err0r oneshots

By namescape

24.8K 983 182

Y know The tittle Just a bunch of err0r one-shots and stories because I can They're mostly stories but somet... More

True Judgment
Log 90
What is Mine
"New Life"
Taken in
A LOVEly pair
Something Well Deserved
Little Ducklings
Our Home
Child's Play
She missed
TW: Panic Attack
Star Pupil
Sacrifies ll
Sacrifices |||
Nom nom

The Brave, The Bold, and the Fool

684 16 1
By namescape

[ 'Fate favors those who are Brave'

Some quote from Micheal Vey about Fate

I DO suggest reading it's a FUCKING good series

No backstories are canon just... y'know a shot

TW; bullying, cursing, blood ]


The multiverse is a conscious being, that of which cannot be talked to by Mortals or even the Gods in it. It was aware of everything and sought to make things for the better treatment of its own. Like any other being born, The Multiverse came to existence and was dormant for a few eons before 'waking up' and starting to build more on itself. It created beings which lived in Universes. They each had their own set of events that would play out, one being controlled by each universe and were aware of what they should do. They should continue the show. Continuing forward or going back for another show.

The void is another being completely. It has mixed feelings on a lot of things. It has been seen as something that would rip you by your atoms making you feel the worst pain imaginable. It stretches to an infinite degree and there is no end, only a beginning.  No one has tried to enter or even study the void as it would be too dangerous. There can only be speculations and theories, which while they don't calm the curiosity of mortals they take what they can get.

These two outer worldly entities would rarely interact if not for the fact they exist close to each other like roommates. They don't bother another as long as they are not bothered. The multiverse is to mind its own business creating and building on itself and the void is to not interfere or affect the universe the former creates. An unfortunate thing that comes with Mortal curiosity is the fact that they make it hard for the entities to not interact. Most of the universes have somehow had some entrance to the void and while it is not easily accessible it still over gos the line to entities have unconsciously made. The void, fortunately does not seem to suck in the universes and is merely there as a sort of 'floor' for the edge of the universe. The Multiverse leaves the void to stay as both can do nothing about the issue.

This was their peace.

Until another came into play

Beings are usually created out of thin air. Their purposes vary and if they do not interfere with other beings then they are not to be interfered with in return.

This apparently didn't apply to that being

Believe the void and The Multiverse, the unspoken rule still applied. But the being didn't seem to care. Taking The Multiverse in its hold they claimed something that had a consciousness and made it their own. The Multiverse was drained of its creations and could do nothing about it. Everything it had made was gone and it was left blank.

The void certainly couldn't do anything. The being walked all over the void like it was some floor or sorts. The void is an infinite and unending being and this thing just decides to walk all over it?!

Yes. And it did as it pleased.

The being turned to making it's first out of two creations.


While it wasn't its own creation The Multiverse looked at the universe. A simple plot really, a character explores an underground world filled with towns, caves, and other beings. They are required to solve numerous puzzles on their journey. A simple concept to The Multiverse but it seemed to be the being's magnum opus. It attempted to make another creation, this one taking after the characters in UnderTale but having a different appearance and purposes. There seemed to be no story but was mainly for the entertainment of the being.

This led to one casualty.

During the production of a new universe, the universe seemed to have shifted a bit too close to the void which ended in its demise. The Multiverse, being omnipotent, saw this happen and could not help but want the universe to be sent to the void. But it could only hope as it had no control, the being attempted to save the universe to the best of its ability but the void was being stubborn and wouldn't let the universe go that easily. The void did left go but not after it had greatly affected the universe.

The beings inside the universe were still alive but were in a part conscious state. They barely wandered and the only one that seemed the most conscious was the judge of the universe. They were reduced to a white palette and looked frightened at their world. They attempted to get their companions to full consciousness but it didn't seem to work. The Multiverse was confused, both at the fact the universe's residence was still there and that the void did not consume the universe as a whole. It was a confusing matter that even the being was surprised about. Speaking of the being, after it recovered the universe it could do nothing that would help the universe. It could only watch as the universe continued its broken code.

The judge ripped apart its SOUL a few years later.

A SOUL, was a mortal's entire essence. Their ideas, personality, goals, memories, emotions, everything that makes that mortal special. Every mortal has one, that's why it takes so long for universes to be made. There were only 17 fully functional universes before the being. Now what surprised The Multiverse even more was that the judge didn't pass.

This wasn't natural. But also going into the void and coming out of it still alive and somewhat functional. The Multiverse wasn't aware of the side effects of the void as things like this never happen and it was never its business. So the only solution was that it had to do with the void. The judge, or thing? being? Showed no expressions and merely looked around its blank universe with no interest. The Multiverse felt a bit bad for the judge. As they've been through a lot in their creation the being seemed to get an idea as it took out the judge and tore its own universe apart.

A sphere in the center of the Multiverse was created. It would give the judge a new purpose.. The judge, now CREATOR, would watch over the universe he would create and protect them. A new name was to be chosen as the protector was special. The being chose Ink for some reason. Why it would give this being a name similar to that of an Human gel is beyond The Multiverse. The being gave the new Creator a friendly outlook alongwith paints, as they would need a SOUL but it was was a one time thing and could not be given twice ot a singular being. Why the being wouldn't just make a new creation instead of taking their second into this new role is a mystery to the Multiverse. These new paints would give the Creator the replacements of a SOUL. Something that would help them and give the appearance of having one. After all adjustments were made and the being seemed pleased. It placed the protector into the sphere and watched.

                       [ -- () -- ]

He woke up dazed.

"Wh[]re am i? W[]at happe[]ed?"

Sitting up, INK noticed he was in a yellow place, there were rocks floating around that each had different colors that made them different.



A darker Blue






Though most of the rocks haven similar colors they each have their own palette that just...makes them interesting. Looking around him, INK saw a couple of vials floating next to him in a brown sash of sorts. He also noticed that he was floating, though that didn't seem to bother him.

Nothing did

He looked at the vials and took them into his hands. He also noticed that he was wearing clothes, it was more of a white top and pants. Simple clothing.

Opening the red vial he spilled some onto his hands and watched it touch his hand. Instead of falling down the paint floated upwards when it got to the end of his palm. Putting it up to his face he tried it.
A rush of anger and a feeling of purpose filled him. He felt Determined. for what? He's not sure but he'll know what it is eventually. Looking at the other vials he opened them and put them near his mouth

The Multiverse knew that these emotions would become addictive eventually, but using paints as a substitute for a SOUL? The Multiverse was a bit iffy on that.

This happened for every other main base of every color that INK consumed.

Red could fill him with rage, pasion, and Determination

Orange brought excitement, enjoyment and can be used as a base of his emotions, optimism and gives the judge Bravery

Yellow gives joy and energy and curiosity. It would give him the idea of true Justice

Green could give luck or envy and it fits the judge's judgment capabilities. It'll give him Kindness

Blue will give him sadness but could also make him calm, and make them trusting and well balanced. It will make him more Patience or Honest

Purple would spark his imagination and wisdom and give him Perseverance

The being looked happy at their creation and left it with rules to follow. What a hypocrite





Rules. Are meant to be broken. At some point.

                   [ == || == ]

True to what The Multiverse predicted the rules weren't followed. Well. One of them, unfortunately the most important one.

There was a reason The Multiverse took long on its creations. They're supposed to be well thought out and unique. Different from the last and nothing like the next. The new Creator did create universes based on UnderTale, the same plot with only a few things being different. The roles were switched, the beings positions were switched, different settings. There was always something different with the universe even if it was as small as more flowers or as big as a new location. The Multiverse didn't agree with his Creations but it really couldn't do anything else but watch. The Multiverse was being filled with universes and most of them weren't even that great.





Those were the first and main bases to the now many universes that populated The Multiverse. They were unique but the Creation of all of them were still based around UnderTale. The beings inside the universes eventually got out of their original universes and traveled to others. Ink saw this and intervened, possibly the ONLY good things he's done.  DreamTale and ReaperTale were the next special ones to come, still by the hands of The Creator, and they gave more promising beings. Emotions now have an important role as well as Life and Death. The Multiverse let the idea of mortality be something natural, now with an important role for the two to maintain a Balance it feels more necessary or forced.

The Creator thankfully seemed satisfied with his current Creations, having made friends with the universe and explaining the The Multiverse as something it isn't. It's not something that just holds universes. It is a being that was here longer than time and had the right to itself and not have tiny things running around as if they own it!

The being who gave life to the Creator just watched their lives as it played out! Not doing anything but admiring its creation and his creations like some god?! This is barely a being as it is more a child.

Another universe, another few years, YEARS pass before The Multiverse is near its limit. Any more universes and every Universe would be doomed to the void which has been rather silent these past decades. Its not like The Multiverse and the void talk much, but it seems more dormant than it was previously. The Multiverse isn't concerned, it's just. Curious.

The universe Ink is currently working on was another variation of UnderTale. There was no name to it and it was rather close to the universe itself like another. There was the same plot besides the character being more taunting and childlike. If any normal child didn't mind killing off an entire race. The first universe created this close to UnderTale went a different path but didn't get its own universal name. It just stayed a plain copy but had the subtitle of Something New. It did fit the universe.

This new universe was most likely going to fit that same agenda of Something New but it'll be a rather small change like the judge of the universe is doing the killings voluntarily or something along those lines.

That universe did not go in that direction.

In fact, the judge was rather smart. They grabbed a vial of determination that they had extracted from before the main plot line, which wasn't usually expanded on when it came to Ink's creations, and injected it into himself a while after his remaining relative had died. In the near final ACT in the Judgment hall it ended the same. The judge dies and the character moves on to the king and gets their consequence by another determined child. Only this time, the character died alongside the judge and the two disappeared to another plane.

Well it certainly is Something New.

The universe glitched, to the complete ignorance of Ink, and the judge was replaced with another simple UnderTale universe. But there were the constant genocide run. Not enough to become a DustTale but enough for it to be torture to those who, unfortunatly, remember. Why some are able to remember is another thing that is beyond The Multiverse's understanding. And its an omnipotent being.

                   [ == || == ]

Sans woke up in a pitch black void. He's still alive for some reason, the Human should've killed them, that liquified determination was for nothing. Looking around he saw just darkness but there were weird yellow glowing words floating in the sky.

[ CONTINUE ]          [ RESET ]

He's familiar with one of them but the other not so much. What happend exactly? Looking at himself, his once blue jacket and pink slippers were now white. With the only color being his brother's scarf that was around his neck and the nasty scar that finished him. It was still bleeding but he couldn't feel any pain from it. Feeling uneasy around his new location, he tried to see anything else besides the floating words but saw nothing.

