Goro Majima : Purgatory

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Pretty short but Majima is best husband 🤷‍♀️

West Park was scary anyway, nevermind the time of day. Homeless creeps crawled all over, and it seemed your husband being there didn't deter their leering gazes.
His fingers interlocking with yours got tighter, pulling you along as quickly as he could.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
"Why're you being so weird for?! Why can't you just tell me-?"
"Relax, Babe. I just gotta show ya somethin' nice!" He replied as he dragged you along by the hand, the underground district you were in freaking you out.
You'd been led into an old subway station to get there, its ruby carpeted floors and the waters reflection making you feel nauseous the further in you went. Everybody seemed to know Majima in this place, referring to him as 'Sir' or 'Boss'. Others muttered amongst themselves in hushed tones as you walked past.
"Goroooo," you whined quietly, clutching a fistful of his tacky snakeskin jacket with your other hand. "I don't like this place. There's creeps everywhere-! And why is there women in cages-?!"
He was rough, jerking your arm to keep you moving.
"Don't matter 'bout that, Dollybird."
The man didn't like you being here either, the way you were under the watchful eyes of leering patrons. You were his girl.
"C'mon, C'MON! Less lookin', more walkin'."
A bridge lay in front of you, a river beneath it.
"We just gotta go through a door up here."
You came to a wide corridor, blue marble lining its floors and walls. A terrible feeling sunk in your gut. Pointing to the floor, Majima tried to keep you going.
"Step, step, step!"
His warning was high pitched, but his hands continued to guide you along up the steps until you reached the huge, heavy set door, refusing to let go.
"Okay, we're here. Open it."
You hesitated, looking up at him with a worried pout.
"N'awww... Don't look at me like that, Babe."
He sighed, narrowing his eye at you as he leant on the wall, towering over you.
"Don't trust yer man or somethin', huh?"
"I trust you more than anyone in the world, but when you zip this," you gestured a zip across his plush lips, leaning forward. "It usually means you've done something you shouldn't. Or you're hiding something."
"Oi!" he yelled, grabbing your hand from his mouth. "I got this through perfectly legal means-!"
"Then you start saying shit like that."
"Ughhhh, fine, I'll open it. But close yer eyes, no peekin'!" he sighed. Shaking your head with a slight smile, you did as he asked, holding your hands over your face.
"Okay. I trust you."
There was a creak as the door opened, his hands giving you a gentle push to steer you up another step before clamping over yours across your face.
"Readyyy? Open yer eyes."
You gasped. It was beautiful. Huge columns lining the place like a palace, a marble finish to give it a regal touch. But what caught your eye most was the giant fish tanks housing all sorts of beautiful fish. He watched your jaw drop, snickering and pulling you further in by your wrist.
"Whaddaya think?"
"I..." you stammered, unable to take your eyes off it.
"Seeeee! I knew ya'd like it! This is my new office. Ooh, we should bring the kids!"
You were so enraptured by your surroundings, you almost ignored him. You supposed he didn't kill someone for this office, but it was still strange. Suddenly, what he said computed.
"O-our kids?! In here?! No!!"
Stretching his finger out, he tapped the tip of your nose to make you blink slowly. You touched it, blushing with embarrassment and looking away with a little smile.
Folding his arms across his chest, he couldn't stop himself from gazing at your face under the blue hue of the aquarium, chuckling lowly at your reaction. He just wanted to make you smile, despite knowing he wasn't always the most thoughtful of guys. (at least, he didn't think so.)
Then vulnerability kicked in. He shrunk, the thought of having to leave again or being roped back into some Tojo bullshit broke his heart. It would sure as hell break yours.
What he was doing here wasn't exactly legal, but it was far less dangerous than what he was doing previously. He'd promised you he'd have no more parts to play in any of Tojo's business.
Stretching an arm round your back and gripping onto your arm, you were pulled into him.
"Mmm, I know I've been tough on ya, Sweetie." You silently shifted your eyes to look at him. "Do the little fish and... The umm... Y'know, the architecture make ya happy?"
"You... Fucking idiot," you teased, smacking his hard hat and making him gulp, confused, until you leapt at him, throwing your arms round his neck so he was forced to bend down to accommodate your height. "You're what makes me happy."
That made his heart swell. Things had been difficult the last year, after his murder accusation and leaving Tojo Clan. It had caused so much fighting between the pair of you, his return Sotenbori making things even worse between you. The rows had been aggressive and shrill, splitting up being mentioned during your darkest hours. So many nights sleeping apart. So many weeks of Majima being away or arrested or in a court case or something else. Your kids had been affected.
The end of that saga was almost six months ago.
He felt so lucky you had stuck by him. So lucky his family stuck round a guy like him.
Plus, you were absolutely adorable like this, snuggling into the crook of his neck with that sweet smile across your face. Sighing with a smile tug on the corners of his lips, he returned your affections, wrapping his arms around your back.
"Wait... This is kinda like an evil lair. You aren't doing evil stuff, are you?"
"Nah," he chuckled, batting you playfully. "Just business."

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