, art, and cooking. Kiko being part of the science group. Which was...Great. A whole arsenal of... very diverse minds.

They had a good amount of Gold, in the billions really, so they had to find a college, then find a house.


Getting a laptop and the necesites for it, they settled into their part-time housing and went to work looking for some college. Or actually focusing on what they'd major in. Science was their most popular, so they went for that first and would try for other degrees if wanted. Liam was also part of the scientists but seemed fine relaxing in the darkness with Error. Flint wanted to make friends and grab some firearms... He thought they were cool and never had them in the Underground. So... that's great, they're getting to know one another better. They also found out Error's body was incredibly strong.

They luckily only knocked the lady out and didn't kill her as they had previously thought.

Finding a college they were interested in, the school year was already well on its way which meant they had to wait for the next year. They stayed the night awake making a list of things to organize their thoughts, their wishes, and other notes. Everyone gave notes that they wanted shared and some schedule so they don't go insane, or that Swap and Flo don't go insane.


A couple years have passed.

What you expected there to be a clear view of what's been going on? There wasn't much that happened. Error got a nice house due to his multitude of Gold and they were able to pay off college without debt. Kiko was mostly fronted during the lessons with some others coming forward to learn themselves. During college they accomplished a few SOUL's wishes. They have an indoor garden and have some friends who share their interests. All of their interests. So they all sort of have friends.

They're still friends with Ink who's going to an art college and catch up every month. Error, his SOUL at least, hasn't been out much. But it turns out he sometimes wakes during the night to look at the stars, unfortunately making the body tired. But at least he's a bit more comfortable with coming out.

He didn't speak much outside, only speaking with Liam and sometimes with Erratum. After finishing college, they really had nothing to do. Swap wanted to open a shop for cooking while they looked for something maybe astrology related considering Kiko's experience and Error's newfound liking towards the stars. Maybe even try for a culinary degree considering Swap's interest.

Their single person business steadily grew with the bottom half of the building they now own being 2 stories with the story above being their home and the 1st story being the shop. It was a restaurant and bakery place where people could order take out and pastries or just hang out. Like in any other restaurant. Swap was doing the most work in the restaurant but he did teach the other SOULs how to cook simple things that'll keep them alive if he ever wanted to rest. He didn't feel like doing ALL the work. Flint did seem to catch onto cooking more easily than the others so he too took up cooking alongside Swap. Kiko was able to take more science and astronomy related classes online and get them a telescope. Error did come out more when they got a telescope and sometimes during the astronomy classes, even silently observing along side Kiko during some of the classes.

Life was rather smooth sailing with their culinary business growing, getting regulars and the usual brats that come with opening a business. They kept in contact with Ink who was a beginner teacher at the same school he graduated from. He does do art commissions and his art quickly got attention, making him a small-ish celebrity at the school. Blue and Dream were also teachers, Dream being the Astronomy teacher and Blue the culinary arts teacher. They worked at the same school and Error actually lived close to the school, So Swap decided to visit.

Without telling Ink. Y'know, a surprise visit

Walking was pleasant. They do it all the time to get from place to place. Of course they bring a small string bag filled with necessities as you never know. They always brought a pocket knife instead of a more violent weapon as insisted by Flint. Turns out he used to be in the Royal guard in a rather violent AU. So he usually had a weapon on his person. They did get physical weapons like spears, knives, and nunchucks but those were left at home and hidden by Flint. Just in case. They did get a toy gun just to tease the other but he didn't seem to mind. Finally making it to the school they entered and made their way to find Ink.

No, they did not know which classroom he was in...

Probably should've asked.

— — —

That sounds so cool! Maybe we could go do some paint balling at somepoint

        Aren't those

Paint full yes.
Fun? Also hes

                                WAS A SHIT JOKE



     hey which
                                      Room are u in?



