Goro Majima : Protection

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Short draft I need rid of because I liked the idea at first but don't as much now. but we're getting a bit of Akiyama 💦

Cursing, your day had just gone from bad to worse.
Minami turned up, along with two other scary looking guys.
Akiyama remained cool, but alert. He recognised the leader from somewhere - obvious yakuza. It seemed you knew these people, so the man was just going to wait first. What would a pregnant woman have to do with the yakuza?
"Ya gotta come with us, Y/N-chan. Bosses orders."
"Ugh. You can go and tell your 'Boss' to come and get me himself."
Watching you fold your arms and pout at literal yakuza was actually pretty amusing to say the least.
"While you're there, you can tell him he's some husband if I'm having to ask nice guys on the street to do my heavy lifting. I'm sorry, Akiyama-san," you sighed. "Seems my man doesn't know when to keep his nose out."
Chuckling, he could see why such protection had been put in place. When you loved someone, it made you do some strange things. Plus, you were too feisty for your own good, speaking to yakuza like that.
"B-But Miss-"
"Are you still here? I don't care what he told you. I'm not going with you. Make yourself useful and-!"
You stopped your chastising when the man decided to show himself.
"Awright! Get outta here, scram!"
"Huh? B-Boss-!"
"Y'hear me properly?! I said fuckin' leave! Give the lady some room!"
You glared up at him, hands on your hips.
"Ya okay?" he asked, reaching out to grab your wrist but being slapped away instantly.
"Why do you turn into trouble walking round with this badge?"
"Awww, c'mon Baby, don't look at me like that. After I came all the way over here to see ya-"
"Why are your boys sniffing round here? The hell's the matter with you?!"
"We were only lookin' for this guy, I wasn't gonna kill him!"
"You need to go away."
"Sweetie, don't ya think that's a li'l harsh-?"
"No. You need to stop stalking me. Just because your friend moved away doesn't mean you can move onto me."
"Eh? I ain't stalkin' ya! I'm protectin-!"
You walked away without a word, leaving him to shout after you.
"Baby! Honeybunch! Dollybird!"
"Don't waste your breath," you yelled back. Shaking his head, he threw his hand at you, letting you go.
"Hawwwww....?" Turning to the finance manager, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. "I love that woman with all my damn being. She's got me fucked up."
"We should talk inside... Majima-san, was it?"

Yakuza x Reader (Mainly Majima)Where stories live. Discover now