Goro Majima : Cupid

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I gave a second chance to cupid

Majima takes you on a date. Mad Dog style. I wasn't so descriptive with this tbh.

"Well, ain't you lookin' nice? Where ya goin'?"
"Out," you spat at him, refusing to even look at him in the reflection of the mirror as you said it. However, to be sure your next words cut him deep, you turned round and glared up at him, the smug look on his face pissing you off.
"Without you."
"Oosh," he said, squinting. "What's riled you up?"
"Hmm? Why?" he squawked, getting in your personal space.
"Being alive." You dodged him twice as he tried to kiss you, convinced you were just being hormonal or something. "Don't touch me. You're covered in blood. Again."
His hands were all over your middle now, trying desperately to pull you in for a smooch. Majima caught your shoulder at least, lightly nipping at the tight skin there.
"It ain't mine."
"I said- I'm trying to make myself look desirable. Back off."
"Don't ya think yer being a bit-?"
"A bit what?"
Your voice was icily shrill, daring him to answer. It was enough to make him back down, bringing out calm hands.
"Okay girl, I see you're upset. Why are ya-"
"Because you're more interested in your dumb gang shit and following a convict round town than you are in me and what I have to offer you. I mean, look at you. Coming home to me ripped to shreds like this." His jaw dropped, completely taken aback by your attitude.
"So, I'm gonna go get ratted and be of interest to somebody worth my time."
"Awright, who's yer date?" he retaliated, folding his arms and leaning against the wall, jealous already.
"That's none of your business."
"Ahh, ya don't have one then? I been playin' the datin' game since before ya were even outta nappies. Get yer coat on, I'm takin' y'out."
"And why should I let you-?"
"'Cause I'm yer man and I don't like sharin'."
His sudden change to dominant flicked a switch somewhere, apparent in your sultry, flirting stare.
He hadn't meant to neglect you, but he didn't want to be up in your grill all the time, either. Besides, Kamurocho without him?! Hell no! He knew all the best spots!
You were still refusing, making your boyfriend take to begging, just to be sure he won you over. Dropping to his knees, you sighed in agitation when he began crawling round, pawing at your silky smooth, freshly shaven legs.
"Pleeeease lemme take ya out! I really don't wanna share ya, I'll do whaddever ya want! It took me long enough to-!"
"Ugh. You're acting like you're about two. Fine. But you owe me some good food."
You supposed giving your man another chance was easier than capturing the attention of someone else. Though the thought of Majima's jealous reaction to a younger man's interest was truly tantalising, considering he was almost 15 years your senior.
"Whaddever I gotta do, Baby. I'll make it worth ya while."
Taking his chin, you glared down at his pout, deliberately leaning forward to take the reins and tease him. There was something so sexy about reigning over an older man.
"Well, to start with, you can go wipe the blood off your face," you said, rubbing at his chin. The man leapt up with a cry for joy, until you said your next sentence. "You can put a shirt on, too. I'm not walking 'round with you looking like that." Groaning, the man dragged his feet to the bathroom, supposing he could take a shower if it would please you.

Drinking in his figure, you were rather impressed. Tailored trousers, a real dress shirt with a blazer... He'd even lost the gloves. Such maturity suited him.
"Oh, one more thing."
Going to the back of his trousers, you yanked out his blade, throwing it onto the bed. You knew him too well and it pissed him off.
"Awww, ya wanna go on a real date then?" he groaned, scowling. "Whatcha gonna do if ya get kidnapped?"
"That only happens in movies."
"Alright, what if I get kidnapped?"
"They can have you. I'm sure they'll give you back after an hour or so, since you're so fucking annoying."
"Mrrroww, ya wound me, baby girl," he trilled, biting his lip and getting right up close to you at the door. "C'mon then!" he sung, slapping your ass with a scheming grin.
"Hey, don't touch the merchandise!"

Yakuza x Reader (Mainly Majima)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt