KnY Boyfriend Scenarios

By SunBabyxKenshin

218K 2.7K 10.2K

Enjoy scenarios and stuff with your fav KnY husbando! Characters are in the first two chapters! I was origina... More

🌺Request Page🌺
How You Meet
When You Become Friends
When You Spend Time Together
Realizing Your Feelings for Each Other
When You/They Confess
When You Have Your First Kiss
🌻Your Nicknames🌻
💜Tengen Catch-Up💜
Love Languages
Haunted Attractions! (1k Special)
Your Favorite Food
A/N: I'm stumped😗
A/N:I'm updating the update and calling it update
A/N: Hopefully the last one for a while
💜Gyomei Catch-Up💜
💜Genya Catch-Up💜
Random Stuff You've Said
Unofficially Adopted
☀️What Does Your Family Think of Him?☀️
☀️What Does His Family Think of You?
When You Get Sick
How You Cuddle
Incorrect Quotes
☀️ Who's Your Best Friend?
When He Gets Sick
🎂Birthday Special🎂
When He Gets Hurt
💘Valentine's Day Special!💘
💜Hotaru Catch-Up💜
Aftermath of the Injury
Are They Ticklish?
Are You Ticklish?
Do They Like Hugs?
How He Treats You vs. Everyone Else
Dere Types
🌻Who Do You Hate?🌻
When You Get Hurt But Hide It
Purge ending🙁
When You Heal
When You're on Your Period
When He Worries About You
Uh Oh, Guardian Trouble..
When You Guys Get Matching 😶 Stuff
☀️Your Contact Names
☀️Your Favorite Shows+Movies
🦃Turkey Day Special!🦃
🎄Christmas Special!🎄
🍾Happy New Years🍾
When You're Mad at Him
When He Accidentally Hits You
💜Akaza Catch-Up💜
💜Muzan Catch-Up💜
💜Douma Catch-Up💜
💜Gyutaro Catch-Up💜
💜Kokushibo Catch-Up💜
🌻Who Has a Crush on You?🌻
☀️Your Couple Song
💝Mother's Day Special! pt.1💝
🌻Your First Thoughts of Them🌻
Present for you guys <3

When He Finds Out You Got Hurt

4.3K 48 255
By SunBabyxKenshin

Tanjiro Kamado

You shivered violently, hands clutching your throbbing wound. Ever since you returned, you were terrified to go see Shinobu. It took days to get to and from your destination, and that meant if this was an infection, the damage was already being done.

You preferred to just die alone than deal with the pain, but that backfired hella since it was the most excruciating pain you'd ever experienced.

That'll change in a few years, but anyway, you were probably about to DIE. You slowly began losing consciousness, sliding down the wall of your comfortable room that smelled of medicine(Mitsuri thought you were just sick.)

Just then, the door slammed open and Shinobu, Tanjiro, and Mitsuri all came rushing in.

"What happened?" You asked, sitting up as best as you could.

"You happened!" Mitsuri replied, a worried tone in her voice. "Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?"

Her voice got tearful as she spoke and you began to feel bad.

"I was scared... I didn't wanna tell you." You replied. A hiss left your mouth when Tanjiro hoisted you up in his arms princess style.

"How bad is it?" He asked, finally speaking after the scary silence he'd had.

"I don't know." You answered shortly.

"Bring her to the butterfly estate and let me look." Shinobu was far ahead from the three of you, determination in her steps the faster she went.

It was quiet aside from the sniffles and short sobs that came from Mitsuri. You felt terrible for making her go through that.

Eventually, you made it to one of the hospital beds and Tanjiro sat you down as carefully as he could.

"Alright... got a feeling this is gonna be bad." Shinobu muttered. Both Mitsuri and Tanjiro gave her worried looks and she glanced at them. "What? It's in my professional opinion... kinda."

"Oh.." Mitsuri breathed a response, eyes widening fearfully. "I have to go I can't look."

"It doesn't even hurt that much.." you protested.

"That's not the good thing you think it is because lookie-lookie little sister, your wound is infected." Her eyes focused on the gash in your side, a sharp breath coming from Tanjiro.

Your eyes began tearing up and you started crying. You brought your hands up to cover your face.

"Im sorry..! I was scared! I didn't want it to hurt and- and now it's worse!" You cried.

"Don't worry, you're fine." Shinobu reassured.

You wanted to say sorry to Tanjiro, but the shoji thudded lightly. You assumed that meant he left and you cried more.

Then you started venting to Shinobu and talking about random shit like you were high as she treated your wound.

"This is gonna be a long day..." she mumbled.

Zenitsu Agatsuma

You held your hands over your abdomen, limping painfully back to the flame estate.

