Goro Majima : Dock Of The Bay

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This has just been sitting in drafts forever and doesn't flow very well but yano it was just a silly little idea I had


Ren is at school or something lmao
Hikaru : 16 coming up to 17
Ren: 15

"Thank you, Hikaru-kun," you praised, sitting on the bench your teenage son had dragged you to. A hot flush had claimed you, making you feel a little under the weather.
"Take a second, Mom."
A woman approached you in the street, bending to be eye level with you. She could tell you were pregnant, since you looked pretty far along.
"Are you alright? You're looking a little pale."
"I'll be fine," you replied, fanning yourself with your hand. "Thanks."
"Mom, I'm just going to that food stand up ahead to to grab ya some water. Don't move."
"You're a model son, looking after your mom like that." The kid looked directly at her, making her feel sick to her stomach.
Why did he look so much like...?
"W-Would you like me to sit with her?"
He cut into you before you could say a thing. He was so much like his father. Hikaru had that protective streak.
"Yeah, that would be great, actually. Thanks for asking after my mom."

"Hikaru-kun is such a good boy," you praised, watching after him. "I'm too old to be pregnant really."
"I think it's lovely. It's really touched my heart, watching him care for you so sensitively like that."
"Do you have children?"
Her face dropped, memories stinging her mind.
"No... Unfortunately. I'm unable have children."
"Oh, my God..." you whispered, bringing your hand to your mouth. "I'm so sorry. I-I didn't realise-!"
"Don't be so daft!" she smiled, hiding the immense amount of pain prickling at her eyes. "How were you supposed to know a thing like that?"
She paused, subconsciously resting her hand on her stomach. "But, I did almost have a child once."
"Almost? I'm so, so sorry. This must be absolutely heart breaking for you to talk about. Especially to me."
"I was far too young. I made a sacrifice I thought I had to at the time and my husband at the time, he... Well... Nevermind. Your son reminds me of him."
"He looks a bit rough and rugged just like his father, but, I know for sure that he has a pristine, pure heart inside."

Handing you an opened bottle of water, you took a big sip, grateful to your son.
"Thank you, Hikaru-kun. Such a sweet boy."
"I saw Dad while I was over there, he's coming over."
Peering over, you waved, the mysterious woman booking it behind you with nothing more but a gasp. Reaching out, the young boy shouted after her, but she showed no signs of slowing.
"Hey, Sweetie! Ya shoulda told me ya didn't have ya sea legs on!" Sitting beside you, he placed a sugary snack into your hand, and forced you to take it.
"Well, I did and then... Oh! Thank you so much for..."
Turning around, she was gone. Hikaru stood staring off in the distance.
"Where'd she go?" You didn't know, but Mirei had taken off at the sight of her ex, eyes full of tears.
"She just ran off, Mom."
"Aww... Did someone stop 'n' help ya? Guess there's still some decency in this town after all."
"Yeah... Pretty lady. She was telling me about her being unable to have children and I was just listening to her... Then... Well, she's gone. She never even told me her name!"
"Ahh, forget about it," he grinned, draping an arm around your neck and shoulders. "There's some nice strangers in the world. I'm sure she's got her own busy life. Ya want some food, Honey?"
"I- I do, Goro... But-"
"C'mon then!" You were pulled along by your doting husband, desperate to get his family out of this dump as quick as possible.
Looking behind you as he dragged you, you tripped and fell into him, making his heart drop and hit the floor.
"Fuck!" he gasped, huffing. "Baby, you scared me. I thought ya fell over!"
"I'm looking for the nice lady that sat with me whilst Hikaru-kun went to get me a bottle of water!"
Sighing with a grumble, he took a deep breath before speaking to you. You were quick to upset when you were pregnant, so he didn't want to wack the hormones out of shape too much. Plus, the look on your face hurt his heart.
"Awwwwwwriiiight. We'll look for her on this pier." Majima gestured, making it absolutely clear that it was this pier only and not the one opposite. "But if she ain't here we're goin'. Is that alright fer ya, Sweetheart?"
"Actually... Where's Hikaru-kun?"

Holding a hand over her heart, she felt peace within herself. Majima got what he wanted. She didn't ruin his life completely!

Maybe, it was finally time for her to let go and stop punishing herself.

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