Checking his stats is WAS dead with 0 / 1 HP but somehow still alive. He could also only see out of one of his sockets. Moving his hand to his right socket he tried to grasp it. There was some slimy liquid that touched his hand making him bring his back in front of him and the weird slimy liquid on his hands.

This greatly disturbed him. Why wouldn't it?!

This made no sense, someone can't be alive without any HP, you need at least SOMETHING. And his skull melting?! What sense is that?! This defied any logic Sans knew and he was a scientist. Part of the Monsters that made the CORE and the royal judge for Asgore's sake! Never in his life has and it doesn't make sense why it would

'Was it the Determination?!'

'What about the Human?'

'IS he actually dead?!'

Questions filled Sans' mind as he tried to make sense of what was happening to him now. He's probably going to lose his mind if he keeps questioning his 'new existence'. Taking a breath that he both didn't need and need, he thought about what he last remembered.



He died to the Human. Again.

Oh for the love of Asgore he can't do this.

Sitting down on the possible black void Sans just put his head in his hands and decided to rest a bit.

                     [ == || == ]

The void took interest in the mortal that had fallen into it. They're still in The Multiverse's plane but also near the void. It was a strange predicament that the void is surely interested in and it's sure that The Multiverse also would be interested in this mortal.

Unfortunately the being also took interest in this mortal.

The Multiverse was getting populated rather quickly. It wasn't any of the void's problem on what happened but if The Multiverse fell then it would fall into the void. And that would be a problem. To the void at least.

The being only watched the mortal for a period of time, just watching and observing. The mortal came up with a plan to try and fix their universe and another judge took their place. Negotiations with the new judge wouldn't work no matter the runs. The mortal had a high DETERMINATION compared to the new judge so despite the constant denial to the mortal's actions, the mortal persisted.

The being's attention to the mortal was slightly worrying to the void. But it's not like it could do anything. So all it could do was observe.

                     [ == || == ]

Looking towards DreamTale the storyline was tremendously different. Instead of the usual Monsters plot with puzzles it's an actual story to the amusement and gratefulness of The Multiverse. There was a Guardian protecting a special Tree of Feelings that bore fruits that could affect one's emotions. The fruits held massive amounts of pure emotions depending on their effect and which fruit you grab. The bright golden yellow ones brought positive emotions to the consumer and the dark purple fruits gave negative emotions. They didn't have a hard job as there weren't many disturbances near their Tree.

Later in the story, villagers came along and settled near the Tree. They weren't very fond of the Guardian being selfish and greedy for the fruits. They greatly injured the guardian leading the guardian to kill off those who attacked them. Rightfully so in The Multiverse's opinion. The Guardian, very weak from the attack, created two smaller guardians who would be more fit for their job. One of the guardians protected the more positive spectrum of emotions and the other protected the negative side. Their bodies were more Monster based. More So skeleton Monsters as they can hold more magic than any Human or Monster. The massive amounts of magic was necessary to guard and protect the Tree when it came to guardians. The two new guardians both protected the fruits on the Tree. Together. The two were close as siblings could be as that is what most siblings are like in these universes. After the smaller guardians were successfully created the main guardian rested inside the Tree.

The villagers re-populated to a certain degree and revisited the Tree to find the two guardians playing like little ones. To be fair they're only a few months old but have enough understanding of their jobs. The villagers took a liking to the positive guardian treating him like the most perfect being in the world. As if. They didn't seem to favor the Negative guardian believing some talk about him being the cause of their negative emotions. That IS NOT what the twins were made for, as far as The Multiverse is aware at least. They were only made to protect and their magic is emotion based but they are not the cause for any and all emotion. They only protect the true origin of emotions.

It was obvious which twin protected which side, at least to the villagers. They BOTH protected BOTH sides, there was no 'one guardian protected one side' it's BOTH protected ALL the fruits from everyone. Including each other. This favoritism made a big difference between the twin guardians. They grew apart and eventually the negative one took a step in his own direction.

The negative guardian looked up at the Tree of Feelings. The exact tree he's protected since the beginning of his creation. Climbing the Tree, he climbed towards the positive side and looked at the fruits. He wouldn't deny that the villagers' threats and taunts were getting to him, that's the entire reason he's up here in the first place. He too can protect both sides and he'd prove it. Grabbing the fruit he plucked it off its branch. There was no consequence, so he took it down from the Tree and smiled with success. He could guard both fruits! The villagers were wrong!

He picked a bad time to try and prove himself.

The Villagers stormed the Tree like their ancestors did before them with the Guardian before. They saw the negative guardian holding the positive fruit and assumed the worst. Where was the positive guardian? Drugged. Knocked out by a drugged drink and left in a villager's house. Or that's what the villagers thought. After the villagers left the guardian was woken up by an excess amount of negativity. Falling out of the chair he was left in and choking on air. Looking up he steadied himself using the table and made his way to the Tree.

At the Tree, the negative guardian was being bombarded with rocks, sticks, and items from the village. The villagers had weapons and torches with them, attacking the guardian with little to no remorse. The negative guardian tried to defend the fruit he had picked and attempted to climb the Tree once again before one of the villagers ran up behind him and bashed his skull in. The force from the attack from behind caused his skull to also hit the Tree knocking him out. Once the guardian was knocked out, the positive fruit rolled from the guardians' hands. The villagers left the guardian on the floor and turned to the Tree, one villager stepped up with an ax and began to swing.

Regaining some consciousness, the guardian was able to see the final moments that the tree was still up before it was brought down. Pushing himself up he was forced down by another punch to his skull which hurt even more than the hits before by a villager who started bragging.

"Stupid Monster! What were you even thinking of touching the positive apples?! You're a fucking disgrace! I don't even know why we didn't make your life as bad as you made ours"

Pushing himself up again, and despite his dizziness and lack of full vision, he stood for a few seconds with the villager who attacked him waiting while the other villagers celebrated the fall of the Tree. The guardian summoned his staff and moved to start attacking and drive out the villagers. Swinging his staff he started attacking the villagers near the now dying remains of the Tree of Feelings. Of course the villagers fought back and being overwhelmed the guardian was pushed back towards the Tree. Looking at the fruits and branches of the Tree, he saw the negative fruits and got an idea he would regret but he was out of possible options.

Grabbing a fruit, he ate it.

The positive guardian made his way to the Tree of Feelings. Why would the villagers drug him? Where was everyone? The village was barren, no one was in the village, he couldn't even see any children. Moving towards the Tree, as he wouldn't get any answers in the barren village, he saw the horrifying sight in front of him.

The Tree of Feelings was cut down with the leaves beginning to wilt and lose their color. There were bodies surrounding the ground, blood and dust covered the floor near the Tree. The only living being was a dark hunched over goop thing that had appendages limp on the floor around them and one lashing around the being's body. The being was facing away from the guardian and breathing heavily. The positive guardian looked horrified, stopping before the hill that the Tree sat upon before gaining enough willpower to summon his staff and make his way towards the Tree and the being who presumably killed the villagers.

The being turned towards the sound of footsteps and saw the positive guardian, turning its body more towards the guardian showed its front side with its face being half covered by the weird goop and wearing similar clothing to the Negative guardian. The positive guardian looked at the goop being who looked somewhat relieved.

"Dream? Dream! Where Were You?! I Was Worried!" The being knew the guardian's name and was talking about something that Dream wasn't sure about.

"...WHAT HAPPENED TO NIGHTMARE?!" Dream questioned the being. Where was the other guardian? What was this thing? What happened to the Tree?!

"Dream. It's ME! Nightmare! The Villagers Took The Tree Down, Where Were You?!" The being answered. That's not the Negative guardian.

"Are You Wearing His Clothes?! You Sicko, What Happened Here?!"

"Dream no! It's ME Nightmare! Please, I'm Sorry! I Regret Not Doing More, But I Couldn't Do Anything Else! But Where Were You?!" The Being' claimed. This was the guardian. Before Dream arrived at the Tree of Feelings, Nightmare had eaten a positive fruit and immediately felt the effects of the pure positivity rushing into his body. He coughed up what little he ate as the villagers screamed insults and threats at the guardian. While Nightmare was coughing up the positivity he noticed a Negative fruit near his feet, grabbing the fruit he bit into it and voices infested his skull.

Do it again
Eat the Negativity

True to the voices, Nightmare listened, grabbing more fruits and shoving them in their mouth. The villagers attempted to stop Nightmare from consuming the majority of the positive fruits but that didn't stop him. The Pure positivity and negativity weren't a good combination. There's positive actions but with negative intent. And Negative actions with a positive intent. The encouraging thoughts from the positivity along to continue eating blinded Nightmare's mind causing him to continuously eat the fruits. Pain filled his body but it was overtaken by the constant positive emotions that were caused by the positive fruits that he'd consumed.

The villagers were frightened at the changing guardian and one villager was able to grab a fruit and held it close to them. Nightmare consumed a last fruit before turning towards the villager and negative feelings overtook the original positive thoughts.

They hate you
What are they doing here
The fruit...

Looking at the villager who had a single fruit, something attacked the villager stabbing them through their chest grabbing the fruit through the villager's body. Others stared at the body as it fell to the ground when the appendage retracted to its owner who grabbed the fruit from the appendage and ate it feverishly. Looking back at the villagers the voices clashed together and agreed on one thing

"WHERE IS NIGHTMARE?! I KNOW YOU'RE LYING!" Dream yelled, closing his sockets and pointing his staff at the Nightmare.

You're not Nightmare
I'll show you Nightmare
Do it again
It'll be fun
Do it! Do it!
We'll LOVE you Night!
Hit him
No one will love you
Leave him
You've done enough
It's fun!!
AGain! AgaIN!

The voices got louder and louder and Nightmare eventually sided to one side.

"...I'm Sorry I Didn't Mean It"

"You're Sorry For Killing Everyone?"


"They Did Nothing!"

"Nothing My Ass"


"You Don't Tell Me What To Do"


Snapping his head back to Dream who had hit him with his staff, more negative thoughts filled his head and with the positive thoughts encouraging those negative thoughts. He attacked back with his appendages that were previously limp. Dream attempted to dodge the appendages but failed after slipping on something and being scratched and stabbed in the arm. Looking at what he fell on he saw a yellow fruit. The being missed one. Ignoring the pain in his arm he looked back at the being who seemed to be pulling at their one socket and arguing with themselves. Dream made his move and, as quickly as he could, grabbed the fruit and instead of eating it he absorbed it with the positive magic in his body. Knowing that the fruit was safe from the being, or Monster, he turned to face the being with more confidence but shrunk at the stare that the being gave him.

" don't deserve that..."

"I'm A Guardian. This Is My Jo—"


"I Did Nothing!"

"You Did E V E R Y T H I N G"

Appendages moved faster than Dream could dodge and stabbed him through his chest, causing him to cough up blood. The appendage left from his chest causing his body to kneel to the ground. He felt immense pain in his chest and attempted to block the hole that was in his chest.

The fruit he previously absorbed provided his Magic with what he needed. He needed wanted the wound to stop so his magic started to seal up the wound starting from the wound and extending over to his entire body. He panicked and tried to ask for help from the creature reaching out to it before the stone fully covered his body.

Staring at the now stone statue, Nightmare just looked at it. The voices were mute and his mind was a blank. What was he gonna do now? What could he do now? He wasn't supposed to eat the fruits. Why would he do that? Nightmare felt scared. The negative emotions filling his person were overwhelming and it didn't help that there wasn't anything that he could do or anything to argue against. The voices were some help in having some thoughts about where he should go but now it's just negative thoughts.

What was he supposed to do?!

He took a huge risk even considering eating the fruits. But he was tired. He just wanted things to stop. Looking around everything did stop. Maybe he should just. Rest. He'll deal with things after his head to be more clearer.

...The being took interest in the strangest tiny beings. First the mortal now the guardian. The Multiverse did notice the being was rather captivated by this universe, just as much as The Multiverse was. Ink continued to create and it was still irritating to The Multiverse but it was something that the being also considered. Looking back at the being's interest, The Multiverse realized something.

The Fool was CREATED

The Bold was formed

It felt empty. As if there was something missing. Usually universes and stories had a Main Character or a Main Trio. Sure pairs are common but when it came to THIS being it felt like there were supposed to be more. Maybe this will come later. Or not. The Multiverse is—unfortunately— not in control any more.

                    [ == || == ]

Sans didn't know what to do. The 'other him' wouldn't agree to end the Human here in what he found out was the Save Screen. Usually where the Human died and ended up deciding whether to continue from their last save or reset the timeline completely. And Sans is stuck here. Well his name is Geno to stop the confusion from the 'other him' and him considering he doesn't consider himself Sans anymore.

Sitting on the black floor he sat boredly with his head in his hands staring at the screen in front of him. This screen appeared a little after he found himself in this void and it followed the Human in their run. A Genocide run of all things. He had to watch as the entire underground was wiped out and filled with dust and that another him fought the Human and lost. Countless genocide runs happened before Geno wanted to talk to this 'new him' and a few moments, time didn't seem to exists here, the 'new him' appeared in the void and looked as confused as he did when he first came here.


Turning to the voice, Sans saw another him only with a nasty scar across their chest and Papyrus' scarf around his neck. Also the multitude of glitches across their right socket and surrounding their body.

"'re not killing the Human, or you're not trying hard enough"

"who are you exactly?"

"Technically you, and as you can see" Geno motioned to his chest "I died. You have the chance to NOT end up like me"

The experience was something. Geno couldn't really think of anything besides what he knows and the conversations and arguments with Sans. He wouldn't budge, thinking some random belief of something that Geno didn't bother to remember. He couldn't get to Sans and it was annoying. A sinking feeling entered Geno's guts making him look up at the screen. The Human was in WaterFall currently passing the telescope. That was just a funny prank. They didn't even bother looking at it. What was his sinking feeling about anyways?

Blinking and rubbing his he found himself in a white void.

'Oh asgore, don't tell me i'm in another random place again'

He shut his sockets, not used to the blinding white that now encompassed him. A while later he peaked his sockets open and was able to bear the blinding white. There were no floating words or a screen showing the Humans' run. Just white.

Taking a hesitant breath, Geno looked around and just nothing. He walked a few steps in what he thought was forward and continued walking

The Multiverse was confused. The being had transported the mortal somewhere near its outer walls. Those outer walls were blank and no universes were to pass by those walls, lest they be destroyed. Sure The Multiverse was preventing a few more universes from being created but it's never bad to be cautious. The mortal walked and walk for a few months before passing out from exhaustion. The Multiverse didn't know mortals could last that long. The being left the mortal there while it watched its second Creation continue to create and was reaching The Multiverse's limit. It didn't have a face but The Multiverse had a feeling it was nervous. Looking back at the mortal, he was still sleeping. The being also looked at the mortal and acted.

For better or worse, The Multiverse was unsure.


[_ E _ O] woke to a loud voice, covering the sides of his skull and his glitches fizzing all around him. Where was he?! What was that?! Who...Who—


WhAt?! Why would he destroy something? Who—What is going on?! [_ E _ O]'s bones started rattling in fear. He was confused and scared, what was this white place?! Who was this voice?!


This was not good.

No mortals are supposed to interact with higher beings. Sure some stories claimed to have the highest of all beings that the character flawlessly interacted with but higher beings outside of their reality was something unspoken of and highly discouraged. This being knew nothing of boundaries OR important rules! Casually talking with any mortal would be painful to any mortal even hearing their voice. Even if it was whispering it would be like shouting to the mortal. The being was talking to the mortal about having them destroy as their universe is too close to the original UnderTale therefore must be destroyed. But not without any losses. The mortal was to be the Destroyer, Created by Ink and reformed by the being in order to provide balance to The Multiverse. At least the being cared enough about the preservation of The Multiverse. Possibly for their Creations to thrive rather than the preservation of The Multiverse.

The mortal covered the sides of his skull as a way to silence the being's voice but it was no use as he curled into himself. The being didn't seem to like that, raising their voice as to get the attention of the mortal. It did already have the mortal's attention. The mortal continuously glitched and small parts of him disappeared and reappeared all over his body. He tightly hugged his head and shook in fear as the being raised their voice.

There was some pity that The Multiverse gave to the mortal as their hearing is possibly non-existent at this point or greatly damaged. The Multiverse turned its attention to the universes plaguing it. There were many iterations and revisited plots in every universe. The Multiverse wouldn't mind if some were destroyed as they weren't any of its creations. Turning back towards the white walls, there was another mortal laying in a red liquid around its head. Dark bones and an uncanny coloring to their bones, they too were glitching as the mortal was before. They didn't seem to be conscious.

The being did have outstanding abilities, being able to change a mortal's physical appearance after its creation AND from another creator. It worried The Multiverse that this being was rather powerful but it was already proven with it taking over The Multiverse.

Time passed before the mortal sat up and looked around the white void surrounding him. His sockets looked dull yet confused. Attempting to stand, his legs were wobbly and he stumbled a bit before properly standing. He looked around as if expecting something new but saw nothing but white. He wandered and seemed to know nothing, his brain could've exploded due to the massive voice of the being and now could be brainless but somehow still be alive.

The Multiverse looked back to DreamTale and saw the Negative Guardian consume a Fruit filled with Pure emotions and continue to consume multiple fruits. It was a sorry path that the Guardian chose but it was the path that he chose and there is no changing that. As it is now in the past. There wasn't much to note in The Multiverse. It was a very slow time in The Multiverse as it has been around for eons, so while these universes had years passing by them, this was merely a few minutes passing by its presents.

Speaking of how time is basically meaningless to The Multiverse, as time passes in those universes so does technology. Portal technology was created and found by a certain universe. Having the portal lead to the Sphere where the Creator lives. Ink greeted the universes that had discovered Portal Technology and introduced them to the multiverse and other universes. The invasion of new characters finding and meeting their alternates was a time filled with confusion but eventually was considered something of normal. Certain characters proposed a Council to deal with multiversal problems and in universe problems that were mostly out of the original characters' control. The idea was agreed upon and soon, the Main cast or judges were considered the Go To option for when there's a problem in need of many hands on help.

Ink was proud how far the multiverse as a whole had come. It was starting to get lonely just him in the doodle sphere as he called it so introducing the universes to each other was going to be his next plan but fortunately a universe did it before him. The Council hasn't dealt with any major problems but with the introduction of universes to one another, problems could arise. Floating in the doodle sphere he was just making plans for a new universe. Sure it'd be like another universe but he couldn't adjust the universe for smaller details he wants to include to the universe so making another like it, or maybe even better, would work.

That was until that problem occurred.

Something was dying, happening to a universe, he knew it. Looking up from his sketchbook there were thousands of papers that represented a universe, or Alternate Universe as some called it. AU was a good acronym for the universes now that he thinks about it. Anyways.

Looking around he saw a paper slowly disintegrating into the air and quickly made his way towards it.

Entering the AU, Ink was near the ruins where the giant purple door was opened and two piles of dust could be seen on the floor. Looking towards the first sentry station, he quickly made his way towards Snowdin and saw Monsters fearing for their lives and piles of dust on the snow. There was a glitching figure that dusted a Monster and turned to look at those cowering.

"HEY!" Ink yelled, getting the person's attention. It looked at Ink and there were visibly blue tears running down their face, seemingly staining their checks. They had an insane smile on their face showing yellow teeth. They're a skeleton from what Ink can get but a skeleton with invented colors. Dark bones, different phalanges and colored bones, along with their sockets being red and heterochromic eye lights. Their right being blue surrounded by a yellow ring and their left being a white dot. They had boxes of glitches that separated from their bodyThey closed their fist which were holding blue strings and several cries were heard from the now dusting Monsters. Ink looked horrified and yelled at the skeleton. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU'RE KILLING THEM"



"..." The skeleton turned away closing their fist that held strings and earned short cries of agony before they moved towards WaterFall

"OH don't walk away!"

The Multiverse viewed the start of something that, now looking back, could've been solved a different way. If the mortal, now named ErroR, was given enough time to relearn speech and emotions then he wouldn't be in the ANTI-VOID, as he's called it, bleeding out. He moved to get up despite the amount of injuries on his body and stared at the whiteness of the Anti-void. This was a common occurence to Error's life. The being, along with changing Error's physical appearance, it also gave him immortality, the inability to die as his new job would require him to be alive. As alive as a skeleton could be anyways.

It was pitiful what the mortal goes through daily. Being beaten and bruised, and pushed to his limit just to clear The Multiverse and while it's grateful and forever in debt to the mortal, it is concerned for the being's viewpoint on the mortal. But it could've given some pity as the being did choose glitched texts over speaking and granting the mortal regeneration abilities over his immortality. So there is some mercy. Ink took things in the wrong direction and now there was a multiversal war against the so-called destroyer.

As for the guardians, Error found their abandoned and barren universe. A giant tree trunk with its upper half on the ground next to it laid on a hill. There were bones and small dust particles on the ground near the tree. The bones were those of Monsters and or Humans so not any skeleton Monster. A village could be seen in the distance that looked to be in ruin.


Error looked around and just stood in the same spot for a while. It was nice, peaceful even. He turned around to catch an incoming attack and held someone's arm. The person, or skeleton, struggled to get out of his grip and started kicking his ribs trying to get away. Error was pushed back and threw the skeleton to the ground getting a cry in return. Another SOUL came near him, having him teleport to avoid the appendage. He turned to face his attacker and saw a dark goop covered skeleton wearing rather casual clothing.

