King of the Don's

By han11515

799K 23.8K 1.5K

Vaughn Beaumont is the King of the Don's. Briar James is a normal girl, subjected to very bad timing. When B... More

author's note-please read!
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty four
forty five
forty six

twenty four

17.1K 502 28
By han11515


In a very Vaughn move, he ended up picking a very nice, buy very expensive restaurant. I didn't know how insanely expensive it was until my eyes almost bulged out of my head while reading the menu, "Two hundred and ninety five dollars for a steak? Vaughn!" I whisper scolded him, and he brushed my words off. 

"It's fine, sweetheart. Order whatever you want. You don't need to worry about it, the prices aren't an issue." He started to assure me, but I didn't have much time to correct him because the waiter came over to us, and took our order.

Vaughn ended up ordering the steak and some kind of fancy potato soufflé to go with it, and I ordered a veggie based lasagna that I was too scared to look at the price of. Once the waiter went away to get us our drinks, I decided to bring up the issue again, "It's a little worrisome because I've always had to worry about money, my doubts won't go away just because you tell me to not worry about it." I told him, and his face hardened, "Briar baby, you know that's not what I meant."

I shook my head, "I don't know what you meant, but all this feels different this time. I had to have clothes, and my other stuff like that. And then my necklace, I figured was an apology of sort, and it was for a good thing. A children's hospital got money out of it." I explained. But this was getting serious, and I felt bad for spending his money like I had been.

And the thing is, I knew he saw my financial situation, and that I was living paycheck to paycheck for a very long time. 

"I just, barely ever made rent, between my classes and my job. I practically lived off ramen noodles and buttered wheat bread." I admitted, "And now I'm living like this, and you're telling me to not worry about it. It's just culture shock I guess."

"I'm not going to stop spending money," He told me in a non argumentative tone, "You deserve nice things, and I have the means to give them to you. You've gone though enough, and worrying about money is stress you don't need anymore." He told me, "I understand what you are saying, and I will try and be more conscious of it. I won't make any more comments. Okay?"

"Okay." I confirmed with him, happy that he actually listened to my concern. 

"I really appreciate everything you've done for me."

He nodded his head once, and the waiter then brought us our food. We both started to eat, and after a beat of silence, Vaughn spoke up again, "Now, you were studying english, right?" he asked, and I nodded my head, "I was going for my bachelors."

"What would you have liked to do with your degree once you were done with school?" He questioned, and I let out a slight shrug, "I don't know, maybe be a teacher or something like that." I told him, "It may sound weird but, I've never really wanted to work. I liked being in school, and I had a job because I had to live, y'know? But I just always thought I'd be a stay at home mom or something." I admitted. 

"That doesn't sound weird, Briar. Some people want careers, others don't. If you want to be a stay at home mom, or wife then that is valid. You didn't have a consistent home life growing up, it makes sense that you want to be involved in your family." He told me, and my heart warmed at his words. Most of the time when I told people that I didn't aspire to have a career, they would tell me that's not a good idea. And I knew it probably wasn't anymore, but that's why I wanted my degree, as backup.

"But is going back to school something you've thought of?" He asked me, and I took a minute to think through his question. I didn't really want to be in school because I knew I didn't aspire to be a laborer for ten hours of every day until I was old and wrinkly. But then again, I needed a backup plan incase life ever went side ways.

"I always felt I needed my degree as a type of insurance." I admitted.

I watched as he took a deep breath, "I don't want you leaving the estate," He stated, and I slightly deflated. I mean, I figured this was the case, but it still sucked to hear it.

"But," He started up again, and I felt a smidge of hope, "I can allow for online school, if that's something you'd want to pursue."

I perked up at his news, "You will?"

He nodded once, taking a sip of his drink, "If you want to, yes. I have already paid your previous student loans, and I will continue to pay tuition if that is something that you would want." He told me, and I gave him a giddy smile, "Alright. Can I think about it a little?" I asked, and he nodded his head, "You may."

Soon after our talk we were done eating our dinner and desert, and the waiter brought the check. As we were walking out of the restaurant, a wiry grey haired man walked up to Vaughn to I, and started to try and talk about investment paperwork his team sent to over, but Vaughn put up his hand, silencing the man who stopped talking instantly.

I held back a laugh as I watched Vaughn's face turn wicked serious, "As you can clearly see, I'm not here on business, but on pleasure. My my office will contact you if needed." He told the man, and if my panties weren't wet, the sure as heck were now. God I freaking love it when he's in work mode, all serious and stern.

After the man apologized and walked away, I tugged on Vaughn's hand, "Who was that?"

He placed his hand on my lower back, guiding me toward the direction of the car, "Someone who's been trying for far too long to suck my dick."

I let out a laugh, as I accidentally dropped my togo box that the waiter side eyed giving me. Guess fancy people didn't take home leftovers, who knew?

"Ah nuts." I whispered under my breath, and as I bent over to pick up my spilled lasagna, I felt as Vaughn held my dress down in the back so my butt cheeks didn't hang out.

I gave him a coy smile as I leaned up, and he pulled me closer toward him, "Want me to go order some more to go food?" He asked, and I shook my head, "No, it's fine, I doubt they even know what a to go order is." I chuckled, and he opened the passenger side door, and gave my butt a swat as I got in.

As soon as he got into his side of the car, he motioned for me to I climb onto his lap. I did as asked, and settled so I was on his thighs, looking up at him. I was admiring his handsome face, when I heard his stern voice, "I love you, Briar."

My heart dropped to my literal stomach, and I pulled back slightly, "What?" I asked softly, and he grinned, placing a small kiss on my lips, "I'm in love you with you, sweetheart."

I felt my bottom lip wobble, "No one's ever said that to me before." I admitted, and he placed another soft kiss on my lips, "Well, I guess I'll have to say it enough to fill a lifetime." He told me, and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face.

"I love you." I told him back, placing random, small kisses all over his face, and I felt as he reached his hand down, and ran his finger over my panties, "Wait." I grabbed his hand, stopping him.

His eyebrows furrowed, "What's wrong?"

There was nothing wrong per se, I just had been receiving so much from him, and I wanted to show him how much I really did appreciate him. Plus, after two glasses of wine, I felt a little more confidence.

"I want to make you feel good too." I admitted lowly in his ear, and he ran a hand through my hair on the back of my head, "Briar baby, you don't have to do anything. It's not an exchange of favors, I don't expect anything back."

"I know you don't expect anything back," I told him, "That's why I want to do this."

"I want to taste you," I told him in a soft voice, slowing starting to grind down on him, "Will you let me do that? Will you let me suck your dick?" I asked, tugging at the hair at the base of his skull, and he ran his lips over my forehead, "You sure, baby?" He asked, and I nodded my head, "Mhm."

I moved to slide off of him, and once I got back into my seat, I faced toward him. "Unzip my pants." He demanded, in his dominating, stern work voice, and holy shit if I didn't come right then and there.


p.s. no one is getting robbed, be prepared for the next chapter;)

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