KnY Boyfriend Scenarios

By SunBabyxKenshin

213K 2.7K 10.2K

Enjoy scenarios and stuff with your fav KnY husbando! Characters are in the first two chapters! I was origina... More

🌺Request Page🌺
How You Meet
When You Become Friends
When You Spend Time Together
Realizing Your Feelings for Each Other
When You/They Confess
When You Have Your First Kiss
🌻Your Nicknames🌻
💜Tengen Catch-Up💜
Love Languages
Haunted Attractions! (1k Special)
Your Favorite Food
A/N: I'm stumped😗
A/N:I'm updating the update and calling it update
A/N: Hopefully the last one for a while
💜Gyomei Catch-Up💜
💜Genya Catch-Up💜
Random Stuff You've Said
Unofficially Adopted
☀️What Does Your Family Think of Him?☀️
☀️What Does His Family Think of You?
When You Get Sick
How You Cuddle
Incorrect Quotes
☀️ Who's Your Best Friend?
When He Gets Sick
🎂Birthday Special🎂
When He Gets Hurt
💜Hotaru Catch-Up💜
Aftermath of the Injury
Are They Ticklish?
Are You Ticklish?
Do They Like Hugs?
How He Treats You vs. Everyone Else
Dere Types
🌻Who Do You Hate?🌻
When You Get Hurt But Hide It
When He Finds Out You Got Hurt
Purge ending🙁
When You Heal
When You're on Your Period
When He Worries About You
Uh Oh, Guardian Trouble..
When You Guys Get Matching 😶 Stuff
☀️Your Contact Names
☀️Your Favorite Shows+Movies
🦃Turkey Day Special!🦃
🎄Christmas Special!🎄
🍾Happy New Years🍾
When You're Mad at Him
When He Accidentally Hits You
💜Akaza Catch-Up💜
💜Muzan Catch-Up💜
💜Douma Catch-Up💜
💜Gyutaro Catch-Up💜
💜Kokushibo Catch-Up💜
🌻Who Has a Crush on You?🌻
☀️Your Couple Song
💝Mother's Day Special! pt.1💝
🌻Your First Thoughts of Them🌻
Present for you guys <3

💘Valentine's Day Special!💘

1.9K 27 120
By SunBabyxKenshin

I've decided to write for the ones I like the most. Sorry if your favorite isn't in here ):
I almost forgot to post this☠️

Inosuke Hashibira

You were walking in the courtyard with Nezuko and talking about who you would want to take to the dance.

"I think you would look so cute together if you go with Sabito!" She exclaimed with a bright smile.

"No, Sabito seems kind of..." you trailed off slightly. "He seems kinda mean..."

"Ah, no! He's not mean!" She squealed. "He's just... reserved!"

"But still... he's just not who I want to go out with."

"Aww okay... then how about-" she paused just as you reached the doors.

"Nezuko? Is something wrong?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. She smirked.

"I know who you want to go to the dance with."

"Y-You do..?"

"Yes! It's so obvious now!" She exclaimed. "You want to go with Genya!"



"Oh I knew it!" She squealed. "I'll tell him right away-"

"No!" You shouted quickly and blocked the door. "I-I'll do it myself..."

"Oh this is great! I'll be rooting for you!" She clapped her hands excitedly and opened the door to continue walking.

"So... I heard you want to take Zenitsu to the dance." You smirked, wanting to get her back for the teasing.

"W-Huh?" She looked at you surprised as a warm blush spread on her face. "No! Where do you hear that from..?"

"You told me you liked Zenitsu one time." You laughed at her nervous glances around the hallway to see if anyone was around.

"A-Alright yes but please be more secretive about it! I don't want you telling everyone about it because it could get back to Zenitsu..."

"Oh no, I wouldn't!"

"Okay thank you..." she mumbled.

The bell rang at that and you smiled at her.

"See you later!"



"Have you guys heard about the Valentine's Day dance?!" Zenitsu ran over to Inosuke and Tanjiro, the former was sitting on the latters desk and asking for the math homework.

"Yeah I have!" Tanjiro replied and packed up his stuff for dismissal. "Have you figured out who you want to ask?"

"Of course I have!" Zenitsu replied as if it was the dumbest question ever. Tanjiro regretted asking immediately. "I want to take Nezuko-Chan! I know she must look so pretty in a red dress! I hope-"

"Zenitsu I suggest you don't finish that sentence." Kanao placed a hand on his shoulder which startled the blonde.

Zenitsu looked at Tanjiro. He glared at Zenitsu with a burning hatred.. only in that moment.

"So... Inosuke..." Tanjiro glared at him for a second more then turned to the boy in question. "Who do you want to take to the dance?"

Inosuke stared at them all blankly.

"I don't even know what that means."


"Let's calm down and not yell..?" Kanao suggested nervously. "Uh- actually... maybe I should go..."

Before anyone could object, she slipped out the door and went to look for her sisters.

"But anyways," Zenitsu said. Tanjiro got up and the three started walking towards the door.

"The Valentine's Day dance is something that happens every year for every grade! We all go to this dance with the person we have a crush on. So basically, it's an excuse to go on a first date with your special someone!"

Inosuke nodded along, pretending he knew what Tanjiro was saying.

While doing so, he noticed you walking with Nezuko and chatting. Inosuke caught your eye and you smiled with a wave.

He waved back with a smile on his face as well.

"Wha..?" Tanjiro glanced between the two until a lightbulb went off.

"Were you staring at my Nezuko-Chan?! I'm gonna-"

"No!" Tanjiro objected instantly with a wide grin. "I know who he wants to go with!"

"You do?"

"Yes! He likes Y/n!"


"You like Inosuke!" Your head snapped in Nezuko's direction with wide eyes.


"You don't look at Genya or anyone like that! You so obviously like him!!" She squealed and began jumping up and down.

"Shhh!" You hushed her, looking around to see if anyone noticed. Nobody did and you sighed in embarrassment. "Yes, I like Inosuke."

"Oh my gosh!!" She squealed under her breath. "Okay, you have to ask him out."

"Huh?! But- but-"

"No buts no what's no coconuts, now we gotta plan this!" Nezuko took your hand excitedly and began dragging you out the doors.


"Y/n?!" Zenitsu gaped. "Our Y/n?! The 'family oriented kindhearted loving Y/n who takes care of her brother whenever her parents ask' Y/n?!"

"Yes!" Tanjiro nodded profusely.

"I just can't believe it!" He scoffed. "I mean- Inosuke doesn't even stand a chance! As I said, she's kindhearted and loving! Inosuke is nowhere near that!"

Inosuke glared at the blonde and punched him in the face.

"I can be kindhearted and loving if I want to!!"

"That's not a good start then..." Tanjiro muttered. "But! I'm sure it wouldn't matter if you said the right things! We have to prepare!"

"Prepare what?"

"How you'll ask her to the dance!!"

Inosuke thought about it for a moment then shook his head.

"Nah. I got an idea already."

"Oh- okay." Tanjiro nodded and watched Inosuke walk towards the exit. He followed shortly after and left Zenitsu lying on the floor.


Unfortunately, to be able to go to the dance, you needed to have good grades. How is that unfortunate?

Well... you have good grades but Inosuke does not. Tanjiro didn't mention that.

You only figured it out last minute so you were sitting in your room in a red dress your mom helped pick.

"Don't beat yourself too much, Y/n." Nezuko said gently as she rubbed your back.

"I should've been tutoring him, huh... but I was always soooo busy with Akio.." you muffled through your arms that were rested on your pillow.

"That's not bad! I always babysit my brothers and sister and it's fun!" She said in an attempt to cheer you up. It didn't work too well.

"Ohhh it is not fun to babysit Akio anymore! He pulls my hair and calls me bad names!" You complained and glared at the wall. "Sometimes I just wanna-"

"Don't-" you looked at Nezuko who gave a nervous smile. "Don't finish that sentence. I think it's for the best."

"Okay..." you grumbled. "I'm still upset."

"I know." She rubbed your back reassuringly and looked at the door. "I can ditch the boys and go with you!"

"No..." you smiled at her. "You've been wanting to go with Zenitsu. You should."

"Oh.. okay..." she mumbled and stared at you a moment longer. "Hey cheer up. Don't ruin the makeup your mom worked so hard on."

You paused for a moment and sat up with a nod.

"You're Right..."

"Besides, you don't have to go." She reassured. "There's always next year!"

You smiled to humor her attempts you make you feel better.

"Nezuko! Your brother is here!" Your father called from downstairs.

"I gotta go now. See you later?"

"See you." You waved at her and waited for the door to close before you sighed and reached to take off your shoes.

Once you did, a silent thud hit your window which startled you.

Thinking it was just the wind, you went to unzip the dress but barely moves your arms at the second tap.

That time you saw in the corner of your eye an acorn hit the window.

"Huh?" You got up and walked over to it, opening the window and peaking your head out. "Inosuke!"

He nodded and you furrowed your eyebrows.

"What are you doing? Wont Ms. Hide be worried?"

"Ah that doesn't matter! Just come downstairs!"

You nodded and closed the window, rushing down the steps to meet him outside.

"I'm going with Nezuko!"

"You changed your mind?"

"Yep! Bye momma! Tell daddy I said bye!"

"Okay... see you later."

You ran out the house and instantly bumped into Inosuke.

"Oh- sorry." You backed up a bit and looked at him. "Did you need something?"

"Come with me." He nodded in the opposite direction then started to walk.

"Uhm... alright..?" You were very confused with the whole thing.

But still you decided to at least make small talk.

"So... how have you been?" You asked him awkwardly.

"Good." He replied.

"Oh. Nice." You nodded. "Were you looking forward to the Valentine's Day dance?"

"Eh I don't know what it's like so no."

"Oh..." you'd already ran out of small talk and just decided to enjoy the silence.

It was a few minutes before he stopped and you finally started paying attention to your surroundings again.

"This is it." Inosuke looked back at your confused face and he turned you to your right.

"Oh wow!" You gasped at the view he had over kimetsu town. "I didn't even notice we came all the way up here... it's amazing!"

"Mhm." He hummed and sat down on a log.

You went over to sit with him and just stared down at the lights.

"Y'know..." you began and looked over at him. "At first I didn't like you."


"But..." you continued and smiled. "You're a really good guy. I appreciate you showing this to me."

He stared at you as well then broke eye contact to stare down at the town as well.

"This is the mountain that I grew up. I wanted you to come up here with me because I really like you."

You nodded with a smile then snapped your head in his direction.

"You-" he nodded.

"Yeah. I like you a lot. I'd I was allowed to go, Tanjiro explained that you take the person you have a crush on to the Valentine's Day dance. I would've taken you."

"But... why me?" You asked still in shock.

"You don't like me back?"

"No- I do! I just- it's just that- I'm... Y/n. I mean, have you seen me?"

"I..." he looked at you confused.

"I'm not exactly... on par with beauty standards." You replied nervously.

"Oh.." Inosuke said then shook his head. "You're perfect though."

Your heart melted when he said that, making you feel so happy it was almost silly.

"Can I kiss you?" You asked suddenly.


"Well- we don't have to, I was just wondering haha..." you explained.

"Uhm... go ahead." He muttered.

You leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

Scaredy cat🥔

"Ohh..." you heard him mutter before he turned you towards him and pulled you into a much longer kiss.

"Oh wow..." you breathed when he finally pulled away.

"Happy virile swines day!" Inosuke cackled.

"Happy Valentine's Day." You replied with a smile, even though he pronounced it wrong.

Sabito+Giyuu Tomioka

You opened the door to your apartment, instantly throwing your shoes off and discarding the bags in your hands.

It was a long exhausting day of standing on your feet and dealing with obnoxious people.

"Welcome home!" Sabito exclaimed as he ran out of the kitchen. He saw the look on your face and noticed it seemed you were about to cry. "Bad day?"

You nodded and he went over to hug you.

"I'm sorry vixie.." he muttered while rubbing your back. "But..."

He pulled away and went to go get something. You sat on the couch and waited for him.

"Look!" Sabito came back with a pink envelope with green hearts and white sparkles all over it. "Mitsuri and Obanai are throwing a Valentine's Day party."

"You want to go?"

"Yeah! Of course I do!" You handed the envelope back to him and nodded.

"We'll go then."

"Yay~ thank you!!" Sabito kissed you and started running for the room.

"You're welcome." You replied quietly with a smile.


It was time for the party finally and you two were wearing a matching suit and dress.

"I'm so excited! Are you excited?!" You asked with a wide grin.

"Yes!! I can't wait to see everyone!" He exclaimed in excitement.

The two of you walked into the house and looked around the full room.

"That's a lot of people..." you muttered.

"Must be like a reunion." Sabito reasoned.

You nodded and immediately want to the food table. While you were there you bumped into somebody and recoiled instantly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" You looked up at them apologetically. "Here,"

You grabbed a paper towel and attempted to pay the punch off of his clothes.

"Uhm... it's all right..." he said in a quiet voice.

"I'm L/n Y/n. What's your name?"

"Tomioka Giyuu." He replied.

"Nice to meet you, Tomioka."

"Same to you, L/n."

You stood there and talked to him for a few minutes more then remembered you left Sabito hanging.

"Hey, would you want to come meet my boyfriend?" You asked with a smile.

Tomioka nodded but looked pretty unenthusiastic about it.

"Follow me." You took his hand and went back to the place you left Sabito.

He was talking to Makomo who also came to the party.

"Hey, sugar!" You dragged Giyuu over and Sabito looked over. Makomo decided she would leave once you two parked yourselves in front of him. "Meet my new friend Giyuu Tomioka."

They stared at each other which made you Glace between them.

"Do you know each other..?"

"Yes... incredibly well.." Giyuu muttered nervously.

"Oh that's great!"

"Uh.. well..." Sabito cleared his throat awkwardly. "We used to date."

"Oh... oh..!" Your eyes widened in shock at the news. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to..."

"No. It's fine." Sabito assured and smiled at you. "It's good to see you again, Giyuu."

He looked a bit surprised at that but nodded.

"It's good to see you too, Sabito." You looked between them again and smiled at the longing in their eyes.

"You're totally still in love with each other."


Sabito choked on his drink at the accusation and you laughed.

"Yeah! It's so obvious." You said with a sly smirk.

"Y/n it's not..."

"Nah, it doesn't bother me." You shrugged. "We can figure something out."

"Uh... okay.. I think..?" Giyuu looked at the two very confused.

You three did figure it out eventually and now you're a happy couple.

How cute🥺

I didn't know how to progress the convo anymore don't judge me
Kimchi is buss tho

Kyojuro Rengoku

You were laying down in your room doing homework from earlier in the day.

Just as you were about to finish Mitsuri burst in with Miya and both had large grins on their face. The loud noise it made surprised you.

"Please knock first you scared me half to death..." you whined.

"Sorry!" Mitsuri exclaimed quickly and both ran over to lay down on either side of you. "Buuut we have good news!~"

"What's that?" You wrote the last word of your essay and threw the book away.

"We're having a triple date!!" Miya squealed.

"Oh that's great! Have fun!" You smiled at them and they looked confused.

"You're coming with us." Miya continued.

"What? But I'm not even dating anyone! Besides, you know Kenta would kill him."

"But- but he's perfect for you! He's everything you want in a man!" Mitsuri whined in an attempt to convince you.

"I'm gonna be busy sooo I can't go. Sorry." You gave them an apologetic look and went to put your stuff away properly.


If you truly thought you could say no to a party invite from Miya and Mitsuri, you're sorely mistaken my dear because there you were beside the two in a purple dress. They said it was this mystery man's favorite color.

"Y/n~ aren't you glad you came?" Mitsuri hummed and leaned into you. Miya did the same.

"We haven't done anything yet." You gave her a confused look.

"Yeah but isn't it nice hanging out with us already?" She asked.

"Well... I suppose." You smiled at them.

"Oh! There's Kenta! KENTA~ PUMPKIN WE'RE OVER HERE!" Miya stood up and waved at the fashionably late men a few feet away.

Well- Kenta was fashionably late. Obanai got caught up with work.

Either way, you weren't really paying attention and started looking around nosily.

"Sorry We're late. Did you order already?" Obanai asked.

"Nope! The servers are busy, it is Valentine's Day after all." Mitsuri replied with a happy tone now that her boyfriend was here.

"Where did Kenta go?" Miya asked.

"He's going to chat with Rengoku."

"Ohhh okay. Thanks for recommending your coworker! Y/n is very lonely-"

"No I'm not!"

"-but she doesn't want to admit it." Miya finished with a shake of her head.

You glared at her and pouted in your seat.

"I'm not lonely I'm perfectly fine being single..."

"All right! We're here. Hey you two! Y/n."

"You're my brother shut the hell up." He stuck his tongue out at you and you rolled your eyes.

"Hello! It's nice to meet you, I'm Rengoku Kyojuro." An admittedly handsome young man sat across from you and reached out a hand for you to shake.

"Hi, Rengoku, I'm Ikari Y/n. It's nice to meet you too." You returned his wide grin and shook his hand.

"See? You two are getting along already!" Mitsuri exclaimed while clapping her hands.

"Whatever..." Kenta muttered and whined as Miya hit him.

After a while of chatting a waiter came and took your orders for drinks and appetizers. Once they left you noticed something smelled... awful.

"Do you guys smell that..?" You asked through an attempt to bite back your disgust.

"Uh... no..? Smell what?" Miya asked confused.

"I do smell something kinda fishy.." Obanai mentioned.

"Yeah... that's it-" you gagged and got up to run to the bathroom.

"The poor thing." Kenta said dismissively as the waitress came back and placed the appetizers.

"Go help your sister dude!" Miya scolded.

"'Dude?' What do I do?"

"You're so mean to her for no reason! Why do you act like that?" He stayed quiet from the question and went to stand up. "Hey... where did Rengoku go?"

Everyone looked at the end of the table and finally noticed his absence.

"Maybe he also had to puke?" Mitsuri suggested.


You were stuck on the floor dry heaving and also trying to block out the scent of fish. It was not working.

A knock on the door caught your attention and you looked up from the rippling water.


"It's Rengoku... I wanted to uh..."

You waited for his explanation and sighed when it didn't come.

"It's okay. Just come in." You called. The door opened slowly and the fiery man stepped through the frame.

He closed the door and went over to sit beside you.

"I'm assuming seafood is one of those scents you can't stand?" You nodded and gagged again at the wave that snuck through the door. "Whenever that happens to me, I usually smell a different food that I love. It overpowers the one you can't stand."

You nodded at his advice.

"Or you could throw up... but I'll be here either way." He looked at you and smiled.

"Thank you.."

"You're welcome." He hummed. It was silent for a moment. "You smell nice."

"Uh- thank you?" Rengoku nodded.

"I mean- really nice. You smell like sweet potato pie but sweeter."

The explanation made you laugh as he leaned in closer to get a better smell.

"Wow! What perfume is that?"

"Well, you were spot on. It's scented sweet potato pie." You replied with a grin.

"I like it." He stated simply.

"Thank you! Uh... I think."

"Of course." Rengoku nodded then smiled. "Are you feeling any better?"

"Yes." You nodded aswell and got up shakily. "Thanks for helping."

"No problem." Rengoku nodded and you smiled.

"You smell nice too. Is that strawberry?"


"I love it." You complemented.

