err0r oneshots

By namescape

24.8K 983 182

Y know The tittle Just a bunch of err0r one-shots and stories because I can They're mostly stories but somet... More

True Judgment
Log 90
The Brave, The Bold, and the Fool
What is Mine
Taken in
A LOVEly pair
Something Well Deserved
Little Ducklings
Our Home
Child's Play
She missed
TW: Panic Attack
Star Pupil
Sacrifies ll
Sacrifices |||
Nom nom

"New Life"

667 23 6
By namescape





There was a black void that was empty. There was no life. Then. There was. A universe and then another, and another. Three alternate universes, 2 of which stemmed off the ORIGINAL. The first creation the Multiverse made. Then a...Being of sorts set their eyes on this verse. It decided to put its own touch on it. Giving life to something, someone else. A smaller being, but it held immense power. The power to create. Creating Universes to help the slow development of the multiverse. This being was INK.

The multiverse was a big but limited space. Now filled with color and life. The Alternate Universes, nicknamed AUs filled with living characters in their worlds living their best lives. The protector protects all the AUs and helps give life to all. Not only being the protector of all but also being the creator. He fights for all. Against evil. This was what INK has become. To all his creations, he is a god. A friend. The one and only protector and creator. Thanks to Ink everyone was here today, living. And since Ink, the multiverse hasn't made many originals, has given that job to Ink and taken a step back. The original originals of the multiverse were few but could be considered many. They are the ones kept unaware of every other AU.'

There was also another part of creation. Something the Multiverse kept a clear balance of, but failed to tell Ink. Everything is limited. Nothing is infinite despite what math says. But math is trivial. Too much creation can cause destruction. So destruction is needed. It's necessary. The being understood this need of balance within their small creation's new found ability and created said balance. A second being made for the opposite of their first. Something for destruction, meant to keep the balance. That was what the destroyer was meant to do. That's Err0rs job.

Whether he likes it or not.

[ — || — ]

*AlterTale #CopyY #82 [comPLeted]
*sWapfell-/-_COpY #302 [cOmpleTED]
*mafiATale--_-/COpY #102 [CompleteD]
*Undersail-//-_CoPY #46 [comPLEteD]
*UTsail/.--/_COpy #45 [cOMpleteD]
*mafiaTAle-..,__copY #129 [compLEted]
*MafiaTale,..,_--cOpy #24 [comPletED]
*uNDERLUST,-__-TL47COPY #29 [coMPLEted]
*AlterSWap.;,-__-[TL]55Coqy #231 [CompLeTed]
*ALterswAp-..:,-_-CoPY #228 [COmpleTED]
*StOrySHift-_-.,--COpy #116 [cOmplEteD]
*SToryshIFt--._-,.COpy #109 [comPLEted]
*GarDENTALe'',,_COPY #37 [comPLeteD]
*fELLsWAp,,__-COPY #12 [CompLEted]
*SWApsWAP—__--copy #90 [cOMPLeTed]
*EchoTaLE,,__--[TL]89cOPY #92 [COMPLtED]
*UNDerfELL..,-__CopY #100 [COmpleTed]
*undYNEtALE..,--COPY #36 [COMPLEteD]
*UNDERheLL,,--_ copy #99 [cOmpleTEd]
*bEaSttALE..,__-cOPY #33 [cOMPletED]19
*uNDeRmaGIC--_,,-COPY #55 [compLeTeD]
*fARMTale--_;,,CoPy #23 [cOmpleteD]
*unDERLUST,,.__cOpy #67 [complETED]

Destroying the final AUs necessary for balance, Err0r finished his job. Unwanted and F#7((=£| but it's not like he has much of a choice. Getting your head bashed multiple times or being stabbed in SOUL in a skeleton monster's case isn't worth his pitiful existence. Well...maybe it is.. Rubbing his socket, ErrOr continued to then open a portal to the Anti-Void to wait for the over balance once again, there was a white vOid that it entered into. There was only white to an indefinite degree, nothing in sight no matter where you looked.


A warm welcome. To Error at least.

This was the Ant!-v0id. A space between universes. Time is forever changing and non-existent at the same time. Entering could be seconds in there but years or also seconds outside. No one can find this place, but this is where Err0r apparently 'lives'.. Not good first memories but no one really likes him enough to allow him in their homes. He wouldn't let someone like him in his house either. Yknow if he had one. As mentioned before; seconds here could be years outside. While it can speed up time so there's not much of a wait for over balance but it brings a major risk of going over balance to the point of—


...Complete multiverse destruction...


Staring back at Ink, Err0r looked towards opening up a portal to the codes and saw over half of the Multiverse destroyed and increasing. This wasn't his doing. This was...problematic


Ink attacked. As he usually does when he catches up with Err0r. Turning to face Ink once again with him just about to shoot another attack, doging and exiting through a portal. Finding himself in another AU to destroy before—

[ — || — ]

Sunlight filtered through the many trees that surrounded a large mansion. A skeleton wearing a starry jacket was sitting on a picnic table watching multiple young kids play on a playground. It was a peaceful day for the Multiverse as usual, the kids just wanted to play with each other in the playground. But because they're kids they needed someone to watch them. Of course Orbit didn't mind, not a lot of things happen in OuterTale and he's fond of kids.

"Hey Orbit?" a kid, Gaz, called. Gaz was possibly the oldest of the kids, with him acting older than most of the kids and more reserved. But he still child like, just stupidly smart and arrogant. "Yeah Gaz?" Orbit responded.

"We heard something from the forest"

"What kind of something?"

"Like a bunch of branches falling down"

"Did any of you go looking?" Standing up he noticed the kids looking towards the forest, none of them going in and thankfully all of them were there as far as he could see. Going towards the kids, Orbit also looked into the forest and saw nothing, but that doesn't mean there's nothing there. Leading the kids inside he called over his brother, Galaxy who was part of the royal guard. He did need someone to watch the kids while either one of them searched.

"SO THEY HEARD A NOISE IN THE FOREST?" Galaxy questioned stepping into the forest with Orbit staying near the start.

"Yeah, I didn't hear the noise but if there IS someone...I just wanna make sure they're okay"

"WELL IT DOESN'T HURT TO BE CAUTIOUS" Galaxy was too worried but again it didn't hurt to be cautious. It might've been a false alarm and just something that startled the kids, or a wild animal. Ink was rather adamant about including animals as to "Add realism" to the forest. Continuing through the forest, not really showing caution, the guard searched the forest as Orbit stayed to watch over the TimeKids.

... A few minutes before ...

Waking up he saw trees. So he was probably in a forest. If he recalls the Multiverse collapsed because he stumbled into the Anti-Void and enough time passed for Ink to overpopulate it. Great. Sitting up, he confirmed he's in Snowdin's forest, this couldn't be an AU they landed in because dead Multiverse and all, so where... Bringing up the codes he saw different numbers in place. The codes were different that's for sure. The codes that were usually constant no matter the AU were different. Thing is this place he was in wasn't an AU. Moreso something like the Anti=VoiD. Those codes, as Error found, were the Multiversal Codes and since those were different that meant he wasn't in his Multiverse.

Looking around the forest, Error decided to stand and wander around. Without a Multiverse, or at least one to possibly call his own, he couldn't destroy. Or more so he's not sure if he could or even needed to. Once again looking at the codes he saw the usual balances but they seemed pretty evened out. Fully balanced even. So there's no need for him to destroy but he never thought about anything beyond his life previously. Now that's something he'd need to get used to.

Of course some people or Monsters wouldn't just adjust as quickly as he did considering his past situation but Error's life was all about adjustments. Besides this was his down time, he'll take what he can get. He was already planning to take a break before the collapse so this could just be his...break. But longer than usual. Maybe living in this forest wouldn't be too bad.


Or not.

Pulling out his strings he flung them at his attacker. It was Ink. of course it was. He dodged and flung more paint at the other missing as the paint hit trees instead of its target. Summoning bones, Error flung them at ink in no legible pattern with Ink getting hit a few times but dodging most of them. Turning into an inky liquid, Ink took a closer approach and surrounded Error before solidifying and punching Error square in the face and wrapping his legs around the others' neck to get consistent hits. Grabbing Ink's scarf, Error pulled, more so yanked, Ink off of him and threw him through the forest and into trees. Pulling out more strings, he tied Ink to a tree and put a bone through his shoulder for good measure.

"What's your deal?"

"yOU'RE tHE One who aTTackedme firST"

"Because you've killed people and are planning to kill again!"

"ThAT doESn'T mEan 'ATTACK on sIght'"

"Oh what would you know about not 'attacking on sight'?"

The two continued their fight, with Ink swinging his brush stained with yellow paint at Error The paint splint into a multitude of smaller separated paints that did an equal amount of damage. Teleporting out of harm and behind Ink, Error summoned multiple blasters and fired them at Ink who liquefied after being slightly scorched.

Looking towards the commotion, 1 - S and 2 - P hesitantly looked around and at each other before the latter quickly walked towards the noise, bringing 1 - S along with him. They made their way outside of the town and into the forest holding tightly onto one another. They saw 2 Monsters fighting, one who looked messy and the other looked the complete opposite of the other and 1 - S and his brother. They watched the two fight with bones, blue strings, and different colored liquids being shared between the two. 1 - P looked worried and asked his brother "Why Are They Fighting?"

"...not sure. we should just let them deal with whatever's going on between them" 1 - S responded. Looking back from where they came from, looking into the forest and for any other Monsters. 1 - P continued to watch quietly behind a tree before he met the dark Monster's eye lights.

Error paused at the young Sans and Papyrus hiding behind one of the trees before getting hit with Ink's paint brush. Looking back at Ink, Error rushed in the direction away from the kids with Ink quickly following.

"Where Are They Going?" 1 -S wondered aloud, not getting Error's attempt to save them from harm, the two slowly followed the others. Well more so 2 - P cautiously followed while 1 - S looked back behind them and then towards his brother before quickly following after him.

After once again seeing the brothers, Error sighed before summoning his strings and more blasters, sending most to blast and push around Ink while using his strings to tie and trip him up. Ink was scorched and tripped up multiple times eventually being trapped and tied to a tree, dropping his brush. For good measures a few bones were put through his body.

Looking towards the kids, who were hiding behind another tree, he spoke to them, also getting Ink's attention. "WhaT aRE YOU doING?"

Both Ink and the brothers looked surprised with the 1 - S responding, "🕈︎☜︎☹︎☹︎—"
[well— ]

"🕈︎☟︎✡︎ ✌︎☼︎☜︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ ❄︎🕈︎⚐︎ ☞︎✋︎☝︎☟︎❄︎✋︎☠︎☝︎✍︎" 2 - P asked, interrupting the other [ Why Are You Two Fighting? ]

Error nor Ink understood Wingdings so they were completely left in that dark about what the brothers said. "...i DON't...unDERStanD...?"

Unlucky for the Gods, the kids don't understand them either. "🕈︎☟︎✌︎❄︎ ✌︎☼︎☜︎ ❄︎☟︎☜︎✡︎ 💧︎✌︎✡︎✋︎☠︎☝︎✍︎" 2 - P asked his brother. [ What Are They Saying? ]

"☠︎⚐︎ 👍︎☹︎🕆︎☜︎" 1 - S responded [ no clue ]

Taking advantage of the situation Ink liquefying into ink and attacked from below, reforming and hitting Error on his mandible. Falling back Error grabbed ink's Scarf and pulled him back with him throwing to the side and into the roots sticking out of a tree. Summoning bones and throwing them into the tree Ink hit. The brothers were stunned by the sudden attack and backed up before 1 - S pulled away his brother into the forest, fleeing.

"Well would you look at that"


"Well don't put the blame on me!"

"Oh. So It's OKAY whe—"

"You're the reason for EVERYTHING goes wrong!"

"... i DON"T waNNA deAL wITh THiS..." Looking towards where the kids left, Error walked in order to follow the young brothers. Ink liquified and made his way out of the bone trap grabbing his brush and summoning purple paint and throwing it at Error. The latter turned only to be caught in purple strings and then attacked by ink who created a portal and dragged through.

... Back to the present ...