C/n was flying above you, despite how much she hated doing so, but she did give alarms whenever it looked like you were about to pass out.

"CAW! We're nearly there!" She stopped beating her wings and squawked in surprise at the sound of a thud.

She turned to look at you, inhaling a sharp breath.

"I knew I should've made her stay..." she muttered, soaring down to you worriedly. "Are you alive? Are you good?"

You shifted to a sitting position, holding your arm and thigh that you fell on.

"Yeah... I just lost my footing." You assured. C/n didn't believe you one bit and she glanced around. That's when she saw an electric yellow figure in the distance.

"ACAWtsuma!" She stared, expression slowly falling. "He's leaving? Hurry, let's go!" C/n flapped her wings vigorously, pulling your haori up with all her might.

You got up, lightly swatting her talons away.

"Okay.." you muttered, walking towards the estate despite being exhausted. You really should have listened to C/n, you've never been hurt this bad.

"ACAWTSUMA!!" She screeched, making you cover your ears.

He seemed to stop in his tracks and turned quickly.

"Y/n!" You heard, thought it was extremely faint. It's like you blinked and he was right by your side. "What happened?! Who did this to you? I swear if I get my hands on them-"

"I already killed him.. the demon that is." You replied. Zenitsu's expression softened.

He didn't see your expression change much from anything but stoic, so seeing you pained was hell.

"Well- let's get you to Kocho." He slung your arm around his shoulder, hoisting you up by the waist and being sure to avoid the bleeding gash at your side.

"Take CAW of her or I'll peck your eyes out!" C/n called, flapping her wings as she stood on the ground, refusing to fly again until she felt like it.
Another crow startled her and she whipped around. "MATSU?"

"C/n!" He crowed back. "What happened to the Hashira? CAW!"

She snapped her beak shut and hummed. "She's a bit stupid, you see."


"FLY!" Matsuemon yelped, taking off immediately as Zenitsu fumed from the insult.

Omg please don't be mean to your crow in the comments I love her so much😭 also I forgot that crows have last names so give our baby a full name👿

Inosuke Hashibira

You were lying down in your room, nearly nodding off to sleep when a gentle thud sounded from the door. You opened your eyes grumpily and saw Zenitsu standing there, eyes flickering around nervously.

"Uh... I don't usually come in here.."

"It's fine. Come on in." You waved a hand in your direction and he shuffled over a bit quickly.

"I'm sorry you cut your finger trying to cook for me."

"Nah, you're fine. I-"

"YOU WHAT?!" Suddenly, Inosuke practically jumped into the room, an angry tone in his voice. This anger was definitely confirmed by the steam that puffed from his nose.

"Wait! Inosuke before you do anything rash-"

"I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!" Inosuke wiggled his fingers as a shiver ran down his spine. "You used you're little weakling bitch-boy powers to get Y/n to cut her finger!"

"Now hold up chief, you better-"


"Zenitsu ima need you to take the base outcha voice boy."



Inosuke didn't need to hear anymore. He jumped on Zenitsu in an instant starting a brawl in your room.

You just watched them with a blank look, flipping a knife from your sleeve and dropping it on the floor.

"CLEAN UP WHEN YALL ARE DONE AND DON'G BLEED ALL OVER!" You exclaimed, walking out of the room and sliding the door shut behind you.

Sabito+Giyuu Tomioka

You woke up startled, chest heaving almost instantly. Was that a dream? You didn't usually have nightmares.

As you sat up, you looked down at your torso to see if it was a dream.

Your kimono was changed... you weren't wearing this earlier.

You looked up again. The room was empty, curtains pulled and door shut.

You also noticed your mask was off. You hated having it off. It always worried you that you'd harm somebody.

"Y/n?" A tearful voice called from the darkness.

Your head turned in that direction curiously, eyes
trying to adjust and see Sabito.

"A-Are you okay?" It sounded like he'd been crying for hours. He was still crying, actually. He stuttered through a sob.

"Mhm." You hummed in confirmation, flinging the shits out of your way and furrowing your eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

"You-" He cut himself off with another cry and sniffle. "There... you were hurt really bad, and.. and..."

Okay. Now you know it wasn't a dream. In a panic, you got up and ran to the door.

"Don't! The sun's still out!" Sabito yelled. You ignored him, slamming the shoji open and running down the halls and the flight of stairs.

The sun did burn, nearly fatally, but when you got downstairs, you instantly ran towards Giyuu.

He was sitting alone in the living room, which obviously changed when he heard footsteps running towards him.

You instantly launched yourself into his arms, not thinking of the fact he could have wounds. He didn't, obviously, because he's good at his job.

"It's midday! How did you get out here?!" He asked, wrapping his arms around you protectively.

You nearly started humming but held your breath for a moment.

"I just ran." You replied shortly.

"That was dangerous. And stupid." You furrowed your eyebrows in distaste but just huffed.

"Well.. Sabito- uh... he was crying. So... what happen?" You asked.

He cleared his throat lightly.
"Uh... when-"

You gave him a worried look. Both he and Sabito seemed to hate what happened.

"Just... when you take your kimono off, you'll see." He pointed at your stomach and you panicked inwardly. What was he talking about?

You got up abruptly, turning and quickly rushing to the bathroom.

"CAREFUL!" He yelped, surprised at your boldness to just run out in the sun.

You turned back, eyes wide and curious.

He paused. You slowly turned back around, slid open the bathroom door with a slam and rushed in. You quickly slid off your kimono down to your hips (not without closing the door.)

A scar, a messy large one, was etched in your stomach. A scar.

This got you freaking out. You started crying, fearing the worst. Did you have to start being careful again? UghgghhsKWNDORNFKF

Anyway, you wiped your tears and huffed. Now you had to be an adult, which is super boring. But how did this even happen? Demons don't get scarred.

You'd just have to think about it when you woke up, because you sat on the floor and just fell asleep.

Kyojuro Rengoku

Actually, you hit it pretty well. They usually have you sitting and laying down, except for at night when you go do the things you want to do.

The pain in your ankle went away a bit, but you still had a limp. Sometimes it would send a pang of pain and you nearly fell.

This was one of those moments.

Kyojuro was sitting in bed, waiting for you to come in so he could sleep.

You walked in with your practiced 'normal' gait.

He waved you over tiredly and you were about to go lay with him, but then... the fire nation attacked!

Your ankle.

And you tripped...

But on reflex Rengoku caught you.

Because he's just like that. He was a former Hashira not to flex🤪

You held back a hiss, flexing your ankle a bit.

"Are you okay? Why did you fall?"

"Clumsiness." You replied shortly, leaning away and standing on your foot.

His eyes were intense as he stared then he looked back up at you.

"How did you sprain your ankle?"

You pressed your lips in a thin line and cleared your throat.

"I... was hula hopping." You lied.

He stared at you owlishly. Muichiro was right.

"Aha! Those pesky hula hoops!" He laughed boisterously and you joined with nervous, fake laughter. "Well! Come on then!"

He picked you up easily and pranced over to the bed.

He knew you were lying btw, but he also knew you didn't wanna talk about it. So. Yeah. Hu- BOYFRIEND

of the year.


Honestly I needa start editing the chapters again bc the mistakes are ticking me tf off😒

Yes I read my own books screw off SARAH

Obanai Iguro


You finally caught up to him(this is past tense btw) and when you got there, you tried to release a finishing form, but when you did, he saw your haori fly open, and then he saw the blood, and then you killed the demon, and then you fell, and then you passed out, and then he cursed the demon until it completely turned to ash, and then he picked you up and ran home.

He's still hella mad. At the demon and himself. How could it hurt you? How could he let it hurt you? You weren't his wife, that's been made clear, but you were his best friend and extremely special... to him at least.

But Obanai was mad too. He knew it wasn't Tengens fault though, so he let him off with a glare for letting him know too late.

Sorry Obanai, cellphones weren't around back then. If they were I'd make him shoot you a text😕



Uhm anyways

Your eyes opened somewhat reluctantly. You felt tired, like someone woke you up from a nap. But you also felt warmth at your side. There was a cold feeling on your neck though.

You chuckled a bit as it shifted, sliding down your arm.

"Kaburamaru." You muttered. He flicked his tongue and hissed, bumping his head into your chin lightly.

You rubbed his head with a soft finger then looked at Obanai.

He was sleeping. He also looked worried, you noticed.

You hated seeing him worried or sad. But it was a normal emotion... either way, you prefer seeing him happy. So you leaned in and kissed his cheek.

That startled him awake and he sat up abruptly.

You flinched back, hissing at the pain in your torso.

'Oh yeah... I got shot. I GOT MY SHOTS.'
I mean... you didn't technically get shot, but go off queen.  SLAYYYY THE RUNWAY

Anyways, Obanai was quiet for a moment. Then he turned to you.

"You're awake." He said. You nodded.

"Goodmorning." A smile GRACED your face, clearly happy to see him.

He looked relieved, you saw. He was just happy you didn't DIE.

"Thank the gods..." he muttered, pulling you into a hug that didn't hurted(or you ignored it idk choose one stink), leaning into your shoulder. He was holding back the urge to kiss you.

Don't worry that's actually me holding back the urge to have him kiss you all over his face like a fairytale. I can't wait for your marriage😔

Sanemi Shinazugawa

Oh yeahhh you did get hurt!


You were sleepin peacefully... when suddenly the FIRE NATION ATTCKED AGAIN!


But above your titties yk

Anyway, you hissed, jolting awake and sitting up with a startled expression.

Sanemi also jolted awake, but he had a confused expression as he sat up.

"What? Did you forget something?" He asked hurriedly.

You held a hand over your chest, pulling it away subtly. It started bleeding again.

"Ow..." you muttered. Sanemi peaked around your head and glared at your bloody hand.

"When did you get hurt?" He asked.

You turned to him with a blank expression.

"I accidentally scratched myself in my sleep."

"Wow I didn't know your nails were that sharp, I better wear a shirt the next time we-"

"OH YEAH NO IT WAS LAST NIGHT." You answered the question again to cut him off.

"How did you get hurt? That's a better question."

You took another pause then groaned.

"When the demon thingy thing came and was like 'hey sexy lady lemme scratch that chest' and I was like 'FUUUUHCK NO' and then it scratched my chest so that's the story."

Sanemi gave a stoic look and nodded.

"Well now I can't beat the shit out of because you're MY sexy lady."

"Oh wow that's what you took from it? Also stop being a horndog."

"Okay well all that aside, we gotta get that taken care of."

"I don't trust you with a kitchen knife. I'll do it."

And then you stitched it up yourself despite how bad it hurt and then Sanemi kissed it better. 😏


Muichiro Tokito

I forgot how you got hurt for a second

So anyway,,,

You were laying on Captains back, curtesy of said bear, and riding home at a steady pace.

You were perfectly fine with that, but Captain still felt guilty.

Anyways, on the way home, you ran into Muichiro.

"Hey N/n." Well, that was a sign he was in a good mood. Keyword; was.

"Hey, Mui." You waved absentmindedly and heard a gasp.

"What the heck is that?!"

"Oh my god just say hell.."

"That's a potty word, no." Muichiro shook his head but snapped back into worry. "What happened to your arm?"

"Oh..." you mumbled. Captain's ears flattened and you turned over, reaching up to scratch his head. "I'm fine. It's just a little scratch."

"And who caused it?"

Captain got even more sad, dipping his head in shame.

"Uh... unimportant." Muichiro pulled himself up onto the bear's back, sitting between your legs and pulling your arm to himself.

He started unwrapping the bandage. Another gasp.

"Oh my gosh what?" You groaned. Captain kept moving, this time a bit quicker.

"It- your are is really bloody!"

"Boo, as if I didn't know." You rolled your eyes, sitting up to look. The claw mark was deep, and yes, it was bleeding a lot. But you could handle that. "That's why there was a bandage."

"But- but... look at it!" Well.. it was kind of unsettling. The skin was all torn and mangled, some of it sticking out and almost falling off. It was disgusting.

Why am I describing this? Omg ewww..

"Eh, I've gotten worse. Have you seen my dad drunk for the first time?" You joked, nudging his arm.

"That's really sad."

"Uh- you're sad." You rolled your eyes, shifting to face forward as you rewrapped your arm. "Anyway, I'll fix it up when we get back."

"Go see Kocho, actually." You rolled your eyes again.

"Alright. I'll go see Kocho when we get back. We're nearly there anyway." Muichiro nodded, leaning back and laying on Captain's back. "Oh! How's that pillar training thing going?"

Muichiro groaned and you grinned.

I'm scared I don't want to have an early sunrise countdown scenario😕 I planned that for later

Yoriichi Tsugikuni

Okay- he didn't really know about that little UNGRATEFUL ASS outburst with the girls, but he instantly noticed your finger.

"What happened, my darling?" You we're startled when Yoriichi showed up at your side, hands taking yours into his own.

"Oh, same as always. Needle prick." You flexed your finger to show him it was fine, but he still looked worried.

"Well.. are you alright?" You stared at him, confused. "You know... emotionally?"

You were surprised. He wasn't here. How would he know you were sad?

You just assumed it had to do with our look. Maybe it was all depressed or something.

"Yeah. I'm all good." You assured him again.

"Hm..." Yoriichi gave you a knowing look. "It seems like you lied."

"Wait- how do you know all this?" You asked. You just wanted the topic to change.

"..educated assumptions." You just assumed what he said was accurate. Smart people things, you know?

"Oh... okay." He looked like he was thinking. That look mixed with guilt a moment later.

"Well.. if you're alright, then that's good. I won't ask anymore if you don't want me to." You nodded, a grateful smile spreading across your face.

"Thank you. How was your trip?"

Oddly enough, he looked guilty again. Why? Was he lying about something? You noticed the looks got progressively more noticeable the more trips he went on. So if they weren't for work, whatever he did, then what were they?

"It was great. I got a lot done." He replied. It seemed he enjoyed whatever he did... or at least he was telling the truth. But you were certainly curious. Maybe he'll tell you what he does eventually.

"Well I'm proud of you." You smiled, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

Then you went back to doing whatever the heyll you're doing with Yoriichi supervision🙌🏾🦌

Tengen Uzui

You're fine bruh what do you want? Sure, Suma cried over your hand blAh blah blah GROW UP NIGGA ITS A PAPER CUT

Gyomei Himejima

Well how would he find out huh? GOSSIP!!

So. Okay. So. Mhm.

SO. You were chatting with Genya one day, and he asked what you were scared of. There was one helluva long pause and you finally answered.
"Leaving him alone."
He asked for you to specify and you told the story. Then you repeated,
"I'm scared of leaving Gyomei alone."

And then he tried to lighten the mood and say that he would be there for Gyomei if you weren't.

And let's be honest, if you weren't here, Gyomei would die in the sunrise countdown so stay alive bitch☠️

Anyways you were sleeping again when SUDDENLY..!

Gyomei laid down in bed. He wasn't busy today, surprisingly.

He just held you there until you woke up.

"OH! Gyomei are you finally gonna fu-"

"No." He cut you off almost instantly. "I just wanna lay here."

You didn't question it but you knew he was being serious today. He likely just wanted to be with you.

Do you just laid there together.



But I love writing this😭 I wanna write this😕

Genya Shinazugawa

I forgot how you got hurt and genuinely can't remember
Mk I looked

You hissed, hitting the pause button and backing away.

"What? Are you okay?" Genya asked hurriedly. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you're good." You assured him.

Right now, you guys were practicing how to dance😮
It seemed like something else innit
That was my goal hehehe👹

But it was just in case you ever had to dance for special occasions, I.E. a party.

"Are... are you hurt?" Your head snapped in his direction, startling him.

"No. No, why would you think I was hurt? Do I look hurt? Did- did you see anything?"

"No. But now I think you are hurt because that sounded like a lying voice."

Your mouth slammed shut and you stared. Then you sighed.

"Okay. Look."

"DAAA-heyyyy." He waved timidly and cleared his throat. "That-that's gnarly, babe."

"Whoa it's weird hearing you say the magic B word." Your eyes widened as you said that. Then you looked at your arm. "Oh, it's just bruised... and a little scratched."

"A little?"

"A little." You said firmly, pulling your sleeve down. "OHOOOW OWWW"
You cradled your arm with a dragged out whine that hitched in your throat.
"I-I'm just kidding. It doesn't h-OUCH"

"Oh you have a broken hand by the way."


"Okay... let's go see Shinobu."

"Okay..." Genya pushed you in front of him(it wasn't harsh) and you lead the way timidly.

Hotaru Haganezuka

You woke up a few hours later to Haganezuka poking you in a serious of quick jabs.

"What- what?" You muttered. He pointed at your hand.

"You dumb? How's you manage to hurt yourself in just a few hours?"

"Oh my gosh bro leave me alone..." you muttered.

"I got your sushi." That got you up.

"Don't say shit I'll bite your dick off the next time we fuck." You pointed at Haganezuka and he glared.

"I wasn't gonna say shit. But uh... you okay?" You raised an eyebrow and he pointed at your hand. "Does it hurt?"

You gasped slowly.

"Oh my turpentine YOU CARE?" You asked. He gave you a weird face.

"I'm not heartless. Of course I care. I saw the blood when I walked in."

"Oh, yeah. I'm good." You are your sushi then remembered. "Oh! Also I'm not pregnant."

"Oh you son of a-"

"And if you see something in your sword room it wasn't me."


"No shit Sherlock, want a cookie for finding out?"

"No but I'll take a kiss." You cringed.

"For some reason I love and hate when you flirt with me. This feels weird.."

"I don't know maybe I want you pregnant."

"Oh my god nevermind I just hate it-"

"Fuck you."

"Love you too glowworm."

Awww what a loving relationship🥰💕

I write the chapters I feel like writing and then move them up the chart teehee

They still go along with the 'story'😃


Also if I don't post next Tuesday it's bc I ran out of filler chapters

Anyways I might have to move the sunrise countdown chapter up or make Muichiro's scenarios happen within days. Idk.

It's 3:35 AM ima see if I can sleep. Love y'all pookies😘



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