Goro Majima : New Years Party

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Jinxie is what I've called the little girl from Dead Souls 😭💖
Broody Majima 🤷‍♀️ I am obsessed with giving this man his family

Another kinda rushed idea I just wanted to get down, sounded great in my head, in words not so much

Sat outside in a gazebo, Majima was getting rather handsy now. He was pretty drunk, far more than you were, since you had just had 2 cans of beer all night. Whilst he could put them away no problem, when he hit slightly too much he started getting a bit frisky. Paired with his chaotic personality, he could also get a bit ballsy. Running a hand up your thigh when nobody was looking, smooching your face, mumbling stuff in your ear and just grinning when you batted him away or scolded him.
New year struck, and you all kissed one another, clinking drinks and exchanging hugs. Jinxie was only 7, and opted to sit beside you and Majima all night. She was your niece of sorts, since he saved her life after Kamurocho's zombie outbreak wiped out half of the tourist population and a quarter of its residents. The little girl grew to love you both, admiring your lover for his heroic acts during the epidemic.
She came back over with some more cake, despite having eaten some prior.
"Jinxie-kun, whaddaya got there, huh?" the man asked, peering over your lap to scope.
"Cake! It's got sparkly icing on it, see!" she beamed, tilting the plate to make the icing shimmer.
"Ohhh, man. That looks so magical, don't it?"
Snickering, you covered your mouth as you tittered.
"Jinxie, pay no attention to Uncle Goro, he's drunk," you whispered.
"'M not," he slurred, sticking his tongue out at you.
"You so are."
"Auntie Y/N," she asked politely, looking up at you. "How long have you been dating Uncle Goro?"
"Too long," you replied instantly, rolling your eyes. He was chatting to Jinxie's mum now, drink really taking hold of him. "Do you think I can send him back and get some quiet time?"
She giggled, not really understanding what you were saying, but finding it funny none the less.
"I like Uncle Goro. He can sleep in my room! You can have all the quiet time you like then, Auntie Y/N."
"Oh, you hear that, Uncle Goro?"
"Jinxie said she'll keep you!"
"You're gonna have a sleepover with Jinxie."
"Really? That's damn awesome! Whadda we gonna do, Jinxie-kun?"
"We can have a tea party!"
"A tea party? D'ya let zombies in?"
Cringing at him, you laughed along, listening to all the details of the zombie princess tea party. He was very involved where children were concerned, it was like he was trying to prove to you he would be the perfect father.
His antics were put to rest when her mother announced it was time to leave.
"Come on Jinxie-kun, it's very late. Hometime."
It was her mum, having just said goodbye to others.
You walked them outside to the taxi, ensuring they got inside okay, and drawing out the goodbye to Jinxie so she didn't get upset.
Kneeling down to her height, she threw herself at you both, not wanting to say goodbye but so happy she got to see you both.
"Goodnight, Darling. We'll see you again soon."
"Happy New Year, Sweetie." You kissed each side of her cheeks at the same time, Majima on one end and you the other, giggling when she hunched her shoulders and scrunched her nose.
"Now we've got our house you can come and stay with us. You and Mommy."
"Of course. Here, this is fer you."
She gasped when he handed her a 1,000 yen note, covering her mouth. "Don't tell yer Momma! Getcha self somethin' nice."
"Thank you so much, Uncle Goro!"
Waving them goodbye, you decided to return to the party with Yuki and the others.

Stood with Yuki away from the others smoking and drinking, you were free to talk.
"Majima-san is so different now he's found you, Y/N!"
"Why, wasn't he annoying before?" you joked. The hostess narrowed her eyes at you, knowing what you meant but refusing to take the joke.
"I mean it! I think you make him really happy."
"He's a pain in the ass. He's gone so broody now we've got the house."
"Broody?! Like... He wants kids?"
"Oh my God, Yuki. He's obsessed. The man's been begging me to try for weeks."
"I never imagined him wanting something so sweet like that!"
Yuki was basically squealing, shipping the pair of you in her mind.
"You have to believe me. He's wearing me out. Babies this, babies that. Wouldn't it be cute?" you mocked him, trying not to laugh.
"Don't you want kids, Y/N?"
"It isn't that I don't want to... I'm just... I don't know if I'm ready. I'd wanted to get married first and experience life a little."
"I think Majima-san would make big changes for you. He's always come through for us at the cabarets. He's very committed."
"I love him, Yuki. I don't want to lose him."
"Somehow, I don't think Majima-san is going anywhere."

"Not this time."

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