Walking through the forest, Galaxy looked around before hearing a struggle to his left. Making his way towards the sound he came across Ink and another dark skeleton fighting. "...INK?"

Looking at Galaxy who had his buster sword unsheathed. They 3 looked confused at each other's situation. "CARE TO EXPLAIN...THIS? YOU STARTLED THE KIDS"

"...Can you help me out here?"

"WhEN did yOU hAvE kidS?"



The three looked at each other awkwardly before Error tied up Galaxy and Ink. Or attempted to. They both dodged with Ink attacking back using blue paint. Turning Galaxy's SOUL blue, Error threw Galaxy's SOUL further into the forest and attacked Ink with summoned bones. Ink threw back inky bones and made a blaster that fired red paint.

Galaxy went through a tree of two before recovering and standing up. Nearly half of his HP was depleted just from the attack. Looking upon the two fighting, he hasn't seen Ink fight or spar so it's a surprise to see him use his paints for something other than pranks or painting. Ink wasn't one to resort to violence as his first action and this new and strange skeleton attacking Ink and him attacking back was out of character. At least in Galaxy's opinion. Getting up, Galaxy slowly made his way towards the two fighting, picking up his sword from where he had dropped it. He watched Ink and the other skeleton battle it out before grabbing the latter's SOUL but not Ink's. He intended to grab both their SOULs but couldn't grab Ink's for some reason.

"Oh well finally!" Ink breathed a sigh of relief before winding up his brush and smashing down on Error's skull. Knocking him out for a while.


"What do you mean explain? Error? Destroyer of Worlds, murderer of millions has come to destroy this AU"


"Well he has single handedly killed off millions so a bad person. I must've mistaken you for Space. Sorry, you just dress a lot like him!"


"I didn't hide him? HE made himself known"


"Right. We should also put magic restraints on Error and put him in the dungeon"


"What? I swear I put a dungeon in the basement?"


[ — || — ]

Standing in the living room, multiple people; Orbit, Galaxy, DreamTale twins Daze and Misery, Blue, and Honey, stared at Ink and Error as the latter sat on the ground next to the couch.

"Sorry for coming late! Frisk tried painting on a giant canvas and it got messy" Ink hopped through a portal. All eyes were on him at that instant as he stared back at Ink. There were two Inks.

'As if this couldn't get worse' Error thought while looking at the two Inks. Yes he was continuous, why hadn't he escaped? Well there were kids and they were in a more enclosed space. They'd both reasonably be disadvantaged having attacks that are long range but both are even in close range as well and their battles can get messy and destructive.

"...Well then..."

"I didn't know I had a copy..."

"Wait, So There's Two Inks Now?" Honey began looking back between the double Inks, "Which One Is...INK"

"I am!"


Both Inks responded by looking at Honey to prove their point, not helping either of their cases.

"WELL I FOUND THIS 'INK' IN THE FOREST" Galaxy pointed to the arriving Ink.

"Well it's not that hard to tell them apart" Blue spoke up, "Considering one, ours I'm assuming, has a jacket and the other has more flexible looking clothing. Also their height difference" The latter Ink huffed at that statement.

"Well at least there's some differences" Ink sighed, "Who are you and Why are you here? You too?"

"Probably wanna come up with another name, other Ink" Blue mentioned to the new Ink.

"Well... how about..." It took him a while to think of something before coming up with a name. "Paint seems easy enough"

"That' my brother's name" Ink pointed out

"You have a brother? And you mentioned a Frisk, you actually have an AU?!"

"Save this for another time just. Pick a name, something in your skull and let's move on!" MIsery complained

"Fine... you act a lot like Nightmare"


"I'm...Luca...Sure. And this is Error as you all apparently haven't heard of" The other Ink, now Luca, introduced, "Speaking of which, we should really lock him up"

"Why?" Ink asked


"He doesn't seem very destructive"

"He was just trying to kill me a few seconds ago!"

"DID HE HAVE A GOOD REASON TO? Galaxy inquired.


"He aTTACKED firST" Error spoke up looking bored

"Because if I didn't, you'd destroy an AU!"