The two of you walked out of the bathroom with Rengoku's arm around your shoulders. He wanted to make sure you couldn't smell the unpleasant scent anymore.

That's what he said but at that point it had aired out.

He sat down beside you this time and Mitsuri and Miya gasped dramatically.

Obanai didn't react and Kenta looked mad.

"Ohhhh you two are so cute together!!" Mitsuri squealed.

"Are you dating now?" Miya asked.

"Better not be..."

"Oh, no." You laughed though it sent a pang to your heart.

Miya leaned in closer and you cupped a hand around her ear.

"Though you were right... I do like him."

She pulled away quickly with eyes that screamed "really?!"

You nodded and she turned to tell Mitsuri.

They squealed excitedly and you smiled at them before finally taking a bite of some of your food.

Rengoku was already eating unfazed by the death stare Kenta sent him.

"Calm the hell down." Obanai said suddenly and turned to Kenta. "You're making me think you're staring at me."

"Sorry..." he muttered and turned to eat his food.

Well, Kenta's gonna have to deal with that relationship because you two went on a lot more dates and eventually started dating.

Obanai Iguro

You were sitting in your dorm and waiting for Mitsuri, Shinobu and Kanae to come over. They mentioned that they had news to break.

"Hi Y/n!" Speak of the devil, in came the three girls who instantly jumped on your bed.

"Hi!" You greeted with a wide smile. "How are you guys?"

"Good! And guess what~!" Kanae sang.

"Oh, you don't have-"

"They're finally dating!" You gasped.

"Oh my gosh! You two are dating?!" You asked them excitedly.

"Yes!" Mitsuri exclaimed. You squealed in excitement and Shinobu shook her head.

"Okay you guys we came here because..?" She looked between the two girls and Mitsuri nodded.

"Right! Okay, we want to throw a Valentine's Day party and you're invited!" Mitsuri sang.

"Oh... Mitsuri, I can't, I have to study..."

"But you study allll the time! Have a break just this once?" You thought about it for a moment then smiled.

"Ahh okay."

"YAY!!" Kanae and Mitsuri cheered before grabbing Shinobu and rushing to leave the room.

"Be ready at 7!" And the door slammed.


So there you were walking into the party with a f/c dress on and black heels.

Everybody was dancing or drinking and you were avoiding the 'punch' table at all costs.

"Hey, Y/n. Good to see you." You turned around and smiled at the sight of Giyuu.

"Hi, Giyuu! It's good to see you too! How have you been? We've been so busy, we could barely talk to each other!"

"Yeah, I know. I've been doing fine. How about you?"

"I've been great. How's Sabito?" The man scoffed at the mention and he pointed over to the punch table.

Sabito looked absolutely wasted and was crying asking why Giyuu wouldn't marry him yet.


"Yeah. I should probably go get him."

"Well, let me know when the wedding is!"

"Not for a while!" Giyuu walked away to go retrieve the sobbing pinkette and take him home.

Meanwhile you talked to the people you recognized and even made new friends.

After socializing for a bit you decided to cool down and stand in a far corner.

There you saw a familiar black haired man with a mask on who looked to be actively avoiding everyone at any cost.

Whenever someone got too close he'd scoot away or just go to a completely different wall.

You decided that he has to be your friend and so you went over to the wallflower wearing a welcoming smile.

"Hi there!" You greeted. He gave a surprised look and you laughed. "I noticed we never got to formally introduce ourselves. My name is L/n Y/n. What's yours?"

"Iguro Obanai." He replied. You leaned on the wall next to him and started to chat.

"How are you enjoying the party?" You asked.

"Uhm... it's fine.." he muttered. You nodded with a smile.

"You know Mitsuri?" Obanai nodded this time.

"She's a... close friend."

"Oh same." You smiled at the similarity and continued staring at all the busybodies on the floor. "Y'know what? Let's go dance! We ran into each other and neither of us have a date. It's Valentine's Day for crying out loud!"

"Well I'm not really the dancing type so I don't think..." He muttered. You raised an eyebrow at that and shrugged.

