Goro Majima : Feeding The Ducks

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So on my birthday I went for a walk with my best friend feeding ducks on the canal, and we came up with this.
(also there was a statue of a penis that floated on the river and its gone now, we said it was a national treasure)

 (also there was a statue of a penis that floated on the river and its gone now, we said it was a national treasure)

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also tried to draw a picture of how I imagine her to look, with the Majima looking chipmunk cheeks. (she actually looks like Mirei a bit🤐) Remember those evil hair ties tho?

Hikaru doesn't look so bad either, if you cover his eyes he's got Majima's jaw 😂 I understand Hirohiko Araki's pain when creating characters now 😂 (trying to make them look like teenagers and not babies or adults)

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Hikaru doesn't look so bad either, if you cover his eyes he's got Majima's jaw 😂 I understand Hirohiko Araki's pain when creating characters now 😂 (trying to make them look like teenagers and not babies or adults)

Dangling her over the stone bridge by her little legs, he cackled maniacally at her giggles.
"Goro Majima," you yelled, covering your eyes. "Don't do that!"
"There's no prob, Honey. I ain't gonna drop her-Whoa!" he joked, pretending to let go to make her squeal. "Almost lost ya there, Sweetheart!"
"Daddy! Daddy! Let me feed the duckies!"
"Haaaw?" he sang, acting confused. "Drop you in did ya say?!"
"Nooo!" she yelled, baring teeth as she grinned. "Duckies!"
"Duckies, here's ya dinner!"
You covered your mouth to titter, sighing with relief when he brought her back to his chest. Absolute true love filled his eye when gazing over at her, her dark eyes glinting with adoration for her father.
Stretching his lips to smile, he kissed her cheeks with a 'num-num' sound, causing her to scrunch up her nose when his beard tickled her soft skin.
"Daddy! Stop! Your beard is scratchy!"
"My beard? Awwwright, Sweetie," he sighed contently, placing her back down on her feet with a stroke to her soft hair. He just wanted to show her all the love in the world, his precious little girl. Leaning on the fence, Majima was watchful as she tottered over the cobblestone, a little unsteady in her welly boots. "Watch the cobbles, Darlin'!"
Of course, Jouko ignored him, shaking her cute, ebony pigtails as she wandered away from him.
You waited at the bottom of the bridge for her, ready to catch her at a moment's notice.
"Mommy, can I have a bread?"
"You can have some bread," you replied, kneeling down and opening the packet to give her some. "But give it to the ducks, won't you?"
Her dad was more excited to feed them than she was, bounding over to help her.
"Come to Daddy, Baby!"

Standing against the bridge wall, your husband held her tightly, letting her throw fluffy pieces of bread. He never imagined he'd be as lucky as this, having a normal life, even if it was only half of his life.
Ripping some bread, her little hand held it out near his mouth again.
"Oh, sorry. Thanks, Sweetie."
Opening up, another piece of soft morsel went down the hatch, much to your amusement.
"Stop eating the bread, Goro."
"Jouko-kun's feedin' me. Can't say no to that," he replied, secretly enjoying the food.
"There'll be none for the ducks! Jouko-kun, don't you think Daddy's eaten enough bread?"
"But, Daddy's tummy likes bread, Mommy!"
Laughter possessed the pair of you, her pure innocence so cute.
Walking along and finding a bench, you allowed her to play as you sat down.

Draping his muscular arm across your shoulders, you couldn't help but chuckle when he leaned his head back, stretching his legs out like a star.
"Kid's a little whirlwind, ain't she?"
"She's giddy, like you," you teased, poking his chest with a playful squint. Right on cue, the little princess bounced over, climbing up onto your knee.
"Y'alright, Baby?" he asked, tickling her chin with his finger. She answered with a mumble noise, indicating she was worn out. "Someone's tired, huh?"
Taking her from you, he considered how delicate his little treasure was in his arms. Majima would do anything to protect her.

The man had a slight smile across his face the entire way home, one arm supporting his baby girl as she slept, and the other being used to hold your hand. He loved days like these.

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