"YOU d1dn'T eveN stOP for kiDS"

"Again. You would've killed them anyway"

"I STopped in oRDEr to NoT hurt tHE kiDS"

"Never stopped you before"

"YoUV"E mADE a kiDDiE version of uNDERLUST!"

"Because I—"

"You two fight like an old married couple" The other Ink interrupted



"What is wrong with you?"

"I would rather voLUNTArily kiLL PEOPLE"

"It's just an observation!"

Sighing, Misery pinched his eyes together. He was already tired of this bickering and none of their questions were getting answered. Looking towards the two he made his decision. "Right, we're getting nowhere. What are you doing here and WHY?" At Misery's interruption most looked at him and then back at the two.

"Well Error destroyed the Multiverse"

"I BEllive our muLTiverse wAs destrOYEd"

"Yeah, by you"

"Enough of you two bickering. So your Multiverse was destroyed and then what?" Misery interrupted.

"fELL inTO THe vOid...aND now we'RE hERE APPArentLy"

"So you've lost your Multiverse?" Orbit guessed "Both of yours"

"We haD THE same mULTIVeRse...UnforTUnateLy"


"Well you could stay with us" Daze offered, "It's rather peaceful here and we don't get many... 'new' visitors"

"Or any at all" Misery added.

"Well I don't think keeping Error around would help. He'd destroy all the Aus here" Luca advised

"Why would he destroy the AUs, there's barely anything to destroy?" Blue inquired

"ThERE were a PLEthOrA oF AUS that caUsed the Destruction of The MuLTIverse last I cheCKed"

"Well there's only 12 AUs and the Timekids' minverse here, so"

"...THere'S onLy 12?"


There was a stunned silence for the 2 gods at the small amount of AUs. This Multiverse's residents look shocked as they realize that Error meant 'multiple Aus' . As in more than 12.

"Wouldn't..." Luca began, "Wouldn't you—? Why haven't you created anything?" looking towards his alternate.



"...I can't create those??"

"Why not?!"

"Error you mentioned there being a 'plethora of AUs' and the fact your Multiverse is destroyed...possible that that may have had something to do with the destruction?" Misery theorized, looking towards Error. Ignoring and partially interrupting Luca's 'scolding'. If it could even be called that. Error just stared at Misery before glancing at Luca then spoke.

"yeaH...tHERE wAs a BALance"


"YOU BETTER HOLD YOUR TONGUE IF YOU STILL WANT IT BY THE END OF THE HOUR" Galaxy threatened. The room was set in silence. The long and awkward silence lasted a while before he smiled, "CONTINUE ERROR"

"...tHERE was A baLAnce beTwEEN cREAtION and dESTRUCTion. aS WeLL as nEGAtivity and poSItiviTY and Life AND DeaTH."

"There's a balance of Positivity and Negativity between my brother and I, and one with Life and Death but I haven't heard of a balance between Creation and Destruction" Daze admitted. "I'm assuming that Balance was held by you and...Luca" Nodding, Daze's question was answered.

"Yes and the Multiple AUs caused the destruction of your Multiverse, Correct?"

Another Nod.

"...Luca you mentioned 'creating AUs. You don't happen to have any connection to this Creator role"

"...I am, well, WAS the Creator..."

"...So, from what we've already heard, you 'created' multiple AUs and ended up destroying the Multiverse," Blue summed up. "Why?"

"Well I didn't destroy our multiverse HE did"

"Well HE makes it out to seem like your fault" Orbit points out.

"How do you know if he's not lying!"

"Emotion twins here" Misery acknowledged, "He's not lying, Daze?"

"No he wasn't lying" Daze confirmed looking at Luca. "But, question; I can't feel anything from you...Why?"


"hE"S SOULLess"


"How could someone be SOULess?" Orbit questioned, "A SOUL is the essence of—"

"WELL hE'S A mOMMA's boy so"

"I don't have a Mom!"

"You DO...aND ShE's the REaSOn wE'RE heRe"

"You ALWAYS blame this Fate person! Claiming she's my 'mom'! Why can't you just accept that you destroy for fun?!"


"SILENCE! Again. He's always silent which means I'm right"

"That does not mean you're right" Misery corrected, "Y'know why don't we CHECK you both. The CHECK never lies right?"



"Alright then" Blue moved to check both Gods.


ErrOR — ATK 999 DEF 200
*Has been through hell
*Was the Forced Destroyer in his Multiverse


"...So you really are SOULless" Ink murmured looking at his alternate, questionably and judgingly. "

"How'd you get that from—"

"Was he telling the truth...SO YOU'VE SINGLE HANDEDLY CREATED AND DESTROYED THE LIVES OF MILLIONS?!?!" Ink grabbed the former Creator and shook him violently as he continued to shout questions and scoldings to the latter. He seemed distressed and livid as he continued to shake Luca. The others watched and took to just soaking in the new information. Looking towards Error, Galaxy asked about his many scars and if they related to his former job. He nodded and began to be lightly interrogated over the screaming Ink alternate.

[ — || — ]

"I should've picked a different name," Luca complained while he had been sat down on the carpeted floor.

"Stop complaining." Ink deadplaned. They were currently waiting for the others to come back with Life after being informed more about the two Gods' Multiverse and Error's forced life. After Luca was bashed into the wall a few—multiple—times. Most of the residents took to trying to heal Error. Of course he refused both the quick meals they made and a trip to Lady Life's to at least get a proper checkup. Again, he refused. They decided to wait until morning to inform Life and try and get either her or him to visit the other. They thought that convincing Life would be easier after trying and failing to convince Error the day before. "Besides you picked that name"

"HOW COULD I HAVE KNOWN ABOUT BALANCES. Also 'Misery' pressured me to pick the name in a small amount of time I can complain all I want"

"You were friends with AND had alliances with other Balance holders. Also you were the Creator I'm sure you could've come up with some other 'creative' nickname"

"Why are you all so against me? Just because of a small mistake—"

"A SMALL MISTAKE?! YOU KILLED MILLIONS!" Raz shouted. He along with the other AUs were informed of their new visitors and came to see them. After explaining their findings most agreed with the majority about Error's and Luca's situation, keeping Luca in strings and attempting to heal Error in this new Multiverse. "SO STOP BITCHING ABOUT IT"

"Language around the kids Razz" Outer warned. The kids themselves were aware of what was going on and while they couldn't do much they gave some small things like toys and bandages to Error while blowing raspberries at Luca. And some took more drastic measures when it came to Ink. Such as poisoning him.

Yeah how they got poison is a mystery. More concerning than downright trying to hurt him physically like the Quantum!Scare brothers and Fallen did. They probably got it from the few adults— Killer, Misery, the UnderFell, SwapFell and HorrorTale brothers— that would have no problem "accidentally" killing

"It was a mistake! It's not like Error went around telling me or ANYONE about it"

"He claims he tried" Honey pointed out "multiple times"

"If Killer told you he was forced to kill, would you believe him?" Luca asked. A knife was thrown near his head just barely missing it.

"Don't even bother bringing me into this" Killer threatened. After hearing the news he was pissed just as much as the others. Error's CHECK box wasn't much to go off of but from what he was willing to share and what the others have told it was enough.

A portal opened up and Error walked through followed byDeath floating through and Echo, Maple, Geno, and The Goddess of Life, Life herself, following after.

"Oh, we didn't know Life was coming over" Ink exclaimed looking at the new arrivals. Death was holding onto Error's blue scarf looking rather happy.

"Well I wished to see this 'Creator'" Life explained, "Considering there was a Balance talked about I'm curious" Looking at Luca who was still on the floor "I'm assuming this is Luca?"


"I'm sorry. Is that enough?"


"From what I've been told you weren't aware of the Balance"

"No I wasn't"

"Despite being told"

"It's like being told the sky is orange"

"Right well while it is frustrating to think about, I think the have been much miscommunication" Life concluded "Perhaps we could work on that"

"Talking never worked with him" Echo pointed out pissed, "we're all aware of how that ended up"

"Well they're both stuck living with one another here and I'm sure none of you would want to take him in" Life motioned to Luca, "So all I can say to make their lives more peaceful, as I'm sure they both deserve it, would be for them both to settle this war"

"What war—? OW!"

"Let her explain" Murder emphizised, having hit Luca on his skull.

"Basically I'd recon them properly speak to each other about everything"

" thANKs, I've dONe enoUgH tAlking" Walking out the door, with Death following, and leaving the house"

Walking towards the forest Error looked around and continued on his path.

"So what exactly are you looking for?" Death asked, looking around the forest and attempting to avoid the trees so as to not kill them. Error was a strange skeleton to him, he's touched Death and was probably way over his due date but was still here. He was also rather calm and centered for someone with his past. Maybe he's tired, maybe its shock or a coping mechanism, either way Death wouldn't mind hanging around him. Well, moreso floating around him like a moon. He will admit this Forced God has greatly caught his attention.

After leaving the Muti-Void, Error opened a portal, with some trouble, and walked through it entering into Snowdin's forest and began wondering. Looking around Error stopped and looked behind him. Luca was standing there not looking too happy.

"wHAT, do You acTauLLy want tO Talk it oUT?"

"Well maybe it'll be good for you—"

"No just making sure you're not destroying anything"

"...I Don't want TO fiGHt anYmore"

"Where was that when we still had our Multiverse?"


"Luca, do you need something?" Death spoke up being slightly on guard but trying to deescalate the situation. He felt that things may be getting physical soon

"Just watching..."


Looking around Luca noticed they were in a snowy forest. Error just continued to stare at Luca before opening a portal to another AU and stepping through.


"Luca, maybe it's best if you just leave him alone" Death interrupted stepping in front of Error's glitching portal, "We're trying to give him a good life. The life he deserves. You being in that life constantly may prevent his recovery"

"He's killed people! Whatever life he deserves, how do you know he won't go on a killing spree?!"

"If someone was forced to do something, why would they continue doing that if they hate it?"

"Ever heard of retail?"

"...I can see why you're hard to talk to you" Going into the portal, Death found himself back in the Muti-Void and saw Error leaning against a stump and looking at his lap. Floating a bit higher to avoid killing the grass below, Death made his way towards Error and just decided to calmly float around in silence. Error silently being grateful for this silence.

His thoughts were...Not as confusing as he'd like them to be. Things WERE confusing but were stupidly simple. He's confused as to why they're trying to help him but just lets them do as they please. He doesn't want to start any arguments or aggressions towards one another or himself so just letting them attempt to salvage whatever's left is the best option in his opinion. Ink—or Luca as he's decided to be nicknamed—wasn't helping with his constant spouting of 'Good'. Sure he's only doing what he thinks is right but even after being told the truth heh still claims he destroys voluntarily. 'Maybe lacking a SOUL also means lacking a brain...Makes sense with his shit memory'

"...How many times would I have to say sorry in order for you to feel at least somewhat better?" Luca asked after a few minutes of restful silence. He had gone through the different AUs, of which were very few, until arriving in the Multi-Void and being confronted by Orbit.

"Where'd you go?!" He was worried, Luca had liquified into a black substance and escaped the chains disappearing into the ground. Nearly every occupant went looking for him while Orbit stayed watching over the kids who were playing in the playground in the backyard.

"I Just followed Error, I lost him though. He might be here" Luca responded, looking nonchalant like he didn't just disappear minutes ago.

"Error doesn't need you breathing over his shoulder. Especially now in this Multiverse. Can't you just take a break?"

"I don't like doing nothing, That's why I created, so I have SOMETHING to do!"

"Well—...Well maybe you could do something not detrimental to our Multiverse and that just doesn't bother Error"

"Like what?"

"Ink's—this Ink—universe is really big on art supplies and creativity. Creating anything is highly encouraged there."

"...So I could create anything?"

"Besides entire AUs, yeah? But you should ask Ink and Paint about it since it's their AU"


"BUT before you go you should at least make amends with Error"

"...Fine, but no promises"

"...iF you want me tO forGIve you, I doubt I wiLL. juST leavING me aLone is Enough"

"...I'm trying to make amends and your being stubborn"

"Im noT stubboRn—"

"I'm just trying to do something nice since apparently I'm bad and you're just not helping"


"...I don't know how other people even dealt with you. Nonetheless Nightmare and his lackeys"

Error spared Luca a side glance.

"...I'm just trying to be someone nice. I already have something going for me, and I'm not the one that was 'wronged' so you can move on—"

A blaster was summoned in front of Luca just seconds from blasting.



The blaster fired directly at Luca who took to tackling Error and summoning a barrage of inky bones. Teleporting out from under Luca, Error returned red colored bones at Luca who had turned into ink and moved swiftly towards the other in a zig-zagging motion. Circling around Error, he made his way to Error's height only to be blasted away by Gaster Blasters.

"LUCA, stop" Death commanded, he had his scythe out from its sash and stood to the side of Error.


"You instigated him!"

Strings surrounded Luca and he was thrown around hitting his skull on trees. Death had to rise higher as to avoid the spinning skeleton and actually looked concerned. "Hey Error, maybe that's—"

"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Orbit yelled, the kids could be seen peeking through the Multi-Void's windows at the commotion. They heard the blaster and told on the now fighting adults.

Getting once again hit against a tree, Luca liquified against said tree and the spinning ended. Slowly solidifying, his sockets showed a spiral and an exclamation point before he was bombarded with red bones and blasters destroying the forest around him.

"Error, hey we could talk this out, just calm down." Death reasonded, going to block Error from the destruction. The latter stared at the former before looking away and teleporting towards Luca, who had recovered from the blow. Taking Luca by his neck he opened a portal and went through.

"Death, what happened?!"

"Luca just started instigating and then Error started attacking him!"


"Go get the others, we don't know what they'll do to each other"

"(Hopefully not kill each other)"

Stars could be seen littering the sky along with small planets and comets seen flying by. A small peaceful town covered in a white dust laid unbothered by troubles. The residents were kind and knowing towards one another and to newcomers. Situated on a floating island in the middle of Space the town didn't take up most of it as the nature that grew on the island way before the Monsters were banished there, surrounded the remaining parts of the land. A skeleton was pinned against a purple barked tree with green and blue leaves.

"WHAT NOW?! Was it something I said? I'm sorry, okay?!" Luca asked, kicking Error's ribs he liquefied and went under Error's legs, producing to hit him with his brush after he solidified behind him. The other shot a blast followed by bones which were dodged. Bones summoned from the ground beneath Luca and he returned with paint from his brush. Dodging, Error summoned his strings and sent them towards Luca who got his leg caught in the strings and was thrown back into the tree.

"Geez not much a talker anymore" Liquefying he made his way towards Error popping back up to attack only for his neck to be grabbed. Luca was lifted up and hung over the edge of the island leading to the black void of space. Both knew this wasn't just the void of space. This was the void period. There was nothing but darkness if anyone were to fall, constantly have every fiber and piece of code ripped apart until nothing remains of your existence. Everyone would forget you and you'd be lucky enough if there were fragments left behind.

That's what the void was.

Apparently it was something like a portal to other Multiverses. But that doesn't mean the first theory is entirely wrong. Different Multiverses may have different concepts. So while some voids may connect, there could be some that aren't connected and do truly lead to your existence being removed.



"So what? You have anger issues now?"


Looking down at the void below Luca couldn't really be scared but felt like he should be "You honestly want this?"


"...You're definitely jealous"

"I diDn'T wANt to fiGHT"

"Yet look at you now"

"MaYBE iT's bECause you nEVEr lisTEn and THIS is thE onLy waY you DO"

"I've been listening, and I've been told I'm wrong. So what? I'm trying to 'be better' as everyone wants me to. So what's your problem?"

"yOU nevEr sHUT up"

"And you will never stop destroying"

Staring at each other, Error laxed and stepped away from the edge, still holding the others' neck. Looking at the void he had a possible thought.

He violently threw Luca down into the void.


Turning, the Monster in question saw Orbit, Galaxy and Death looking horrified or shocked. He was off put as well.


Before they could even process more of what the witnessed, Error followed Luca by jumping into the void himself.

[ 6125 words

More dialonge than I would've liked but whatcha gonna do about it?

Also it took me 3 weeks to write this

Even if I was busy, I gotta write shit like this in less than a Week


Just give me a few... days to get used to mah schedule and how shit's gonna work... ]

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