err0r oneshots

By namescape

24.2K 971 182

Y know The tittle Just a bunch of err0r one-shots and stories because I can They're mostly stories but somet... More

True Judgment
Log 90
The Brave, The Bold, and the Fool
What is Mine
"New Life"
Taken in
A LOVEly pair
Something Well Deserved
Little Ducklings
Our Home
Child's Play
She missed
TW: Panic Attack
Star Pupil
Sacrifies ll
Sacrifices |||
Nom nom


834 16 1
By namescape

[ Hey, remember thAT war I mentioned!

Also best to know that I know nothing about wars and fighting strats sooo yeah

TW; mentions of Blood, death, cursing, racism?

Fuckin stupid fuckin plot ]


A barren wasteland was all that could be seen. This was once a great city where Humans lived peacefully. People thought that their ancestors' actions of banishing Monsters into Mt. Ebbott and with the Supreme Court anonymous decision of 4-5, the Monsters were let out using an old barrier opening spell by 9 individuals who were related to the mages who first sealed the Monsters. After the release of the Monster Race some Humans weren't too happy about it and it caused controversy and countries to become split on the idea of Monsters living amongst Humans. Some say that Monsters should stay near Mt. Ebbott but Monsters want to explore the New World which left the King to attempt to make amends with the Human representatives. It didn't end well.

A small disagreement between a Monster and a Human quickly turned people and even Monsters against each other. Some Monsters thought they should 'Thank the Stars and their Wishes' that they're even aboveground and some say they should be able to travel and explore just as Humans do. The Humans are split between letting the Monsters stay near Mt. Ebbott, letting them have equal rights as other races have, and few say the Monsters should be put back in Mt. Ebbott. So the world is split. Great. This instigated small fights between the two Races which eventually led to a war between people then towns and then countries. Which is where we left off.

A barren wasteland.

Relaxing against a barrier, a tall for a skeleton-skeleton relaxed. They had a green army uniform that somewhat blended with the terrain despite their white bones along with a helmet on their skull. They along with a few other skeletons hide in different parts of the Underground; throughout The Ruins, Snowdin, WaterFall, and HotLands. New Home was too dangerous as they could be found by the king and there weren't many hiding spots that they could go to. This skeleton was one of those that lived in WaterFall, they along with their relatives lived in a sealed up crack in WaterFall behind a waterfall. A safety precaution their parents told them. When they heard that Monsters were being freed from the Underground from a nearby Echo Flower they told the others and sent one outside and waited to see if it was actually safe. They had a good reason to hide, the Monster-Human War greatly depleted their kind and it drove fear into the remaining. The skeleton themselves was raised behind the WaterFall so when the one they sent out, named Roman, said it was okay and the War was over everyone was ecstatic yet nervous. The last they saw of Humans was when they were banished to the Underground. The King and most of Monster-kind thought Skeletons were extinct only leaving [︎☝✌︎💧︎❄︎☜︎☼] the Skeleton brothers. So when the hidden skeletons came out of their hiding spots, it was a great and surprising surprise.

Turns out the 'War' wasn't over.

Turning to face one of their Human companion, who was eating a Beef Stew. He had dark skin with black hair and was shorter than the skeleton but to be fair, they are above the average height. Tyler, or Ty as some people call him, looked towards the skeleton, "Everything good up there?" The skeleton nodded, peeking over to get another look just in case. Yep just a barren wasteland with approaching vehicles.




Shit. Motioning to their companion they pointed towards the top of the trench and he understood going signaling other soldiers about the upcoming assault. Preparing their weapons and defense the soldiers peaked their guns over the trench waiting for the commanders' signal to fire. The vehicles approached not seeming to stop, which led the commander to shout 'FIRE' and thus a barrage of bullets fired upon the vehicles which fired back.

The skeleton noticed a slight tune in the air, while the gun fire wasn't helping them hear it, it was slightly there if you looked for it. Also if there was complete silence. Stopping their fire, they listened more to the tune and found it recognizable. Humans couldn't project their voice like this and they may have a voice like this but they highly doubt it, so eliminating their options it could be a shyrein. What would a Shyrein be doing out here?


The commander's cry made the skeleton focus back into reality and look at the closer vehicles. Soldiers were running to deeper parts of the trench and away from the line of vehicles, Tyler grabbed the skeleton and ran to their right to avoid the collision. Turning around once they were at a safe distance, there was a small flood that filled the trench colliding with Tyler and the skeleton, pushing them off balance and further into the trenches. Skeletons don't require oxygen and the current after passing reached the lower part of their leg so they weren't having trouble besides the heaviness of their now soaked clothing. Tyler on the other hand, had fallen to ground and was swept by the current, hitting the side of the trenches and some swept away materials. The skeleton didn't know what to do but all they could do was attempt to help their close companion as best they could.

Shyreins can't do this and are usually peaceful Monsters from what they've seen so it doesn't make sense that one would be fighting in a war. The waters eventually stopped rushing in and the water disappeared into thin air.

"WHat the hell was that?!" Tyler cried after getting up, looking at the other. They seemed to have some idea but chose not to speak. They haven't spoken much to Humans and they aren't gonna start now. Said something about their voice being difficult to hear and understand along with their parents not trusting Humans with anything personal.

Tyler went further into the trenches to check on the other soldiers but gunshots and cries were heard to both their sides. Looking around for his weapon, Tyler couldn't find his weapon as it was swept away in the previous current leaving the skeleton to be their defense for the time being. The skeleton handed their weapon to the other and their eye lights lit up an orange and yellow color.

Oh right. Monsters have magic

Nodding back, Tyler and the skeleton made their way carefully through the trenches. They readied their attacks for the possible enemy and walked through the trenches. The cries stopped but the duo continued to move forward and the skeleton peaked over the trenches to see any enemies and sure enough there was the enemy. A Human saw them and attempted to fire if not for the summoned bones that sprouted from the ground impaling them. This caught another's' attention which caused them to shoot and also get impaled by bones. More Humans began their onslaught of bullets which both the Skeleton and Tyler fired back. They didn't notice reinforcements behind them until it was too late.

Both were taken down, Tyler got shot in the back leading him to fall down and bleed from his wounds with the skeleton getting shot at but the bullets mostly skinning their bones, going through their uniform, before they returned fire with their own magic attacks. After their adversaries were done with they attempted to attend to Tyler who was still conscious but in pain.

"Hold on, I'm good, I'm good..." Tyler persuaded, not believing their colleague was 'good' they opened their inventory and pulled out a cinnabon. Stuffing the cinnabon into Tyler's mouth, they looked up to see if any more enemies were coming. They were facing a hill in the trench so they had the lower ground. There were none to be seen so they looked around them to see if there were any bandages around, to their luck there were. Grabbing the bandages they started on the wound not cleaning it up as they didn't know when the enemies or backup would arrive.

'w̶h̶y̷ ̵d̸i̷d̶ ̶I̴ ̵e̷v̷e̷n̷ ̸j̶o̶i̷n̶ ̸t̶h̷i̵s̷ ̷W̶a̶r̸.̸.̶.̶'
[ why did I even join this war... ]

Patching up the wounds the skeleton looked towards Tyler who had stopped eating the Cinnabon. Grabbing the Cinnabon and again shoving it in his mouth the skeleton looked at Tyler like he did something wrong.

"Why are you looking at me like that? What even is this?"

The skeleton didn't respond. Well with words. They showed an eating motion and then pointed to his wounds. "What?" The skeleton just gave up at that point. Humans aren't gonna get something that's supposed to be for monsters but it is what it is. Pushing the Cinnabon more into Tyler's mouth, Tyler just decided to finish the bon and did end up feeling a little better.

"Alright, So we just wait for backup. Well I'll wait. You go help others" Tyler acknowledged, the skeleton looked like they wanted to argue, but eventually nodded and left Tyler after making sure he was okay. Looking above the trenches to make sure the coast was clear, they made their way through the trenches with their magic at the ready.


Turning around, the skeleton noticed Humans who had shot down and killed Tyler and began their assault on them. Summoning a patterned attack of bones flying and coming up from the ground. The Humans continued their assault as well as trying to dodge the attacks. Grabbing their SOULs and turning them Blue, they raised their hand up sending the Humans up and out of the trench. Pulling their hand down the SOULs went towards the floor and there the sound of bones cracking and cries of pain could be heard.

Releasing the SOULs, the skeleton continued their way through the trenches a bit faster this time as to HoPefully help any others. There were no cries as they made their way through which was suspicious enough as is. Once again looking above the trenches they saw enemy soldiers coming up to their side and shots being fired from the completely other side of the barren terrain. Tanks were closing in followed by jets flying overhead having a fight themselves in the air.

'o̶h̵ ̶s̴t̵a̶r̶s̸ ̵a̸b̴o̷v̷e̷,̷ ̸g̷u̸i̵d̶e̷ ̸m̶e̴ ̵t̶h̶r̵o̶u̷g̴h̸ ̸t̵h̴e̶s̶e̵ ̶h̵a̵r̴d̵ ̷t̶i̸m̵e̴s̵'
[ oh stars above, guide me through these hard times ]

Moving their skull to look behind them, there were no enemies. Summoning a wall bones in case, they took a breath and made their way forward.

As they got closer to the entrance point the enemy side was coming from there were more bodies on the floor which didn't calm the skeleton's nerves. If they had any. Attempting to make light of this situation didn't help. Readying their magic, their eyelights glowing a purple and yellow glow. Fortunately they were one of the few skeletons to be able to use Human SOUL magic. Skeletons can show emotions through light color but none can really use it. Or at least use all color types. They usually professionalize in one or two colors. Three of their lucky or strong enough. They were one of two who were able to use this type of magic. Another older skeleton named ☝✌︎💧︎❄︎☜︎☼, and while their parents said they were the only one, ☝✌︎💧︎❄︎☜︎☼ told them that no one but them two knew about his magic. It was a nice secret they kept though they have yet to find their friend on the surface but then again, he could just be shy or not like Humans. They really haven't changed a lot during the decades.

Hearing a cry up ahead, the skeleton hurried to it picking up the pace only to find themselves in a body of corpses. All Humans wearing their specific uniform color had red patches or missing limbs on their body. No Monster OR Human would want to see this including the skeleton who was in slight shock. A cry that sounded more like a command snapped them out of their shock and they were met with bullets and the enemy firing upon them. Raising bones from the ground to form a shield of sorts, the skeleton looked through one of the holes and shot a bullet at their attackers. Most hit but they weren't as effective due to the amour under their uniforms. The Human enemies continued their onslaught until there was a grenade thrown over the barricade. It successfully blew up, earning a loud cry from the other side. Soldiers up top on the trenches peaked over into the trenches and saw a skeleton knocked out

"Is it dead?"

"No, monsters dust. They don't leave bodies like normal people"

"So what should we do with it?"

"...Ask the commander, we'll tied 'em up"

                           [ - - - ]

A House was being searched by law enforcement after suspicions of drug abuse. The House was searched from top to bottom, the attic, every room, and even the backyard. A group of  officers went down towards a door that led into the basement and tried to open it. The door was locked so the officers turned to knocking it down. An officer who was a fish lady standing around 6'1 with red hair tied into a ponytail and an eyepatch summoned three spears and punctured the door, making it swing open and tumble down a flight of stairs. Making their way down to the basement there was a light switch at the bottom which the fish Monster flicked on. Looking around, they saw a chained and limp black skeleton slumped over on a wall to the side. It looked realistic, and it was rather big but not really big. It looked around 6 - 7 feet and there were blue marks running down its checks. There were cracks along its skull along with its bones, including its ribs, pelvis, legs, and just all over its body. Searching the basement there were shelves that held toilet paper, boxes of items, a rack that had clothes hanging from it.

An officer went up to the skeleton to search for possible drugs hidden inside it. Touching the skeleton, it flinched, startling the officer and looked at the officer with its empty sockets.

"Hey I think we got something other than contraband"

The fish officer looked at the skeleton more closely and it stared back. It had no eyelights so she couldn't tell if it was looking directly at her or at something else.

"Is that an actual monster?" an officer asked. This officer was male Human, standing at 5'9 with light skin and dirty blonde hair that looked more light brown.

"Believe so" The fish lady confirmed

"What's it doing down here?"

"No clue but we gotta get it out of here"

The fish lady looked back at the skeleton who continued to look at her and smiled as kindly as she could. "Hey bud. We're gonna getcha outta here okay?" The skeleton still stared.

"Did ya unlock the chain holdin' 'em?" The fish Monster asked the other officer she was talking to before.

"I found some pliers!" Another officer shouted, making the two officers look at them and made the skeleton flinch. This officer was also a male Human standing around 5'8 with red hair and freckles. He came over and went to the chain that was holding the skeleton. The wall that the chain was linked to looked worn down. With crack and small plants coming from it. Cutting the chains with the pliers, the skeleton's hand that was attached to the chain fell to the ground limply. They looked at the officers, still with no eyelights, and just continued to stare.

"...We should get them outta here" The fish lady acknowledged, the officers agreeing with her. They went towards the skeleton meaning to pick it up, but the skeleton started shaking. The rattling of their thin and wounded bones, their right eye light dimly lit up a pale light blue color. The officers picked up the skeleton who went limp in their hold dropping two of their ribs. The officers stood still at the sound of the ribs falling off and just stared at them.

"Andy...Call the paramedics"

                           [ - - - ]

The living room of the house was nice. 2 light gray couches along with a chair facing a TV with a table in between the two, the green carpet lying on the floor had elegant designs that were in a darker shade. Small yellow numbers lined the house in different spots, one of the couches had the number 4 on it along with the green carpet having the number 3. To the right of the living room was an open entrance to the dining room that had a 6 seat table with a light above the table. The dining room led to the kitchen where there were more yellow numbers and officers talking with one another with masks on. The kitchen was rather nice, with dark wooden floor boards and nice gray marble countertops. There was a bar table in the middle of the kitchen with 3 bar stools facing the countertops. Going out the front door there were police cars and an arriving ambulance on the premissise. A skeleton was seen on the steps to the house looking around in possible confusion. It didn't take long for the three officers to bring the skeleton upstairs as it didn't seem to bring much of a fight. But them looking around in what could be fright was something the officers were concerned about.

The skeleton didn't seem fond of the Human officers, their bone shaking and rattling so much that the officers were concerned about the skeleton's other bones and left the skeleton under the eye of the fish officer.

"Hey, I'm Undyne. Nice to see ya outta there"

No response. The skeleton seemed to ignore Undyne and just look around at the officers and oncoming paramedics.

"Is this the skeleton?" One paramedic asked, holding a red box and kneeling down to see the skeleton. They moved back slightly to the notice of the paramedic

"Yeah" answered Undye

"Okay, uhh You did mention it was a skeleton...We have a trainee but he's more so a doctor. But he's a skeleton so he's gonna be our best bet" The paramedic explained as a skeleton came to the side of the paramedic. He was wearing a thin blue sweater with black joggers and shoes. He looked at the skeleton and Undyne and smiled "Hey. I'm Fin. Or Blue, Whichever Is Fine"

"Blue you're gonna know more about skeletons than me so any help would you need I can help with"

"Uhh Okay" Blue looked at the skeleton who looked at them back. "Well Just Stating The Obvious, Their Skull Is Cracked, Ribs Missing, Malnutrition... Are You Okay?" Blue stated, slightly grabbing the skeleton's skull and looking at their ribs and bones.



Undyne rubbed the fins on the side of her head and the Human paramedic cover their ears. "What'd he say?" Undyne asked, looking at Blue.

"He...They're Asking For Help..."

"Can you fix his ribs?"

"...I'll Try"

Blue lifted his hand and it began to glow a gentle green that seemed to have some shade of light blue and put it near the skeleton's skull causing the skeleton flitched away staring at the magic before hesitantly leaning into the magic. Blue signed in relief and continued to slowly heal the continuous bleeding wounds, closing them and making them into faint but visible scars.

"Okay, Are There Any More Wounds?" Blue asked the skeleton. They glowed their eye light a dull orange color. "...Oh"

"w̸̻̐ḧ̷̨́y̴̻͑ ̵͎̽ȃ̵̱r̸̨͝è̸̢ ̴͓̊y̵͓͊o̷͍͠ư̴̢ ̷̨͝w̷̦͠o̶͉̚r̵̨͝k̸͓͠i̸͙͒ń̶͈g̶̗̐ ̶̹̿ẁ̶̪i̷̱̚t̵͎͠h̴͈͂ ̶̦͋h̴̡̿u̷̺͗m̷̨̈́à̷̘n̸̝͘s̷̼̄?̵̼̋" The skeleton asked glancing at the Humans who flinched at their voice.  [ why are you working with humans? ]

"What Do You Mean?"

"h̵͙͒u̵̻͐ṁ̷̼a̴̭͆n̴̯͊s̶̙̅ ̶̝̀a̷̕ͅr̶̹̔e̶̼͘ ̴͔́b̷̙͊ą̷͘d̷̯̆"
[ humans are bad ]

"Well... They're Not All Bad"

"...̸͖̈t̶͔͒h̴̍͜é̶̢ÿ̴̗'̵̨͋r̵̺͗ě̷͓ ̴̨̛b̵̲̈a̵̘͛d̷̪̋"
[...they're bad ]

"We Can Talk Later About This Whole 'Bad Humans' Thing. Are You Hurt Anywhere Else?"

"ṙ̷͔i̴̫͝b̴̻̌s̸̖͊ ̵͉̊a̸̧̚n̸̪̽d̴̼̔...̵͙́ ̸̠̈m̷̝̀o̷̘̿s̶͍͑t̴̞̒ ̸̗͝o̶͕̅f̴̱̿ ̸̬̅e̶̅͜v̶͖̀e̸̠̎r̸͖̔ŷ̵͓ẗ̸̢́h̵̞̅i̶̫̐n̸̰̄g"
[ ribs and... most of everything ]

"Okay We Can Work With That"

"What is he saying?" The paramedic asked as the two had their conversation.

"They're Really Scared Of Humans. Understandably As These Marks Are More Physical Than Magical" Blue explained, healing the skeleton's ulna with the skeleton looked at the heal magic. "The Human Or Humans That Lived Here Most Likely Hurt Them"

"Oh. Well, is there anything we can do to help?" Undone asked.

"Well..." Blue pulled out Bandages from his inventory and wrapped them around the skeleton's legs. "Just, Getting Them Some Clothes would help. And Maybe Introduce Them To, Everything, which I Can Do That"

The paramedic nodded, "We'll see about sheltering them. Let's just get 'em to the hospital"

                           [ - - - ]

It's been a few weeks since the discovery of the skeleton, who Blue said their name was Z̵a̴l̷g̴o̷ after their font. Blue did take in Zalgo after they were to their best as there aren't many skeletons in many professions. The skeleton race is less than it was before and they've been labeled as "endangered" by some Monsters and Humans for their small numbers. I say some because the numbers have increased in the Underground from 2,000 to 2,400 and they are slowly increasing.

Zalgo's time in the hospital was somewhat hard. Not only did the only skeleton they trusted still in school, but they didn't trust many nurses and/ or doctors as they were Humans. Blue did his best to come every now and then but medical school takes up a lot of time. He gave the doctors a list of skeleton culture and customs like what eye colors mean. It took a while but eventually Blue was able to get an excuse for the college and was expected to pass the summer classes for whichever subjects he missed. With this, they were able to fix Zalgo's eye light, with the help of some other skeletons who know more about skeletons than Blue.

Now both Zalgo's eye lights were lit but the right one was more faded than the left. When asked why they didn't respond.

Moving to open the front door, Blue made way for Zalgo to enter. Looking into the small apartment it was rather simple. The living room had wooden floors with a TV in the corner with a couche to the right of the TV and a second couch in the middle of the room. There was a small entrance leading from the living room to a small kitchen area, the living room seemed to be the entire room itself. There were two doors on the left coming in, one lead to the bathroom and the other to the bedroom.

"Sorry It's Not Much, But Human Health School Is Really Expensive"

"w̷h̴y̷?̶" Zal asked

"No Clue" Blue shrugged walking in after Zalgo. "Right. So Now Because The Human Doctors Now About Some Skeleton Anatomy. It's Time YOU Learn About Humans And Monsters"

Blue sat on the couch and Zalgo followed. "But First. Any Questions You Have? I'll Do My Best To Answer Them"

"...̸w̸h̶y̵ ̶d̵o̴ ̴t̸h̷e̷y̵ ̵c̸a̶l̷l̵ ̸u̵ ̶'̶b̴l̴u̸e̸'̸?"
[...why do they call u blue? ]

"It's A Nickname. It Stuck After Awhile and I Just Rolled With It"


"Humans Stuff. Plus Like I Said It Just Stook"

"o̶k̷a̵y̸.̶ ̸i̶s̸ ̵t̵h̶e̸ ̴w̵a̶r̸ ̸o̸v̷e̵r̷?̷"
[ the war over? ]

"Yea, it ended around May"



"...̴o̸k̶a̵y̸.̷ ̸a̴r̷e̴ ̸H̵u̶m̴a̷n̷s̴ ̸b̸e̶t̶t̷e̷r̸ ̵n̸o̴w̵?̸"
[...okay. are Humans better now? ]

"Yes They're Better. It Was All A Misunderstanding And Humans Do Learn From Their Past. Sometimes"


"Human History Stuff"

"R̴i̸g̴h̸t̴...̶d̷o̶ ̷I̷ ̶h̸a̷v̴e̴ ̸t̸o̴ ̵l̵e̴a̷r̴n̵ ̴H̶u̸m̴a̶n̸ ̷h̶i̴s̸t̶o̶r̴y̴?̶"
[ Right.. do I have to learn Human history? ]

"Most Likely"


"Yeah I Know." Blue looked at Zalgo "...Did You Happen In The Military?"

A nod.

"...Oh Stars. Were You Part Of The MM?"

Another nod. Blue looked astonished and shocked. The MM were the first Monsters in the military and were beneficial to the United side. One skeleton also joined the militia but they were lost and thought to have dusted during a surprise attack from the other side.

"Oh Stars, Monsters Thought You DUSTED!"

"o̷h̸.̵ ̴W̶e̷l̴l̵ ̵s̷u̷r̴p̴r̶i̴s̶e̷?"
[ oh, Well surprise? ]

"SURPRISE?! I Can't Believe The Doctors Even Recognized You! well to be fair your bones are charred" Blue exclaimed, "Actually...How Did Your Bones Even Get Charred?"

Zalgo gave no answer just looking away.

"Oh Is That Also A Touchy Subject?" getting a nod Blue thought of another topic.

                           [ - - - ]

"Right! So Humans Are Generally Nice. Remember That. They Won't Kill You If You Don't Kill Them"

[ right... ]

"Okay. So Today Is Your First Challenge"

"I̶ ̴h̷a̸v̷e̶ ̴c̵h̸a̴l̴l̵e̴n̶g̴e̴s̴?̷"
[ I have challenges? ]

"Would You Rather Be In A Human School?"

"W̶h̵a̷t̶'̸s̸ ̸t̸h̵e̸ ̶c̵h̵a̷l̴l̷e̶n̴g̷e̶.̷"
[ What's the challenge. ]



"I'll be There But You Do The Talking"

"H̸u̶m̵a̴n̵s̸ ̶c̵a̸n̷'̸t̶ ̶u̴n̷d̷e̶r̶s̴t̶a̷n̷d̶ ̵m̸e̵"
[Humans can't understand me ]

"...Right, So Change Of Plans, You're Just Going To Be Surrounded By Humans"

"E̶a̷s̶y̸ ̷e̵n̵o̴u̷g̴h̴ ̴"
[ easy enough ]

It wasn't easy enough. Turns out Blue lived in a highly divided area. Coastal City which is on the coast. And was a center area for the war. Also where it happened to start. Humans could be peaceful with Monsters or hate their guts.

Entering the store, the two skeletons made their way to different aisles in the store, together of course. Most of the Humans avoided them, either minding their own business or being intimidated by Zalgo. They were tall and had dark bones so they came off as some sort of devil.

While in an aisle an elderly woman possibly in her 60s was reaching up for an item on a higher shelf. Zalgo noticed and just looked at the woman. Blue gave them a small nudge and tilted his head to the woman. Sighing, Zalgo grabbed what they assumed was the item the lady was reaching for off the shelf and carefully handed it to her.

"Oh, thank you" the lady thanked, she looked happy about getting her product "You're so nice dear"


Looking at Blue in confusion, he smiled in response showing that what they did was good. "You're Welcome Miss" Blue smiled and grabbed an item from the shelf "Come on Zalgo, we got everything" The two made their way to the cash register where they paid for the goods. Exiting the store they were stopped by a Human.

"You skeleton Monsters are a fucking disgrace" The Human said, they looked drunk and like they ran a mile. The skeletons only seemed a bit disturbed but continued to load the groceries, well more so Blue. Zalgo was staring at the Human while the Human stared at Blue. Pulling out a knife, the Human attempted to attack Blue, but Zalgo grabbed the Human and punched their lights out. Some other Humans in the lot noticed after the punch and impact of the body to their vehicle. Most Humans were scared and those who had kids covered their eyes even if the event already happened.

"Zalgo! What Was That?!" Blue questioned mortified at the attempted attack. Most Humans just give out threats on Monsters and even some Humans who side with Monsters but it's never gotten to being physically violent. Blue looked worried at the body and at Zalgo, since they didn't seem very responsive.

Zalgo was...okay they didn't know if Blue was okay, but they now know that Humans are still violent. "Zalgo?" Looking towards Blue he looked concerned. "Okay, So. Not What I Ever Expected, But I Guess We're Gonna Have To Call The Cops Or...Something I Don't Know This Has Never Happened?!"

"j̴u̵s̸t̷.̷ ̶c̴o̸u̶l̴d̷ ̴w̵e̵ ̷j̷u̵s̴t̴ ̸l̶e̶a̸v̸e̶?̸"
[ just... could we just leave? ]


"i̶n̶ ̷s̷e̷l̶f̷ ̷d̴e̸f̵e̶n̵s̶e̶.̵ ̷T̷h̸e̴y̵ ̶a̸t̸t̵a̶c̴k̵e̶d̵ ̴f̶i̴r̵s̶t̴"
[ in self defense. They attacked first ]

"I—Yeah, But—"

"Oh you can leave. I'll handle it" The lady from earlier spoke up, startling Zalgo and getting Blue's attention.

"Oh Okay, Thank You"

"No problem dear"

                           [ - - - ]

It's been a while since the second Human Monster, or Monster Human the name varies based on who you ask, ended as well as the store incident which was taken care of. CHarges were attempted to be pushed but technology and the fact that Zalgo acted out of self defense and the man was drunk. There are still some disagreements between Monster and Humans in general but few know when to mind their business and that they'll just have to deal with this.

Zalgo was able to be more comfortable with Humans but their font type isn't really understandable both when they're talking and their writing. They learned sign language so they could communicate better. It's better that some people understand them rather than ONLY skeletons. Speaking of skeletons, the skeleton population has increased slightly which is great for them. Zalgo reunited with their group that they were with in the Underground and their parents who were ecstatic that their child was not dusted.

They did have to get an education in order to get a job and decided to be a Monster teacher, after a friend of theirs is also wanting to be an art teacher. After a few years they got their degree and moved towards finding a school they could work at. They weren't keen on any one subject so they'd be a part time teacher, a substitute as Humans say it's called [ don't quote me on that. Or anything in fact] and taking on electronics seemed more to their interest.

Z̴a̷l̴g̷o̴ ̴ ̶(̷o̵r̴ ̶c̴a̸l̷l̵ ̶m̷e̵ ̴z̶a̸l̵)̴

i̶m̴ ̶y̶o̴u̷r̴ ̸s̷u̵b̶s̸t̴i̶t̶u̵t̵e̵ ̸f̶o̷r̶ ̸a̸ ̷f̷r̸i̸e̷n̷d̵.̸ ̷i̷m̸ ̴g̴o̸o̵d̵ ̴a̶t̵ ̴w̵o̵r̶k̶i̶n̵g̸ ̸w̶i̷t̶h̸ ̷t̷e̵c̷h̵n̶o̴l̶o̴g̵y̵ ̶a̶n̷d̴ ̸a̷t̷ ̵m̴o̷s̵t̵ ̸s̵u̶b̶j̵e̴c̷t̵s̴.̸ ̴i̶f̷ ̸y̶o̶u̶ ̷n̷e̷e̴d̷ ̷h̸e̴l̵p̶ ̷w̸i̶t̴h̴ ̵a̵n̶y̸t̸h̷i̸n̵g̸ ̶a̵n̴d̷ ̵i̴ ̸m̷e̵a̸n̵ ̴A̷N̵Y̸T̵H̷I̷N̸G̵ ̶y̵o̴u̷ ̸c̷a̵n̴ ̵c̵o̷m̵e̵ ̶a̷n̵d̴ ̸t̷a̵l̴k̸ ̵w̸i̴t̴h̶ ̵m̸e̵.̴ ̴
G̵l̴o̶r̵i̶a̴ s̵a̴y̴s̴ ̶t̸h̷a̸t̸ ̶y̸o̴u̸ ̵c̸a̸n̸ ̶j̴u̷s̸t̵ ̵d̶o̶o̷d̵l̵e̸ ̸a̸n̷d̴ ̴ t̷o̸ ̷j̴u̸s̷t̴ ̶b̶e̷ ̶g̵o̸o̸d̶ ̸f̶o̸r̵ ̸t̶h̸e̴ ̴s̴u̷b̵

[ Zalgo (or call me Zal)

I'm your substitute for a friend. I'm good at working with technology and at most subjects. If you need help with anything and I mean ANYTHING you can come and talk with me.