"Get Out."

Tilting his skull he dodged the other skeleton who had risen from the ground. Pulling on his strings he caught the attacking skeleton and threw them to his other opponent. The goop lord caught the tied skeleton and continued to glare at Error.

"Are You Deaf? Get. Out."


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MAYBE?!" The appendages on the goop sharpened and attacked Error, who dodged and opened a window out of DreamTale.

Nightmare gritted his teeth, cried out in frustration putting his hands on his face and screamed to the sky. His extra appendages slammed on the ground as he continued to scream in anger.

Killer stayed on the floor while leaning on his elbows. He knew his boss was rather Bipolar when it came to emotions. Negative emotions are especially iffy considering he's easily influenced by either side. Sadistic but does regret things. Many things. Avoiding Nightmare's temper tantrum, he tried to struggle out of the blue strings that trapped him. These things hurt and continued to tighten even though that weird skeleton was probably long gone. Sitting himself up he pulled out his knife and attempted to saw through the strings to no avail.

After a while, his boss seemed to stop screaming and cursing the sky and stepped in front of Killer getting his attention. He didn't seem to show any physical emotion but seemed to understand the situation and used his appendages, grabbed the strings and pulled only to get a pained grunt as Killer was just pulled closer to him. Nightmare squinted his socket and liquified himself along with Killer to another universe.

                     [ == || == ]

Standing in front of a giant dark themed house that could be seen as a castle, Error was rather curious about the goop skeleton and the other skeleton. Sure there's the Council with multiple universes that are aware of each other but they don't really like him. So seeing this other possible duo or group forming maybe he could see what they're doing. The Council is entertaining, sure, but hearing about future plans of his demise isn't really comforting and is rather boring. Destroying has more entertainment despite it being something he's not very fond of. Or just feels wrong. So maybe this other group could be welcoming.

Or he's in denial.

Either way. He entered the door, without knocking. Maybe that's why he deserved what came to him but it seemed like a rather rude welcome. He looked inside and there was a living room with a purple theme and another entrance that led somewhere and a hallway on the right.

An axe [ stupid america saying the correct way to spell axe is 'AX' I THOUGHT WE WERE ALL ABOUT THE INVISIBLE Es AND SHIT?! ] was lodged into his socket making Error fall back. Now only having one socket active, he tried to see what attacked him and saw nothing. Pulling the axe out with some trouble his skull was split open and blood spilled and trickled onto the floor. Looking up he saw a giant skeleton who tackled him pushing him back outside and then dragged him back inside. Error pulled on the carpet or the floor whichever but eventually was picked up thrown across the room, hitting a wall.

Struggling to get up a blaster was heard and Error dodged the blast summoning his own which was ready to fire once summoned and fired at the giant skeleton who dodged. Curved and blood stained bones were summoned underneath Error, trapping him through the ribs. Grabbing the summoned bones he broke one that went through his ribs but the skeleton was on top of him once he broke it. "hey...paL"

Looking at the skeleton their skull was cracked open and only their left socket had a huge red eye light while the other was just an empty socket. The skeleton grabbed Error's crack socket and dragged him around the bones and to somewhere. Moving his hands to his sockets the skeleton grabbed his arms and snapped it, getting a scream from Error.

Hearing a glitched scream from somewhere in the residence. Nightmare looked at Killer who was still tied up in the blue strings from a few days ago and then looked back to the exit of the room they were currently in. glaring at the noise he made his way towards the scream which was in the living room. It seemed as if there was some commotion or fight but Horror and Dust aren't ones to get in each other's ways. Or for Dust to destroy the room over nothing if Horror wasn't here. Looking towards the entrance to the dining room and kitchen he looked over just in time to see a laser blaster through the wall separating the living room from the two rooms.

"What Now..." Nightmare growled under his breath, moving towards the dining room entrance. When he entered the kitchen area he saw Horror infront of the oven that seemed to be holding something.

"What's In The Oven?"

"oh...hey boss. it'z uuhh...nothin'"


"A weirdo skeleton came in through the front door" Dust answered, a skeleton that looked like the original judge with the only differences being his heterochromic eye lights and having his gray hood on. "Don't know what horror's doin' but best to just let 'im eat the fucker"

"...Well I'd Rather See This Skeleton Myself" Nightmare admitted opening the oven and freeing Error who tumbled out. Nightmare grabbed Error by the throat and looked at him. "Look Who Decided to Visit" Error glared at Nightmare and stood up, he was taller than Nightmare so he was only really choking him but really had no advantage. "Right...Cocky Fucker Right Here" The two glared at each other before Error brought his hand out socket level to Nightmare's socket.

"I err0R. U—?"



"...Are You Introducing Yourself?"


"...Before Introductions, I Need You For Something" Nightmare, still holding Error's throat with his appendage, dragged him over to the room he was in before.

"wAT NamE?"

"I'm Not Obliged To Tell You"

"U NaMED boSS?"

Nightmare stopped and looked down at Error, "What?"

Standing up, as he was previously just being dragged along, Error elaborated. "BIG skeletON zAID bo44. sO U nAMED boSS"

"...That Is Not My Name"

"Then Wat IS nAMe?"

"I'll Tell You if You Tell If You Free Him" Nightmare noted as they arrived at the room that Killer was in. Looking at the skeleton Error looked back at Nightmare, "If i fiX u Tell mE [] thiNGS"

"Yes I Will Answer Your Questions"

The strings glitched out of existence and Killer was freed, "it was that simple?!"


"...I'm Nightmare, And This Is Killer"


"Any Other Questions?"

"Y yoU noT LiKE DreamtALE?"

"... Just. My Own Reasons"


"Do You Have Any Other Business here?"

"W[]at uR GrouP?"

"My Group?"

"Tch, he's gonna call it something stupid like 'The Bad Guys'"



"baD GUyz?"

"That's Not—"

"Cause we cause chaos around the multiverse"

"Right But That Doesn't Mean—"

"It mAKE senSE"


                    [ == || == ]

Meeting Nightmare was a good memory. While he's rather tense most of the time along with Killer and Dust and Horror they're nice to hang around. Opening a portal and entering it he found himself in a yellow sphere. Looking around he noticed many papers floating around the sphere and tilted his head in confusion.


Tensing his shoulders he turned around best he could and pulled on his strings facing his opposite. Ink had his famous paint brush out and ready to attack. "What are you doing here?!"

Error opened a pixelated portal as a means to escape but heard a booming voice in the sphere causing both Creation and Destruction gods to cover the sides of their skull. Error shook and Ink screamed in pain, not helping the destroyer's shaking.


Error shook and continued to shake while Ink looked confused and was still covering his ears. "ERROR! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Error still shook and looked at Ink before looking at the floating papers. "Don't you even think about it..." Ink growled. Error looked back at him before pulling a new set of strings from his eyes.

Ink moved skillfully through the sphere and attacked Error who teleported and sent out his strings to hold the papers


Error flinched and looked around the sphere not noticing Ink until he made contact with his skull punching him out of what little balance he had making him spin around uncontrollably. Error pulled on his strings to stop himself from spinning and actively ripping the papers. Ink saw with wide sockets as the papers disappeared into nothingness. He looked around a bit before snapping his now red eye lights at Error who had opened a portal to the Anti-Void.

"Where are you going?!"

Error shivered but quickly made his way through the portal before Ink could attack. Being forced down but the new gravity he faced planted onto the Anti-Void. Pushing himself onto his knees, he could see many colored papers on the floor of the white void and floating down.

Oh you're back
I think I got a paper cut!
They appear from below us
What would stop IT from hurting us?
Nothing but it hasn't!

Oh right. The Humans. Of course with every Human there came their consequence. Chara was their consequence for taking a genocidal route and is the Human's translator in the Underground. Both for them and for the monsters as the Human doesn't speak, both english and Monster. The SOUL of the two Humans could talk freely in the Anti-Void and because of the other Human SOULs in the void there were many Human voices.

Picking up a few pieces of paper it had a nice font on it and it read:

Enough of you two fighting


Error are you listening?

For the love of Deities, LISTEN YOU TWO!

Reading the notes, Error looked up to the infinite sky towards the Human SOULs  in question.


The papers stopped floating down, excpt one near Error who grabbed it.

Talk with Ink and show him that paper

Looking at the paper, he looked down and saw a yellow folded paper next to his feet. He was hesitant to rupture to the yellow sphere and the Human SOULs' conversations didn't help his thought process. Deciding on following the letters (not like he has a choice) he hesitantly opened a portal to the yellow place and red paint came through staining his front side.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING BACK HERE?!" Ink yelled, somehow moving towards Error's portal and tackled him into the Anti-Void. "WHAT IS YOUR DEAL?!" He punched Error repeatedly how the floor of the Anti-Void

Oh noes
Ink Wait!
Error Dodge


"Oh, so you can speak! Why don't you explain why you destroy?!"

"I TeLL! I T3LL U!"

Ink stopped punching Error and got off him, he looked around and saw the Anti-Void's whiteness.

" live here?" Ink looked scared just looking at the white void

"Yesz &?"



A paper fell from the sky next to Error. Looking at it revealed that Ink wasn't fond of white spaces and it would be better if they talked in... Dreamtale? Nightmare asked him not to invade or touch his universe... but then again he's been listening to the papers for what feels like the majority of his life. Looking towards Ink he saw him staring into the Anti-Void, his eye lights were a pale red triangle and a blue oval

"whY Do?"

Another paper floated down and read:

I...Feel bad about what younger me did to you. I was. A sadist you could call me and was rather desperate to prove myself. I've grown out of that and realized many things that I did out of my own bias and selfishness. I'm fixing my mistakes, stating with you. You didn't deserve any of what I put you through. you continue and haven't tried anything against me. So this is your happy ending. At least what most happy endings are like. Peace is what I give you as an apology. You deserve this for doing what I asked and facing the consequences head on. I know this may not seem like much but this is what I'm willing to grant to you, Error.

Thinking about the paper and then to Ink then to what Nightmare asked him to do. It was a matter of breaking to one thing his friend asked him to NOT do but with the benefit of everyone getting a peaceful life for the rest of eternity... Right. He's gonna risk it because Humans aren't helping and neither is Ink.

Picking up Ink, who didn't struggle, and made a portal to DreamTale.


[ 9466 words


Somethings I learn (I just learn a lot of things when it comes to writing)

1. Don't push yourself because then your story suffers

2. Being Sick is the worst

3. If you can't think of an ending that would fit you then pick a good stopping point

4. Don't make promises because people will hold you up to them

Yes hope you enjoyed have a good 24 hours (still not a threat)

9545 words + A/N]

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