Broken Bones

By alop16060402

178K 4.1K 282

What if Dr. Brennan had a little sister all this time? Venus, who is 9 years younger than Temperance Brennan... More

Episode 1 "Pilot" Part 1
Episode 1 "Pilot" Part 2
Episode 1 "Pilot" Part 3
Episode 1 "Pilot" Part 4
Episode 2 "The Man in the SUV" Part 1
Episode 2 "The Man in the SUV" Part 2
Episode 3 "The Man in the Bear"
Episode 4 "A Boy in a Bush" Part 1
Episode 4 "A Boy in a Bush" Part 2
Episode 4 "A Boy in a Bush" Part 3
Episode 5 "The Man in the Wall" Part 1
Episode 5 "The Man in the Wall" Part 2
Episode 5 "The Man in the Wall" Part 3
Episode 6 "The Man on Death Row" Part 1
Episode 6 "The Man on Death Row" Part 2
Episode 7 "The Girl in the Fridge" Part 1
Episode 7 "The Girl in the Fridge" Part 2
Episode 7 "The Girl in the Fridge" Part 3
Episode 8 "The Man in the Fallout Shelter" Part 1
Episode 8 "The Man in the Fallout Shelter" Part 2
Episode 9 "The Woman in the Car" Part 1
Episode 9 "The Woman in the Car" Part 2
Episode 10 "The Woman in the Garden" "Part 1
Episode 10 "The Woman in the Garden" Part 2
Episode 11 "Two Bodies in the Lab" Part 1
Episode 11 "Two Bodies in the Lab" Part 2
Episode 11 "Two Bodies in the Lab" Part 3
Episode 11 "Two Bodies in the Lab" Part 4
Episode 12 "The Man with the Bone" Part 1
Episode 12 "The Man with the Bone" Part 2
Episode 12 "The Man with the Bone" Part 3
Episode 13 "The Man in the Morgue" Part 1
Episode 13 "The Man in the Morgue" Part 2
Episode 13 "The Man in the Morgue" Part 3
Episode 14 "The Soldier on the Grave" Part 1
Episode 14 "The Soldier on the Grave" Part 2
Episode 14 "The Soldier on the Grave" Part 3
Episode 15 "The Woman in Limbo" Part 1
Episode 15 "The Woman in Limbo" Part 2
Episode 15 "The Woman in Limbo" Part 3
Episode 16 "The Titan on the Tracks" Part 1
Episode 16 "The Titan on the Tracks" Part 2
Episode 16 "The Titan on the Tracks" Part 3
Episode 17 "The Boy in the Shroud" Part 1
Episode 17 "The Boy in the Shroud" Part 2
Episode 18 "The Blonde in the Game" Part 1
Episode 18 "The Blonde in the Game" Part 2
Episode 19 "The Girl in Suite 2103" Part 1
Episode 19 "The Girl in Suite 2103" Part 2
Episode 20 "The Girl with the Curl" Part 1
Episode 20 "The Girl with the Curl" Part 2
Episode 21 "Aliens in a Spaceship" Part 1
Episode 21 "Aliens in a Spaceship" Part 2
Episode 21 "Aliens in a Spaceship" Part 3
Episode 22 "The Headless Witch in the Woods" Part 1
Episode 22 "The Headless Witch in the Woods" Part 2
Episode 23 "Judas on a Pole" Part 1
Episode 23 "Judas on a Pole" Part 2
Episode 24 "The Man in the Cell" Part 1
Episode 24 "The Man in the Cell" Part 2
Episode 25 "The Girl in the Gator"
Episode 26 "The Man in the Mansion" Part 2
Episode 27 "Bodies in the Book" Part 1
Episode 27 "Bodies in the Book" Part 2
Episode 28 "The Boneless Bride in the River" Part 1
Episode 28 "The Boneless Bride in the River" Part 2
Episode 29 "The Killer in the Concrete" Part 1
Episode 29 "The Killer in the Concrete" Part 2
Episode 30 "The Glowing Bone in the Old Stone House"
Episode 31 "Stargazer in a Puddle" Part 1
Episode 31 "Stargazer in a Puddle" Part 2
Episode 32 "The Widow's Son in the Windshield" Part 1
Episode 32 "The Widow's Son in the Windshield" Part 2
Episode 33 "The Soccer Mom in the Mini-Van" Part 1
Episode 33 "The Soccer Mom in the Mini-Van" Part 2
Episode 34 "The Secret in the Soil" Part 1
Episode 34 "The Secret in the Soil" Part 2
Episode 35 "Mummy in the Maze" Part 1
Episode 35 "Mummy in the Maze" Part 2
Episode 36 "Intern in the Incinerator"
Episode 37 "The Boy in the Time Capsule" Part 1
Episode 37 "The Boy in the Time Capsule" Part 2
Episode 38 "The Knight on the Grid" Part 1
Episode 38 "The Knight on the Grid" Part 2
Episode 39 "The Santa in the Slush" Part 1
Episode 39 "The Santa in the Slush" Part 2
Episode 40 "The Baby in the Bough" Part 1
Episode 40 "The Baby in the Bough" Part 2
Episode 41 "The Verdict in the Story" Part 1
Episode 41 "The Verdict in the Story" Part 2
Episode 42 "The Wannabe in the Weeds" Part 1
Episode 42 "The Wannabe in the Weeds" Part 2
Episode 43 "The Pain in the Heart" Part 1
Episode 43 "The Pain in the Heart" Part 2
Episode 44 "The Man in the Outhouse" Part 1
Episode 44 "The Man in the Outhouse" Part 2
Episode 45 "The Finger in the Nest" Part 1
Episode 45 "The Finger in the Nest" Part 2
Episode 46 "The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond" Part 1
Episode 46 "The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond" Part 2
Episode 47 "The He in the She" Part 1
Episode 47 "The He in the She" Part 2
Episode 48 "The Skull in the Sculpture" Part 1
Episode 48 "The Skull in the Sculpture" Part 2
Episode 49 "The Con Man in the Meth Lab" Part 1
Episode 49 "The Con Man in the Meth Lab" Part 2
Episode 49 "The Con Man in the Meth Lab" Part 3
Episode 50 "The Bone that Blew" Part 1
Episode 50 "The Bone that Blew" Part 2
Episode 51 "Double Trouble in the Panhandle" Part 1
Episode 51 "Double Trouble in the Panhandle" Part 2
Episode 52 "Fire in the Ice" Part 1
Episode 52 "Fire in the Ice" Part 2
Episode 53 "The Hero in the Hold" Part 1
Episode 53 "The Hero in the Hold" Part 2
Episode 54 "The Salt in the Wounds"
Episode 55 "The Science in the Physicist" Part 1
Episode 55 "The Science in the Physicist" Part 2
Episode 56 "The Cinderella in the Cardboard" Part 1
Episode 56 "The Cinderella in the Cardboard" Part 2
Episode 57 "Mayhem on a Cross" Part 1
Episode 57 "Mayhem on a Cross" Part 2
Episode 58 "The Double Death of the Dearly Departed" Part 1
Episode 58 "The Double Death of the Dearly Departed" Part 2
Episode 59 "The Beaver in the Otter"
Episode 60 "The Critic in the Cabernet" Part 1
Episode 60 "The Critic in the Cabernet" Part 2
Episode 61 "The End in the Beginning" Part 1
Episode 61 "The End in the Beginning" Part 2
Episode 61 "The End in the Beginning" Part 3
Episode 62 "Harbingers in the Fountain" Part 1
Episode 62 "Harbingers in the Fountain" Part 2
Episode 63 "The Bond in the Boot" Part 1
Episode 63 "The Bond in the Boot" Part 2
Episode 63 "The Bond in the Boot" Part 3
Episode 64 "A Night at the Bones Museum" Part 1
Episode 64 "A Night at the Bone Museum" Part 2
Episode 65 "The Tough Man in the Tender Chicken" Part 1
Episode 65 "The Tough Man in the Tender Chicken" Part 2
Episode 65 "The Tough Man in the Tender Chicken" Part 3
Episode 66 "The Dwarf in the Dirt"
Episode 67 "The Foot in the Floreclosure" Part 1
Episode 67 "The Foot in the Floreclosure" Part 2
Episode 68 "The Game in the Grease"
Episode 69 "The Goop on the Girl" Part 1
Episode 69 "The Goop on the Girl" Part 2
Episode 70 "The X in the File" Part 1
Episode 70 "The X in the File" Part 2
Episode 71 "The Proof in the Pudding" Part 1
Episode 71 "The Proof in the Pudding" Part 2
Episode 72 "The Dentist in the Ditch" Part 1
Episode 72 "The Dentist in the Ditch" Part 2
Episode 73 "The Devil in the Details" Part 1
Episode 73 "The Devil in the Details" Part 2
Episode 74 " Bones on a Blue Line"
Episode 75 "The Death of the Queen Bee" Part 1
Episode 75 "The Death of the Queen Bee" Part 2
Episode 76 "The Predator in the Pool" Part 1
Episode 76 "The Predator in the Pool" Part 2
Episode 77 ''The Rocker in the Rinse Cycle'' Part 1
Episode 77 ''The Rocker in the Rinse Cycle'' Part 2
Episode 78 ''The Witch in the Wardrobe'' Part 1
Episode 78 ''The Witch in the Wardrobe'' Part 2
Episode 79 ''The Boy with the Answer'' Part 1
Episode 79 ''The Boy with the Answers'' Part 2
Episode 80 ''The Beginning in the End'' Part 1
Episode 80 ''The Beginning in the End'' Part 2
Episode 80 ''The Beginning in the End'' Part 3
Episode 81 ''The Mastodon in the Room'' Part 1
Episode 81 ''The Mastodon in the Room'' Part 2
Episode 82 ''The Couple in the Cave'' Part 1
Episode 82 ''The Couple in the Cave'' Part 2
Episode 83 ''The Maggots in the Meathead'' Part 1
Episode 83 ''The Maggots in the Meathead'' Part 2
Episode 84 ''The Body and the Bounty'' Part 1
Episode 84 ''The Body and the Bounty'' Part 2
Episode 85 ''The Shallow in the Deep'' Part 1
Episode 85 ''The Shallow in the Deep'' Part 2
Episode 86 ''The Babe in the Bar'' Part 1
Episode 86 ''The Babe in the Bar'' Part 2
Episode 87 ''The Twisted Bones in the Melted Truck'' Part 1
Episode 87 ''The Twisted Bones in the Melted Truck'' Part 2

Episode 26 "The Man in the Mansion" Part 1

1K 23 1
By alop16060402


-Venus POV-

Temp, Booth, and I walk out of the car as Temo asks us, "Do you both have therapy today?" Booth first says, "It's not therapy." I then say, "I don't know how I ended up in therapy... this was Ranger's fault." Temp then adds, "Well, you're seeing a psychiatrist." Booth then says, "Not for therapy. It's an official evaluation, okay?" We then go under the yellow crime tape as an officer was there to greet us, "Person who found the body's in the living room." Booth nods, "Great. Crime scene first, then we talk to the witnesses." Corpse is gonna be in the den." "Thanks."

Temp then laughs, "What is that?" Booth then asks, "What's what?" "Your tie, it's staid." "Staid?" " "Yeah, and boring. It looks like J. Edgar Hoover picked it out." I then say, "Heyyy, I chose that out." Booth then says, "Look, it's something I'm working on, okay?" Temp asks, "In therapy?" "Look, Gordon-Gordon says that the, you know, the wild socks and the fancy ties are all just, you know, quiet rebellions helping me suppress other impulses." "Isn't that good?" "You'd think so, right? But, you know, apparently, all the other issues have to just rise to the top." Temp then looks at me, "Why are you wearing the same thing as Booth, Ven?"

I look down at my outfit, "Well... Gordon told me that I should start dressing a bit more professionally so I could have more, 'stability and better structure' in my life. So I though, who dresses very professionally then me and bam I thought about Booth's new look right here. Plus, I thought I would cooler with my terminator glasses... Like men in black." Temp looks at me, "So, it was for therapy too?" I sigh and nod my head. She then asks Booth, "Why do you call your psychiatrist Gordon-Gordon?" "Because that's how he introduces himself, you know? 'Hi, I'm Gordon. Gordon Wyatt." Temp then puts on a bad accent, "Like James. James Bond." I chuckle as Booth corrects her, "Bond. James Bond. Not James. Ja- James- Whatever."

We walk into the home as we hear Cam call us over. "We're over here. And you both might want to tuck your pants into your socks. The flies get in everywhere." Booth groans and I sigh as we both put our foot onto the table revealing our matching socks as Cam says, "What, not only matching outfits but no cartoon characters on the socks?" I chuckle shacking my head as Booth says, "Never had cartoon characters on the socks. They were just- Um, never mind, okay? What do we got here?" "Three weeks decomp, give or take." "Ah, place was tossed, huh? "No forced entry. The victim is probably the man of the house: Terence Bancroft. His wife Clarissa identified the watch and weeding ring." I sigh knowing this part of the information as they are another major doners to the Jeffersonian.

Temp then says, "This isn't good for me." Cam nods, "Yeah, it's pretty gross." "No, not that. There's too much soft tissue for me to tell anything. I mean- In fact, why am I here at all?" I then add, "It was the Bancroft family. They asked for us specifically." Booth scoffs, "What, they got some kind of pull?" I shrug, "The Bancroft Wing at the Jeffersonian. 60 million bucks buy a lot of goodwill. Before you say anything Booth... I did the calculation and if the family pulls out of donations to the Jeffersonian, then less time you get to have us or any time with using us for your free will." Booth scoffs, "Typical."

Temp goes over to the body, "This dried crust here at the mouth." Cam looked and said, "When the jugular's cut, the air mixes with venous blood and the negative pressure causes an air embolism. Death is very quick." Booth then adds, "So just sit there and stop complaining." I then add, "Bound." Cam then says, "Multiple stab wounds. We need photos for these spatter patterns." Booth adds, "Bet this statue's worth more than my house." 

I looked at the statue for a few seconds and nod agreeing with Booth as Temp says, "You know, you should ask your therapist about your issues with rich people." Cam then asks, "You're in therapy?" "You've seen the socks." I then say while showing off my socks that was just like Booth, "They may be plain, but they are comfortable... and we can't forget that they do look better on me then him." They all look at me and my socks as the girls nod agreeing with me as Booth scoffs. Cam then says, "The victim's wife is in the kitchen." We watch him leave a bit annoyed as we all chuckle.

I was walking to Temps office to ask about what she was planning to do later on the day. As I walk in with her talking to a man as he says, "think of it as a social ritual in which I impress you with my manly prowess during a game of basketball." I then say, "You want to impress her??" I could see that I scared him a bit as they both turned to look at me as I say, "Sorry... I didn't want to interrupt your... I am not too sure what your doing?" 

Temp smiles at me as I smile back at her as she says, "Sully this is my younger sister Venus. Venus this is Sully the one I worked with from the last case." I nod and walk up to him, "Hi, it's nice finally meeting you Sully." "Same to you as well, I didn't know you had a sister." I then ask, "Did you ask her?" "No..." "That's probably why?" "So you work with Temperence as well?" I chuckle, "Not really... I am the Director of the Jeffersonian Institution." "Wow, impressive." I nod, "Well, I was going to ask something to Temp, but I already know the answer. But before I leave I just have to give you that sibling death threat speech for me and my brother real quick." 

"It's all right that every siblings dream... All right, I am ready." I nod as I stop smiling and stare right in his eyes with my threatening ones, "My sister is someone very important to me, all right? Just know that if you mess with my sister... I will show you fifty shades of my worst self and make your worst nightmare seem like a happy place. This is no threat... but a promise." I then smiled as I could see him shaken up a bit as I pat his shoulder, "All right, I am done. I will go for now. See you soon Temp." She nods as I start walking away.

I was walking over to Angie's office for a bit when I see Hodgins about to leave. "Hey! Hodgins!" I see him jump a bit as I chuckle and walk over to him. "You good Hodgins? I didn't mean to frighten you there." "Hey... No, it's all right. Do you need anything?" I stare at him for a few seconds, "Uhhh, not really I just saw you about to leave and wanted to say bye to you really quick." "Oh, uh, bye then." "Hodgins? Are you all right?" "Yeah, I am fine. I just forgot that I needed to pick something up." I nod not really convinced, but I don't question it. "Okay... I won't keep you waiting any longer. I will see you later then." He nods as we wave each other good bye as he hurriedly left quickly."

I was with Angie working on the computer examining the X-ray checking for any sorts of damage to the bones as Temp came over to us a few minutes ago. Angie says, "What is not to like? Go watch Sully play basketball." Temp then says, "He still hasn't made a move on me." "How many times have you gone out?" "Four or six, depending on how you define 'go out." "Right. Bumping into each other at the diner does not count as going out." "Four." I then see something, "There. Along the interior cervical vertebrae... Is that shadow a glitch?" 

Angie then says, "I don't do glitches. Four, huh? So the question is: is this Sully damaged goods or is he just very respectful?" I was confused about the question as Temp says, "Those are my choices?" "Damage goods, you run away, very respectful, you hang in." "I should just make the first move." I shake my head as Angie sighs loudly, "No, Brennan... for once, can you pretend that you're the girl?" Temp then says, "Why is everyone so anxious for me to be a girl?" I wasn't sure how to answer that question since it was a bit obvious, "Uhhh... Temp, it's because you are biologically born as a girl?" Angie then says, "Listen, go to the basketball game, let him show off for you, and see what happens." Temp thinks for a few moments, "I don't know. It sounds so passive." "Now you've got it." A few moments later I get a call from Booth saying to ease down on my jokes like Gordon told me to do on people. Brennan and Temp watched me as if I was a puppy who was getting scolded. They chuckle as I sit there on the phone patiently listening carefully with my head down as he's telling me what he had to deal with Sully thinking that I don't like him and might make him disappear erasing his existence.

Booth and I met with Gordon nearby the Royal Dinner as we walked to it as Booth explains to him how he is not in therapy. Gordon then says, "Um, in point of fact, it is therapy." I chuckle as Booth says, "What? No. No, it's not. It's an evaluation." "No, I've already certified you as fit to carry a gun and go back to work." "Okay, then why are we meeting?" "Well, because you discharged your weapon at an ice cream truck." I then ask, "What about me?" "You dear, need to learn to open up more to others and let them help you instead of figuring everything out yourself."

I sigh as he continues with Booth, "My provisional certification of your mental health only hold as long as you continue to meet with me." "Great. For how long?" "Till I'm satisfied that you won't start firing at confectioners again. What's your objection to therapy? Venus here doesn't seem to mind it?" Booth chuckles, "You know what, Doc I am not the kind of guy who's got anything to hide." I then cough out, "Not true." Booth gave me a look making me shrug as Gordon says, "Do you know, I often find that when people declare what they are not, it almost invariable turns out that's precisely what they are."

Gordon opens the door for us as I thank him and Booth says, "Great. Then you know what? No more declarations for me." I chuckle with Gordin as I say, "Ranger you do know that what you just said is in fact, the very definition of a declaration?" Booth just looks at me with no expression as we sit down at the table and Booth then orders, "That's great. Can I get two cups of coffee and a, uh..." He looks at Gordon, "Tea, please." The waitress nods as Booth asks, "Let me ask you a question, Doc. Why is it that, every time you introduced yourself, you always say your name twice, huh?"

He then talks in a British accent, "Hello, my name is Gordon, Gordon Wyatt." "Well, now you're simply lashing out, aren't you? Why don't we talk about the case you both are working on at the moment?" Booth and I had different reaction as he says, "What?" while I say, "Really?!" Gordon then adds, "Well, I am a trained as a forensic psychiatrist. I might be able to help." Booth was about to say no as I cut in, "That would be amazing Gordon." Booth sighs and just went with it as he says, "We have a dead rich guy, works with at-risk youth, gets brutally murdered after confiscating a couple pounds of heroin from one of his kids." Gordon nods listening as he then says, "Interesting the first word you used to describe him is 'rich'" Booth tries to counter it back, "Ah, second. First description was 'dead." Gordon then asks him, "Why do you think you have a problem with wealthy people?"

I looked at Booth also wanting to know as he says, "This case, a perfect example. This guy he makes up his own rules. What's that word that you used?" Gordon answers, "Entitled." "Yeah, entitled. That's what got him killed." Gordon then asks, "Now, did this rich guy, by any chance, have a wife?" "Oh, what, are we changing the subject now?" "And does the rich guy's wife have a lover?" I thought about it not remembering checking that out as Booth then says, "I just told you. The murder has to do with the heroin. The boy the victim took the heroin from also turned up murdered." "And is this boy from a modest background.?" I shake my head as Booth say, "Doesn't get any modest." "So, is there any chance that you would rather catch the boy's murderer than the wealthy fellow's murderer, so you have decided that they're one and the same? Any chance that you've based this assumption purely on your bias against rich, entitled people?"

I looked between them wide eye as Booth then says, "Hmm. You know what? I did the belt buckle, I did the tie, I did the socks. What else do you want from me?" I look between them as they were both silent and staring at each other for a minute as Gordon then says, "What would you say if I told you both that my name actually is Gordon Gordon Wyatt? My first and middle names are the same?" I looked at him wide eyes, "Really? That sound so cool and weird at the same time." They both looked at me as if I was a kid who just saw the new latest toy came out.

Booth and I are back at the lab on the bottom of the platform as Hodgins tells us, "Okay, the flakes on the trachea was Indian ink. It came from this. It's a scrimshawed letter opener. Wiped clean, but there are still minute traces of Terence Bancroft's blood in the etchings." I nod understanding as Booth thinks about a plan as he says, "I need to pull a little con on the wife." I nod agreeing as Hodgins asks Booth, "Your wife?" "No, the victim's wife." "Wh-why?" I add, "It's to find if she was cheating on her husband." He nods and goes back to the microscope. I give him an odd look wondering what was going on with him as he says, "I thought the murder was because of the Heroin." Both nods, "Well, it is, but I need you two to come along... and collect some dust or pollen or seeds- or whatever the hell it is that you do. So I can get in and figure out if she's got anything to hide."

Hodgins then look at us, "How will you do that?" "Oh, I've got my ways. Come on." I started to follow Booth as Hodgin says, "Wow. You know, I'm really busy here. You know, with the murder weapon. Plus you don't need both of us. Plus we found a fiber in the victim's throat. It's actually muskrat." At this I started to get suspicious on what he was hiding, so I gave him a smile and say, "Great. Then that's what we are going to be looking for at the mansion." Booth nods, "You both go inside, look for anything made out of muskrat. Come on." Hodgin sighs and stands up as Booth says, "Why you draggin' your feet? Let's go." "I'll- I'll - I'll get my kit." "Get your kit." Hodgin leaves and I looked up at Booth. "There is something going on with Hodgins." "What do you think?" "I am not sure, but I think we will find out once we get to the mansion." He nods as Hodgin come over to us ready.

We are at the mansion waiting as the door open by the victims wife. Booth was first to speak, "Good evening, Ms. Bancroft." He steps aside, "This is Dr. Hodgins and Dr. Venus from the Jeffersonian." I gave a nod as Booth continues, "I was wondering if-" He was cut off by Hodgins, "Very pleased to meet you." Ms. Bancroft answers, "Nice to meet you, Dr. Hodgins. Clarissa Bancroft." I look between the two suspecting something going on between them as I tug on Booth sleeve a little as he looks at me as I direct him with my eyes between the both of them. He understood as he says, "Dr. Hodgins and Dr. Venus needs to take a look inside... in the den, if that's all right." "Oh. What are you looking for?" Hodgins answered, "Muskrat." We then walked inside the home.

We were collecting evidence as I thought this was the perfect opportunity to confront him, "Hodgins." "Yes?" "What is going on?" "What do you mean?" I look at him as he was finishing the last few samplings. "I know that there is something going on with you Hodgins. Even without being in the military someone could see that something is going on with you." "I don't know what you're talking about." I was getting irritated as I decided to use a bit of my military voice to get him to break. "Hodgins, look at me." He freezes hearing the irritation and command in my voice as he stops and looks at me. I calm down as I then say, "I could see that there is something going on between you and the widow Hodgins. So, tell me what's going on." Hodgin sighs, "Fine. But let me tell Clarissa the jig is up."

We go over to where Booth and Ms. Bancroft were as I stand right next to Booth. Booth gives us a questionably look as I just say watch. Hodgins speaks, "Just tell them, Clarissa." They both start explaining everything about how they were involved with each other and how Hodgins were friends with the victim. We were outside not happy about what Hodgins was trying to do when he said, "All right, look, I'm sorry, but it doesn't change anything. Hey, this is not a problem." I then repeat him, "Not a problem?" Booth also repeats him, "Not a problem, huh?" He then shoved Hodgin a bit, "I ought to arrest you for tampering with evidence. This goes to trial, you are in Ibiza or Antarctica, on vacation. Start looking for another job." I sigh and look at Hodgins with sad eyes, "I need to discuss things with Cam and see if we could come up with something. But this isn't something I want to see again." He nods as I follow Booth inside the car with Hodgin right behind us.



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