Goro Majima : Homework

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Hikaru Majima : 13
Ren Majima : 11

Groaning, the man lit another cigarette as he read over this convoluted 'homework' his eldest had been given. It was scrawled in messy handwriting, and written in a way that was strange.

You placed a glass of whiskey on the coffee table in front of him as you went past, before changing positions to be behind the couch. Leaning from the back, you draped your arms over the tired dad and kissed his shoulder so he knew you were there. Sighing, he took a long drag.
"The hell are they teachin' at school these days? I didn't go to any damn school 'n' I'm fine."
"Our children need school," you interjected quite plainly. What you meant was, they didn't need Tojo Clan, which was kind of what he was insinuating.
There was a silence as he thought long and hard about what the words were trying to tell him. Though comfortable in one another's quiet company, you broke it anyway.
"I love you," you said wearily, relaxing more into the crook of his neck.
"And I love you," he began, thinking of something romantic to put on the end to make you shut up and leave him alone. "More than... I love being front of the queue in Smile Burger."
Not so romantic, but you took the sentiment. Giggling to yourself, he desired to keep this positive energy. Blinking guiltily since he couldn't think of anything you would genuinely want to hear, he pulled you over the back of the sofa and onto his lap with ease.
Reaching round to pull you in for a cuddle so you couldn't see his gritted teeth and locked jaw, you accepted, cherishing the real feel of him while he was here with you.
Lying back, you lay across him and stroked ropes of muscle in the forearm resting over you.
"Why won't you tell me what bothers you?"
There was a pause. Damn woman. Caught him out at the best of times.
He exhaled breath loudly, placing his pen down and leaning back to look at you.
"'Cause I love you," he just about managed, caressing your cheek, rosied and dewy from doing your skincare. "I love you so, so fuckin' much... You and those two boys are my soul. My little family. Y'ain't gotta worry 'bout me Baby, seriously-"
"But what good is this family without you? If a family loses its patriarch it falls apart, and you should know that better than anybody."
"Well, you're first chairman of this family," he joked, trying to lift the mood. He kissed your head, knowing full well his explanation wasn't good enough. The truth was he had to do some horrible, horrible things when asked. Killing people, kidnapping others and torturing even more. Some of them barely kids. But he couldn't afford to grow a conscience now as a Tojo captain. Not when he had a family to raise and a wife to protect.
"If I'm first chairman then you should answer my question shouldn't you, Captain?"
"I'm just same ol' dime a dozen yakuza, Babe. That's what's up."
Kissing your mouth again, you decided not to press it on him anymore.

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