— — —

Okay, now onto the adventure. Finding the class wasn't too hard. The room numbers move up in a rather easy to figure out way, save for a few that for some reason skip. Room 219 was on the bottom floor and the wooden door was painted over.

Entering the room he saw the class drawing on notebooks and Ink sitting at the teacher's desk, which was filled with goods and a computer to fit. He was really tall, for an Ink at least. He was tall as a senior and he still is, just grew a few inches. He wore a brown sweatshirt with darker brown pants, still having a sweater around his waist and the 'birthmark' that looks like a paint splatter on his right cheek. He, and some students, looked up to see who entered.

"Oh what the fuck?!"

If you couldn't guess from Ink's reaction he was appalled at the visit. Surprised that Error would even visit. He excitedly introduced Error to the class and they chatted, catching up and talking flawlessly, moving from subject to subject. During Ink's break he and Error went to surprise Dream and Blue who were also happy to see their old friend.

"How Old Are You Exactly?"

"I lIKe tO tHiNk iM wELL in my 20S"

"You Have To Be In Your 40s or Something"

"It Doesn't Look Like He's Aged Though"

"I Won'T tELL mY SecreTS"

"*GASP* I GAVE YOU MY NOTEBOOKS! At least give me something in return"

"mY pREACense is Enough"

So the meet up was going great. They hung around Ink's students, mostly chatting with Ink and joining one of Dream's lessons. But other than that they left once the final bell rang and they grabbed something to drink.

Going back to their 2 in 1 house after the surprisingly busy day. A few switches happened so a few SOULs got to hang around the trio, so they all sort of agreed they were good friends. Ink and Swap being more biased of course. Shattered and Nightmare, while they aren't very active outside the body, also gave their opinions during the meet up. They didn't like any of them. Vanta wanted to break something. They did that a few months back per Fallacy's newly worded request of destroying something, they didn't destroy a town but they found a rage room per Blue's suggestion.

Everyone got a turn and found it exhilarating.

Heading to their bed, that they all agreed upon like most things in their room, they began getting ready to rest. Their walls had green, blue, and orange as the main colors, mostly being in geometric shapes separated by white lines. Ink had a field day with painting but he was told to not overdo it. But he did match the colors so it didn't just look like an eyesore. Most of them weren't as artistic and took to the simple things in life so his artistic eye was sorta useful.

As they began to rest, Error's SOUL came to consciousness as he remembered they had some astrology assignment. Moving to their laptop, that's sort of weird. A lot of this stuff is shared but at the same time not? Error doesn't mind but he's still waiting for eventual death. He can't be immortal forever. They sat on the office chair and looked at what they had to do.

A few others were up with him, most of the others having already gone to sleep as they weren't conscious in the body. Another thing they found is, yeah the 'mindspace' ,as they call it, is sort of like the void. No time. Just pitch black darkness. They don't mind it but it could be better. Or worse.

Error really didn't do much, just answering a few questions he was more than 60% sure about. Kiko was the one who really paid attention, he just liked the stars and happened to catch a few things during the lessons.

" I hAVenT tRIed chOCoLaTe. NevER hAd thE t1M3" Error responded to Void's question. The other seemed appalled and offended at Error's response demanding he try the chocolate they have in the fridge. His body had gotten used to eating foods and while he's still a bit uncomfortable, it doesn't greatly bother him. He's not sure why it bothered him in the first place...Maybe it was the lack of eating or something. Either way he took Void's offer, rolling over to the mini fridge in their room filled with mostly snacks and a vault of back up G. Not that they really needed it but it could come in handy. For some reason. Maybe it's a 'living like a normal person thing'. With Void's direction, he grabbed a chocolate bar from the chocolate pile they had. Looking at it like it was some foreign object, he shrugged and ate it.

"...wHaT?" Apparently you aren't supposed to eat chocolate with the wrapper on. Fallacy and Erratum also ate chocolate with the wrapper on, not getting the point of not eating everything.

Now they personally use plastic utensils as they're cheaper to buy. But hey at least they know anything they eat won't kill them.


