In Love With An Outlaw

By diorbabygee

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"Where the hustle brings the dollar." In a city full of money, sex, and will get swallowed whole... More

• Copyright
• Words From the Author
• Chapter One
• Chapter Two
• Chapter Three
• Chapter Four
• Chapter Five
• Chapter Six
• Chapter Seven
• Chapter Eight
• Chapter Nine
• Trigger Warning
• Chapter Ten
• Chapter Eleven
• Chapter Twelve
• Chapter Thirteen
• Chapter Fourteen
• Chapter Fifteen
• Chapter Sixteen
• Chapter Seventeen
• Chapter Eighteen
• Chapter Nineteen
• OUTLAW: A Traplanta sequel

• Chapter Twenty

611 52 25
By diorbabygee

Chapter Twenty

"Die by the sword"

11:36 p.m. in Atlanta

"Wait! Milan slow down! What do you mean she's gone?!" Kyran says frantically over the phone as Milan stood in the middle of Kauner's apartment.

"She called me like two hours ago, saying how she didn't feel in control of her life anymore and that she needed to leave Atlanta for the sake of her sanity. I thought I calmed her down.. until her mom called me. She said that she hasn't seen or heard from her since this morning." Milan says with a huge sigh, running her fingers through her freshly done micro-links as she tried to think about where Kauner could have possibly gone.

"What the hell, where are you at right now?" Ky asks Milan, sounding like he was getting out of bed.

"I'm standing in her apartment, I checked the bedroom closet and her beauty room to see if she took clothes but nothing really seems out of place."

"I'm on my way, give me ten minutes."


Milan decided to go ahead and text Shi and let him know where she was just in case he came home looking for her. Ever since he found out she was pregnant he had been so protective of her, he basically moved into her loft. He was there every night.

Shi spent most of the day at Amir's house since since it was his first day out and everything. He wanted her to tag along with him and meet his aunt but Milan didn't really want to see Amir right now. She didn't like the way he did Kauner and since she's not the type to hide how she feels so she decided against going.

Milan was laying on the couch scrolling through her IG timeline when Kyran entered the apartment, already taking off the Moncler navy blue padded wool cardigan that he wore on top of his black satin pajama pantsuit.

"Bitch why are you sitting in here with door open like Buckhead isn't the new Bankhead?" He questions her, looking around Kauner's spotless condo.

"Shutup, it's about time your ass got here. I almost fell asleep waiting on you!" She rolls her eyes, sitting up on the couch and turning around to face him.

"Don't be so dramatic, I got here in five minutes." He waves her off, walking over to the wine fridge and grabbing a bottle of red wine that Kauner hadn't finished. "I called her phone like ten times on the way over here, it's going straight to voicemail. I even tried dm'ing her on Instagram. She deactivated her page."

"Knowing her.. I wouldn't be surprised if she was on a plane heading out of the country right now." Milan mumbles, playing with a loose string on the sleeve of her white thermal shirt.

"Tsssss. Can you blame her? Look at all of the shit that's happening to and around her. Amir completely blindsided her with all of his bullshit, and now she's supposed to raise a child with him and heal from all the trauma he put her through at the same time? Fuck that! I would've left too. I just wish she would at least pick up the phone and tell us she's safe." Ky shakes his head as he walked over to the couch with two glasses of red wine.

"Kyran I can't have that. Did you forget that I'm with child? Hello?!"

"Girl it's fine, you can have one glass of red everyday while you're pregnant. Thank me later." He waves Milan off, taking a huge sip of his drink.

"And who told you that?"

"Studies show bitch, look it up. Why would I give you something that's not good for you? The fuck."

"Give it here with your baldhead ass!" Milan rolls her eyes before taking the glass from him. "Anyway, if Amir gets convicted for killing that girl there's no way in hell that he's going to be around to raise anybody. I don't know how Auntie got him out but—.."

"Oh girl, that is nothing. That murder charge is not sticking. I heard Kauner's mom submitted a bunch of video evidence proving that Amir's been at the hospital with Kauner ever since the accident. Making it impossible for him to be the killer." Ky tells Milan, dropping that bomb as if it were nothing. "The prosecutors really wanted it to be him though, apparently her and Amir made two sextapes and there was a five-hundred thousand dollar wire transfer from his account. They think she was blackmailing him."

"And how the fuck do you know this fox fucking five?!" Milan's jaw dropped as she gawked at her bestie, trying to wrap her head around the tea he just dropped on her.

"I have my ways, just know my shit is legit. As it always is." He states matter-of-factly, getting up to fox his self another glass of wine.

"Hmph! And also, whose house was your ass sleeping at that you made it over here in five minutes? Bitch you live in Alpharetta."

Kyran chuckles nervously as he poured his self a glass a wine, quickly gulping it down and pouring his self another. He needed a little buzz if he was gonna be able to tell Milan about his down-low relationship with Khalil. Normally that's something he would hold very close to his chest because most DL men would kill to protect their secrets, but he trusted Milan with his life.

He trusted Kauner too of course, but her ass was MIA.

Seven minutes away at Amir's spot, the boys were just wrapping up their third or fourth game of spades. They were fucked up too. Amir's mom had came over and cooked all of their favorite foods to celebrate her baby being home, neither one of them had talked to each other since they exchanged words about thanksgiving dinner but Zoya was the type of mom to show up for her son regardless of whatever the situation was.

Besides, she didn't think her baby killed Sasha anyway. She knew that no matter how upset he got about her coming around that he wouldn't do no shot like that. At least that's what she tried to convince herself.

"Khalil, give me your keys. I'm not letting you drive home like that." Zoya said, taking the keys to Khalil's McLaren coupe as he stumbled towards the elevator. "You can have these back when I see you tomorrow. Asshir, take this boy home so he can sleep this alcohol off."

"A'ight Auntie." Shi chuckles, getting up from the little card table that they had placed in the middle of the living room. He was a lil buzzed too but he could drive. "Cuzzo, we bout to head out. We gon' chop it up sometime tomorrow."

"I'm already knowin." Amir tells his cousin as they dap each other up. Amir's eyes were so red from all the weed he smoked. "Y'all boys be safe. I love y'all."

"We love you too nigga." Shi responds, speaking for both him and Khalil since Khalil was a little out of it.

Shi could just look at his cousin and tell that he was going through it with the whole Kauner situation. He regretted what he did to her but the thought of her having an abortion was haunting him. He had only been out for a little over twelve hours and he expected Kauner to at least call or send him a message.

Slowly but surely he was coming to terms with the fact that his relationship was over and things would never go back to the way they were before.


"You know Gabriel.. I'm getting really sick of cleaning up your messes." Kendra tells her husband as she took a sip from her third cup of Vodka soda. "The only thing you've done right in the last few years was getting rid of that boy who raped our baby!"

Gabriel chuckles at his wife's comment before taking a sip of his own choice of poison, scotch. They sat in front of the fireplace watching the clothes that he had worn when he brutally murdered Sasha go up in flames.

The bright orange flames lit up the humongous room that Gabriel used for his home office.

"That's funny to you?" She asks him, looking at him as if he had grown two heads. "Because of you that girl is dead and her murder was pinned on the father of our grandchild! Our daughter is GOD KNOWS WHERE because of the trauma this situation has caused her and you're laughing?!"

"ENOUGH! I don't need a recap, okay Kendra?" He looks at his beautiful wife with the most annoyed look on the planet. If looks could kill.. "I made a mistake. I didn't know Amir knew the girl. Everything just kind of worked out that way."

"God, what did I do that was so bad that I had to end up here?" Kendra chuckles sarcastically, wiping the tears that were starting to fall from her face. "I do everything for my husband but yet he still wants to go out and FUCK PROSTITUTES that only want to extort his dumbass. How about next time you vet the hoe first and make sure she doesn't like to blackmail on the side, okay?"

Gabriel didn't like getting his hands dirty, but he didn't have a choice that night. A friend of his had recommended Sasha and her friend Bleu to him, Bleu was always busy when they met up but he didn't mind it. He didn't normally cheat on his wife either, but he was desperate to feel something different. Something younger.

Him and Sasha had only fucked around three or four times when she hit him up, demanding that she needed to see him and that it was an emergency. His daughter had been in a coma for four days so he was still a little distraught, but he went.

Sasha told him that she was pregnant and that she did all of her research on him. She threatened to tell not only his family about their affair but also the news, which would inadvertently derail his entire life and career. Even though he was the founder of Wright Pharmaceuticals, he could still be removed as CEO for having an extramarital affair per the morality clause that implemented into the core values of his company.

Sasha's price to keep quiet was twenty million dollars but Gabriel wasn't an idiot. He knew once that money ran out — and it would be cause she was a fucking hood rat stripper bitch — she would just be back for more. Getting rid of her completely was priceless.

So he used one of the knives from from her kitchen to stab her over ten times, leaving both of them drenched in blood.

Normally he had someone else do his dirty work but he had to think fast because she was single handedly about to turn his entire life upside down.

Gabriel comes from a very rich family in New York, not only do they own one of the oldest banks in the city but they're also very involved in politics. Sometimes when dealing with money and power, unsolved murders and disappearances come into play.

He called the exact same woman that his mother used when his father's alleged mistress, who just so happened to be their maid "fell" to her death from the fourth floor of their mansion that was situated in the heart of Manhattan. She sent a team with the quickness. 

They wiped and every trace of Gabriel from that apartment completely. As well from her phone. They checked for cameras and other recording devices which nothing turned up. When they were all finished, there was nothing left but Sasha's body laying in a pool of blood.

"Oh! And when you wake up tomorrow don't forget to make the bed in the guest room you're sleeping in, I don't want the staff or Kori to notice." Kendra tells her husband as she gets up from the leather accent chair she was sitting in. "And do me a favor, find my fucking child. That's the least you can do."

She left the office, slamming the door and leaving her husband alone.

Across town at Kauner's apartment..

Milan and Kyran were saying their goodbyes to each other.

Ky hopped in his Range Rover and Milan slid behind the wheel of her X6. It was going on two o'clock in the morning and all they could do was wait for Kauner to get back to them. But for now, they were fucking tired.

They both went their separate ways when they pulled out of the parking garage. Milan was driving back to her loft blasting her 90's playlist, just thinking about all the freaky shit that she was about to do to Asshir's fine ass.

She got back home in no time, pulling into her usual spot. She looked around and she didn't see Shi's truck. That's when she decided to check her phone and saw that she had two messages from him. She had left her phone on do not disturb from earlier.

Shi: Leaving cuz's crib then I'm omw to u 12:21 a.m.

Shi: gotta handle some business rq, if u sleep before I get home I love you 12:46 a.m.

She replied with a simple okay before telling Shi she loved him too and stepping out of her car. She got an instant eerie feeling as soon as she stepped out of her car but her parking garage was well lit and she didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Milan shrugged it off but she was still being aware of her surroundings. She unlocked her phone and dialed 911 just in case something happened. She didn't park too far from her elevator either and she was almost there when she glanced over her shoulder and saw a black hoodie running towards her with a knife.

Milan dropped her purse and her first instinct was to protect herself. She spun around and grabbed Bleu's wrist before pushing her into a parked Mercedes Benz. The knife went flying underneath Milan's car and just when Bleu looked to see where it went, Milan grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back. Landing blow after blow to Bleu's face.

She didn't even know what was going on, all she knew is that she was fighting for her and her baby's life. Bleu felt herself losing consciousness but as a last minute effort to get away from Milan she drew her leg back before kicking Milan in the stomach and making her stumble backwards and fall down in the middle of the road.

"BITCH!" Bleu yelled, spitting out a bunch of blood as she went to search for her knife so she could finish what she came here to do.

Milan's entire life flashed before her eyes as she watched Bleu grab the knife again. She could hear her heart beating in her ears and she felt a weird feeling in her stomach. She just knew this was it, she was about to die. But she wasn't about to let her have it this easy, she was going to make Bleu fight for her life.

As soon as Bleu got up from the ground, Milan rushed her. Backing her up against the wall and whooping her ass. Milan heard the knife fall again in the midst of them throwing hands. They were both getting some good licks in but Milan was flinging Bleu's skinny ass from side to side, banging her up against the two cars they were in between.

"YOU BITCHES TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!" Bleu roses, finding the manpower to push Milan off of her before she bent down to grab the knife once again. This time, she used it and sliced a long cut across Milan's arm. "I'm gonna make sure he's never happy again, I want Asshir to mourn you for the rest of his life."

Mil shrieked at the burning sensation of the cut, at the same time that she turned around to run. She was almost fast enough but Bleu pushed her and she went crashing down to the concrete. Standing over here, bleu turned her over on her back before sitting on top of Milan and holding her in place.

"Die slow bitch!"

"After you! YOU FUCKING PYSCHO!" Milan was right next to her purse, which was equipped with a 9mm pistol that Shi told her to keep on her at all times.

Milan hit Bleu upside the head with the gun, causing her to fall over to the side. Holding her head in pain.

Milan scrambled to her feet and switched the gun's safety off, she didn't want to kill Bleu because she was terrified of actually doing it but if it came down to her life or Bleu's. She was going to choose herself.

Bleu spit out even more blood this time, she looked up and saw the gun. Yet she still picked up her knife and charged at Milan. Milan pulled the trigger and shot Bleu twice. In the head. Getting the red blood splatter all over her face and her clothes. She stood there frozen in time, in shock as Bleu's lifeless body laid at her feet.

She heard a car coming and knew for sure that she was about to spend the rest of her life in jail, but she still couldn't move. She started to cry when she saw the headlights reflecting against the wall before the car turned on the fifth parking level.

She didn't know that it was Asshir and that he was happy as a motherfucker because him and Jru made a deal and Jru agreed to let the boys have their own territory. They were independent operators again. He couldn't stop smiling the entire way home, but nothing prepared him for what he saw next.

The sound of his tires screeching on the concrete echoed throughout the top three levels of the parking garage. He barely had time to throw the gear in park before he hopped out.


The end.

I'm grateful for you all. Even my silent readers 😂🤍

— Gee

p.s. the new book is about to eattttttt ;)

Per y'all's wishes, Milan and Shi are being bumped up to main characters. I can't wait for y'all to read.

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