Goro Majima: Sleepy Intruder

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This book currently has 15 Majima drafts 🙄

At least five of them have the "Miaoowww" trill I've randomly packaged him with. (he defo purrs come on now)

Bit of mature Majima, I'm not sure he'd get married again after going absolutely feral but that's what AU's are for I guess. This is mainly dialogue towards the end TBH but short and sweet 💋

Rain hammered down on the windows like nails on a table. It was so loud and disturbing, yet you slept rather soundly through it usually. The futon was warm, thick blankets piled on your frame. The only comfort missing here was your husband, but he didn't come home that often. You didn't really have an understanding of his job role, but what you did know is that it was definitely something a bit dubious since he was always coming back battered and bruised, telling you tall tales that seemed far too epic to be true. Only the scratches and scars littering his body were actual proof of his escapades.
Sleep was just about to grasp you finally, when something chilly slid into bed and... Well, grasped you. For a moment, you were still, just in case it was someone else. What if someone had broke in who was after Majima? It would make sense for them to come after you, since he was so fucking vocal about his "cute-ass wife" after all, wouldn't it?
A strong arm reached through beneath your ribs, the other across the top of your hip. So far, you had established two definite facts about this person.
They were completely naked, one million percent.
They were absolutely freezing, too. Stirring, you smelled the cologne he always wore, so that was a good start. Though, you guessed anybody could get a hold of that.
Tangling with your legs were a pair of long, hairy ones, wintry from the blistering cold, most likely having been trapped inside a pair of tight, leather trousers for hours. Coarse beard hair scratched at the base of your shoulder, full lips pressing harshly enough against your warm skin you could feel his teeth.
"What's'a matter, Doll? Why's yer heart beatin' so fast? Summat spook ya?" Bringing your legs up into a more comfortable position with a relieved sigh, he chuckled breathily into your back, feeling your body melt into his arms and feeling the hint of a safe smile on your lips. "Oh... Hope ya weren't expectin' someone else."
"No," you whispered with a giggle, feeling along his muscular thigh and murmuring something about the cold getting to him. "I got scared for a moment. You were so quiet coming in. I was worried it wasn't you." He shuffled forward, pulling you closer to him for a proper snuggle.
"Heh. Ain't no-one gonna get ya in this bed, 'cept me. And that's a promise... 'Specially when ya this toasty in nothin' but ya pants." His rough hands wrapped around you even more, one toying with the hem of your cheeksters, skinny fingers feeling along the fabric to guess which ones they might be, before smoothing over your bare skin with a light hum. "Hmm, miaooow. I'm gonna enjoy these tomorrow, Y/N."
You wiggled your ass against him, yelping a little when he slapped it playfully.
Falling asleep seemed to come way easier now he was here, and with a yawn you swung an arm behind you to feel the contours of his angular cheeks. You were so used to sleeping alone, him being here was a comfort you seldom felt.
"How come it's so late, then? What's tonight's tall tale?"
"Eeh, got caught up chasin' some dude. Got bored, came home. Decided I'd rather spend my time with you and these damn fine curves ya keepin' under here."
"You're too thirsty, Goro," you laughed, beginning to drift off in his arms. "You're not even dressed."
"My clothes're soaking. Can't be arsed gettin' pants on when I can just wear you instead."
"Jesus, I'm too tired for your naughty, smutty behaviour." Nestling his face into your back, he was starting to fall asleep himself. "You should behave yourself."
Slurring his words as slumber beckoned him, a hand slid up your smooth leg, a small growl coming from the back of his throat.
"'Fuck, that's good... I gotta make ya up, ain't I?"
"What the fuck did you just say?" you laughed, getting into your final snuggly position, his body spooning you, arms wound loosely round your frame, but tight enough so you couldn't escape without effort.
"Don't matter Doll. I'll tell ya whatever ya want me to tomorrow."
"You're cute when you're tired."
He didn't even reply that time, his breaths growing heavy and eventually progressing into snores. He didn't sleep much, poor guy. You decided you should do the same, falling yourself.

The next morning, you woke up with Majima practically koalaing you, tangled like a knot. Groaning as you stirred, it woke him up a little, but he just used his brief waking moments to pull you closer, settling a hand on the upper plushness of your breast.
"Mmmmm, don't go. Stay here. Bed'll be cold without ya init."
"Wow, your linguistic skills don't half regress when you're tired, fucking hell."
Reaching up to grip your jowls, he shook your head lightly from side to side playfully.
"Don't take the piss outta my voice, you love it. I've done ya wonders with this voice."
He wasn't wrong... He had a damn sharp tongue, knew what to say and how to say it. When he wasn't sleepy.
"Ugh, you're so cocky."
"Whatever, Darlin'. I'll get ya later. Better watch yerself."

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