Rebirth of a Loser = TURN THE...

By funstoriestelling

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This is a rebirth story about a young man named Lan Boyi. He has lost everything and died tragically. He was... More

Chapter 1 - Rebirth
Chapter 2 (His Foolish Self)
Chapter 3 (I am not alone anymore)
Chapter 4 (We are one family)
Chapter 5 (Grandparents Gift to Boyi)
Chapter 6 (Boyi, the Prince Charming)
Chapter 7 (Not April Fool Day)
Chapter 8 (The Young Patriarch)
Chapter 9 (Wei Zhan accepts marriage arrangement)
Chapter 10 (To each its own planning)
Chapter 11 (What's wrong with MacDonald)
Chapter 12 (McDonald Happy Meals)
Chapter 13 (Boyi feeds Wei Zhan)
Chapter 14 (Marriage Contract Signed)
Chapter 15 (Birthday Party at the Ho's)
Chapter 16 (Wei Zhan to the rescue)
Chapter 17 (You can also call me Zhan-ge)
Chapter 18 (My best birthday party)
Chapter 19 (This should be the right decision)
Chapter 20 (Naked Ghost)
Chapter 21 (Comfy Pajamas, SpongeBob SquarePants Underwear)
Chapter 22 (Fresh Start)
Chapter 23 (Boyi shares his recording with Wei Zhan)
Chapter 24 (Shopping fiasco)
Chapter 25 (Ice-Cream)
Chapter 26 (Are we fated?)
Chapter 27 (You are important too)
Chapter 28 (I will always be your supporter)
Chapter 29 (Mandarin Ducks playing in water)
Chapter 30 (Wei Zhan will help Boyi with L&M)
Chapter 31 (L&M - AGM)
Chapter 32 (I am here)
Chapter 33 (Boyi and Zhan are motivators)
Chapter 34 (I am here to help you to the end)
Chapter 35 (Wei Zhan's gift)
Chapter 36 (Wei Zhan is a show-off)
Chapter 37 (Boyi a thief?????)
Chapter 38 (Am I being teased?)
Chapter 39 (T-r-u-s-t)
Chapter 40 (Exclusive Interview)
Chapter 41 (The Assignment)
Chapter 42 (The Accusers)
Chapter 43 (Care for Boyi)
Chapter 44 (The mosquitoes sisters are stingy)
Chapter 45 (Chairman Wei)
Chapter 46 (Heart to Heart talk)
Chapter 48 (The Sweet Concoction)
Chapter 49 (The Cheeky Matchmaker)
Chapter 50 (Twin?)
Chapter 51 (Troublemaker)
Chapter 52 (The many more good times together)
Chapter 53 (Dating in Style)
Chapter 54 (Not allowing others to eat Boyi's Tofu)
Chapter 55 (Zhan-ge, you are like my mentor)
Chapter 56 (Meeting Grandpa Wei)
Chapter 57 (Napping Together)
Chapter 58 (Grandpa's surprise)
Chapter 59 (Protective Wei Zhan)
Chapter 60 (Ice-cream and sleeplessness)
Chapter 61 (What a TOUGH NIGHT!!!!!)
Chapter 62 (You can only share things with me only)
Chapter 63 (Boyi's Vision)
Chapter 64 (Visiting the deceased parents)
Chapter 65 (Best groceries shopping ever.....)
Chapter 66 (Yes, I will love you forever)
Chapter 67 (Zhan-ge, you are a great comforter)
Chapter 68 (Is this Love?)
Chapter 69 (He is the Dreammaker)
Chapter 70 (It is all because of Little Boyi)
Chapter 71 (You are a brave boy)
Chapter 72 (Boyi deserves it)
Chapter 73 (Scene of a Happy Family)
Chapter 74 (This is the like I am talking about)
Chapter 75 (What is important is not the past but future)
Chapter 76 (Wei Zhan's possessiveness)
Chapter 77 (Wei Zhan feed Boyi)
Chapter 78 (Cast the net wide and catch them in one scoop)
Chapter 79 (Let's work hard together)
Chapter 80 (Grandpa's deal)
Chapter 81 (We will defeat them as a team)
Chapter 82 (The Battle)
Chapter 83 (Let's catch those bastards)
Chapter 84 (You both are such a destined couple)
Chapter 85 (Let the game begins)
Chapter 86 (A plan with no escape)
Chapter 87 (Marriage Certificate)
Chapter 88 (Everyone here is a family to me)
Chapter 89 (A drunk Boyi is so damn cute)
Chapter 90 (Wei Zhan is a baby when he is sick)
Chapter 91 (A shy Boyi is cute to death)
Chapter 92 (Family must be united and stand together)
Chapter 93 (Xiao Yi has been kidnapped)
Chapter 94 (Friends with the same enemy)
Chapter 95 (Xiao Yi is my bottom line)
Chapter 96 (Confession)
Chapter 97 (Wei Zhan is a vinegar jar)
Chapter 98 (The Hidden Truth)
Chapter 99 (Wei Zhan is a matchmaker)
Chapter 100 (Wei Hong and Tang Xiao Yan
Chapter 101 (Boyi is pregnant)
Chapter 102 (What happened?)
Chapter 103 (The shocking news)
Chapter 104 (Let's get the boy back)
Chapter 105 (Anything about Boyi, I love it)
Chapter 106 (Boyi's uniqueness)
Chapter 107 (My baby is amazing, carrying twins)
Chapter 108 (Desired Connections)
Chapter 109 (Taking care of Boyi)
Chapter 110 (unpredicted emotions of Boyi)
Chapter 111 (Boyi giving Birth)
Chapter 112 (Wei-Lan Wang and Wei-Lan Xian)
Chapter 113 (Taking good care of Boyi)
Chapter 115 (Never underestimate the babies)
Chapter 116 (In America)
Chapter 117 (Reunion)
Chapter 118 (The Yan family)
Chapter 119 (Double rewards)
Chapter 120 (Boyi chooses family)
Chapter 121 (The Wedding - END)

Chapter 114 (BY for Boyi)

1K 87 20
By funstoriestelling

Some of you are so clever that they already guessed my plot.

The story still continues because of all of your encouragement

Thank you so much

Chapter 114 (BY for Boyi)

Li Ning has also lined up some modelling work for Boyi which makes Boyi very happy, Boyi also wanted to work as a special assistant to Wei Zhan as the possessive young heir wanted to have more time with his wife.

Everything has been going smoothly until one day, Aunty Zhang came to their Villa home and gave Boyi a folder and told him

"I found these in your mother's room while I was doing some cleaning". Aunty Zhong told Boyi and gave him a large folder.

Wei Zhan and Boyi are having their Saturday off and want to do nothing at home and just relax with the two chubby babies. In fact, when Aunty Zhang came to visit them, both of them are each carrying one in their arms and playing in the lounge with them.

Wei Zhan is holding onto Xian-er, who is the one that is more like him, his nose is straight and tall, and even at 6 months old, it is very visible that he is going to be handsome like his father, Wei Zhan. Xian-er is now blowing bubbles as he is teething like Wang-er and both of them often put their hands into their mouth, doing their biting and even scratching. Most often, they will be given teething toys to bite, but somehow this Xiao-er likes to bite his own fist which makes Wei Zhan a bit frustrated as when there are red marks on the fish, he will not get a good look from Boyi. Boyi will glare at him for not taking good care of the child.

"Little fatty Xian, can you stop biting that, although your fist looks like a drumstick it is not" Wei Zhan has been battling with the baby Xian-er and pulling off his fist many times. And somehow, the baby Xian-er gets frustrated, the baby will try to communicate with their babbling language with their hands and feet such as

"Buuu.....boooo....woooo.....buuuuu.....moooo" the man who learnt so many languages could not make out of it

"Wow!!!!!, are you inventing a new language" the linguist Wei Zhan would tease his son, and when Xian-er gets frustrated, he will use his weapons

"Ahhhh....wwwuuuuuu....." that is where Wei Zhan will lose his battle because then Boyi will come around and ask Wei Zhan why he makes the baby cry.....

On the other hand, Boyi is having Wang-er, who is adorably cute and has more features that look like Boyi, very fair skin and cute and beautiful phoenix eyes that will make boys and girls die on the spot. Wang-er, on the other hand, has a particularly funny behaviour, whenever he heard Xian-er cry, he will join in as the chorus and then the whole house will be on fire with both babies crying and causing panic to everyone as these two are the great heirs of the Wei Family.

Thus, before Aunty Zhang came, the family of four are just having a leisure Saturday morning, enjoying the presence of their two rascal twins, trying to form a close connection with them but playing and talking to them and to some little extent, a little of discipline such soft words and coaxing. Sometimes, both Wei Zhan and Boyi even allow them to roll on their bellies on the soft carpet and during those playing times and they could hear the two precious babies chatting laughter and giggling. This is their enjoyment during their weekend.

However, everything paused for a moment when Aunty Zhang came and gave Boyi a large document. It was in front of Wei Zhan and the two cutie babies rolling on the soft carpet on the lounge. Boyi looks at the large folder with no recognition at all. Wei Zhan also worried about his precious Boyi and so he came and stand beside Boyi when the brown large folder was passed to him in the name of Boyi's deceased parents.

Boyi stares at it with big misty eyes

"What is this?" Boyi points to it and asks Aunty Zhang

Aunty Zhan shakes his head and told Boyi

"I don't know, but your name is written on the envelope and so I did not open the big envelope" Aunty Zhang is always a respectable person and she would not open anything that does not belong to her.

Boyi turns to look at Wei Zhan with hesitation in his eyes, worrying a little and frowning a lot

Wei Zhan stokes Boyi's hair and told him

"Your parents leave this for you and it will never be anything bad" Wei Zhan told Boyi, which parent in the world would leave anything bad for their children especially Boyi's mother loves Boyi.

Boyi nods his head and took the envelope with shaky hands and at this time, the two babies seem to be able to feel their little dad's worry and they are rolling and crawling onto Boyi fair and white feet and then their chubby hands are touching and patting Boyi's feet. Boyi looks at them and feels a sense of ease in his heart.

These two babies are his heart and soul, and he will never leave anything bad for them, he also imagines himself like these two babies at their age, and his mother and dad standing in his and Wei Zhan's position, looking at a baby who is himself.

Tears roll down Boyi's face, thinking and remembering his mother and his father and the envelope begins to tremble through Boyi's hand.

Wei Zhan came and hugged Boyi, while the two crawling babies are somehow in the position of hugging his feet, making Boyi feel like he is not alone in this world, he has family and Wei Zhan and the babies are the proof of it.

Somehow, a sense of strength surges into Boyi's bone and blood, he looks at Wei Zhan who is now wiping his tears away, Boyi shows his smiling teeth to Wei Zhan and then he nods his head, while Wei Zhan and Aunty Zhang each carry a baby and sit beside Boyi on his left and right.

These two babies seem to be more anxious than Boyi, their little chubby hands and feet are all outstretch to try and grab the envelope.

Boyi then uses his hand to tear open the big envelope and he looks at Wei Zhan and saw Wei Zhan nods his head Boyi pours those papers all onto the coffee table.

All the three adults' eyes were looking at all the papers that are on the coffee table and in order to do so, they arch their bodies a little to have a better look, this also gives advantages to the two six months old babies who are teething and drooping their salvia on the paper, causing the adults such a big shock

"Wang-er, Xian-er, stops drooling!" Boyi told the two babies who look at their little dad with round big eyes and felt like they were being bullies, both of them started to cry

"Buuu....wwwooooo......." Boyi also felt a little guilty, as after all the babies are just six months old but those papers on the coffee table are so precious that he was afraid that it was destroyed.

Wei Zhan is indeed right that no parent will leave anything bad for their children

Boyi and Wei Zhan including Aunty Zhang were all looking very intensely at the papers

They are all beautifully designed pieces of jewellery that Boyi's mother had designed and kept in the brown envelope for a long time.

What shocked them was not only that the designs were very exquisite and beautiful but they were all designed for Boyi who is a male.

The design was very special and they were brooches, necklaces, cufflinks, tie-pins and even earrings for males and it all has Boyi's name on it

Boyi's mother gave Boyi a full collection of designed pieces of jewellery with the initial "BY" and of course, everyone knows that it means Boyi, (BY for Boyi).

The design also has special dedication such as "for my lovely boy" and then the signature of Boyi's mother's name.

Boyi was so shaken that he fell from the sofa to the floor, very shaken and emotional

"Z-Zhan-ge, mum design f-for m-me" all the words that Boyi speaks were very muffled but Wei Zhan and Aunty Zhang can hear them.

Wei Zhan stokes his baby's head and told him very gently

"Yes, your mother loves you so much"

"This is specially designed for you," Wei Zhan told Boyi

However, those designs were so beautiful that even Wei Zhan who is a noble man with high taste knows that this is just too beautiful.

Boyi is still holding the design and shaking like a leaf being blown by the wind, Wei Zhan frowns and looks at the design and suddenly he has an idea

"Xiao Yi, there is a world-renowned International Design Competition in two months' time" and then Wei Zhan inhaled some air to relieve the excitement in his lung.

"How about we honour your mother by joining in the competition?" Wei Zhan told Boyi.

Boyi then nods his head and he was still in tears but he stops and looks at Wei Zhan, he really appreciates marrying this man who really understands and cares for him.

Boyi leans into Wei Zhan's chest as the babies now have been taken by the nannies into their playroom in the Villa and Aunty Zhang also leaves the couple alone but they are not in the bedroom but in the lounge, however, those servants are very well trained and as long as they know that both of their masters are alone, they will all disappears and not step into their space.

Boyi feelings are complicated, sad because he is missing his mother, happy because he can feel the strong emotional love from his mother that those designs were for him and him alone. However, he is even happier because Wei Zhan is by his side to support him and also he can now show the talent of his mother to the world.

"Thank you Zhan-ge" Boyi suddenly initiate kissing as Wei Zhan always takes the lead but now Boyi leans in and kiss Wei Zhan's cheek, making the young heir almost lose control.

Wei Zhan controls himself and told Boyi

"The Competition is in America, so I will go with you and you model the design because the designs are all about you," Wei Zhan told Boyi as no one is better than Boyi to model those designs, it seems like his mother has the foresight and already foreseen the future look of Boyi because every design of the pieces of jewellery is not too heavy or too big and it is just the right fit for Boyi.

"Mn.....I will model it to honour mom...." Boyi told Wei Zhan with a smile than is sweeter than honey. By this time, the young heir is already dizzy when he saw that smile.

The sneaky man never let anything go so easily and he shamelessly asks

"What is my reward for thinking of such a good idea?" Wei Zhan raises one brow and looks at Boyi seductively.

Boyi is still in his deep thought about the competition and did not anticipate his beast husband and so he frowns and did not answer.

However, Wei Zhan did not wait for him even for a moment and he scoop Boyi up and told him in his ears softly

"Time for my reward!" Wei Zhan told Boyi with a smirk

Boyi widens his eyes and told him

"It is broad daylight now" Boyi couldn't believe Wei Zhan and he stares at him hard

"Who cares whether it is day or night? I love you day and night" Wei Zhan's reasoning is just beyond comprehension but already they had reached their master bedroom.

Boyi can never win over Wei Zhan for reasoning, so the young heir took the lead and the room temperature has gone up also the sneaky man has made it soundproof, also no one dares to go near the master bedroom. Thus, they were locked inside for a few hours and only comes out for lunch. One face was feeling very refreshed and the other one is a bit complicated. (The reader can guess who is refreshed and who is complicated...Thanks).

Wei Zhan is a man of action and fasts with his words, you can see how he handles Boyi but now he is also the same when it comes to working.

The designs from Boyi' mother were immediately passed over to Wei Tian who is working at L&M.

"Get these pieces of jewellery ready in a month's time"

"Stop all other products and focus on this as a top priority," Wei Zhan told Wei Tian in the L&M office with Boyi standing beside him.

Wei Tian looks at the design with her big eyes

"Wow! So beautiful and unique, who is the designer?" Wei Tian couldn't take her eyes off the design as she herself is a designer.

Wei Zhan raised his voice a little arrogant and told Wei Tian

"These are Xiao Yi's mother's designs"

"We are going to enter these into the International Competition in America"

"Boyi is going to model it"

"It has a special design for Xiao Yi" Wei Tian is very excited now and he told both of them

"I will get to it immediately"

"If we win, I am sure we will, this is going to take L&M to the International level, not just the national level" Wei Tian smiled and was full of excitement and confidence.

Wei Tian then winks at Wei Zhan to frighten her naughty cousin

"Also, if Boyi model it, he is going to be Internationally popular, by then, ehem, they will be many suitors chasing after him" Wei Tian shouted as she runs away and even turns her head and give Wei Zhan a tongue out to tease him.

Wei Zhan raised his hand pretending that he wanted to smack his cousin but the door already slams, however, this doesn't mean that the young heir is not nervous hearing those comments.

"Errr......d-do you really want to model...." Wei Zhan a little hesitated when he asks Boyi

Boyi knew what is happening to his dear husband and told him full of love

"There is no one but you in my heart"

"This heart can only be given to you and the two babies at home, okay" Boyi looks at Wei Zhan full of love,

Wei Zhan is so touched that he leans in and kisses Boyi

"I will always love you more than you love me," Wei Zhan told Boyi

Boyi pouts and then he looks at Wei Zhan

"That is not true, I love you more" Boyi didn't want to lose and giggled to his beloved. However, the mighty heir suddenly becomes childish when facing his loving spouse

"I more" Wei Zhan is adamant to win, so is Boyi

"I more" Boyi repeated and told Wei Zhan

They repeated like twenty times and then Li Ning notify them that they have to go to Wei Corporation for a meeting, however, when both of them walks to the car, they looks at each other lovingly and repeated the same words

"I more"

"I more"

"I more"

"I more" until Lam and Li Ning look at each other like a dumb fools but do not understand what is the couple doing to themselves.

Suddenly, Lam couldn't stand it and asked the little boss

"What more?" Lam asks very softly but Wei Zhan can hear it and he looks at Boyi and see how his cute spouse answers it.

Boyi is all red and then suddenly he giggles and told Lam

"You will only know if you get married" when Wei Zhan heard it, he slams his thigh and laugh heartily and even gives Boyi a thumb up.

Li Ning looks at the dumb Lam, who could only suffer the dog food and suffocate himself and Li Ning mouthed him silently

"You idiot, why you ask?" the poor Lam can only lower his head and suffers his own stupidity.

Li Ning is now giggling silently at Lam and he even told him softly

"Single dog, don't ask too much" another sharp arrow hit Lam who just lower his head and then shakes his head.

The couple who started this instead now keep quiet and now they even look at each mother more lovingly, their souls seem to link eternally.


Thank you for reading

Appreciate all your comments

Let's see what happens in America.....

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