err0r oneshots

Door namescape

24.1K 971 182

Y know The tittle Just a bunch of err0r one-shots and stories because I can They're mostly stories but somet... Meer

True Judgment
Log 90
The Brave, The Bold, and the Fool
What is Mine
"New Life"
A LOVEly pair
Something Well Deserved
Little Ducklings
Our Home
Child's Play
She missed
TW: Panic Attack
Star Pupil
Sacrifies ll
Sacrifices |||
Nom nom

Taken in

543 21 1
Door namescape

[ I'm gonna commit a felony and no one can stop me ]


Living with no parents wasn't hard but wasn't really easy. At least it was a bit easier for Papyrus, he couldn't imagine what his older brother Sans was going through. While he doesn't know a lot he knows that their situation isn't normal. Now he was hanging out with Boss and Honey, two of his friends from when he was really young. All their older brothers know each other giving them enough time to bond and become great friends.

Boss is rather narcissistic but does care. Just does it rather violently. His actual name isn't Boss but he's got a few reasons why he's called boss. 1. He takes the lead in most situations causing Honey to call him 'Boss' one day and he ended up liking it. 2. He does want to someday run a big successful company. Y'know, being the Boss. One thing is for sure that if you hurt anyone of his friends or close family. Hell is sure to rain down on you. He likes what he classifies as 'Bad boy' stuff but he'd never tell you that he's saved a kitten or two in his life, or that the gifts he gives are seriously well thought out. He along with his older brother live with Papyrus and Honey's brothers.

Honey is pretty chill and likes sweets, constantly having some sweets in his pocket or inventory and can be constantly seen with a lollipop in his mouth. Somehow he's always wrapped up in Boss's and Papyrus's antics but doesn't seem to mind. Like an introvert having been picked up by two extroverts and being the only sane brain cell in the group. Honey and his brother actually live with Papyrus due to their slightly young age. They're both close in age but his brother is slightly older by a few weeks so he takes the "big brother" role.

Papyrus himself was a charming kid. He's got that smile that could brighten anyone's day. It's very well known that he's got a kind SOUL and some think that kindness and determination run through his marrow. They say determination because even if he fails, he's willing to continue to try until he hits his own limit. A real sweet Monster really.

Boss  ATK 12  DEF 10

*Best not to mess with him
*Likes to say: "Muah ha ha"


Honey  ATK 12  DEF 10

*Likes sweet things
*Is smart for his age, more so in science


Papyrus  ATK 10  DEF 10

*Is really nice (no seriously) but not naive
*Likes to say: "Nyeh he he!"

The trio attended the same school which only strengthened their strong bond. Currently Honey and Boss were waiting for Papyrus. Boss wore a leather jacket with 2 spikes on each shoulder over a red shirt as well as ripped jeans and his torn red scarf hanging around his neck. Honey wore a white and orange shirt, the orange part being on the upper half of the shirt, and green jean shorts.

2 of the 3 friends waiting for the other is a common occurrence as sometimes one of them stays behind or is a bit late for their meetups. Today Boss had something to show them and wass rather adamant with having them arrive at a certain time.

"Paps Sure Is Taking His Time..." Honey stated, raising his skull from his book to look at the school's doors.


"Well We Got An Appointment And We Can't Really Cancel It Or Get Our Money Back"


"Oh Well. Money's Money I Guess" Honey looked down to his book

" *HUFF* SORRY THE LOCKER ROOM WAS LOCKED AND IT TOOK A WHILE TO UNLOCK IT AS A STUDENT STOLE THE KEYS (FOR SOME REASON)" Papyrus came running out of the school followed by some other students who became walking home, entering cars, or mounting bikes. He wore an orange shirt with black leggings under blue shorts along with his recognizable red scarf around his neck and his red boots.

"Well That's Fine.Hopefully We'll Make It On Time" Honey placed his book in his inventory and stood up making his way to the bus stop a few block away.


Making their way towards the bus stop, the bus was just conveniently arriving. Once they got on the bus the ride was rather peaceful with Papyrus talking about his day and trying to get some information about where their going. Honey didn't budge only saying that they'll have to wait until they get there and indulging himself in his book.


At a decent 2 story brick house with a black pointed roof, two skeleton Monsters seemed to be talking.