"Anyone can dance."


You sighed at that and pointed to the drink table.

"You want anything?"

"No thanks."


Your plan to avoid the punch didn't work because you somehow listened to Sabito repeatedly saying the drink wasn't spiked and it was normal juice.

Giyuu was also completely wasted by the way. He couldn't resist Sabito who kept telling him to drink it. Giyuu is a lightweight.

So now you are basically hanging off of Obanai for support so you didn't face-plant on the ground and saying random things to him.

"Uh- why am I so fally?" You slurred as you stumbled into the wall for the third time. "I'm gonna... whoop!"

Obanai caught you before you could fall and sighed.

"Am I really gonna be the DD?" He muttered in annoyance.

"What's a- a CC? Is that... cat comics? HAH!" You started cackling at your own interpretation of a designated driver. "C-Cat comics?! AHAHAHA! How silly is that?!"

"Yeah that is pretty silly..." He agreed quietly.

"Hey... hey why are you so- so cute?"


"All the time in uhm... in ca-lass I see you and I'm like- 'that guy is cute' and- and my friend said, 'you have a crush on him' and I said, 'I do not!'" You recalled then sighed. "But I- I do have a biiiig crush on you. Don't tell- don't tell you I said that."

"..." Obanai stood there in thought for a moment and while he did you were staring at the man.

Specifically the lower half of his face.

"Why uh- why do you wear a mask? I bet you're so cute like now." He didn't respond and you pouted.

Obanai shook his head before looking away from you.

"Okay fine..." you muttered through a huff.

After a moment of silence you turned his face to you, slid the mask down and kissed him like it was the end of the world because wow.

He wanted to pull away, he knew you weren't in your right mind but at the same time he didn't want to pull away. He wished you'd do this when you weren't under the influence.

He noticed you too. He had a crush on you too and a big one.

Going against everything he wanted, Obanai pried you off of him and just settled with a secure hug.

You weren't struggling with him either. Instead you wrapped your arms around him.

"I like hugs. Do you like hugs?" You asked.

"Not from just anyone." Obanai replied.

"I'm special?"



Eventually Obanai decided to take you home once he noticed you got too tired.

He happened to visit Mitsuri occasionally when she had to gossip with him and knew which dorm was yours.

Now that she's dating Shinobu she stays with her most of the time so that explains why she 'visits.'

Anyways, you gave Obanai your keys so he could open the door then stumbled into the room.

"Oops!" You squeaked and turned to shush Obanai. "Don't wake up my... mom! Don't wake up my mom!"

"Don't worry about that, Y/n." He said. You giggled at his response and went to your room to lie down like he suggested earlier.

He went to go check that you were okay once it'd gone quiet and noticed that you were half asleep.

"Oba-Chan! Haha!" You laughed. "That's what Mitsuri said I should call you! I said... I said I'm not a kindergartener and we laughed really hard!"

"That's nice, Y/n." Obanai muttered.

"Come lay down... come on." You pat the empty space next to you.

Despite his mind saying no Obanai obeyed and laid down beside you.

Almost immediately you wrap an arm around him and lay on his chest.

"Uhm... I don't know if you heard this before but..." you looked around the room suspiciously. "I- I wanna date Obanai. I love him and he's super nice."


"But I think he doesn't like me like that because... he looks at me kinda intense whenever I see him." You explained before yawning. "I'm tired now... bye."

You said and fell asleep just like that.

Obanai was surprised his quickened heartbeat didn't keep you awake longer because it was rapid.

He heard that one saying that a drunk man's talk is a sober man's thoughts but what if it wasn't true? He couldn't just assume the girl he likes likes him back. She was drunk after all.

He'd rather wait for a day that didn't involve alcohol to figure something out. Until then he's fine observing. Which is a bit weird.

Eventually you'll be together. Fate just couldn't stand to screw you over that hard.

Sanemi Shinazugawa

You were walking through the hallway of your new school and looking for the first class of the day.

