King of the Don's

By han11515

798K 23.8K 1.5K

Vaughn Beaumont is the King of the Don's. Briar James is a normal girl, subjected to very bad timing. When B... More

author's note-please read!
twenty one
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty four
forty five
forty six

twenty two

16K 531 29
By han11515


The moment Thomas said the words 'told off', it was like a light bulb switched on in my brain. I had only ever threatened one person my whole life, and I knew just who that butt plug was. 

Oliver Mason. Slimy, sexual harasser who makes young girls pick up forks so he can cop a free feel.

I looked up to see that Vaughn was looking at me expectingly, probably waiting for some type of answer, so I began, "He came into my work one night, I didn't know his name, who he was or anything like that," I reassured Vaughn, "But he grabbed my butt when I was serving him and a couple of his friends, so I told him he had a small penis and was stupid," I admitted sheepishly, and a slight grin formed on his stoic face, "And then he told me I'd be seeing a lot more of him. I had no idea what it meant at the time, and no reason to believe it was a real threat." I added, but honestly I should've taken into account how weird and scummy men are.

"Then I got demoted and started working as a hostess where I met," I looked over toward Thomas, "Him."

"I'm going to assume it wasn't a coincidence?" I asked Thomas, and he shook his head, "I'm afraid not. I never was into deaf chicks." He started to laugh at his own joke, and I frowned.

Vaughn didn't let it slide though, as he looked back at Rich, "Cut off two more." He demanded, and Rich followed through, cutting two of his fingers off.

And although this wasn't a nice situation, my heart fluttered. Sue me.

"Urg, fuck! I was kidding! It was a joke!" He yelled out toward me, making Vaughn stand up a little taller, "Yell at her again, motherfucker and I rip your eyeballs from your skull."

Thomas stayed silent after that, but the pain was evident on his face when another question came to my mind, "That night at the bar," I got Thomas' attention, "That night that I saw Jordan Anforth die, you wanted me to leave with you, and then got mad when I wouldn't. Why?"

At this point, I knew that Thomas never liked me, he was assigned to me, which honestly hurt more than it should've, but that was a concern for another time. But still, since this was never real, why did he need me to leave with him?

He looked slightly reluctant to say the reason, but he made the better choice and spilled the beans, "I hadn't told Mason that we broke up, he'd be fucking livid if he knew how bad I screwed up. Especially because he thought I already broke up with Katie-"

"Katie?" I parroted, and he slumped forward, "The girl you saw me banging?" He asked, and I nodded in acknowledgement, "Yeah?"

"That was Katie, my girlfriend." He clarified, and I bit the inside of my cheek. "Mason made me breakup with Katie before I got involved with you, but I never really went through with it because I was in love with her, and she was fine with me faking it with you." He shrugged, and I narrowed my eyes. Jesus how did I never notice how much of a prick he was?

"Once you caught me 'cheating', I didn't want to tell Oliver it was over, I knew he would kill me. I figured if I just brought you to him and broke the news, it would soften the blow, y'know?" He asked, and I stayed silent, and felt Vaughn's back tense under my palm.

"So when you wouldn't leave with me, I waited outside the bar for you," He admitted, then paused for a second, "I was going to kidnap you, and then finish out the original plan-"

I clutched onto Vaughn, "You were going to rape me." I interrupted, my voice growing more tense. He shook his head, "No, I would never in my life do that." He told me, "But I was going to bring you to him, and whatever happened wasn't my business anymore. I had to put Katie and I first. I didn't want to, I swear. This was self preservation. Level with me here."

Neither Vaughn nor I said anything, and he let out a scoff, "Anyways, I waited outside the bar, when I saw you get carried out by the kings men, I figured you were dead, and I skipped town. No need for us both to be dead."

Thing is, I knew that he didn't care for me, I pretty much felt that vibe all along. It never really bothered me either, because I didn't for feel anything for him either. But it was hard hearing how his disconnected he was from me. He thought he saw my dead body being dragged out of a bar, and he didn't even bat an eye, just immediately skipped town.

It honestly made me appreciate Vaughn a heck of a lot more.

Vaughn was still standing like a stone in front of me, and I laid my temple down on his solid back, and I couldn't help but think this man totally deserves a handie or something.

"Why did he even make you go after Briar? Why wouldn't he just get her himself?" Vaughn asked, and Thomas replied, "As I said, he wanted me to get her ready to come into this life, he wasn't interested in introducing this to her, he wanted her primed and ready to go, which meant I needed to take her virginity,-"

"How did he know I was a virgin?" I interrupted Thomas, and he chuckled, "I don't think it's very hard to connect the dots."

I rolled my eyes, and Vaughn's glare worsened, "That's the stupidest thing I've ever fuckin' heard." Vaughn clipped out, and I giggled.

"I've never claimed he was a smart, or sensible man. In fact, he's the opposite. A professional woman beater, and serial sexual harasser. Be careful, and tread lightly, he'll stop at nothing to get Briar." Thomas told Vaughn, and I shivered at the thought, but tuned out as Vaughn and some random dude started talking about something I had no interest in listening to. I hopped off the table and went to head upstairs, when I heard a loud meowing noise, and saw Penelope jump up on the table next to me.


I rolled my eyes at the stupid, obese cat wondering how it even got down here. Everyone knows the door stays shut, it makes the sound proofing not work as well.

"Who left the fuckin' basement door open?" I questioned, and I heard Briar's obnoxious snort, "I think it was me, I was the last one down." She admitted from behind me, her cheeks turning pink as she gave a one shouldered shrug, "Sorry."

I knew she wasn't all that sorry, but I was about to tell her it was fine when I heard the cat let out a heinous meowing sound that made me cringe. "Why don't you take the cat upstairs, sweetheart?" I asked her, and she gave me a half smile, and I knew immediately she was upset.

I leaned down to give her a kiss, "I'll be up in a few minutes and we'll talk about it then, okay?" I asked lowly, and she nodded her head, "Okay."

She left the room with the cat in her arms, and I shook my head and focused back on Thomas, "So, at this point Mason still doesn't know where you are, and he doesn't know I have Briar?" I confirmed with Thomas, and I noticed he was staring at me like I had three heads, "You brought that stupid fucking devil cat here?" He questioned, and I nodded, "I did."

He muttered something I couldn't make out, and I crossed my arms over my chest, leaning back on the table, "Speak up motherfucker." I demanded, and his mouth curved up, while he gave out an irritating cackle, "Oh, you have it bad brother."

"Such bold words for a man who only has seven fingers." I taunted, but nothing was stopping him now, "You're in love with her." He stated in a cocky voice, and my usual calm, stoic facade didn't crack one bit.

I wasn't going to stand here and deny that I was in love with Briar. I'd known for a while that I was in love with her, I just hadn't said it out loud yet.

I told Rich to get Kreps over here as soon as possible to stitch up some fingers, but then I heard Briars footsteps rushing back down the steps, and Penelope making more demonic noises. I turned and looked toward toward the door way, and Briar looked pretty panicked, "Vaughn?"

I walked closer toward her, "What's wrong, baby?"

"I think Penelope's about to give birth."



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