Goro Majima : Sickness HC's

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I've seen a few of these but these are mine, most likely post Kiwami.

💔 Literally moans and complains all the time, total manfluer.
💔 Insists you feed him ice cream for his throat.
"Y'know, for someone who literally tried walking off a stab wound, you're doing a lot of complaining over a sore throat."
"Less chat, more ice cream! Yer man's dyin' and this is how ya react?"
💔 Goes full snugglebum mode. Wants blankets, films, hot drinks, comfort and kisses.
💔 Complains even more when you refuse to kiss him because he's ill.
💔 Is a pain in the ass for like a day or two, then sleeps it off and goes back to being a healthy pain in the ass.
💔 Inevitably gets you sick and complains when you blame him.
💔 Is a total sweetheart when he realises how poorly you are.
💔 Struggles to quarantine himself from you because once he forms a meaningful relationship, he doesn't want to let go when they're vulnerable. They might get killed or leave!
💖 If you have kids and they get sick, he will insist on doing everything for them. Cleaning up vomit, pressing cool cloths to their foreheads, cuddling them, comforting them, giving them medicine. He just wants to be the best dad.
💖 If you're all sick, he goes even harder and forgets to rest himself. However, it's worth it all in the end to see his families healthy, happy smiles.

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