Yakuza x Reader (Mainly Majim...

By ReaderInsRequestKing

61.7K 1.2K 381

My friend got me into this game and I love it... I was very surprised at the lack of stories so, as usual, I... More

Akira Nishikiyama : Big Heart
Kiryu Kazama : Mistake
Kiryu Kazama : Catfight
Goro Majima: Sleepy Intruder
Goro Majima : Nails
Goro Majima : Zombies (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Dirty Office Blowjob (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Criminal Affair
Goro Majima : Criminal Affair - Part 2 - Hopelessly Devoted To You
Goro Majima : Kids
Goro Majima : Minnie The Moocher
Goro Majima : Fake Love
Goro Majima : Country Walk
Goro Majima : Cabaret
Goro Majima : Scars
Goro Majima : Zoom!
Goro Majima : Noise Complaints
Goro Majima : Random Family Fluff
Goro Majima : Cupid
Goro Majima : NSFW Alphabet
Goro Majima : Comfort
Goro Majima : Jacket
Goro Majima : Patriarch (NSFW)
Goro Majima : MAKOTO : Part 1 (Valentines Special)
Goro Majima (Some Sagawa too) : Sequel To Minnie The Moocher : Beat 54 (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Dock Of The Bay
Goro Majima : Bedtime Story
Goro Majima : Homework
Goro Majima : Purgatory
Goro Majima : Feeding The Ducks
Goro Majima : Random Word Generator
Goro Majima : Nightmare
Goro Majima : Sickness HC's
Goro Majima : Father HC's
Goro Majima : Shirt Short
Goro Majima : Sleepy Comfort
Goro Majima : New Years Party
Goro Majima : Retaliation
Goro Majima : Frisk NSFW
Goro Majima : Dead Souls
Goro Majima : When He Realises He's Fallen For You HCs
Goro Majima : Comfort 2
Goro Majima : Funeral
Goro Majima : Movie
Goro Majima : Shopping Short
Goro Majima : Pants (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Protection
Goro Majima : My Hero
Goro Majima : Birthday (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Old
Thank You
Goro Majima : Funeral Of Fists
Goro Majima : Break Your Face (NSFW)
Goro Majima : Bad Day
I Make Tiktoks
Goro Majima : Proposal
Goro Majima + ex/Jotaro Kujo : Stepfather
Goro Majima : Goodbyes
Goro Majima : Suit
Goro Majima : Kisses
Goro Majima + Ex!Jotaro Kujo : Daddy
Goro Majima : Troublemaker
Goro Majima : Don't Dream It's Over
Goro Majima : Kiss
Goro Majima : Acting Patriarch
Goro Majima : Baby
Goro Majima : Photograph
Goro Majima : My Little Girl!
Goro Majima : History Repeats Itself
Goro Majima : "What the hell is gravy?"
Goro Majima - Fighting
Goro Majima: Kisses
Goro Majima: Kiwami 2
Goro Majima : Renovating
Discord Server
Goro Majima : Culture Shock
Goro Majima: Stress
Goro Majima/Jotaro Kujo : Daddy
Goro Majima : Talking Toddler Telephone
Goro Majima: Understand
Sup bitches
Goro Majima : Slow and Sensual
c.ai bots

Goro Majima - Foreign (NSFW towards the end)

266 10 4
By ReaderInsRequestKing

So I'm on that Duolingo bop
And I can't imagine Majima knowing much English if any really so it's more of a Holy Kujo situation 😂 In this story you can speak Japanese quite well but you can't write it very well at all.

