Goro Majima - Foreign (NSFW towards the end)

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So I'm on that Duolingo bop
And I can't imagine Majima knowing much English if any really so it's more of a Holy Kujo situation 😂 In this story you can speak Japanese quite well but you can't write it very well at all.

"Look, yer hand writin's really cute but I... I just can't read this, Honey."
Majima had been sent out in the middle of December whilst it wasn't snowing for some small things to save you trying to juggle tomorrow. He was thoughtful that way.
"What do you mean? Did I give you the right list?"
"Yeah but... Just... Speak to me and I'll write it down."
Taking notes in the shop, he could kind of gauge what you meant now you were speaking Japanese.
"Oh. OH, holy shit ya meant sushi!!"
"Why, what did I put?"
"Shisu. I ain't gettin' ya no dog. No way, ya got one. Me."
"So you didn't think to just reverse the characters because I wrote them down the wrong way around?" He was silent, glancing around the store. Sighing, you realised it was a waste of breath.
"You're a fucking idiot, of course you didn't."
"Well, how was I meant to know?! You're the person who wrote it wrong!"
"Because I'm still learning how to write Japanese! Does that not say something to you?! I can tell you a million different reasons in Japanese over the phone why you should learn some fucking ENGLISH - If you would prefer that."
"Baby, ya might as well have written it in space zombie language," he quipped. Of course it wasn't received very well, making him wish he could end the call.
"It... Doesn't matter. Just talk to me. Tell me about it, Babe. I'm listenin'."
You began reeling off a list faster than he could scribble, frustrating him.
"Rice, sushi, milk, cabbage-"
"Oi, oi, oiii! Slow down bird! I can't write that fast."
"Well if you'd actually listened to me instead of having your head so engrossed in the TV, maybe you could have helped me write the list before I left!!"
Growling, he had to undo his red scarf a little since he was getting heated. He hated it when you began being difficult with him. He was only a man after all! Give him a break.
"Woman! I didn't wanna come out here in subzero temperatures to get yer stupid bottle of milk and puppy sushi. When I get my hands on ya, I'll-"
The supermarket was silent. Pairs of eyes were staring at him from all over the aisle, completely shocked he was obviously speaking to a woman that way.
"You'll do what?"
You waited, in no mood to be defied by the Mad Dog today. Even if he was about to give you a less than wholesome answer, you were in no mood for it.
"I'll... I'll fuckin'..." As angry as he was, he couldn't bring himself to be spiteful. It's not like you deliberately messed him around. Sighing, he backtracked, apologising quietly.
"I... I'll love you. That's what I wanted to say," he laughed nervously, your sarcastic answer audible from the other end of the receiver. "I'm sorry, Babydoll."

Oh. How 'Babydoll' made you swoon for some reason. He usually pulled that one out when he was in trouble.
The list was far easier to read now he had spoken to you, and he had to credit you for trying. He knew literally the tiniest bit of English and he couldn't grasp it. Their weird tenses and the fact the said everything backwards was just bullshit!

Grabbing the last of the things and rushing to the counter, he was happy to see the cashier was the one he liked : Supermarket Suki. She enjoyed speaking to you and was actually learning English herself. She was quick to pack and kind too, every week the girl would help decipher these useless shopping lists that were always half in English writing. Some things he could read, but there were some he just couldn't.
"Majima-san! You're here late today!"
"I know, that venomous wife of mine wanted some stuff," he joked, placing items on the counter. "So she sends me out of course. Can't be lettin' her catch cold, can we?"
Shaking his head, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself, feeling like he was a little hard on you. You were only learning after all and you spoke the language so well - You could sure lay into him in near perfect Japanese.
"Hm. Ya know I love her really. How's night school goin'?"
"Great! My teacher says I'm getting really good at hearing and understanding English now!"
A slight smile formed on his face, the man genuinely happy for this young girl.
"That's fantastic, Sweetie. I'll let Y/N know, I'm sure she'll be proud of you too."
Reading and writing were your only downfalls and to be fair to you, your Japanese was far better than Majima's English. He knew practically nothing. He could pick out insults directed at him from your tone and what you said but he didn't actually understand a damn word of it.
"Y/N's learnin' Hiragana but she's really strugglin'. The kids ain't really bilingual either 'cause she didn't wanna confuse them, so we just speak Japanese to 'em."
"Have you tried helping her with her writing, Majima-san? Maybe she just needs a good teacher. A patient person who loves her and cares about her progress."
"I ain't really the most patient teacher, Suki-chan. I think I piss her off. A lot. She starts screaming these words at me like... Like..."
Trying to repeat some of the words, the young girl squealed with laughter at how brutal you were when you laced your insults. The British were colourful with their language as it was.
He thought back on all the crying and screaming matches you'd had because of his utter impatience and inability to understand why you weren't getting it, when the checkout girl took him from his day dreaming.
"Majima-san, if you're interested, my nightschool in Kamurocho has some workbooks your wife could have. I have some credits left on my card and I don't need them anymore."
"I couldn't take that off ya, it's for ya studies!"
"I promise, I'm completely finished. They're for the Japanese course anyway."
Going into her jacket, she pulled out a card and handed it to him, ushering him to take it.
"Please accept it. If not for yourself, to thank Y/N-san for helping me with my English whenever she comes in."
Though reluctant, he took it, stuffing it into his winter coat.
"Thanks, Suki-chan. I'll bring her in next time."
"Don't sweat it, your total is ¥6,000."
He handed her some cash, bagging up the shopping and sorting himself out. Looking out of the huge shop windows, the snow started blowing a blizzard.
"Take care on your way home, Majima-san!" she yelled, waving him goodbye.
"You too, Suki-chan, no walkin' home in this, awright? Ya get a cab!"
Balancing 3 bags, he began his walk on the ice. It was severely icy, but he figured if he stuck to the main roads they would be gritted and he would stand half a chance. Home was uphill and Kamurocho was downhill.
Thinking about the card Suki handed him, he considered going to the night school. It was open until 4am and right now, it was just before 8. He knew there was a bus stop about 20 minutes walk away, near the river, and if he was lucky he could be in Kamurocho within the next hour - But if the snow stopped him walking so well he could have to wait for the next bus at half past 9, meaning he wouldn't reach the city until near half past 10.
It was a tough call, but he knew after being in Kamurocho he could get a taxi all the way home. Bracing himself, he challenged the ice and begun walking to the stop.

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