Gloria says that you can just doodle and to just be good for the sub ]

Was what was written on the board. Zalgo tried to make it somewhat legible but it's hard when this is how you've been writing since you were young. They did have a tutor for writing that would come once a week back when Blue was in medical school but that didn't really work


"You have to pick up the pencil Zalgo"

" ̶̝̄y̵̺̍ò̷̗u̶͕͌ ̷̱̇t̷̩̓ŗ̷͝ŷ̷̧ ̵̼̀w̸̦̎r̷̭͝ȉ̴̖ẗ̸͈ȋ̷̧ṅ̶̠g̶͙̿ ̶̞͝l̷̼̊i̷̞͝k̴̗̆e̷̙̚ ̵̞͑t̸̘̓ẖ̵̋i̵̟͛s̵̹̀ ̵͍͝f̷̱͆ó̵͓r̸̝̃ ̸̟̆ẙ̶̮o̷̞͑u̴̦̐r̸͎̕ ̵̡̓e̸͔͝n̷̪̅t̵͊͜ī̸̗r̷̙̀e̵̝̅ ̵̝̈́l̴̠̿i̵̟͋f̵̧͒ê̵̱,̴͕͑ ̸̉ͅt̴͔́h̶̹̎e̴̛̤n̴̫̏ ̶̥̉g̶̞̃ȅ̸͎ẗ̷̩́ ̴̋ͅt̸̛͖o̴͖͗l̴̙͌d̷̖̈́ ̸̗́ṱ̸̅h̵̞̿ä̶͚t̸̠̔ ̷͈͘w̴͇̉h̶̟̓ä̶̲t̵̬͠ ̴̼͒ý̶̳o̶͔̅u̶̻͋'̷͚̂r̵̖̄e̸̪̾ ̵̪̈́d̴̦͋ó̸͉i̴͙̚n̷̗̓g̷̢͝ ̷̹͂i̵͌͜s̵̺͂ ̷̜̌w̸͚͗r̴̝͋ơ̴̞ṉ̸͋g̸̛͔?̶̺͋!̸̖̐"
[ you try writing like this for your entire life, then get told that what you're doing is wrong?! ]

"I can't understand ya bud"

"ö̵̝̖̫͔̦́̆̓̆͛̓̈́͛̕̕͘h̸͓͖̮̞̜͍͌̑͊̀̇̉̓͒̋̒̀̄͋̓̂ ̸̡̲̻̲̀̾͋̈́̋͠͝ͅĮ̷̳͎̥̞͓̈́͊́̽͆͛͋̀̎̈́͌̈̉̏̚͝͝ͅ'̷̢̥͖̰̹̰͍̹̼̜̎̉͒̿̀̑l̴̨̛͇̱͓̖̭̣̗͕̟̗̠͔͌͗͆̂͑́̄̃͜͜͜l̶̛̼͔̹̦͑̌̂̓̅̕ͅ ̷̢̡̧̭̲̦̖̜̙̈́̀̋̏̄̅͠ͅs̸̨̗͍̹̭͈̒̇̎̿̌̎h̴̡̛̛̛͔̝͙͈̣̀̂̀͗̋̇̋̂͜͝ͅo̸̢̨͎͚̮̪̟͚̩̣̦̫͂̅͊͜͜͝w̵̩͎̭̉͒̉̇̐́͗̊̆̾̉̈́̿̃́̑͝ ̷̛̛̥̝̖̞̱̞̺̝̟̦͉̀̒͑̆̏͐̉͠͠y̵̨̡̛̛͕̪͛̒̀̕̚͝o̴̳̜͙͚̯͙̬͉̍̾͊͜͝͝u̸̟̱͍͗̓͒͒̚ ̵̧̙͉̘̭̖͔̯̥̜̇̾͜i̷̢̠̟̮̬̜̳̹͕̝̔̂ļ̵̡̧̛̞̝͙̬̎͒̌̋̆̈́͋̊̿̑̈͘̚͠͝͠l̸̪̦͕͙̟͎͚͕̙̺̱͖̗̱̹̊́̍̏̊̐̉͛͊̌͊͑͑ͅͅȩ̶̢̛̦̯̼̻̔͂g̴̡̨̱͈̭̞̮̮̠͕͛a̶̢̢͉͇̲̤̤̭̺̼̳̥͋́̐̑̉̌͒̉̋͒͘͜͜͜͝͝ib̸̘͂̑̑̈̎̽̀̌̀̈́̉̏̋͑̀͝͝l̶͉͙̻̜̜̠̭̰̰̖͕͍̙͓̳̰̪̀̒̈́̈͊̉̂͗͘e̶͇̭̣͔͇̰̰̹͔̖̎̈́̓͂̕͘"

[oh I'll show you illegible]


".̶.̷.̷f̷i̶n̶e̵ ̷I̴'̶l̵l̷ ̶t̵r̷y̸,̵ ̸b̶u̷t̷ ̸n̸o̷ ̴p̸r̴o̵m̷i̷s̷e̴s̶"
[ fine I'll try, but no promises ]

Yeah they gave up on trying to be illegible.

