Goro Majima/Jotaro Kujo : Daddy

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There's a video going round of someone's stepfather asking his fiancée's daughter if he can be her daddy and it's so CUTE 🥺

I always make JoJo such a terrible parent 🤣🤣

Sat at the table, Jolyne's fierce grip on her pencil was a reflection of her frustration.
"JoJo, what's up, Honey? I gotta question for ya."
Settling at the table beside her on the corner, she was silent with anticipation at first, but decided to answer his question.
"I can't do my fuckin' homework, Maji. Serves me right for skippin' school back in Cali."
"Ya can't do yer homework? Let's see this..."
Taking the paper from her, there were simple calculations on the paper. He could do it in his head, no problem, but that was more likely from years of working with cash.
"Oh. Ya see this number here? Well, since it's bigger than the one above it, we take one from this side and it adds ten. Y'see that?"
The girl was attentive, watching as he drew this mystical number beside it and crossed the other out. Nobody had taught her addition like this before.
"So, we take this number from fourteen instead of four, y'know what we get?"
"That's right! Think ya can do the rest?"
"I... Think so."
Jolyne fiddled with her pencil and scribbled away, eventually coming to the correct answer.
"Atta-girl! Ya did great!"
Highfiving her, got her attention again. The girl was only 14, but she acted a lot older as a direct result of her father never being there for her.
"Listen, Momma's already said yes, but I gotta check with you first. It's important."
Holding her hands close to his chest, she was confused. Was this something bad?
"Can I be yer daddy?"
Jolyne's heart burst.
"You're really asking if you can be my dad?"
"Hey, I ain't offended if ya say no. Yer the most important thing to Mom and me but I understand you've got yer actual father."
"Did you just say...?" Voice wavering with tears, the teen threw her arms around the gangster.
"Of course you can!" she sobbed gleefully. You smiled knowingly, placing a nurturing hand on her back.
"Aww, Jolyne. Ya don't gotta cry. I ain't goin' anywhere."
"I can't believe you'd ask me something so dumb!" she laughed, kissing her step father on the cheek.
"I'll look after you and yer momma forever, I promise. But no more motorcycle gangs 'n' shit, y'hear? Ya scare ya Mom outta her skin."
"I promise, Daddy!" she sniffled, with a happy smile.

Daddy... Majima liked the sound of that.

Yakuza x Reader (Mainly Majima)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن