Kiryu Kazama : Catfight

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Sitting back in your dressing room chair, you relaxed yourself, winning yet another betted match. Shutting your eyes, aching coarsed through your body as general chatter could be heard in the centre of the makeshift arena. Drunken men with money from all places came to bet on fights, but they were still just normal guys at the end of the day.
"I'm not sure I like you being part of this catfight business," someone said from behind you. The voice was low and silky, right up close to your face. "Coming back with bruises and blood all over your face, dirt across that cute mug of yours. Tch." Gentle strokes followed, from slightly calloused fingertips, outlining your cheek and jaw. His lips grazed your own from above, gentle compared to the huff of breath through his handsome smirk.
You knew that it was Kiryu from his voice, but his smell was what confirmed it for you. A mix of light cigarettes and expensive cologne - which his brother forced him to buy, of course, paired with the taste of whiskey on his tongue. It was just... Him.
"You've been gone a while," you mused, opening your eyes to gaze into his dark squint. "Where have you been?"
"Busy," he replied, swallowing. As much as he trusted you, he had to be careful about what he said. Dragging you into one of his messes would break his heart. He hadn't meant to end up in love with you, but it had happened and there was nothing he could do.
"Busy?" Your mouth was mocking, eyebrow raised as if he'd said something surprising. Kiryu was always fucking busy. You were aware he was an ex-Yakuza and people were after him often for dodgy reasons, but that was the extent of it. He daren't tell you about the empty lot, or Kuze, or Dojima in general. You knew not much of his past, or even his present, really. Being a cat fighter took up most of your evenings, so the daytime was completely free for you to spend as you wanted, such a wealthy profession keeping you afloat to do as you pleased. However, it was an underground job, meaning if the police caught on there could be trouble.
"Yeah, but it ain't leather and lace busy, like you."
Leaning close again, your lips locked a second time, his large hands against your delicate neck when your gnashers came out to nibble his bottom lip. Pulling away, his stare was fixed on the bodily fluids smeared across your cheek. "Who's blood is this, anyway? It sure as hell ain't yours."
"You got that right. Can you tell by the taste or something? Weirdo."
"Hm. Guess so. I have to go. I only dropped by to say 'hey'."
Grinning, you accepted his final gesture, mouths slightly apart as tongues got involved.
"Then, hey it is, Kiryu-chan," you whispered, saying his name with the smile he loved to see. It made him feel warm inside. You acted like a bitch at catfight, but deep down, he knew you had a pure heart. He could trust that heart, even if his life was to go completely to pot, right now.
Before he left, you got one last request in to him.
"Promise me you'll come back before you do whatever drastic thing you're going to do."
He turned, peering over his shoulder at you. "I know you. When you have your mind set on something, you do it. You're that kind of guy."
"I promise. I might even bet on your opponent."
"Ha! You better earn some serious cash, then." Reaching out to touch the doorknob, your voice stopped him in his tracks again. "Kiryu, wait."
You hesitated, but built up your courage and threw yourself at him, burrowing yourself in his chest with a massive grin across your chops. Your arms were squeezing him tightly, his heart beating harshly into your ear. Bringing a hand up to your head, his fingers combed through your hair, feeling how soft your tresses were before he had to pick up a cold, hard weapon again.
"Take care, Y/N."
"I should be telling you that! I'm paid to stay alive."

Smirking, Kiryu silently left. His payout was the smiles on the faces of his friends and family. The safety of the people around him. But most importantly, it was the arms around his body, comforting him.
"I'll see you soon, Y/N."

Yakuza x Reader (Mainly Majima)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum