Goro Majima : Bedtime Story

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Hikaru is honestly Supernanny level naughty 😂
Hikaru Majima : 7
Ren Majima : 5

This is short but I just wanted bedtime fiction with sensitive eyepatch man 💖

Sat at the table, Majima leant on his elbow and listened to you moan on about rising taxes or something like that. Your droning voice was sending him to sleep, despite it only being 4pm.
Suddenly, a soft little hand was patting him for his attention.
"Daddy... Daddy..."
Seems he'd actually fallen asleep, though for how long he was unsure. You weren't around him now. Ren's chubby little face was pink from tears, the sight sending a pang of fear through his chest.
"Haw... Whaddaya cryin' for?"
"Hikaru-kun bit me!"
"Ohh, man... Lemme see!"
Pulling the child onto his lap, he took his hand and inspected it. There were fresh bite marks, that would most likely bruise his pristine skin.
"Hikaru-kuuuun! Geddown these stairs, now!"
Surprisingly, he was being communicative today, actually showing himself instead of causing a fuss. Beneath the dark hair was a guilty scowl on his face.
"Look at this, why'd ya bite yer brother for, eh?"
"He's annoying me!"
"Yeah well, he may be annoyin' ya but yer've only got one brother in this world, so ya gotta be nice."
"He wouldn't leave me alone, Dad-"
"But ya don't gotta bite! Dogs bite. Are you a dog?"
"Naw. I ain't no dog."
"Exactly," he replied, unsure of where this was going. "So, stop yer bitin'. Now, say yer sorry."
"Sorry, Ren-kun," he mumbled, salty from being told off but gently patting his younger brother on his head anyway.
"It'll be alright," he promised, planting a kiss against it anyway for good measure. "Awright, c'mon you two, scram. Be nice."
It took literal minutes before he was causing havoc again. He'd answered you back, biting you, too.
Hikaru ran through the kitchen and onto the balcony, climbing up onto the fence. Majima's face dropped, but he followed him anyway.
Outside, his son was wearing his trademark scowl, leant against the column supporting the balcony with his favourite stuffed toy in his hand.
"Awright, whatcha done? Why's yer momma losin' her head, huh?"
Raking his fingers through Hikaru's unruly hair, the boy shook off his father's affections.
"I bit her."
"Ya bit Mom? After what I..." Sighing, the tired old dad pulled him from the bannister settling in a chair and snuggling the boy, who wasn't really fighting him.
"Hikaru-kun, y'know bitin's wrong, so why'd ya do it?" The kid was silent, unwilling to speak. "I'm talkin' to ya, ya bear. Why'd ya bite yer mom?"
"I just did."
"Ya don't... Bite the people ya love," He stammered, struggling to work through something so weird to say. Hikaru was obviously struggling with something, but it seemed he had indirectly come to Majima for comfort, which warmed his heart. His sons seemed to trust him an awful lot. "C'mon, let's go get some food before yer Mom starts her wailin', huh?"

Tea time was a success, evening rolling round. Goro had begun telling them one of his bullshit stories on the couch, the boys hanging onto every word in their pyjamas.
"Hon-la," Ren tried pronouncing, his baby teeth making him struggle.
"Hannya. Say it: Hann-ya."
"Close enough," the Mad Dog chuckled, making eye contact with you as you walked in. "Awright, Mommy's back, time to say yer g'nights." They leapt up, throwing their arms around your hips and awwing sadly. You smiled, bending over to kiss your little cherubs on their plump cheeks, their groaning making your heart swell even more.
"Well, that makes more kisses for Daddy, then," you said as you placed a gentle kiss on his blind side, the soft feel of your lips making his cheek tingle amidst a smile.
Growing impatient, your youngest son asked a question that had been burning in his mind.
"Mommy, why is Hangya on Daddy's back?"
Yakuza tradition and proving you're hard as nails wasn't the answer, especially when Majima could feel your stare from beside him, warning him.
"Oh, Ren-kun, she actually tried to eat me... But I ate her first!"
The small boy gasped, covering his mouth with his hand. Hikaru was being pulled in too by this revelation.
"You ate her?? A whole Handya?! Daddy, that's sooo greedy!"
"It is, ain't it," you chirped, smirking as you nudged an elbow into his shoulder. "Super greedy."
"W-Well... I had to! She was gonna eat me up, otherwise!"
"Why?" Hikaru yelped, genuinely concerned that there could be a woman inside his dad's stomach.
"'Cause Daddy misbehaves," you interrupted again, giggles leaving your mouth when you were pushed away playfully.
"Geddoutta here, or I'll eat you up, too!"
There was a silence, the boys absorbing this information.
"Why did she try and eat you, Daddy?"
"Uhh... Well... Say g'night to Mommy and I'll tell ya upstairs. It can be a bedtime story!"

Yakuza x Reader (Mainly Majima)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें