Goro Majima : Troublemaker

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Oh mama, actin' like my life's already over
Oh dear, act your age and try another year

Wrote this to Salad Days haha

Awoken to the sound of rattling, you investigated downstairs and found him in the kitchen, fixing himself a drink with his back to you. He must have just come in, at 3am.
"Goro? Where have you been the last three days?!" you hissed, hands on your hips. He couldn't even bring himself to look over his shoulder at you, knowing full well he had done you wrong and it would show in your face.
"Sorry, Dollybird..." he mumbled, not really expecting the sweet talk to fly. "Had a rough day 'n' didn't wanna bring back my mood, that's all."
"I've had Detective Date on the doorstep about you causing trouble! Again! There's only so many times I can lie to him before he realises the truth and interrogates me- Or the kids!"
He was distant, fiddling with something on the side.
"Are you even listening to me?" you spat, rushing him. He was quick to grasp you in a light choke hold, his hands huge enough to fit around your neck and jaw and arms long enough to keep you away.
Wow. He thought you were so gorgeous, even then you were glaring through thick lashes and heavy eyebags at him, pouting. Your hair was stuck up all over, fresh off your pillow.
"No," he admitted, rolling his eye. Your voice was muffled behind his hand, but he could still understand what you were saying.
"Did you really kidnap a child?"
"Heard 'bout that, huh?"
Rotating his body with a groan to turn and face you, he noticed you were staring at his middle, eyes blown up in an concerned manner. The sight of his blood soaked bandages must have really worried you. Unhanding you, his fingers lightly stroked down your throat before clasping your chin and tugging it up, averting your gaze whilst expertly landing his lips on yours.
"Get off me," you seethed, shoving him in the chest and walking away. He chased you, desperately trying to pull you back.
"Babe, I was just doin' as I was told-!"
"Don't 'Babe' me, either!"
"I was followin' orders whether I wanna or not so Shimano don't sniff 'round ya."
"How old was she?" you asked, staring him down.
"I wasn't gonna hurt her," he urged, holding up calm hands to your face.
"Then why kidnap her?"
Your shoulders were raised against your neck, fists balled tight.
"Ohhh, don't ask me this shit, ya know I can't answer ya!"
"Well, you need to tell me something."
"I was just tryna lure out Kiryu-chan, I was gonna return her right back- No, I did give her back!"
"You took a poor, defenseless little girl to get at Kiryu-san, who's just spent the last ten years in prison and has no children... Are you fucking serious-?! Do you actually expect me to believe that?!"
"Haw? It's the truth!"
"You're always chasing Kiryu like some crazy stalker, I don't believe that's why you had to kidnap a kid-!!"
"Mommy?" a little voice cried, cowering in the doorway.
"Ren..." you sighed, picking him up and cradling him in your arms, pressing your lips against his head to soothe him. "Did we wake you up, Sweetie?"
"Why are you shouting at Daddy? Did he do something bad?"
"Hm? I wasn't shouting, you must have dreamed it," you lied, snuggling the little beirn.
Finally cornering you against the kitchen counter, your husband slunk his arms around you and the child despite your stiff limbs trying to stop him. It felt wrong, being touched by this creep, but you guessed you ought to cut him some slack. He didn't hurt her to be fair and you could probably just lie to the detectives like you did usually. At least Majima was home, somewhat well.
He was silent aside from a muttered apology, burying his face deep into the crook of your neck to try and keep a hold of you both, his little family.
A large hand ruffled the little boy's hair, Goro's wide, toothy smile making you feel warm inside.
"Time to go back to bed, son. Give him here," he muttered, relieving you of him. "Man, yer've gotten heavy. Whaddaya been eatin'?!"
Sighing heavily, you watched after them, unsure of what to think. You loved your husband, but you didn't love his job.

Carrying Ren up the stairs, he placed him back in bed, his older brother sound asleep in the same room.
"C'mon, geddall tucked in," he whispered, pulling the duvet up against his chin.
Though he had two boys, he wondered if what he was doing was right. Majima didn't have any family, since his parents weren't around and he just wandered before joining the mob.
You promised him he was a fantastic father, but times like today he found it difficult to believe. It wasn't his intention to bring trouble, he was actually trying to keep you out of it. The things Shimano had done to him were things he never even wanted to think about being done to you or the children. By simply doing as he was asked without question, he didn't run that risk so much.

Noticing the bedroom light on behind him, he guessed you had gone back to bed. Kissing Ren goodnight, the man finally retired to his own room.
You were sat on the edge of the bed, thinking, when he ran his fingers lightly up your neck, stiff muscles giving way at his touch as he sat beside you.
"I care about you. I know it seems like I don't."
Slouching to the side, you laid your head against his arm, letting him rake his digits through your silken tresses.
"It's alright," you muttered, too tired to fight.
"No, it ain't alright. I gotta duty to my family." There was a short pause, his face falling as he exhaled heavily. "I don't even have the excuse of havin' none anymore. My kids-"
"Love you," you interjected snappily. "Those boys adore you, and you're the most fantastic father."
Smiling a little, it was touching how sure you were of what you were saying.
"Just gotta work on bein' a good husband, then?" he joked, smirking over at you. Taking his hand in your own, the feel of your warm skin against his, chilly from being outside most of his time, was a deep comfort.
"You're my husband. Mine. I couldn't ask for anyone different. I don't want anyone else."
"Yer just bein' nice. Don't gotta butter me up."
"Hey! I mean it! You're the father to my babies... Our babies. They need you even more than I do."
He knew that. Majima never had a paternal figure in his life at all. He didn't want the same life for his kids. They needed him. Lying back, his aching gut reminded him that he was still healing.
"Well... I'm gonna take off a few days, anyway. Get this healed up. Man, I'm gettin' too old fer this shit."

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