"I Understand I'm Young But I Gotta Help Somehow"

"i get ya wanna help with the bills but at least wait until you're 15. at least then you'll have a better chance of getting hired"

"That's Too Long Of A Wait For Meee"

" could start a small business, but school is something you should focus on so you can get a good education and scholarship"

"RIGHT! Small Business. I Can Do That! Now What To Do..."

"try thinking about it first, ya don't have ya rush. i'll put some money off once you're ready to get started"

"Right...Thank You Sans"

"no prob bob, now about that language arts assignment"



"EXHILARATING!" Outside of a build called ESCAPE ROOMS

"I Knew Y'all WouldLike This"

"WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS PLACE" Boss interrogated, he too enjoyed the place as much as Papyrus did. The puzzles the SUSPENSE!

"My Bro Took Us There For His Birthday and We Ended Up Enjoying It"


"Eh I'm Not One For Puzzles But I Did Like The One He Picked"


The trio walked towards the bus station while chatting about their recent experience. Honey looked towards his left and he saw a forest, just a forest. When did black trees exist—? Stopping suddenly, Honey did a spit take and looked back into the forest. The 'Black tree' he saw wasn't there anymore, confusing him.

"YOU OKAY HONEY?" Papyrus asked, looking back at Honey, also getting Boss's attention.


"WHAT'D YOU SEE?" Boss interrogated, walking towards the other. He saw Honey glance at the forest so he moved his attention towards it. Seeing nothing strange, he squinted his sockets and moved to the first tree outlining the forest. He saw nothing but trees. "DID YOU HAPPEN TO SEE ANYONE IN THE FOREST?"

"Well I Thought I Saw Something But I Could Just Be Seeing Things" Honey shrugged, looking towards the bus stop, "It Was Probably Nothing, Let's Just Go"

"NO, NO WHAT IF YOU ACTUALLY SAW SOMETHING IMPORTANT?" Papyrus suggested, also looking into the forest. "DID YOU SEE SOMEONE?"

"I Thought I Saw A Black Figure" Honey continued, looking at the forest. "But It Could've Just Been The Shadows"


The Trio yelped in surprise and backed away from the skeleton. A blue scarf was wrapped around his neck with a red sleeved shirt with nearly black pants that looked too big for him. He was slightly shorter than Papyrus and had darker bones along with blue lines going down the sides of his eyes and down to his cheek. HIs sockets were red and he had heterochromic eyelights with his right being a white dot and his left being blue surrounded by a yellow outer ring.

"UHH...HI?" Papyrus responded. He was startled like the others at the sudden appearance of this kid. Especially since they were already looking into the forest. The kid didn't respond and looked wary at the three. "ARE YOU OKAY? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE FOREST?"

"uH...i live IN the Forest?" The skeleton stated, though it sounded more like a question.

"How Old Are You?" Honey asked



"I don't Know...12 mayBE?" The kid mumbled under his breath. But it could still be heard by the others

"YOUR 12?" Papyrus repeated, "WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS?"


"You Don't Have Any?"


The trio looked at each other and back at the kid who was glancing back at the forest and at the trio. "WHAT DO WE DO WITH THEM?" Papyrus whispered, "WE CAN'T JUST LEAVE 'EM HERE"

"WELL WHAT SHOULD WE DO?" Boss grumbled, he didn't want to leave the kid but there isn't much they could do

"Is There An Orphanage Nearby?"


"hEY...DO you..." the kid spoke up before stopping, getting the attention of the others, "nevermInd..."



"WE'RE NOT GONNA KIDNAP YOU. JUST MAKE SURE YOU'RE OKAY!" Papyrus assured, looking at the others to get backup

"Uh...Yeah, Just Wanna Make Sure You're Okay" Honey backed up.



This wasn't what he'd expect from this Multiverse.

Sure he's seen some shit but people being nice to him was something new.

He arrived in this Multiverse a while (a week)ago and had just stayed in this forest as he doesn't know if the people here are friendly or not. Sure the ̶D̶e̶i̶t̶y̶ weird light he met said they'd send him to a safe Multiverse, but he has trust issues. So he just decided to stay in this forest and try to live a 'normal' life as much as he can.

But he did eventually get bored.

He knows nothing about just living. He's always been on the run, fighting for his life and away from others, so he's never really learned anything.

He decided to find the edges of the forest as a way to cure his boredom and he found himself observing 3 familiar skeletons. At first he wanted to run back into the forest but for some reason he didn't. Probably curiosity. Then his sockets met with the skeleton's and he hid as quickly as he could. Apparently that wasn't fast enough.

For reasons he wished he could explain, he revealed himself. Maybe less pain and paranoia. Or maybe he's becoming soft. Or just to cure his boredom.

Well now he's in a moving box with said 3 skeletons who call this a "bus" and they were "heading home".

'MMaybe it's thEy're one of thOse weird AUs Inky makes...Sub-verses I thiNK...'

"MuLL Ave" An automated voice called, and spelled out above the seats once the bus stopped

"THIS IS OUR STOP!" Papyrus said, getting up with Boss and Honey following. Error learned their names when they got on the bus. Following after the trio they arrived at a brick house with bushes lining the windows. A pointed black roof covered the multi story house with white lining the window frames [ oh fuck descriptions, It's a house ]

'Okay. Defiantly one of those weird AUs'

Entering the house you'd see a staircase in the middle of both the living room and dining room. The latter room was connected to the kitchen by an open wall and had a table that could fit 10 people if they were fine being squished. The living room had an 'L' shaped format with an ottoman in the middle facing a chimney with a flat screen TV in front of said fireplace. Looking further in the living room there was a back door that led to an open backyard, kept within fenced walls. [ so it's shaped like L]

"SANS, WE'VE BROUGHT A GUEST!" Papyrus yelled.

A somewhat faint "what?" Was heard and a skeleton around Papyrus' height came down the stairs. He wore a blue jacket over a white sleeveless shirt with black shorts that had a white line on the sides. He also wore socks with pink slippers.

"WE FOUND THEM IN THE FOREST" Boss declared. Error stood at the entrance, which was a small hallway in itself. 'Coming here was a bad idea what was I thinking?!'

"uhh... hey bud, ya got any parents?" Sans asked


"...well..." looking at the kid. He was found in the forest "if you don't mind?"

"" Did he mind? Living in the household of the Original who,sure, HASN'T tried to kill you but is with 2 others who have.... No not at ALL does he mind.

"Al'ight" Sans shrugged, "i guess i'll sleep on the couch and we'll see about things after dinner?"



"Actually What's Your Name? We Never Asked"

"OH YEAH, WHAT'S YOUR NAME TINY ONE" Boss questioned. Error wasn't short short so the name didn't really fit.

'hE's just being a BItch a thiS pOInt...' "...i'm noT shoRT..."



"Maybe You Should Be Nicer?" Looking at the new voice. A blue shirt and cobalt scarf wearing skeleton with cyan eyes came down the stairs. Wearing black pants and white socks, Error could recognize the blue mush anyware.

"Hey Bro"

"ya done swap?"

"YEP! I See We Have A Guest"

Making his way down the rest of the stairs, Swap handed Error his hand. "Oh, Hello! I'm Swap!"


"...Doesn't That Mean Mistake?" Honey pondered



"WHETHER OR NOT HIS NAME IS QUESTIONABLE, IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU ERROR!" Papyrus greeted patting his back. Error flinched which concerned Papyrus who apologized.

"Will You Be Joining Us For Dinner?"


"Right, I'll see what we have"


Life was...Interesting with Error, to say.

First things first Dinner was sort cancelled as Error refused to eat. Also he met Fell, Boss's brother. Only for a short while though as it seemed like
He wasn't home often and didn't stop to sit for Dinner. So Error avoiding dinner was a viable option

But they didn't let him skip dinner. Despite his insurance and pointing out Fell's disclusion, hey insisted that he eat.

Didn't help his case that he said he hadn't eaten in a while.

Of course that was why Dinner was cancelled, at least for him. He continuously refused to eat and just didn't eat once everyone was done. Yes he waited for everyone, he didn't want to but Swap insisted that if he won't eat he'll have to wait for everyone to finish. So he could've left early if he had something, but he didn't want to eat anything. He's never needed it so it'd be useless to start now.

When Swap was finished—because he was insistent on talking and attempting to convince Error to eat— Error finally got up but then the world immediately went to black.

When first waking in the forest he felt dizzy and his skull was pounding. Almost as much as he would if he were poisoned. His body felt weak and his bones were shaking whenever he lifted them. Of course he ignored it. Until he tried to move.

He's surprised no one heard him. Or at least tried to investigate.

He didn't move for a few...he's not even sure. Time was never important to him, unless you count the limited time he has to destroy an AU or till the end of the Multiverse. But that was never really timed. He could've taken minutes, seconds, weeks, hours; what only mattered was that the AU was destroyed and the Muliverse was still intact. But anyways, he didn't move for a while, at least until the stinging he hadn't felt in decades went away. Eventually it did but that was after he woke up for the second time. Slightly annoyed he did get up but had to lay against trees for support and with his head down as there was a white noisey static was continuously ringing in his skull and it just felt heavy. His bones were still shaking but he did make his way around.

Waking up, Error found himself on something comfortable. Turning his head to look around the room it looked rather simple yet a bit unkempt. The laundry was overflowing from a rather tall cylindrical laundry basket and shoes weren't organized in one corner. There was another soft looking box with an orange cover and looked more neater than whatever side he was on. A small bookshelf sat at the end of the bed and had what looked to be action figures and a bag.

"well look who's up" Looking at Sans who was sitting at a desk with a few small stacks of papers on the floor next to said desk, "we were worried for ya back then"

"whAT happeneD?"

"well ya passed out after leaving the dinner table"

"paSSed out?"

"blacked out, passed out, whichever. but i'm gonna have ta ask you a few question"

Looking uneasy at the possible irrigation, Error sat up and got off the bed. Well he would've if his SOUL wasn't grabbed by blue magic and he was set on his back on his bed

"best to take it easy. when exactly was the last time you ate?" Sans started, moving the chair he was sitting on closer to the bed Error was laying on


"...well if you haven't already decided, you're gonna be staying with us for a while. and some we're gonna have some rules ta make sure your healthy enough"

"I don'T need heLp"

"you passed out"


"...that's not.  normal"

"Well it iS for mE"

"Hey Sans, Is He—" Swap walked in before seeing both skeletons talking. "OH! You're Up. I Was Worried When You Passed Out!" He went towards Error expressing his worry. "Are You Okay?  Do You Need Anything? Should You Even Be Up?"

"hey swap relax he's fine. just gonna askin' him some questions"


"Oh Okay. Well I Also Have A Few Questions. First Question: WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN THE FOREST?!"


"You Passed Out! How Long Has It Been Since You Last Ate?!"

"swap ya might wanna calm down"

"A whiLe"

"...How Long Is A While"

"...whAt's the longesT Time?"

"what doya mean?"

"...moRE than dAYS and yeArs"

The two looked shocked at Error's truth. And they sure were to be continuously shocked by his lack of knowledge. He didn't know what a shower was, nor did he understand normal basic necessities. Their first trip to the doctor proved very...testing. For one he was severely underweight, for a skeleton that's worrying. His Magic levels were low which could relate to the lack of eating or absorbing items. He was told to start with liquids and slowly go to to soft foods as well as pulling magic supplements in his drinks.

Of course he refused to drink or take anything.

So instead they shoved a needle in his radius and now he's stuck with this IV thing. He did end up 'sleeping' in Sans's room which was also Papyrus' room and next to the Swap brothers' room. The Fell's room was in the basement which with Fell's time in the house seems more like Boss's room. Also his 12 year old guess was more so a wild claim. He knew the Chara's were 12, or at least around that age so that's the only number he really knew. The doctors were seemingly fine with his answer so he guesses he's 12 now.

Error also learned about a lot of new things, such as what the comfortable thing he was laying on was.


"Yeah, Do You Know What It Is?" Most of the residents in the household were concerned about Error's health. They found him in the forest and now he has an IV that is supposed to feed him because he didn't want to eat. Not even the fact his name translates to mistake.  The amount of knowledge he knows is also worrying, so Swap took it upon himself to teach the other about normal things any person should know. "It's What You Sleep On!"

"...Why slEEP on it?"

"Cause It's Comfortable" Swap answered. He was also joining Papyrus' quest to teach Error about normal necessities. Currently, Sans was at work (a government scientist apparently, Papyrus doesn't believe it) Fell was wherever he was, and Boss and Honey were working on their homework as they came back from school. Swap watched Error all day as he volunteered to take a school day off.

"...wHAT's thIS then?" Error pat the couch they were sitting on as they were in the living room. 

"This Is A Couch"

[ 3476 wdors ]

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