"Look, yer hand writin's really cute but I... I just can't read this, Honey."
Majima had been sent out in the middle of December whilst it wasn't snowing for some small things to save you trying to juggle tomorrow. He was thoughtful that way.
"What do you mean? Did I give you the right list?"
"Yeah but... Just... Speak to me and I'll write it down."
Taking notes in the shop, he could kind of gauge what you meant now you were speaking Japanese.
"Oh. OH, holy shit ya meant sushi!!"
"Why, what did I put?"
"Shisu. I ain't gettin' ya no dog. No way, ya got one. Me."
"So you didn't think to just reverse the characters because I wrote them down the wrong way around?" He was silent, glancing around the store. Sighing, you realised it was a waste of breath.
"You're a fucking idiot, of course you didn't."
"Well, how was I meant to know?! You're the person who wrote it wrong!"
"Because I'm still learning how to write Japanese! Does that not say something to you?! I can tell you a million different reasons in Japanese over the phone why you should learn some fucking ENGLISH - If you would prefer that."
"Baby, ya might as well have written it in space zombie language," he quipped. Of course it wasn't received very well, making him wish he could end the call.
"It... Doesn't matter. Just talk to me. Tell me about it, Babe. I'm listenin'."
You began reeling off a list faster than he could scribble, frustrating him.
"Rice, sushi, milk, cabbage-"
"Oi, oi, oiii! Slow down bird! I can't write that fast."
"Well if you'd actually listened to me instead of having your head so engrossed in the TV, maybe you could have helped me write the list before I left!!"
Growling, he had to undo his red scarf a little since he was getting heated. He hated it when you began being difficult with him. He was only a man after all! Give him a break.
"Woman! I didn't wanna come out here in subzero temperatures to get yer stupid bottle of milk and puppy sushi. When I get my hands on ya, I'll-"
The supermarket was silent. Pairs of eyes were staring at him from all over the aisle, completely shocked he was obviously speaking to a woman that way.
"You'll do what?"
You waited, in no mood to be defied by the Mad Dog today. Even if he was about to give you a less than wholesome answer, you were in no mood for it.
"I'll... I'll fuckin'..." As angry as he was, he couldn't bring himself to be spiteful. It's not like you deliberately messed him around. Sighing, he backtracked, apologising quietly.
"I... I'll love you. That's what I wanted to say," he laughed nervously, your sarcastic answer audible from the other end of the receiver. "I'm sorry, Babydoll."

Oh. How 'Babydoll' made you swoon for some reason. He usually pulled that one out when he was in trouble.
The list was far easier to read now he had spoken to you, and he had to credit you for trying. He knew literally the tiniest bit of English and he couldn't grasp it. Their weird tenses and the fact the said everything backwards was just bullshit!

Grabbing the last of the things and rushing to the counter, he was happy to see the cashier was the one he liked : Supermarket Suki. She enjoyed speaking to you and was actually learning English herself. She was quick to pack and kind too, every week the girl would help decipher these useless shopping lists that were always half in English writing. Some things he could read, but there were some he just couldn't.
"Majima-san! You're here late today!"
"I know, that venomous wife of mine wanted some stuff," he joked, placing items on the counter. "So she sends me out of course. Can't be lettin' her catch cold, can we?"
Shaking his head, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself, feeling like he was a little hard on you. You were only learning after all and you spoke the language so well - You could sure lay into him in near perfect Japanese.
"Hm. Ya know I love her really. How's night school goin'?"
"Great! My teacher says I'm getting really good at hearing and understanding English now!"
A slight smile formed on his face, the man genuinely happy for this young girl.
"That's fantastic, Sweetie. I'll let Y/N know, I'm sure she'll be proud of you too."
Reading and writing were your only downfalls and to be fair to you, your Japanese was far better than Majima's English. He knew practically nothing. He could pick out insults directed at him from your tone and what you said but he didn't actually understand a damn word of it.
"Y/N's learnin' Hiragana but she's really strugglin'. The kids ain't really bilingual either 'cause she didn't wanna confuse them, so we just speak Japanese to 'em."
"Have you tried helping her with her writing, Majima-san? Maybe she just needs a good teacher. A patient person who loves her and cares about her progress."
"I ain't really the most patient teacher, Suki-chan. I think I piss her off. A lot. She starts screaming these words at me like... Like..."
Trying to repeat some of the words, the young girl squealed with laughter at how brutal you were when you laced your insults. The British were colourful with their language as it was.
He thought back on all the crying and screaming matches you'd had because of his utter impatience and inability to understand why you weren't getting it, when the checkout girl took him from his day dreaming.
"Majima-san, if you're interested, my nightschool in Kamurocho has some workbooks your wife could have. I have some credits left on my card and I don't need them anymore."
"I couldn't take that off ya, it's for ya studies!"
"I promise, I'm completely finished. They're for the Japanese course anyway."
Going into her jacket, she pulled out a card and handed it to him, ushering him to take it.
"Please accept it. If not for yourself, to thank Y/N-san for helping me with my English whenever she comes in."
Though reluctant, he took it, stuffing it into his winter coat.
"Thanks, Suki-chan. I'll bring her in next time."
"Don't sweat it, your total is ¥6,000."
He handed her some cash, bagging up the shopping and sorting himself out. Looking out of the huge shop windows, the snow started blowing a blizzard.
"Take care on your way home, Majima-san!" she yelled, waving him goodbye.
"You too, Suki-chan, no walkin' home in this, awright? Ya get a cab!"
Balancing 3 bags, he began his walk on the ice. It was severely icy, but he figured if he stuck to the main roads they would be gritted and he would stand half a chance. Home was uphill and Kamurocho was downhill.
Thinking about the card Suki handed him, he considered going to the night school. It was open until 4am and right now, it was just before 8. He knew there was a bus stop about 20 minutes walk away, near the river, and if he was lucky he could be in Kamurocho within the next hour - But if the snow stopped him walking so well he could have to wait for the next bus at half past 9, meaning he wouldn't reach the city until near half past 10.
It was a tough call, but he knew after being in Kamurocho he could get a taxi all the way home. Bracing himself, he challenged the ice and begun walking to the stop.

