Kiryu Kazama : Mistake

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A sad, small one-shot 🙉😩

Your doorbell rung several times, as if it was being spammed out by one of the local kids. Shuffling to the door in your slippers, various shouts and threats came from your mouth before you opened the door and saw who was there. It was Kiryu, blood staining his suit and splattered across his face. His clothes were soaking in sewage, dirt covering the white colour he was originally sporting. It stank.
"My God... Where've you been? And why do you smell so-?"
"No time. You need to hide."
Retracting a little, you swallowed, making a visual note of the actual fucking blood across his face. It was dark blood, not the type you get from some little scratch or cut. Studying the dried scarlet smear, he caught your wrist, sighing and averting his eyes, unable to look at you.
You were a fucking civilian... What was he thinking, allowing himself to fall for a member of the public?!
"Come in from the doorway and at least tell me the truth. But don't trail mud through my house!"

He knew exactly what you meant. There's no way you believed he was a real estate agent now. Stepping in, Kiryu shut the door behind him, letting it click in the lock for guaranteed privacy; even just for a second.
The Japanese man hadn't pencilled in you flinging yourself at him anyway, and jumped back, slightly startled. Burying your face in his chest, the homely smell of his skin came through besides the mud and dirt, tears now staining his shirt as well. A large hand came to the back of your head, with a dejected sigh, stroking downwards to settle you.
"I'm sorry. It's my fault you're so upset."
"I just don't understand. I didn't go out because my friend called and told me the streets were crawling with yakuza. So, we figured someone got murdered or they're looking for someone... Is it you, Kiryu-chan?"
He was silent, considering his options. Girls were so difficult to understand at the best of times, but when you were an ex-yakuza, it was even worse.
"You're an ex what?!"

Whoops. He must have thought that out loud.
"I'm... I'm sorry to have disturbed you."
"You can't come here like this and not even tell me what's going on-!"
"I've made a mistake. Take care of yourself."
But it was useless. Kiryu refused to needlessly drag anybody else into this mess that he'd created.

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