You're a freshman and ended up being late on the first day. It was kind of upsetting.

But anyways you stopped beside a random locker and started to panic.

A white haired boy passed by and caught your attention.

"E-Excuse me!" You called. He looked at you in the corner of his eye. "Can you..." you trailed off in embarrassment.

"Spit it out, doll." He said after taking the heart shaped lollipop out of his mouth. His voice made your heartbeat speed up.

"C-Can you help me... find science class?" You asked after looking at your schedule.

"Why didn't you just ask?" He raised an eyebrow and put the lollipop back in. The boy waved a hand in the direction he was facing.

"Thank you! Uhm... what's your name? I'm L/n Y/n."

"Shinazugawa Sanemi."

It was silent after that with Sanemi leading you through the hallway. He eventually stopped in front of a bright blue door.

"Here's your class." Sanemi gestures to the door and you smiled.

"Thank you." You smiled. He waved it off.

"Have a good day, doll." He waved and started walking away.

Once he was out of sight you opened the door to class. Everyone turned to look which made you shrink back and regret even coming.


Well... it wasn't so bad. But you were definitely ready to go home by lunch.

The stares everyone gave you was normal but that didn't make it less nerve racking.

Anyways, you were sitting by a couple girls at lunch who were fawning over Valentine's.

"Hey new girl! Or- whatever your name is," one of the girls called. You looked up at her with a questioning stare. "Who's your Valentine?"

You looked back down bashfully. "Uhm... well.. I don't-"

"Here." Sanemi appeared out of nowhere and dropped off your keys. "I saw you dropped this." He mentioned. You finally noticed the lunch room got quiet and looked around to see everyone staring. "See you later, doll."

He smirked at you, put another lollipop in his mouth and walked away.

The girls at the table started laughing.

"You're dating Sanemi?! Lucky!"


"He's so nice to his mom so he must be a good boyfriend! Ugh I envy you!"

Instead of denying it you decided to just stay quiet. One things for sure though, you were freaking out on the inside.

"So... what is your name?" The girl closest to you asked.

"Y/n." You replied. She smiled.

"My name is Kimberly. Kim for short."

"It's nice to meet you, Kim." You smiled.

"That girl there is Naomi and the other is Mia."

"Hey." They both waved and you nodded.

"So~ what's it like with Sanemi?"



It'sFebruary 13th at 11 o'clock. You were headed to Sanemi's place to study since you were bad at math and he.. wasn't.

But anyways you knocked on the door and his mother, Shizu, answered.

"Hi, Y/n! Sanemi is upstairs." She greeted with a smile.

"Thank you, Mrs. Shinazugawa." You smiled back and headed towards the stairs.

Once you reached his room you saw Sanemi staring intensely at his phone with a lollipop in his mouth as always.

"Hey, Sanemi." You greeted while walking over to sit down. He glanced up, waved and spun his chair in your direction.

"It's almost midnight." He mentioned.

"Yeah... thank goodness it's Friday!" You joked.

Sanemi shook his head and glanced down at his phone.


"Seriously? I thought it was like- 11:30..." He didn't respond for a minute(literally) and finally looked up.


"Y-" before you could say anything, Sanemi pulled you into a kiss that tasted like apples.

Whenever you saw him with a stick in his mouth, you wondered the flavor but didn't expect it to be apple. Maybe wild cherry or strawberry.

"Happy Valentine's Day." He pulled away with a smirk and your hand flew to your mouth.

"..." Sanemi raised an eyebrow at the reaction until you covered your entire face. "H-Happy Valentine's Day..."

"Thanks, doll." He smirked and you finally uncovered your face.

Taking this moment as an opportunity Sanemi stuck his lollipop in your mouth.

"Will you be my Valentine?"

"Yes.." you muffled from behind your hands.

He laughed at how flustered you were and rubbed your back.


I don't think I want to write for Yushiro anymore so... I just won't include him in anymore. It's too difficult coming up with scenarios and I really dread writing his parts :/



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