Back at home, you were beginning to get a little worried. The shop was only a half hour walk from your house, and the snow could have taken him longer, but he still should have been back by now. You'd put your kids to bed and cosied up in fluffy pyjamas. Looking at the clock, four hours had passed since he called, leading you to believe he'd gone off for a sulk somewhere.
You wondered if you didn't give him enough credit sometimes. He was a brilliant father and (usually) a fantastic husband. He was just a shitty, impatient man and that came with the territory.
Pulling your phone out, you tried calling but it rung out. Where the hell was he at this time?!
Cheating didn't normally cross your mind, more drinking and bar brawls, but it had been so long both on the clock and since you were intimate, you actually struggled to swallow the thought. Calling again, you decided to leave a message since Google Translate wasn't always your friend and garbled your texts.
"Hey Honey, let me know when you're coming home. I'm still up. I love you... So much."
All that could be done now was waiting. There was the chance that he had abandoned your shopping entirely of course and slunk off to do some Tojo bullshit after all.

The clock said 12:46, and there was finally noise outside. Rushing to the door, you opened it, a soaked, freezing man on the doorstep with shopping crammed in bags and a paper bag between his teeth. Allowing him to shuffle in with a heavy bag of shopping, your eyes could have cut diamonds watching the snow trail behind him.
Merely sighing since you were far too tired to argue, you silently mopped up the mud and ice he'd tracked through before wandering to the kitchen doorframe to lean on it. You'd expected shopping to be strewn all over, but he'd packed everything away, nice and neat.
Stood waiting with some sort of paper bag still between his teeth, you didn't even need to speak. Your eyes always told him the story.
"I bought ya somethin'," he murmured, bending over a little for you to take from the toothy clasp.
"What is it?"
"Open it."
Opening the bag you pulled out a kids' learning book, with 'How to write Hiragana' written in the front in English. The whole book was in your language as you flicked through it, amazed he had sourced something like this at the local supermarket. While you were looking at it, Majima was emptying his coat pockets for the thing to go into the wash.
"Where did you get this? I didn't think they sold this sort of thing at Maruetsu..."
"Uhhhh, Supermarket Suki's nightschool class," he admitted, tensing his jaw.
"Suki's nightsch-! You went all the way to Kamurocho in the snow for THIS?"
"I thought ya mighta liked it, but I guess I thought wrong," he said through gritted teeth, taking steps away from you towards the washing machine and preparing to abscond if need be.
"Don't go anywhere!" you demanded, backing him up against the small alcove with a washer and dryer in, grabbing his chain. "I love it- I love you. Thank you, this is a very thoughtful gift." Pulling him by the chain to give him a kiss, he was unsure where to put his hands, wet through from his soggy gloves. The man thought he was off the hook until you began shouting again. "But why the fuck would you go all the way to Kamurocho in this weather and risk getting poorly or picked on?! Did you walk?! Is that why you've been gone so long?!"
"I went because I upset you and I can't bear the look on your face!"
Furrowing your brow, you could feel your eyes welling up. He did care, a lot. But he was just an idiot and didn't always know how to show it subtly.
"Shut up."
"I'm sorry, Babe... I'm really sorry..." he wailed, trying to find somewhere for his wet gloves so he could touch you gently. Placing the book on the counter, you sighed deeply before looking up at him.
"I'm sorry too. You shouldn't have to learn English just because I'm frustrated. I just need you to be a little more patient. That's all. Instead of shouting at me and taking the piss out of me when I can't write Japanese."
Silently acknowledging one another's apology, you went into the dryer, pulling out freshly tumbled clothes.
"Let me get you some warm clothes, I bet you're cold."
Though a bit weird, he couldn't help the warm smile tugging at his lips as you threw his clothes into the washer, agitating them inside so they didn't stick together or bundle up in a ball.
"Here I was thinking you'd had the shit kicked out of you somewhere in the snow!"
Nobody had ever cared about him in such a way before you.
"I was thinking to myself 'he doesn't have his stupid knife' and he'll slide all over in the sleet trying to run away in those-" You strained a bit, reaching for something on the shelf above the washer. "Stupid fucking shoes!"
When you acted so wifely it made him feel fuzzy inside.
"He'll end up being cryogenically frozen and I was considering just leaving the kids in bed to come and find you."
You were still ranting at him, screeching about how stupid he was. But you were taking such care of him. It was a weird kindness he'd never seen in anybody else except his sworn brothers. Presenting a thick jumper and some sweatpants to him, he undid himself right there in the kitchen, tossing the remainder of snow sodden clothes in the washer.
"Promise me, you won't do that again. Come home if it starts snowing like this, even if I want to kill you. You had me worried." Hands washed at the kitchen sink, and his freshly washed, oversized dressing gown on, he was still like an icicle when he spotted just the thing.
You. All wrapped up head to toe in those fluffy PJ's. That's what he needed. You were perusing the book he'd bought and thinking about what you knew already, when he pulled your hips flush with his from behind.
Resting his chin on your shoulder to read the book from behind you, he thought the leap you did was magnificent.
The brat had shoved his ice cold hands up your top and shocked your warm flesh.
"You're f-fffucking freezing!"
"And you're so warm, Babe," he tormented, trapping his hands on your bare breasts and feeling accomplished when your nipples shot out at the wintry touch.
"Fuck, yer like a radiator," he groaned, pulling and lifting the back of your top up to press his chest against your soothing skin. Wrapping you up in his gown like bat wings, he kept you close.
"Oh my God, you're still freezing. You could have frozen stiff out there, what's wrong with you?"
There was a pause as he contemplated making a remark.
"Don't even mention my nipples," you warned.
"I was thinkin' more somethin' else stiff," he smirked, pressing steamy kisses to your neck with his cool lips. "Ya could warm me up since you were so concerned I was gonna die. You'd do that for me, wouldn't ya? The best part about that is ya don't need to write anythin'... Or wear anythin'."
"Ugh, I'm gonna speak English to you all week, then none of you will understand what I'm telling you."
"I don't care, I love it when ya talk dirty to me in English. It sounds so unhinged and filthy."
"Ew, you're so embarrassing."
"Can't understand ya," he grinned, getting right into the crook of your neck and kissing you deeply along your shoulder. Thoughts of you spilling sharp, slang filled curses and insults making him hard already. He never understood a word you said but he found it so hot.