Speaking of Blue, he was doing as great as a doctor could be. He deals with Humans and Monsters and is working at the same hospital that Zalgo went to years ago. He was actually able to pay off his debt, which he of course had, due to the military paying for Zalgo's college degree and giving them a leave payment. The two still live together because it was just easier for both of them and they weren't easily separable, so it was a two way agreement.

The school bell rang signaling that their first class would start. Luckily Glori, their friend who was part of their group in WaterFall, had some common sense (something he usually doesn't have) and gave Zal a simple day to start. The reason for Glori's absence is because they went to visit a group friend that traveled far and the friend is getting SOUL bonded and Glori was invited. It's an important thing between Monsters so Gloria couldn't really refuse, well he can but only if it was some random Monster that he didn't know.

Anyways back to school.

Students entered the classroom, which was rather nice. The walls were lined with some framed pictures and student's handiwork. There were two doors on opposite ends of the room, besides the entrance door, that held supplies in one of them, and the other had an oven for clay. The classroom had long eight tables that could seat eight students each. As the students entered the room they saw Zalgo, who was WAY different from their normal art teacher, and read the board. As best they could, considering the font and that their eyes were squinted.

As the student sat down, Zalgo typed something into their phone and once the bell rang, they turned up the volume on their phone and pressed play. An automated voice came from the phone and repeated what the board said with an additional "If you have any questions feel free to ask". The students listened to the voice and some started whispering to one another. One student raised their hand, Zalgo motioned for them to speak.

"Is that your font?" The student asked, they were a teal colored Snowdrake. Not really a normal color for a Snowdrake in Zalgo's opinion. They nodded nonetheless and the Snowdrake seemed somewhat happy about that answer. Another, Human, student raised their hand and Zalgo motioned towards them. "Why can't you speak?" The Snowdrake answered this question for them, "Skeleton's have a special language and writing like Monsters but different! The writing on the board is how they'll speak. Really hard to understand I'm guessing. Right?" The Snowdrake really knew a lot about skeletons. Zalgo typed quickly on their phone their answer, "yes how do you know so much about skeletons?" the text to speech questioned. "I have a skeleton friend and they taught me somethings"

Zalgo took that answer and nodded. They looked around for any more questions only to see none. Zalgo looked at the packet Glori gave them and typed into their phone again. Honestly it's a pain but if they want anyone to understand them there's this option.

"You can do whatever you want or what you usually do in this class. If you want to leave, come up to me and I'll give you a pass. You can work on any other subjects and if you need help I'll help you to the best of my ability" The text to speech announced, the students nodded and some moved to get something out of their bags. Notebooks, computers, binders, supplies.

Students did their own thing for the majority of the period before someone came running into the classroom, "ZAL PAL!" A 5'6 skeleton with a few smudges on their skull and dark phalangle tips on both hands. They were wearing a blue sweatshirt over a white tux with tan fancy pants and shoes. The skeleton ran towards Zalgo, jumped onto them and gave them a big hug Zalgo slightly falling back before catching themselves. This was Glori, an energetic little shit that loved messing with anything honestly. Rocks and small water streams when they were in WaterFall as well as going far enough to use both of their bones but only their phalanges and arms.

"Oh! How have you BEEN?! I hope the kids didn't give you much trouble. They probably didn't cause they make me want to rip my nonexistent hair out sometimes but they're GREAT. I can't thank you enough for watching them but I can take it from here. Or can you stay? I honestly don't mind. HEY wanna hang out after classes? I know this GREAT place—"

"N̸i̶c̷e̶ ̴t̷o̷ ̸s̷e̴e̵ ̶y̷o̷u̵ ̶t̷o̵o̴ ̶G̴" Zalgo exclaimed holding Glori like a child. To be fair he looks like a child compared to Zalgo. "Hey kids, hope ya didn't miss me much" Gloril flipped over still being held by Zalgo to face the students upside down. The students looked used to Glor's antics but were surprised by Zalgo's voice. "Alright enough of this nonsense" Glori pushed himself off of Zalgo and stood next to them, they still looked rather small, "It was great to see you again Z, I have a class to somewhat teach I ya wanna stick around ya can if ya want" Zalgo thought about it before nodding.
[ nice to see you too G ]

[ 6066 words









This was not what was wanted from this shot but HEY who gives a sh|t

Uhhh anything else I should say???



6112 Words + A/N ]

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