Continuing to eat the chocolate while Void berated him, he was used to it. The chocolate was okay, honestly poison was better. It had a burning taste which is better than whatever chocolate is supposed to taste like. Sweet? Rolling back to the desk he stared at the assignment thinking about the question.

-    What fills the void of space? -

A) Stars
B) Dark space
C) Dark matter
D) Dark energy

His thoughts went back to the void. They've been here in this Multiverse for nearly half a decade. They've gone through college, made friends who seem to actually like them. Or at least the other SOULs. He's still alone despite having these many SOULs, he still feels alone. If he was picky, which he isn't, Erratum is really the only other who could somewhat understand him. But he seems more content with his situation than he is. He seems to have wanted death but not beg for it. Maybe at some point but he's lived longer than Error.  Which is... mental.

Everyone else wants to continue but he's...he's just here for the ride. Not really doing anything. Why hasn't he tried? No one knows him here, he doubts the others know much about him besides his slice of life that he cryptically shared. It was mostly the same as Erratum, just a bit different, yet he seems to be doing fine.

|}#4T*NY observed the SOULs as they lived their lives. Of course it didn't watch over them over all the years but it could say that considering the void's lack of a timezone. Its chosen didn't seem to exactly heal nor live the life
|}#4T*NY originally intended. Of course it would never force its chosen's path, maybe slightly helping them heal as the path was long and tedious. The other SOULs were taking more of an advantage of this new life than |}#4T*NY'% chosen. It was a mistake on
|}#4T*NY'% part that the SOULs escaped it will admit.

Another mistake is that it did not notice the tear in the void becoming bigger, as SOULs wandered towards it in curiosity. The rift |}#4T*NY had made for its chosen hadn't closed, leading to the same multiverse that Error had fallen into.

One SOUL gained enough courage and hopped through.

Following the SOUL, multiple SOULs and the void leaked down into the Multiverse through the portal. |}#4T*NY had yet to find out about the tear due to its involvement, but it did notice the lack of SOULs in this infinite expanse. It somehow felt more lonely. Looking around it noticed the tear, realizing its mistake it looked towards the Multiverse in worry. It was unaware of how to fix this.

As the void leaked into the Multiverse, the codes that made up the world, just like atoms, started to burst and tear and break. There was something wrong and the Multiverse couldn't fix it, so as to prevent the anomaly from spreading.

It self-destructed.

With all its inhabitants alive and feeling every bit of its destruction. People screamed and writhed in pain as their atoms and codes got mixed and mash due to the instability that entered their universe and the Multiverse collapsing on itself.

Looking at their plant covered balcony, Error heard the screams and cries of people as they begged for Mercy. Hesitatly, he walked towards the fiberglassed door to look outside.

Complete chaos.

People were running around screaming, children were crying, stores were being robbed.


Like I said, stores are being robbed, people are on the floor mysteriously getting ripped apart and no clipping into The ground, continuing to scream in agony. At least if they could. Error continued staring at the chaos as Void starred as well. The latter went to wake the others up and Error just continued staring. Opening the door he walked onto the patio where their garden full of plants were and tore his eye lights from the ground to the stars above.

"...thE sTARs aRE gREAT." The screams increased but also somehow decreased as more and more people were killed. He continued stargazing as if the world wasn't ending. His phone didn't seem to be ringing so either their friends are dead or have other things to worry about. Either way, Error's content with the situation. Despite the screams, they weren't really music to the ears.

"...At lEASt I cAn stILL see tHEM aS I D1E aGAiN..."

And as if waiting for Error's que, the void finally broke the world, sending it into a spiral of glitches as static filled the ears and insides of everyone living in the Multiverse. Only 1 skeleton rested easily.

Everyone else was writhing in pain as they were consumed.

In the end, everyone got their wish. Even Error

• • •

[ 6535 words


How to explain DID without it being DID :D ]

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