Goro Majima : Scars

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He didn't spend much time at home, so when he did you really appreciated his company. Stealing glances and kisses, laughing and smiling, cuddling and play fighting.
Draped over the back of the couch, he was taking a small rest from walking, his knife wound from weeks back giving him hell today.
"You really have come home in pieces," you jeered, inspecting his rear.
"Just a bit scratched up. 'S nothin'," he lied. This wound of his was fucking murder.
That creepy Hannya tattoo was across his entire back, covering up scars from a distance but accentuating them when you were close.
Running your fingertip along her hair, stripes of raised skin and dark blotches of bruising made your lips pout with concern. Your Mad Dog sighed contently as you worked some small knots out of his back with your simple ministrations.
Humming lowly, you moved to another part of his muscular build lower down, to triage the damage caused there. Deep scratches tore through the design, like the claws of a tiger let loose on his flesh. He allowed it, silently appreciating your soft touch. Majima had come to melt into your hold instead of flinching from it. He knew how your hands felt, their size, the length and breadth of your fingers, how your nails scratched him lightly, it was all a bizarre sort of comfort.
Inhaling deeply, you lay your cheek against his spine, hands coming through to hold his torso instead, skimming his healing stab wound to ensure you didn't hurt him.
"Oh well, at least it's brought you back home to me for a while," you smiled, taking a deep sniff of his cologne to bask in.

It was times like this when he wondered if he was in over his head. Was it selfish of him to come home to you like this?
At least Haruka had been somewhat safe with Majima Family. If Shimano had captured you... He didn't even want to think about it.

"Your heart's beating so fast," you observed, placing your hand directly over the pulsating organ. Chuckling, a large hand clasped itself over yours, grounding him.
"Prob 'cause I gotta cute girl with her arms' round me."
Suddenly, his phone beeped, the gremlin going into his pant pocket to retrieve it. It was a text message, summoning him.
You were about to be upset, left without his presence once again.

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