Goro Majima : Renovating

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More Magpie

In order for this new carpet to be put in the living room, you were going to have to store all your stuff somewhere to make it easier for Majima's boys to come in and remove furniture. So today, the pair of you were moving small bits to make it doable, and the bookshelf was full of all sorts to rifle through.
"Why have you got so many telephone cards?" you sniggered, finding mostly duplicates on the top.
"'Cause that's how we got dates in the 80's."
"Did you get any?" you teased, more than likely knowing the answer. The man was knee deep in women back then and didn't even know it.
"Maybe a couple."
Refusing to believe him, you continued to look through them, shocked to find what looked like a card of yourself.
It wasn't a telephone card, but it was dusty pink with a velvety matte finish, showing a headshot of you that had been beautifully painted and a very good likeness. Turning it over, you inspected it, running your finger over it. It looked like a playing card. The back was beautifully patterned, housing a hard to see Shimano family seal in the middle.
Noticing you'd gone quiet, the gangster walked over to you, noticing the card in your hand. Sighing, the box was taken from you and rifled through, another playing card being taken out. Showing it to you, you took it, looking at the painted young Majima before you. He was a joker card.
"'Least you were the queen."
"This is absolutely fucking sickening... Who... Why-?"
"I dunno. Sagawa just handed me these two cards when I saw him last. I bet that fat old man had a whole deck."
Taking them both from you, he shut the tin and put them with various other belongings that were being stored.
"Dunno why I even kept 'em. I mean, yours is beautiful. But yer right... Sickening."
"We were all just part of some big game."
"Don't let it bother you, Doll," he encouraged gently, kissing your head. You chose to believe what he was saying, and continued being in the present. That was all that mattered.

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