Falling onto the bed, you rolled round and undressed one another slowly, lips locked whenever possible. Your hands never stayed in one position, combing hair, scraping skin, holding tight. Legs got knotted like a pretzel when you rolled, eventually settling with you on top. Eager to begin, he pumped himself a few times before helping you sit down gently, his dick not exactly splitting but still girthy enough to make for a tight squeeze even now. Bouncing a little, you were already forcing some delectable moans out of him, unable to keep quiet when his previously cold hands were full of breasts and hips and thighs instead of shopping bags. Leaning over, you grabbed his face to kiss him quiet, eventually abandoning that when his thrusts got a little more powerful from beneath. Turning your head so you were cheek to cheek, he enjoyed your muffled whimpering, so desperate to keep the noise down yourself but unable to.
Then he starts talking right against your ear.
"So fuckin' beautiful like this," he groaned, kissing your neck as your breath hitched, crying from the back of your throat.
You moved back, hands on his knees behind you to get a more comfortable angle when he pushed your bare breasts together and sucked the swollen, erect nipples a little, teasing you with his fingers by pinching and pulling.
In a rhythm you liked now, he matched it, granting you more pleasure when he hit all the right spots. After a small while, you ground your hips on him gently, seeking more kisses instead. Pawing at his chest, there were moments where you wished you could just stay here forever. So lost in your daydreaming, you gripped his shoulders hard, warning him about your oncoming orgasm. Taking two fingers, you shoved them in his mouth, watching his cheeks hollow as he slicked them up with his tongue, subsequently reaching down to stimulate yourself, hoping it would carry you quicker to bliss.
Then it happened, you clenched, leaving him fighting for how long he would last, your pussy choked him so harshly. A flush of fluid began dripping from where you were attached, lower lips tingling with want as you rode it out. Spasming on his dick, the intensity waned, telling him it was almost over, but you were still clouded in optimum release, body falling a little lax to recover from such a vicious wave of pleasure.
Taking charge, Majima held you at arm's length, laying your panting form flat on your front. Placing a cushion between the headboard and the wall to muffle some of the sound, it was mere seconds before he had picked up the pace, sweaty skin clapping against sweaty skin as he fucked you quite roughly, determined to finish magnificently. Groaning and mewling into the sheets, the only thing keeping you both together was his hands gripping your hips, the force of his grasp so tight he was leaving dimples and bruises.
Sensing an exit, he set his sights on banging this load out, taking absolutely no care at all not to knock the headboard into the wall since the pillow fell out of place, despite your quiet pleas. It was already suffering smash damage but he wanted to bang you so hard now he couldn't control himself. Grabbing a fistful of your hair, he pulled back on your scalp, sucking on your earlobe as he absolutely fucking railed you.
"Watch the wall...!" you gasped out in English, reaching an arm behind you to feel for one of those shapely thighs of his to warn him of what could be another orgasm.
It was ignored, since he finally exploded, experiencing the pleasure he had worked so hard for. Stammering curses, he thrust for as long as he could post nut, but finished you off with his fingers to ensure you came a second time, since you did wait up for him coming back after all.
Falling onto your backs, afterglow shone on you both hard, the man eventually sitting up to fumble for a cigarette and seal the deal. His free hand stroked delicately over your body, your stomach and the arm closest to him.
Leaving the cig to burn out in the ashtray, he kissed your forehead, then your shoulder, before lying to face you and falling asleep.

The next morning, you groaned, feeling achy all over. Your hips, your scalp, your neck, your nethers... Everything just hurt. Your head was heavy and you couldn't believe you'd slept naked in these temperatures. Stupid Majima, and you were just as stupid for giving into his fiendish gremlin desires.
Standing up, you figured he'd probably just fucked you crooked, which he had done before, and you needed to walk it off a little, but a sneeze erupted from your nose, shooting snot out everywhere. It said otherwise.
"Ewww, what the fuck..." you murmured, staggering to grab a towel to mop up. Fatigued, you felt your forehead, noticing a fever coming on and sighed. All you could do was take some painkillers and get back in bed, miserable. Dressing in some clean underwear and a t shirt, you dragged yourself back to bed, nuzzling yourself into your man's muscular back. His frequent nakedness was a blessing sometimes, especially when he was warm.
"'Sup Babe?" he asked, obviously snotty.
"You better not have a cold. You've given it to me, you creep."
Reaching an arm over to his front, you felt him grab it and bring it to his lips, kissing your knuckles gently.
"Weren't callin' me names last night."

Eventually your writing became so good, you were able to leave cute little post its for him around the house. Messages like how much you loved him and reminders about stuff.

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